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Its seems like flooding is becoming much more common these days. I'm reluctant to believe it's 100% because of global warming. There has to be another reason to explain why it's getting so bad worldwide.

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so basically the timeline is
>invent decent steam engine
>burn fossil fuel
>release carbon dioxide
>advance civilization at an absurd rate
>invent cheaper source of power
>pull the carbon dioxide back out
>profit immensely

this wasnt dumb in my opinion, but we still need to see if this will work out
anyway blogpost over
>they renamed it climate change because "world go warm" wasn't happening and they needed to manufacture a way to get people to panic about natural variations and cycles so that they can make even more money off of trading "carbon credits"
Climate change is a psyop to distract people from actual problems like environmental pollution from industrial waste.
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>There has to be another reason to explain why it's getting so bad worldwide.
it's obviosuly da jooz, duh
anytime anyone ever writes that term, I automatically assume they are a retard. Its an assumption that has never failed me.
and youd be correct this time as well

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>notices you

how do you respond without sounding scared?
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I've talked at several black bears over the years, probably even called one or two a goober to his face.
Unexpectedly based reply. I need to download their discography one of these days.
>killed Norway too
It had to be done.

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Is November too late to start /out/ing as a first timer? Anything in particular I should know about?
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Gate keepan faggot
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OP progress update here, I'm getting filtered by fitting my tent and sleeping bag back into their bags, camping is too hard.
Walk it back, you're still stuck here. This was the end of the thread >>2785392
>5 house and a road

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Post cool and/or tasty fungi you find.

Found these gigantic chanterelles on a walk yesterday. They’re sopping wet and moldy so I highly doubt they’re any good, but man they’re HUGE. Luckily found plenty more of normal size and had them for lunch today!
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Flavor was very mild, just a hint of mushroom. I diced and dry sautéed it, then added butter and garlic. Texture was very soft, like firm tofu. I think it would be a great s.0.y free tofu replacement.
Try replacing the vermiculite with crushed lump charcoal. It's cheaper and it works better.
Take a short cut and transfer a tissue sample from the interior of the wild mushroom to agar then to grain then to spawn. You'll be using DNA that was already selected to grow in the wild, there's less chance of contamination during growing, and it will skip the germination step.
Yeah, if he's already setup for agar work, a tissue culture will definitely save time. But if he's not already doing myc work, he's probably not ready for tissue culture. Either way, I'd still take the spore print for future work.
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>I wonder who's hiding behind this post

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Did you get to hike/see any of the effects of the flooding recently?
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hell yea, this Norway?
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New Hampshire.
Whoever is doing trail maintenance must have been through recently, they do a great job on these little bridges. Looks like they hewed the log flat with their axe. I love these little pieces of trail infrastructure.
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finally put together a massive compilation of my local areas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XT5ZoMJ52Mg&t=5486s

Do you like to paddle, anon? Me and my friend love to use our kyak and explore. (pic related is a recent place Ive been)
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Why wouldn't you just swim it
Cause I don't want to hike while wet, plus it's the ocean
Just get a packraft instead
Who here /BWCAW/
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Did a trip to the everglades last year. It was subpar rental kayak, but exploring the mangroves was a blast. Camped out on a chickee in the bay. Talk about mosquitos.

got pic rel for $5 at a garage sale but it’s bulky. any recommendations?
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This is now a Coleman camp stove thread
picrel $7.00 at Goodwill. USA made and bomb proof. Needs a good wipedown though
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>> now a Coleman camp stove thread
Some of my thrift store finds…
Do camp stoves get hot enough for stir frying?
my MSR pocket rocket gen1 did, not sure about never models, would suck half a canister of gas though

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You literally can't have anything nice when dogs are around.
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Nigbull apologists
>it’s never the dog or the owner’s fault
>always the innocent livestock, cat, child, or old woman’s fault for not being better prepared
That's a myth. You just need a license for a shotgun.
Incorrect. UK is nogunz and it's a nightmare to try and get a license. They make it impossible by design. You're not going to be able to even buy a gun.
Ask me how I know.
blow that nigga head smoove off.
Fucking hell dude you're retarded

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>large septic tank sunk into ground, furnished into a basic living quarters
>1 years worth of food, canned goods, nutritional drinks, vitamins, etc
>lights are lazerbrite heads (heads can last 200 hours on just 2 button cell batteries on low), with a years worth of batteries
>handpump well for water
>years supply of books
randomly thought of this today, how does this sound as an emergency bunker?
i'm not really taking this seriously, and i doubt i'll ever actually do it, but i'd still find it interesting to hear what you'd think
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>22p for a thing of beans
just say 1 shilling 8p its so much more simpler
theres nothing more embarassing than overcompensating limey
hand drilled wells are a good option
for as much as water levels may be low, its more so that many areas may not have a high capacity for civil levels of use, but individual use is possible
same with the fact that many places have separated aquifers, making a singular well viable
the main deal, is of course how terrible your situation could turn, for the time being, it would be a very good idea to stock up on a minimum of 2 months of food & water, if the times ahead are looking genuinely dangerous
also try to note any areas that could be a source of water, and have quality filters in hand for them
It really doesn't take much solar power to run a deep chest freezer. A valuable prep now. Winter heating is still a big issue. Need a much larger solar system to run a mini split. So I think wood or coal would be needed here. Or a good supply of kerosene.
This is a clever idea. You shouldn't need a battery for it because you get the most power when the freezer has to work hardest to keep everything cold and the stuff in the freezer will keep itself cold like a giant ice pack even if you don't get enough light to run it for a day or two.

Is there any good toilet paper for long hikes? Occasionally I've taken a dump in the wilds while /out/ but I feel guilty leaving the paper because regular toilet paper takes about three years to break down. Is there any better toilet paper for hiking?
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Dude, just shit over the side of boat, or just jump in the water and scrub your ass
I saw a homeless guy with a shit stained wet cloth clipped to his bag
I will pay 10$ to whoever kills that anon
Septic safe TP breaks down faster. Bury it at least 6 inches deep. Yeah, it takes a while to decompose, but it’s literally fine.
>pack it out
Animals poop outdoors so I'm going to do that too. If the forest jannies don't like that, then they can start with cleaning up all the animal poop.

My dick rock collection is growing.
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This makes sense.
are clay/earthenware dicks allowed too?
What dicks have you been looking at?
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I'm going trail riding with some friends soon in January and they think I know how to ride a horse. I know trail riding horses are conditioned to just follow the trail and don't wander off, but I'm wondering, since I have no experience with horses, how easy are they to control? I just want to avoid embarrassing myself is all. For example if I accidentally go somewhere I shouldn't and I want to get back on track, are horses easy to control or is it possible I'll fuck up even worse? Thanks
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This is actually graphic cowboy porn. Beware.
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>t. gremlin
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dont worry anon. riding a trained horse is the easiest thing you can do. its easier than driving a car even. after a couple of minutes of getting the feel of things youll be able to do it without thinking.
used to go to a farm to get my hair cut as a kid, because my grandpa knew them since forever, really cool place, had a taxaderimed stork, random shit from when the man went to Japan right after ww2, big ass grandfather pendulum clock.
but they also had 2 horses and a donkey, the male horse was an asshole so i never interreacted with him much, however, the female horse, and no this isnt some mister hands shit, she was just really nice and i would feed her carrots, turns out, a hedgehog had set up a den in her hay, and she would sleep next to the den with the hedgehog and her little babies, then one day, the hedgehog disappeared and the horse inconsolably depressed
first time i shot a gun there too, not at any horses ofcourse

I'm addicted to appreciating natural beauty, and this is the evolution of that. I live on the Olympic peninsula and have been taking my bike on solo camping trips in Olympic national forest as well as many day trips.
My "goal" is to try to go as deep and long into the wilderness as I can, but this is for the purpose of enjoying the wilderness to the fullest. I'm just a beginner but am learning with each trip and nerd out obsessively researching things.
It feels like the ultimate open-world video game. Of course this is precisely the kind of experience that such games emulate.
My bicycle is a Surly Ogre which is ideal for my purposes and rides like a dream. It has an overbuilt chromoly steel frame to be bombproof and handle lots of weight.
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Went to Cancun with the goal of cycling to Mexico City.

Made it 4 days before having to bail due to getting sick.

The final day I thought I was going to die on my way to a local bus depot.

This was my first trip and it was probably too ambitious. My maps were inaccurate so it through off my resuppling.

I'm resting up right now then going to plan some trips in the US.
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Everything has been wonderful
Anyone toured part of the East Coast Greenway on a bike? I'd like to take a few weeks to travel as a car-free vagabond across a portion of America next summer, before returning to work.
I just bought pic rel for $800 thanks to a sale and some rewards cash. Did I do good?
I want to do the southern route to FL next spring
The racks are aluminium so they will snap at some point. It's not a question of if, but when. Probably won't happen on your first tour but you'll want to upgrade to steel ones eventually.

Anybody been to one of Backcountry's retail stores? REI has gone to shit as everybody knows and I need winter gear, and I live outside LA (about to move away though, hence needing winter stuff) so the store there is doable but driving into LA is always a pain in the ass. Is it worth checking out?
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Nta but years ago when I was in Montana for work I overheard the locals bragging about how Montana has more of Yellowstone than Wyoming and how Montana should receive the credit for it. I don't know if they didn't know where the park was or if they were just pretending to be retarded.
I assume he means the TV show, which is set in Montana.
idk if it's some kind of common misconception or what, but when I told my friend I was visiting yellowstone he was also completely convinced it was in montana
I saw a SoCal hippie in Kansas who tried to apply for a machine shop job here and my boss ghosted him after the interview. Typical long haired skinnyfag dudebro. I hope he goes back.

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How's everyone going preparing for winter /out/? What are the best (and affordable) silvers you'd recommend?
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no, also fags
Then you'll both be experts at it.
true its only mildly itchy
no u
pick a merino baselayer, add either a down jacket by itself or a fleece ontop of the baselayer and a shell jacket, this pretty much covers all temperatures down to -20c, any lower and you need some more serious shit if hiking. for pants the same concept, lined pants if it's really cold. same for your feet, merino is love merino is life.

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