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how hardcore are you?
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>Look how casually the locust doesn't give a shit about old growth or human life
surprising no one
>Its open ground that interlopers have to cross to reach the home
Because the goons will totally totez strot over the clearing and not just hide in the trees and bushes behind the house that are in absolute close proximity. What a retarded headcanon you have.
>non whites are animals
you mean kikes right?
start leaving eye level fishhooks on fishing line tired around branches unless they get a glare from the sun those loggers will be in for a bad time

>I live in New England, birthplace of faggot ass Lyme Disease, ticks are everywhere innawoods
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth, never want that shit again

I bought a pair of $100 pants from Duluth that were branded as "no bug/tick" which according to the label is some proprietary Permethrin infusion.
>catch tick
>put it on pants
>watch it walk all over for several minutes, completely unbothered by the "kills bugs and ticks guaranteed!" pants
>return pants because they clearly do not fucking work

So were these pants just trash? Or is Permethrin ineffective?

What is the best way to protect from these little fuckers? Between hiking, mushrooming, and camping i'm off trail at least 75% of the time essentially bushwhacking through trees and brush.
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How did people survive in ye olden days without soaking themselves in gallons of permethrin?
That'll bring your tick bites per day down to about five
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Theres hardly anything effective beside of avoiding the spots where they lurk. If you can't, check immediately.

I always carry a lighter for that reason, because they cannot be easily crushed, but easily burnt. Just flame over them for half a second and they instantly die and fall off. Wear long sleeves, put your pants into your socks and wear boots if possible if you want to go offroad into the bushes.

I also noticed they avoid grass that has been exposed to the sun all day, possibly because they dry out there, so you can safely pass dry grass but wet grass is where you need to be cautious. I find the larvae and nymphae to be the worst, they are so fucking tiny, the big ones TICKle a lot so they usually alert you in time.

But even when they bite you, the chance of infection is pretty low if you don't let them suck for days, they will not release their bacteria into your bloodstream before ~18h of feeding. Additionally only the large life stages of them carry diseases because they receive them from previous hosts.
i wonder if this would unironically work if you treated it with permethrin
this was never funny

Tired of carrying a bulky fleece so decided to spend a little money on a down jacket.
How warm does the average down jacket keep you; I've seen Decathlon ones that say they'll keep you warm at 0 degrees if you're static but other only list fill power and down weight.
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Wrong, there are literally standardized tests to measure the insulative ability of down filled goods
It’s not retarded if there’s no chance of rain. How do you know if there’s no chance of rain? Live in California.

>but that means the colloquial wisdoms we have on a certain piece of hiking gear only applies to one region and isn’t actually ubiquitous
The California Influence strikes again.
Anon didn’t even mention rain, and I’m pretty sure he is talking about sweat since he mentioned strenuous activity, but don’t let that stop you from shoehorning in your obsession with California
Anon those tests are sleeping bags and are still ultimately subjective to the user. Jackets vary more in construction, cover only a portion of the body, and the since your likely moving a little can capture more heat. The same loft in a 3season sleeping bag would be overkill in a jacket.
Oh, that’s right. I forgot where I was. I guess the things that normally go without saying need to be explained in detail here for the retards. Specifically, down isn’t meant to be hiked in. Everyone pretty much has a handle on its use (it’s for extended breaks) except /out/, where basic shit is mind blowing and all brand new.

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>start first year of university
>go live in big city
>have constant fear of getting robbed/stabbed
>literally only like 2 interesting things to see, the rest are just novelty places
>so much noise it makes me want to blow my brains out
>having to put up with constant ads and lights everywhere

>first semester done
>i want to kill myself
>one day i go running
>end up in a park
>literally the happiest ive ever been since i started
>start seeing survival, bushcraft, homesteading and prepping content
>getting naturepilled

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I’m so sorry. Humans are becoming soulless creatures, but there is some hope.

fuck off with this zoomer shit
mental illness, he means that they use busses to bring them in
It's just another mentally fried millennial/zoomer that wants to LARP as a mountain man because they're upset with their life. They won't actually put any effort in but they will whine about it on /out/ at least daily.

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The Appalachian Trail is slogging for clout.
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Come do the TA in NZ before it gets trooned out
What do you have against transgender folks? Some trans women and trans men like to hike.
>Things were so much cooler in CURRENT YEAR MINUS 10 when I was younger! now it sucks
I wonder what they'll say in 10 years.
Project 2025 will ban normies from the trails
Trans people reinforce sexist gender roles that oppress all of us.

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How is no one talking about this? Yellowstone is literally starting to explode. These are all warning signs for the coming mega explosion.
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Dude, Yellowstone has been exploding semi-regularly for hundreds of years.
Correlation is not causation.
canadian national parks be like
>here's a tree
>here's a moose
>it's cold
american parks be like
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Please consult the chart
two more weeks

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Old thread: >>2733343

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread

Then leave the thread. Pipes have been a part of outdoors culture for centuries. If you don’t like it, leave.
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smoke a few times with a wood mouth part and you will understand real fast. it gets fucking disgusting after one session. thats why.
are you trying to tell me different tobacco strains dont taste like tobacco? you muppet.
Acrylic is easy to clean and doesn't have a taste, so using it as a mouth piece makes sense. You can also shape them if they're hot enough (boiling in water is the usual way to go)

Ironically, nicotine products, like Zyn, are more popular than ever in the office. People haven't given up nicotine, they just consume it in a way that's socially acceptable now. But nothing beats a pipe in terms of availability of flavours. Pipe tobacco is still surprisingly affordable, even with stringent laws. I import into Canada and even if I get dinged for taxes it's still the cheapest form of "nicotine product", if that's how we're classifying it.
Are you retarded on purpose or just by accident?
Virginias taste nothing like Orientals taste nothing like Burleys taste nothing like Perique tastes nothing like Latakia tastes nothing like Semois tastes nothing like Kentucky. Hell, Red Virginia, Brown Virginia and Bright Virginia all taste different.

Now, when you talk about a “pure tobacco” taste, I’ll assume you’re talking about a Virginia/Burley mixture, since those have been the most common mixtures in the US for over a century and is used in everything from pipe tobacco, to cigarettes, to gas station cigars.

A cheap but good VA/Bur is Virginia Gentleman from Cornell & Diehl. It’s a mix of Virginia, Burley, and a bit Oriental. It’s essentially a premium quality, high grade version of the mixture that would go into a Marlboro or Camel. Now, it doesn’t taste like a cigarette, but it has that grassy, toasty, nutty, woody, semi sweet flavor that can be seen as a “pure tobacco” taste.

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I might live in an ex Yugo shithole, but at least we have neighborhood stray and outdoor cats to pet and play with, which brightens up the mood.

Two sister cats got their own kittens earlier this year (themselves being kittens of a friendly black cat that likes to groom my hair) which made it even better.
They look like nice cats, maybe you could build them a little hut or give them toys to play with. I'm not sure what happens over there but maybe you could take to the humane society to get some of the spayed/neutered if you're worried about a population problem which happens sometimes
It is not a shithole, shouldn't call your home a shithole. I have been homeless, glad to have four walls and food, water, let alone electricity and internet.

Cats cost food to take care of, if they are not spayed or neutered they will have kittens, many street cats live on garbage and such. Meat is their favorite, especially fish or canned food.

There is a small town here that had way too many feral cats, the local govt said they would do something but didn't do anything, so some old ladies spayed the cats and got in trouble with the govt kek.
Do the people living where you are generally like stray cats or do they consider them pests?

How many times per day do you day dream about buying land just to protect it?

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Slowly losing my mind from having been cooped up for so long. Everything in my area (including all parks and nature walks) are incredibly far apart because I'm in FUCKING America, and I unfortunately don't yet have the funds to afford a car, which combined with public transport here being pretty piss, means I'm a bit SOL if I want to go anywhere.

So, I've been thinking about what alternatives I might have; what do you guys use to get around? Bicycles, scooters, rollerskates/blades, skateboards maybe? Or even heelies/flip-out skates so you can finally live your dream of being the coolest kid in middle school? What do you do when you need to carry a bunch of crap along with you as well?
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what mirrors are those if not stock
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Doubletake adventure mirrors. Mounts up with standard ram-mount hardware, replace the factory mirrors with a ram ball and install the mirrors on that.
Busted an oem mirror off in a stupid tip-over offroad, a single replacement mirror cost more than the entire doubletake kit did. And this shit's taken a lot more abuse.

Another 230 mile day on that bike today. Had to run out to a customer's site and do some diagnosis/repairs on their hardware.
>Doubletake adventure mirror
ok based, i got some cheap crap for my bike and all they do is move in the wind.
surely these do alright? Seeing as how you can tighten down on the ball
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The rubber-coated balls will smoosh and fall apart if you crank down on them too hard. The poly ones do better, but they'll slip more than the rubber ones do. Some guys have had luck smearing some RTV or roughing the balls up with sandpaper to get them to hold better.

I don't crank down on them super-tight, just enough to hold, and i've got about 20k miles on the ones on my adventure, and another 5-6k on the ones on my dirt bike.

A small bit of loctite (i'm partial to orange, stuff's designed for powersports use) on the ball threads helps a lot too.

how do i not be scared of wasps? I keep freezing in fear around them. Outside is ok because i can avoid them, walk the other way if i see one coming, but if one gets stuck in a room where i have to be im a complete pussy about it. I can't help it, its a crippling fear, it was so much worse as a kid too growing up in a woodsy state that had them swarming all over the place. I rarely ever went outside back then or went out looking like Kenny with a giant coat in summer to protect me. I would notice the nests in every window at school. We had an above ground pool at home and they'd swarm all over that making it unusable by me. I remember trying baseball and not being able to stay on the bases over it. Even if I left them alone they'd chase me down. I only got stung twice but still.

I'm afraid of everything about them, the stinging that one can do multiple times without dying, the way they fly, the sound they make, their aggression, the way if you kill one (which i never have, I've never been chad that successfully throws the bottle and saves the classroom at school) it releases pheromones to summon others, wondering if every wall secretly is containing nests where they can break through the wall, seeing their shadows moving with those dangling legs zigzagging behind a curtain, even looking at one in a picture gives me pause and goosebumps. They're like little alien eldritch monsters. I may confuse some bees for wasps/hornets/yellowjackets, its hard to tell when they're flying. Pretty sure yellows are the ones that zigzag and stay close to the ground, zooming round your legs, wasps have the long legs, hornets are like giant black flying ants with the biggest sphere nests, and bees are fuzzy and less aggressive but may still steal your girl and doom the human race.
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>remember to stop being a pussy.
Where do you think you are?
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"Stings of Fury"

Buzz in the air hive in the sky
Wasp is a king I'm asking why
Basedboy's scared trembling near
Mighty hornet brings the fear

[Verse 2]
Ruthless machines no mercy shown
Basedboy's shiver down to the bone
Hive on the hunt no place to hide
Stinger strikes deep poison inside

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You mention how you can ignore them if they're outside. Just do the same thing inside. The wasp is concerned with wasp concerns, not you.
Option 1: Go calmly open a window/door that it can leave through
Option 2: Take it outside yourself. You can trap it inside a cup with some paper or whatever and then carry it outside, or you can bait it by putting some raw meat into the cup, and then taking it outside once the wasp is chewing on the meat.
My old mantis priscilla was a gud grrl. She raped a small male for almost 24 hours b4 eating him and made a bunch of outhicas or whatever the fuck they are called. My ex stepped on her on accident but she was too old and was getting too weak to eat anymore so it was nbd. Her babies were spread out between our houses and i see them or their babies all the time now. They fly in my hair and chill when i garden
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Rules to not get stung:
Don't fuck with the nest.
Don't fuck with the shit around the nest.
Don't fuck with the scout checking you out even if it's in your personal space.
It's that easy to not get stung.
t. wasp

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I have off of work for almost two weeks, was considering a road trip but I haven't decided on where to go and am running out of time. I live in the rust belt, have thought about heading east to New England and Acadia or out west to Glacier National Park. Any recommendations, feedback, or ideas? Wish I took the time to plan out more but here we are
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there's plenty to do in ME, NH and VT for a two week trip. not sure what part of the rust belt you live in, but you could also loop in the adirondacks and lake champlain on the way there and back as well.

i live in NH, let me know what you like to do in particular and i can make some more specific suggestions
Sight seeing, hiking, camping, don't have a dirt bike right now but I like off road too. I'm pretty much down for anything that's fun
I've decided on driving towards Acadia, gonna save Glacier for the Fall or next year so I can plan it out better. Any recommendations for stuff to put in my itinerary?
Hit Portland on the way up or back if you like good food and beer, so many great restaurants and breweries there. Portsmouth NH is also a great spot for seafood and has lots of colonial/federal architecture and history.

Acadia will probably be extremely busy, especially on weekends. I would hike/visit there on weekdays to cut down on the crowds. Pick up any supplies you need in Ellsworth on the way in. Definitely do a sunrise hike/drive up Cadillac Mountain as its the first place in America to see the sunrise this time of year. Jordan Pond is another beautiful but busy short hike worth doing. A loop on the Great Head trail is nice and will get you a good sense of the Maine coast. Also be sure to visit the "quiet" western side of the island where most locals and fishermen live. Bass Harbor light and Ship Harbor are very scenic and don't get the same level of crowd that Bar Harbor does.

Baxter State Park and Mount Katahdin are only about 2.5 hours away from Acadia. Great place to see wildlife, especially moose. Katahdin is (IMO) the best hike in New England, but be advised if you want to hike it you either need a reservation (which are tough to get) or you'll need to show up at 5AM at the gate and wait til 7AM when the rangers start letting folks take no-show's spots (pretty much always guaranteed). Baxter is also awesome for fishing and camping if you're into that.
She's never been disproven

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Post critters that you encounter in your outings. I always find these little fellas during reptile surveys.

Bonus points if the critter is unusual.
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>Cantharidin, a poisonous chemical that causes blistering of the skin, is secreted as a defensive agent. It is used medically to remove warts[2] and is collected for this purpose from species of the genera Mylabris and Lytta, especially Lytta vesicatoria, better known as "Spanish fly".
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Was so nice to bump into this guy in the middle of the woods instead of on the side of the road.
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flat back millipedes who caught a corticep mushroom
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If you like being outside and own a gun, why aren't you shooting Steel Challenge this summer?

>easy excuse to socialize outdoors with other people who like being outside every week at your local club match
>soak up sun and enjoy the breeze (which also blows the propellant gasses away unlike stinky indoor ranges)
>travelling to regional competitions on the weekends gives you a ready-made excuse to break out the tent and go camping
>keeps you handy with that old .22 so when you need to shoot small game in that survival situation you daydream about, you'll have the marksmanship
>no equipment barrier to entry, practically any gun other than shotguns or full size rifles has a division
>no physical barrier to entry, the handicapped, children and elderly all can compete, and do
>cheapest of all the shooting sports, saving your money so you can still buy that new titanium backpacking buttplug you've been saving up for
>the targets make a fun PING sound

Come shoot outside with us.
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Why are you thinking about other people’s wee wees?
>you don't need one
Needed one when some broke into my house and ended up shooting at me. So go fuck yourself you stupid faggot.
>Last time I tried to use my [wee wee] on a home intruder I got in way more trouble. The cops were pretty upset, the intruder needed counseling, and I'm on a list. Just use a gun.
the dirt in the little dot next to the michigan thumb is made from rusted casings
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Hello fellow leafs

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Girl claims to have been stuck for 13 hours in a canyon but was detected by a helicopter flying over, probably via thermal. Do you think this video is legit?
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Nta but the point still stands. Tiktok is the greater of two evils
At least jewtube works in a browser and doesn't force you to download the app
>I'll stick with my amerimutt spyware
They'd be lucky if that was true.
It's all running on Israeli spyware.
TikTok also works in a browser.
A desktop browser.
Or a mobile one in desktop mode.
no chinaman ever called me a nazi bigot

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