/Out/ in the holy landLooking for snakes in the Judean desert edition
If you get a xhance op, hike tel dan in the golan heights where abraham went to rescue his nephew lot, ita like the garden of eden up there with lush jungles and waterfalla and stufd
>>2806062The north is a much difrent biome to were I live, the only hiking I've done up their was not in the golan but closer to the galilee I have walked from the city of tzfat to the town of merone a few rimes right now I am working alot but when I have time I will definitely go check it out
>>2802030that's not a good place to look for snekssneks need enough humidity to facilitate shedding so the best place to look for them is in arid sunny exposed places close to water and under obvious hides near those places.
>>2806181I have to work with what I have, it's been raining alot so their is moisture under the rocks right now, I have seen many snakes walking around this habitat on summer nights so I know they live here, I also just was informed their is a large gecko stuck in the wall of my house
>>2806241fucking geckos >try to close window>SQUEEK!!fucking stupid geckos, learn to stay outside
>on dating apps looking for partners>women lists "hiking" as an interest>ask them out on a simple hike>they show up in tims that look brand new>no gear at all>hike is about 13mi out and back with about 2.5k ft elevation gain throughout in total>ask her if she's sure about this>she plays it off as nothing>end up only getting about 3mi in before she asks to turn around via a shortcut even>had to help her with multiple blisters once we got backhappens every fucking time man, why do they list hiking if they clearly aren't doing it?
>>2805787lol you goddamn faggot, i would been like "yeah ok" hit that pipe gone home and fucked her silly.asian chicks who get high are AWESOME i wish i could meet one.
>>2805047Does that actually work?I tried online dating for a while, and had a pic of me climbing up a hillside with a full 120L pack as a profile pic. Zero matches. Removed that pic, had one where I'm just sitting in the garden with my chickens in the background, and got matches immediately. All fatsos, though...
>>2805964Kek, you might live in a cucked place...>be me>spent last new years innawoods>On the last day, wake up at 5 in the morning for some reason>can't go back to sleep>start hiking back, bcs why the hell not? I've got a flashlight and ice cramps>8km down the mountain walk by a lodge>people partying there see me, ask if I need a place to sleep>"Wow, you slept outdoors in this blizzard? ... Wanna have some Ecstasy?">15km later, out of the woods just around sunrise, stop into a gas station for some food (I'd eaten everything except an iron ration of oatmeal and craved some sweets for the last 10 km)>different group of partygoers eating breakfast there>"Dude, I just gotta ask: How many Litres of beer fit in that backpack?">"120L, if you just pour it in">"Woooowwww..."
>$375 a fucking day to hire someone to teach me how to become a mountaineer
>>2804002thats a pretty good price, considering a guide who took probably tens of thousands of dollars in certifications and year's honing his skills just to become amga certified to walk your retarded ass up mount washington and give you solid advice to any of your questions. In contrast, I have been forever stubborn and refused to get a guide, a class, or even pass a belay test just so I can figure it all out myself through experimentation and constant reading. Problem is that going that path took me 4-5 years to feel relatively competent, with guide instruction I could have probably felt better in less than 2
>>2805264to add to this, learning things by yourself means that everyone you talk about this things with will constantly lecture you about danger and how risky it is to do things and all of that. not saying they are not right, but it fucks up your mind and self confidence, it can be a pain
Better than getting rekt on your first real mountaineering adventure because you thought that reading a book, watching youtube videos, and puttering around on some puny hills would prepare you for a proper alpine environment.
>>2804012How are you simultaneously, in seamless, borderline instantaneous contact with more people on earth than any human in history, yet completely incapable of finding contacts?Maybe google -your area- + -hiking or mountaineering club-check your local community center if you have one, hell just asking the local guy at the outdoor store, he might know someone...Christ
>>2806170I'm shy though
Is it true that the Appalachian mountains have weird creatures that roam at night?
>>2806099Don´t be retarded, its retarded
>>2805912depends on your definition of "weird creatures">>2805919the point you're trying to make with the first line is correct, however if you think black bears and "yourself" are the baddest things out there, I got some bad news. luckily however, you're not likely to come across the worst because they mostly avoid contact.
>>2806052winter hiking is the best when snow is on the ground.The problem is winter legitimately sucks for a good number of people where snow is only down for maybe a month, then you have several months of just cold bare woods. It's just not fun. Nothing good to look at, not even snow to enjoy. I would kill to live near the northern mountains just to not have winter be bare dull colors.
>>2806145snow is nice to look at but incredibly slippery and awful to walk oni look forward to 4 weeks from now not having to hike through snow unless i go to 3000 ft elevation and even then its gonna be at most an inch or two
>>2805912Yeah. But there are creatures hiding in basically every national park. That's why Missing 411 disappearances are so prevalent. If you're curious, here's what we know about them (and virtually all of them share these same characteristics). >person goes missing from camp>evidence suggests they took off their shoes, socks before wandering barefoot into the woods>individuals found during missing person searches have no memory of how they got there>somehow these individuals have also managed to traverse an astronomically long distance away from camp, sometimes dozens of miles in a short time period before arriving at (all very specifically) boulder fields, streams of water and berry bushesWe're not entirely sure why this happens, but it corresponds with folklore compiled by ethnologists regarding the fae in the old country.If you want to be safe, and you still want to camp in national forests, be sure to take an iron horseshoe with you. Cold iron is detestable to spirits of all kinds.
Is northern Canada an /out/ destination? How do you even get to most of these places? Fly in?
>>2802963Cope, nearly 90% of Canada's land is considered Crown Land that's considered public landhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_land
>>2802958>>2802959>>2802963You can take a trip to Baffin Island for like $10000 (with a group only)
>>2803520Why the fuck would you willingly go to Baffin.
>>2804389For some reason the arctic archipelago fascinates me. They contain three of the top ten largest islands, but barely anyone lives there, and most people outside Canada probably don't even know of them. There's kind of an aura of mystery to them in my mind
>>2804434>barely anyone lives thereYeah no shit. Why could that be???
How do I get into spelunking What gear do I need and how do I get experienced with it though
>>2805979I need more context about this
>>2806066The cave is owned by the Holy Spirit Church Camp. Father Marcus leads naked trips into the cave as a spiritual cleansing exercise. On each trip they perform a ritual where one lucky camper gets to drink from the holy stalactite.
>>2806080>gets to drink from the holy stalactiteI supose that the holy salactite is the holy mothers cunt
>>2805734And I would like to live in your innards anon
>want to move to Oregon from Nebraska and buy land for $4500>have $12k from an accident that totaled my car>plan to work in the nearby town, find something remote or even go a larger city that's not too far away to work and camp>might get over $10k for a neck injury>want to use it on a well so I don't have to haul water but could buy a prefab tuffshed>or could build a house out of cob adobe and pallets, starting with pallet sheds>don't know whether to buy a truck or an SUV>going to have to keep my stuff in storage until I can get it all moved out here>would prefer to take it all at once, maybe with a truck and a trailer but definitely with a Uhaul>Uhaul sounds sketch as I would not have a vehicle when I get there but could still maybe buy one with the $7500>also have a dogberg to look afterDon't know what to do, all my stuff is being packed up right now and I'm just trying to figure out how to get there
>>2806183Yeah.Okay.It's just like snowboarding right?Just faster?
>>2806185he really means one day in july, for about 20 minutes. but okay, fine.
>>2806188Yeah, that's the beach episode
>>2806185>It's just like snowboardingLol I hope you know how to swim
>>2806191YeahCharlemagne swam every day until extreme old age
/out/ humor thread
Someone got the edit of that "no treasure to be found here" sign ?
>>2803059Truth is, friend,you never left
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAtzN_ScKXY>uploaded 13 years agoman time fliesWHIIIPSNAAAAKE
>>2804693I saw a bat a couple days ago. I felt kind of sad because it's now -2 F. That guy probably woke up from the fungus and is now dead.
Has anyone ever done it? Gone and fully dropped /out/ of society?I have fantasies of doing it. I think I can live comfortable basically homeless with my car on $250 a fortnighthttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Thomas_Knight
>>2805425You are saying all these great things about him but with a tone like they are bad thingsIs this a form of humor?
>>2804532>fuck off to the woods to be left alone / do personal development / whatever>FBI: STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUMI don’t like musk but please delete those retards from the government
>>2806102you dont can do your personel development on public property do it at home
>>2804469I moved out of my parents house into my sister's backyard guest house (tiny room with only electricity, not water/plumbing)Should I LARP being a recluse and that I am surviving in their backyard yard?
It's FEBRUARY! Probably the best month we get for winter conditionsYou have been out playing in the snow... right anon?
40degrees,, and rainingnow.,,canadian geese carryed the first humming bird on their back.,wasuper happy to find i had feederset!
There is no fucking snow here
>>2806173it snowed on my way back from work today (not bongland)
Everyone knows this state is a shithole in every regard. Someone please rec a better /out/ state to move to for a former NorCal fag and list your pros/cons. Money's not much of an issue.>inb4 inb4 inb4kys
>>2805772>>2805745ok fair trade, give us your whites and we send cali all our border hoppers. i know the food service scene needs people out there and id kill to get decent pay/benefits in a restaurant lol.but on another note, we are perpetually in a droubt and our city planners keep allowing swarths of new construction cookie cutter mcmansion sub divisions to pop up soaking up our aquifers. and all of them are 400k+
>>2805772Everyone I knew left Sacramento right after college I moved north to work in the tree industry and it's a repeat of what happend in Sac. Almost everyone moving into my town is from the bay area or Nevada/Texas. Evey day there's a new post on facebook or next door saying "we are moving to your small town and looking for a place to rent we can pay 3k a month". >>2805827The whites are the ones demanding suburbs. The same thing is happening here. It sucks that migrants get treated like shit but our farms wouldn't function without them in California.
>>2805913you say that but all ive seen in these new subdivisions is blacks and latinos. the whites move into the hill country with insane water restrictions and bills that put them behind even moreso. i hardly see anyone whos not addicted to multiple substances in appartments too, my gen just lives with their parents from what ive seen
>>2788581Just let the keep calling us Flyover states. Trust me you don't want these people here
>>2805986Don't know about that, the Folsom area here and Elk Grove have a sprawling burb just full of white folks from Texas. My uber driver last week was a marine who bought his house here because his demanded they move to Ca.
Post your knives
>>2806150Zoomers are like 30 years old now.
>>2806152>0,4 rubles deposited into your account comrade, you truly serve the federation by bringing /pol/ shitposts to a slow board about the outdoors
2806154get off my board, faggot
>>2806155Not them but you're a fag.This isn't "your" board you worthless cunt
>>2806166you can go with him. take your envious tears back to tumblr or wherever
Old thread: >>2774508This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.>how to get startedPurchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.>smoking a pipe will give you cancerWhile any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and>muh weedNot the time or place. Start your own thread>I DON’T LIKE WHAT YOU LIKE REEEEEEThen leave the thread. Pipes have been a part of outdoors culture for centuries. If you don’t like it, leave.
My recent order. C&D on sale so I bought my two favorites from them plus a slightly nicer version of my Rossi with a rusticated finish instead of smooth. I believe this one has the vulcanite stem, also on sale.Plum pudding was also on sale. Been hearing a lot so I wanted to try it. I think their sale goes till tomorrow so if you have the cash and have been eyeing something, now would be the the time.
Anyone try any of the C&D Nørding Hunter blends yet?
i've found that with the tenon & shank of a pipe, its nice to polish them with a little bit of bee's wax had some pipes which stems would fit a bit too tight in the shank or would randomly do so, and it made them fit perfectly, instead of worrying i'd break themdefinitely a huge improvement on cobs too, since even getting a little tight can pull out the shank
>>2805717Interestingly, I've also used beeswax for the opposite problem as well. Tightened up a loose stem on an estate pipe.
I'm not really that experienced with Latakia, but I've been smoking Nightcap for a little bit now and I'd just like to ask a question. Is Nightcap considered to be an aromatic? The only other Latakia I have as a reference to compare it to is Epiphany, and Epiphany is (I think) slightly aromatic in that it has a slight hint of fruit to it, but otherwise tastes like tobacco. Comparatively, and I might sound weird for saying this, but I don't think Nightcap taste like tobacco at all. To me, Nightcap taste like either fresh linen, or dryer sheets and the flavor borders even on something like chamomile tea. It seems very aromatic to me, but maybe that's just how Latakia normally tastes and Epiphany doesn't have a lot of Latakia in it? I'm not really sure, but I thought Epiphany still tasted mostly like tobacco with a small hint of fruit, whereas I don't think Nightcap taste like tobacco at all.What does Nightcap taste like to everyone else? Am I insane? I have been enjoying it, but it was not at all what I expected it to be. As of right now, I can't see myself ever buying another tin, but I do like it when I end up going for a bowl.
I’ll go first: part 1be me with a friend >decide to hike/camp out towards a high peak we always watched in the distance in The uk near the Lake District>newfag so barely pack the right stuff outside of the essentials>by day 2 we are basically out of food miles in the brush and have already had to filter and boil water.>area is littered with dense evergreens, woods are dark af during the day. >I’d be creeped out if I was alone.>on the second night decide to make camp, and will head out towards a small village on the dated map.>We are so fucked from walking 6+ hours without any food and little water it feels like a drug trio when we finally make camp.>drink a can of beer each and attempt to fall asleep>hear strange sounds around the camp>tell my brain it’s just animals as I can recognise some of the yelps in the distance from foxes >I hear a raspy, gurgled cackling, sounds like some old woman. Defiantly not an animal I’ve heard before >wtf.jpeg>it’s not coming from in the camp but it’s close enough to start my adrenaline spiking.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2805973well that changes things, you didn't mention that originally
firstsover nightalone in woods,,bike into hills.,`,,stash bike behind low stone wall,,walk 100 yards up to under oak trees,,setup crapy tent,,eat,,bedown,,snuggle in comfy.,,hear footsteps comeing down hill,,,getout of tent,,,,"Hello?",,noreply,,STRONG moonlight but im in shadowl, cant see anyone in deep shadowhere heard steps,,,look hard.,,,,,see footsteps in the leafs but noonethere?!!,,,,HHHHORY CRAP itsa DARKDEMON!,know abouthese from native lore!,,,,"Im with JESUS! GOD will protect Me,you dont Scare ME! im not afraid of Y'ou!" voice cracks.,,,he knows im CHICKEN!, keeps walking towards me,,step,,,step,,,step!,,,i step into the STRONG moonlight streaming between the trees,,hyperventilating,,,pumping up to grapple knowing it will be a fight for my mortalife!,,,,the moon will reveal his true form.,,step,,,step,,,,just one more and he will be in light!,,,,,,,STEP! and heshown in his HORRIBLE self>,>MOUTH AS WIDE AS HIS HEAD!,WARTY KNOBY HEAD!,,and yes greenish even in moon!,,BIGGEST BULL FROG EVER!!!,,LEAP straddleing him!"YOU SCCAREDD the CRAP OUTA ME!!"Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2806046bro tf is this, use > for greetext not this ,,,, shit
>>2806057iown,,,the copywrite for commas,,,just getting Rich!,,,newcomers,,,im from a time before the internets,, when "bullitin boards" where free programs passed out,,mostly teletype pictures of Booba and Butt!,,iwas Bill Gates first outside salesman, pushing his disk sectoring program packaged in ziplock baggies,,used 'TIDE' boxs full,,,deliverd to "BYTE" shops across area!,,my prime thing was Apple2 computers,,sides of accesorys., mmmmm the 'DC Hayes' micromodem made me OG hacker.,was confused why pay money for free stuff, but Bill was onto the future first.,,,,,sorry togo off onyou Sonny,,rainy daysbring back the goodtimemorys.
>>2806139Shutup,,,youretard!, whata load of Crap!,,,next youll unload a BStory aboutouching a 'GreatWhite at Santa Barbara Ca island?,,,,,goride your tricycle!,owaitheseat isoaking wet,,,,lefthe cover off?,whatareyou,,,Quadraplegic?, STUPID?,,,parkyourself nexto a fire and STEW!.,,mmm oatmealcoffee mix.
>>2767272Did you get to hike/see any of the effects of the flooding recently?
>>2805758>>2805755Great views of Midi d'Ossau
>>2805755which hut? all of them are unguarded in winter, but they leave a room open for anyone, right? i'm thinking about going later this month
>>2805770Its called "Refugio de Lierde". Its an all year unguarded mountain hut. There are tons of unguarded huts all over the pyrenees, they're free to use and usually pretty nice places (just a fireplace, a table and sometimes a chair, dont get me wrong). You should bring firewood tho. French side huts are usually better also, but spanish ones are nice enough, most of them are in some very scenic places. Just take a look were you plan to go, and if it has a fireplace. If not, get ready for the cold.
More sunlight and good weather lately :3
>>2805755>>2805758>>2805760Looks amazing. I dont wanna drag you too far down into gearfagging but what sorts of safety stuff do you bring for a trek like this? What sized pack? I've been reading about winter hiking safety and the level of risk different people tolerate varies wildly. I was thinking I'd want a change of base layers, a bivvy bag and probably an inflatable sleeping pad (so that the ground doesn't drain all my body heat if I have to spend a night out)I was looking at a bag like the osprey mutant but there's a 38 and a 50l one. I think I need to get my gear load dialed in first so I can determine what sized bag I need.