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Its seems like flooding is becoming much more common these days. I'm reluctant to believe it's 100% because of global warming. There has to be another reason to explain why it's getting so bad worldwide.

Your mom’s water broke. No I’m not the father if that’s what you’re gonna ask
My man, you seem to have neither looked at a statistic of how much flooding has actually increased, nor do you have a background in climatology to make a statement on whether global warming is the cause. Have you considered that your feelings on the matter are likely totally inaccurate?

Either way, they have renamed it climate change because "world go warm" is a massively simplified description of what's actually happening. I'm sure somewhere in there is the potential to increase flooding or something.
Why does it have to have another reason?
the other obvious reason is killing the soil with industrial agriculture and putting concrete everywhere else
>There has to be another reason
What requires there to be another reason?
cognitive dissonance
Is that another way of saying that the only temperatures that are rising are the ocean temperatures, measured by satellites, and we got proof in like 2012 that NOAA and NASA were inflating the results due to "readjustments" in the data?

Global warming is literally just NOAA just readjusting their satellites. COVID was literally just the flu. If you actually bother to read the reports.
>COVID was literally just the flu.
This is a blatant lie. Which leads us to believe the rest of your post is a lie.

So, provide reliable proof or GTFO
Global warming (more heavy rain)
+ more buildings and streets (less space to flood = higher flood)
+ deforestation in some places (more water reaches the rivers faster)
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>Global warming is literally just NOAA just readjusting their satellites
>nobody else in the world is noticing any changes its just NOAA making claims
imagine actually believing this
>Global warming is literally just NOAA just readjusting their satellites.
I can literally remember how we used to have weeks of snow. Now it's days at best.
Technically COVID was Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric adding a furin cleavage site to a cold virus collected from bats in southern China

Wow, you must be thousands of years old. California has records of paleo droughts lasting decades. Around 1100 there was a 200 year drought where rainfall was 60% of modern average and Lake Tahoe was 40 to 60 meters below its current level. The alps were pretty much snow free during the Roman warm period.
anyone whos been alive longer than 20 years should be able to tell that the weather has changed rapidly
You answered it yourself with your picture. The proliferation of boats (and especially submarines) for international commerce is causing an unacceptable displacement of the water and subsequent flooding
kek how many boats do you think there are?
>live in Jefferson, LA
>suburb of New Orleans (literally next to one another)
>guy in the neighborhood has a house right next to Mississippi River
>very high spot in the city, elevation wise
>flood zone X, literally never flooded even with no flood control during Katrina
>home owner decides that’s not good enough
>raises his home 8’ off the ground just in case there’s flooding one day
>sitting high and dry, well above everyone else
>no way this place will ever flood
>totally safe from the next big hurricane
>big hurricane in 2021, Hurricane Ida
>knocks a giant tree onto his house
>totally destroyed
Ironic, I guess. You can see the pics in Google maps. The current pic has the tree trunk and debris clearly visible in the wreckage. 100 Newman Ave, Jefferson, LA.

There are a lot of fishing camps just outside of the city built very high in the air specifically for flooding during hurricanes. Check out the 23000 block of Chef Menteur Hwy, New Orleans.
Don’t be ridiculous, it’s about the size, not the quantity. Look up the displacement on the Oceania oil tanker
lets say oil liners are 100m x 100m and go down into the water also 100meters. they displace 100cubic meters (and this is a bigger displacement than any ship in the sea)
the ocean is 361,000,000km squared in surface area and has risen by 20cm in the last 50 years. the volume that the ocean has gained is (361,000,000km3 = 361,000,000,000,000m3, that x 20cm = 0.2m) is 7.22e13m3. thats 72,200,000,000,000m3
the amount of these super massive tankers to take up the volume is (72,200,000,000,000m3/100m3) 72,200,000,000 tankers. thats about 10 for each person on the planet
debunk my math if you want
You forgot to carry the two
I won’t try and debunk your math, but let’s not forget all the other vessels in our oceans. Bulk carriers, cruise liners, pirate ships. The earth is a bathtub and, right now, it’s overflowing
you need literally 10x the amount of people on the planet in super massive tankers. in 2020 according to statistica there were about 2k oil tankers in the ocean
theres just no chance that humanity has made even 1% of the cruise ships and pirate boats to take up the volume of the rising sea
even before i did the math it was obvious to me but now that i laid it out i cant believe you still believe it to be possible
i guess this is why climate change deniers dont have a reputation for being very smart
im this (>>2786911 >>2786857) anon, i just wanted to blogpost about my thoughts on climate change, mainly because i had a conversation irl about it recently and wanted to gauge reactions
its a real and mostly measurable thing, but its also (in my opinion) somewhat overstated. it came about because humanity found a cheap source of energy, just mine it up and power whatever machinery you want, and power machinery it did.
its no coincidence that the industrial revolution started pretty much exactly when james watt made a really good machine to extract energy from fossil fuels. they literally spawned the modern world and without them we would likely still be mostly peasant farmers and whatever else the world was like pre industrial revolution.
humanity got incredible bang (get it?) for the buck just by burning fossil fuels for about 300 years. its very likely that kids in a century will be talking about this time because its certainly the biggest change in human history and it just would not have been possible if not for fossil fuels.
i dont think it was a dumb idea, and if i had to go back in time i wouldnt change it either. theres still at least decades before we will find out if it was a mistake or not, but for now we just need to wait for a newer and cheaper source of energy
likely this will be fusion power (its going to be "invented" about the same time as climate change hits a tipping point, ie sometime in the future) and from there its pretty smooth sailing.
the problem with fossil fuels is that they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and co2 really good at trapping the energy we get from the sun. all it would take is dumping some fusion energy into pulling carbon from the air. its possible today to do that, its just not worth doing because it costs more energy to pull it out than you get releasing it (you just need a cheaper power source to make it worthwhile).
so basically the timeline is
>invent decent steam engine
>burn fossil fuel
>release carbon dioxide
>advance civilization at an absurd rate
>invent cheaper source of power
>pull the carbon dioxide back out
>profit immensely

this wasnt dumb in my opinion, but we still need to see if this will work out
anyway blogpost over
>they renamed it climate change because "world go warm" wasn't happening and they needed to manufacture a way to get people to panic about natural variations and cycles so that they can make even more money off of trading "carbon credits"
Climate change is a psyop to distract people from actual problems like environmental pollution from industrial waste.
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>There has to be another reason to explain why it's getting so bad worldwide.
it's obviosuly da jooz, duh
anytime anyone ever writes that term, I automatically assume they are a retard. Its an assumption that has never failed me.

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