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Post cool and/or tasty fungi you find.

Found these gigantic chanterelles on a walk yesterday. They’re sopping wet and moldy so I highly doubt they’re any good, but man they’re HUGE. Luckily found plenty more of normal size and had them for lunch today!
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here's some dead man's finger i found the other day
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another beauty
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big boy
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>Found these gigantic chanterelles
>posts something closer to resembling jack o latern or chicken of the woods
is this bait?
I looked close, they were chanterelles. Hard to show the details with how my phone forces anything not posted at full-quality to compress to shit.
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is it worth the chance of getting claudius'd
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What mushroom is this? Found in Minnesota between 47 and 48 degrees north

Witch’s hat?
bro those are fat Jack's, did it smell and taste of lemon? you're fucking lucky that's edible. how did ypu identify them, I pray you don't say a ai app.
>doesn't post stalk
>doesn't post gills
>horror what mushie is dis lole
I bet you don't even know what a spore print is
I know what a spore print is but I just took the pic on a whim, I'm not gonna eat 'em, give them your best guess
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I didn’t eat the ones in the pic, I was sure they were entirely too soggy and moldy to be good. They looked exactly like chanterelles on the underside, the false gills and the trumpet shape. I’ve been picking chanterelles in this area for a couple of years. Picrel is what I usually pick.
That's 100% a Slender Caesar
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The Telluride Mushroom Festival is next weekend

Since I can't afford to go to Colorado, I will be going to the Crystal Falls, Michigan, Humongous Fungus Festival the weekend after - am I the only one? It is a tiny festival but I learned where the real humongous fungus is and will attempt to go find it and eat part of it.
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See that's a chant

I have never seen chants growing in huge clusters before. Maybe 2-3 in a clump, but never a cluster

The OP pic really looks like saprophytic mushroom growing off a buried piece of wood, not mycorrhizal chants
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Sorry for the repost
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On the off chance they’re still around when I go back next weekend, I’ll take more pics.

As for sources, this is what I use. Granted I mostly just pick chanterelles because they’re my favorite and easiest to find, but I’ve also used it to ID and pick purple spored puffballs and chicken of the woods, with no ill effects but a bit of bad gas from undercooking the latter.
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Bioluminescent mycelium - Mindo, Ecuador
Cool as hell. Is that a long exposure shot or does it really glow that bright?
Long exposure, tho visible to the naked eye
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I'm confident about them but I still get too skeeved out to eat any cause I've seen so many flavoconias with bright red caps
this one barely has any volva and I'd be 2nd guessing it if it didn't have the orange flaky bits on the stem
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I'm surprised to learn that there are still mushrooms that are this common with unknown edibility
your mom is common with unknown edibility
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Old faithful returns,for the fifth year in a row.
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This shit looks like it tastes like egg noodles
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They taste a little weird. Not especially flavorful,and they smell a little funky when cooked.Imagine a really bland morel,that has been peed on.
pretty, some sort of waxy cap?
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Not sure it looks like this from above
Yeah, that's Hygrocybe, common name waxy caps. I'm thinking H. punicea
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Discovered barometer earthstars for myself recently after some intense rain, they're really cool. It's a shame I couldn't find any unopened ones, now I'm curious how they look like immature.
i found a patch of mushrooms today that looks exactly like oysters but it's bright orange. Same size, shape, smell.. not sure if safe
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Jack o Lanterns?
Wtf it's huge
lucky bastard
Huge catch in photo
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weeping conk
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I went to the site of the Michigan Humongous Fungus today, on the eve of the little festival they have in honor of it.


As far as I could tell the area is public land, there were no "No Trespassing" signs anywhere - rural UPers are usually good about putting those up.

The government conducted ultra low frequency radio tests in the area, blasting the trees with radio waves and later harvesting the wood to see if there were any effects (there were no effects). When the trees were replanted, they all died after being attacked by the honey fungus in the area, leaving the clearing you can see part of in this picture. There are still logs, branches, and stumps all over the place here. Obviously it's not completely devoid of trees but these trees are noticeably thinner and younger than the surrounding forest.
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Honey mushroom rhizomorphs are unique and easy to spot. The fungus grows up under the bark of the tree and it sloughs off as the tree slowly dies. These thick, black rhizomorphs grow underground as well, searching for other trees to attack. If you have a tree infected by honey fungus, the only way to quarantine it is to sink a physical barrier down into the ground around the tree.
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It's a little early for honey mushroom fruitings but I managed to find a cluster and I and truly say I've seen the Michigan humongous fungus.

Now I have to make plans to see the Oregon humongous fungus. The Michigan HF covers about 173 acres while the Oregon HF is more like 2,400 acres.
Cool photo.... cheers from America
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Profound retard here
Found this mysterious huge mushroom on spring last year and got bamboozled into eating it
I didn't die, but I never found what it was either

Does /out/ have any ideas what it could be?
have you had a liver enzyme check since then?
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No, I didn't get sick or anything
My friend thought it was an Agaricus arvensis and ate some too
Later we found out it wasn't
Pic related is the same mushroom chopped up in half before being thrown into a pan
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Here's some actual A. arvensis I found later that year
Notice the pink gills and wide, short stalk
>No, I didn't get sick or anything
doesn't mean you didn't kill 70% of your liver,
go get it tested.
Appreciate the concern anon
>go get it tested
I seriously might, I thought that there'd at least be some symptoms of liver damage but looking it up seems that it isn't always the case
Fucking hell
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Wtf are these? Thought they were boletes at first glance and they do have pores, but that continue down onto the stem rather than stopping
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Spotted this monster on my walk today. It's bigger than a basketball. Not sure of the species, some sort of wood conk.
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That's called reticulation, it's common on boletes.
Cool find

What state this in?
Far northern California, up in the mountains 2800ft.
>2800 feet
You're based for being a forager but we need to talk about your definition of a "mountain"
I live in the valley, with mountains on 3 sides. Coastal range to the west, Shasta and the Cascades to the north and north east and the Sierra Nevadas to the east. It's at lower elevation compared to where I could go, but it's still in the mountains. Lower Cascades leading up to Lassen.
going foraging this weekend, will report back if i find anything work posting
It'd be nice to know what kind of tree(s) you have the best luck under
Good luck! I'll be heading out next weekend. It's been really dry, but I'm going up into the mountains where it's cooler and there are waterfalls to provide humidity. So hopefully I'll find something. It's been a very unproductive year so far here in Northern California. But it will hopefully get better in the coming months as the rain comes.
Is this a ”Sparassis crispa”? First time seeing one
Looks like it to me
It's definitely a sparassis, but I'm not sure how to differentiate the species in that group.
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Northern AZ, what kind are these?
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zero luck, only found some dried out amber jelly roll and some old conks after 10 hours. it really is just too dry right now...
pretty russula
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did i fuck these up if i cleaned them by very gently scrubbing with a toothbrush under gently running cold water ? i see some things saying so
I'm curious, is it possible to encourage growth in wild mushrooms? Being able to get more from my patches would be great
You can only really encourage them to grow by providing them an appropriate micro climate. This can be done indoors, but I think you're pretty much stuck with what you get outdoors. You can try and encourage them to grow in more locations by using a mesh bag that allows the spores to release as you're walking. But encouraging an already existing patch to fruit more or more often, I don't think you can do.
No. I've offten heard it said that you should avoid washing mushrooms in water. But that's a myth. Mushrooms are around 90% water and aren't going to soak up much more. A dehydrated mushroom will soak up water like a sponge. But fresh mushrooms are already full of water. As long as you're not rubbing them so hard that you're breaking them, you should be fine. And even if you are brushing them that hard, you can still eat them, they just won't look as nice.
Also, you can soak fresh mushrooms in a salt water bath to flush out any bugs hiding in the cracks and crevasses. I've also read about this being use to get the sand out of morels, but I've yet to find any, so have no experience.
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i see, that's a shame but pretty much the answer i expected
i was going to post this absolute specimen of a flyshroom i found a few weeks ago but turns out i didn't actually take any good pictures of it, sorry shroombros...
The best you could probably do is provide the host tree with water and nutrients

Soil temperatures have a big effect on fruiting timing, there is also evidence that high voltages (i.e. lightning) also triggers fruiting
Cool, thanks. I'm gonna go see if they're still growing, I did indeed find them on dead fallen off branches.
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9000ft subalpine pine forest in CO, got a positive ID on a bunch of inedible russelas, so far only edible we've ID'd is a nice cluster of sweet tooth. Working on these now, anything stand out?
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Aw sweet, first time seeing these
Also some agaricus, and cantharellus
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Help me id this one. Amanita?
Amanita muscaria
THE mushroom
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I wasn't sure because it didn't have white spots. I guess it was kind of old. Then is pic related Amanita regalia?
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some scaly tooth (Sarcodon squamosus) and pine bolete (Boletus pinophilus)
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are these white pored chicken of the woods or not
i thought they were supposed to be white underneath but these are quite yellow
In thr spring you should go to Mesick for the Morel festival.
I have been to the Muscoda Morel Festival
It was more like one room where you could buy fresh morels from foragers until they ran out in a few hours because restaurants bought them all, then a small non-mushroom-themed farmer's market

I think the Crystal Falls Humongous Fungus Festival has the potential to be the Midwest's Telluride if they bothered to get real event organizers. From what I can tell, the main force behind the festival is the boomer owner of a thrift shop downtown and the rest is planned by the business association. The only real mushroom-themed event that takes place is a cook-off for dishes that contain mushrooms. There's also a parade of local businesses and a concert (last year was a Journey tribute band, this year was a 70's medley band). There's a guided foray (not to the actual humongous fungus, mind you) that costs $60 (!!) as well.

There's a small town in Iowa where I live now that has a Pumpkin Festival. They sell pumpkins, they have carved pumpkin judging, they have a pumpkin weigh-off where pumpkins are brought in via forklift, they have pumpkin-themed vendors. The town has no real inherent connection to pumpkins, it's just something they put on.

Crystal Falls is located by a fucking fungal celebrity and the best theme they can come up with is a morel pun for a festival that happens at the end of August. Give me a break. Off the top of my head, here's some events they could host: mushroom dyeing, mushroom-themed drawing contest, a mushroom costume contest, Artist Conk drawing, mushroom growing workshop, mushroom ID class, spore print workshop, free forays, mushroom ecology class, mushroom cooking/preservation methods...

If I wasn't an asocial retard I would see what I could do to step in and help Crystal Falls. I had to get this off my chest
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Anyone know wtf this is?
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Also dumping photos from my foraging trip yesterday.
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Laetiporus cincinnatus is white pored CotW. You have Laetiporus sulphureus Sulfur Shelf CotW. It's named sulfur because of the yellow color, not the presence of sulfur. It's good to eat. Make sure you cook it thoroughly.
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Anyone know what type of shroom this is ?
Some sort of Agrocybe, field cap.
Found in England, some grassland. Around sea level
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Found some destroying angels, the were everywhere on the trail I foraged.
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Anyone know what kind of Russula this is?
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That doesn't look like a Destroying Angel
One of the red ones.... ;P
Only half kidding. There are several red capped russulas. I'm not seeing blushing on the stipe, so it's probably one of the emeticas(sickeners). You can nibble and spit a small piece to see if it's bitter or spicy. Just take a nibble, chew it for about 20 seconds with your front teeth and then spit it out. Give it about a minute for the spicy to hit you(I think it feels like spicy horseradish). If it's very spicy or bitter, don't leave them. But if they're mild(a little spicy or bitter will cook out) you can eat them. You MUST cook them though. Eating them raw will make you sick. IMPORTANT! Know that the nibble and spit test is only for a handful of mushrooms like russula and boletes. While it's safe to nibble and spit any mushroom, it's not a good way to determine edibility of a completely unknown mushroom. Some of the most poisonous, like the destroying angel, are said to taste very good.
>If it's very spicy or bitter, don't leave them.
I meant leave them, was going to say don't eat them, but changed my mind on the wording choice but left the don't in....
Are you sure on your ID? I thought angels and dearth caps had snake skin not flaky skin on the stipe.
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Spring and summer were so rainy...I thought I would get a mushroom season this year
It's not fair
Went out on a mushroom hunting trip, only to end up on another kind of trip at home later.
Good stuff.
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Does anyone here eat ganodermas?
I know hippies like them because they cure cancer or something, but is there an actual palatable way to eat them?
Actually eat it? No, it's too woody. To consume it, boil it for an hour or two to start breaking down the chitin and making the polysaccharides, antioxidants and Beta-glucans bioavailable. Then dehydrate and grind them into a powder. You can make gel caps or add the powder to beverages. Save the water you boiled them in, it's full of the above mentioned beneficial components. You can drink it by itself or add whatever you like to make it more palatable
>tfw had the opportunity to forage a perfectly grown wood ear last year but was too much of a pussy to even touch it
This year's the year. Is the beginning of Oct a decent time to begin looking in the southeastern US? We just braced the worst of the hurricane earlier last weekend.
Also any recommendations for books and hand guides for IDing?
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Should I eat em?
Wood Ears look like they taste like agar or unflavored gelatin

Probably not
Goddamn I love the forest.
Found this cutie today, Scandinavia.
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Are these funnels or oysters?
Grew on an indian oak log
Definitely not an oyster. The cap of oysters connects to the stipe.
Those look like Lentinus. Oysters will have gills running down the stipe.
Can anyone identify? From dartmoor, uk.
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Hello I need help identifying thesectwo mushrooms I picked today. First two mushrooms I ever picked. Also should I eat them or is the bigger mushroom too old to be eaten?
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