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This is just sad
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Every single individual in this thread sucks massive dick, just want yall to know that no matter what side you're on that your just a massive dick sucking faggot.

This can't be argued against either.
I've literally never sucked a dick of any size.
We know you secretly aspire to.
False. That's not a thing in the Appalachians. You live in NYC.

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What are must haves to sell?
How would you advertise?
How should I make a biz plan? What AI should I use and how? I'm retarded lol

I have a piece of land by a boat launch on a popular lake in the Midwest and would be the only bait shop on the lake. Yes it's zoned for biz.
I'm thinking one of those tiny home/barn shells but customized and finished. Around 12x40 or so. It'll be $50-75,000 + Inventory
Live bait is crazy expensive so obviously that - I live right by and have a pond I figured I'd stock and sell. And breed worms, leaches, w/e. So need live bait tanks

What else should I sell given the small space? Figured stock cheap stuff to best value mid stuff.
There's wholesalers kinda near. Buy some Alibaba shit?
I'll try to make my own shit too

Fish are Walleye, Bass, and Panfish. There's also trophy Muskie

I'm a noob and haven't been /out/ for a decade so help [spoiler]or your father dies in his sleep[/spoiler]
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>bait shop
frogs and frogposting accessories
Quite literally
masterbaitersbaitandtackle dot com
My 5 cents
In AliExpress they sell decent fishing tackle (hooks, weights, swivels, etc)
The simple lures like spoons, spinners, swim jigs are ok.
Stay away from crankbaits since they are not very good, maybe you can try them if they are from aliexpress "brands" (lureholic and fjord are nice brands)
Also, name your store "The fishing hole"
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Unbelievable. Everything possible under the sun really has been done, no wonder life is so boring anymore. Maybe try "BassHole's" instead?

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Hello anons, Floridian /g/ tourist here.
I want to wander around the Appalachian Mountains for a few days, in the snow. I am fucking tired of the heat. I am fucking tired of people. I literally just want to wander around in freezing cold snow, alone, for a week or so, living off the land.
Preferably I would like to avoid people as much as possible. I want to learn land navigation. I also want to bring a gun, shoot an animal, and eat it.
My questions are:
>how feasible is this for someone who has never been on a REAL /out/ trip aside from camping with his dad as a kid and hiking preapproved trails?
>what skills do I need to learn, regulations do i need to read, and equipment i need to bring to ensure that I don't suffer death, grievous bodily harm, and/or arrest during this trip?
>where should I go? my only stipulation is that there is snow present. I want to do this november or december.
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What's the reason though.
Did OP go? Did OP an hero?
It was just a bait thread for (You)s. When it didn't get enough traction OP bailed.
indians will work for half the money and double the hours
I'm just a humble Shitpost Farmer, rotatin my crop of (You)s

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These are objectively the best three /out/ states in the nation. You can’t beat the ocean and they have everything.
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shut it down! we dont need anymore faggot liberals trying to move here
Trust me, I know. They have been driving up house prices to ridiculous levels. They sell their 2 bedroom shack in Torrance or some other hellscape hovel for 3/4 of a million and come up here with that money. I have family that works in real estate and they haven't sold property to a local resident since before covid. Local wages aren't even close to keeping up with the cost of housing because of this sudden influx of people fleeing cities. It is fun listening to them bitch about the weather though, it's like they expected LA weather, just a little cooler.
I don't think that you understand. Your state is the containment zone.
>3/4 of a million
Lmao breh. 750000 doesn't get you anything nice anywhere in California. And don't forget you have to pay that almost 30% income tax and $5 for a gallon of gas.
Once you are a couple hours from a major city, housing is cheap in California the majority of the time. Gas still sucks though.

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I've decided to hike by myself from now on, even if it kills me during these really cold winter months. I signed up for a guided hike last month just to get warmed up to the idea of hiking during winter and holy fuck, it was fucking horrible. All these fucking people hiking in a line like cattle. There was nothing exciting about it, if anything, it was really depressing. There was lots of boomers and ugly women, it felt like people use these sort of gatherings to socialize and make friends, it was depressing seeing them desperately trying to socialize and befriend one another, I'm never doing this again.
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Mt Washington during winter IS mountaineering. Are you stupid?
I just did it.
It's like anything else in life, you either do it or you don't.
>Hiking, camping, rock climbing, surviving prison, going through college.
Even if you fail at least you tried.
Sorry bubba, I wouldn't know much about your muttains.
Kek you fucking killed him
You are a pathetic piece of shit and going outside isn't for you. Find a hobby where you can be a fawn around people.

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I want to go out on a nice spot somewhere in the woods and just play something. But because my instrument is piano it's a bit difficult. Is there any acoustic keyboard instruments that are portable for outsite usage for scenarios like i described here?
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>Feel like jamming: Just spend 3 hours whittling a flute bro.
Unironically a great instrument. I have a bunch of Russian Vargans.
I have a plastic recorder

Sometimes I use a covid mask but it makes my glasses humid
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I mean cold air that recently gave me cold (disease) after 30 minutes of running in 3°C
Scarf, beanie, warm clothes. Drink warm beverages all the time. You don't need a bullshit mask, in the contrary the humidity going inside the mask is molding your lungs if it stays too long on your face.
It's such obvious bait but I still have to call you a faggot.
It's obvious bait but you took it.

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Hello everyone,

What are good cars that are ideal to be bought and used specifically for the purpose of /out/ings?

The car needs to
>access crappy logging roads, in freezing winters or hot summers
>be sub 5k ideally (used market)
>big enough to bring 2 people minimum and gear such as canvas tent and stove (for winter camping in canada)
>reliable enough to not shit out after non-daily use
>have reasonably available and affordable replacement parts for a home mechanic
>relatively simple maintenance, no computer lockout bullshit

Am I missing any specifications? I'm really not a car guy, but I have a lot of experience fixing boats and boat engines so I doubt a car would be that much more complicated to maintain.

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HAHAHAHAHA this motherfucker blows all your electronic shitsmobils out of the water, that old Fiat alongside the Hilux and Land Cruiser.
Of course, those are all older than two decades by now.
All cars have "eco" faggotry and useless electronics up the arse nowadays, they're also made to self destruct at a point.
Not sure where we're going from here.
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Think you can get these in canada about 4000-5000usd used here.
And they are easy to build up for whatever you want to do. Not much computer shenanigans.
Can take a beating.
2*90ltr petrol tanks
1hz engine
Not the case at all. We have roads that become impassable with anything but a truck. You need clearance, mud tyres, a winch, 4 wheel drive and diff lock
gay car

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Guys how the fuck do I deal with foggy glasses in winter? Am I just destined to have to deal with a freezing cold nose and avoid any cover that goes over it? I've tried so many balaclava that claim to vent through a mouth mesh and it never works
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Based retardo
Get contacts, retard
Just wear it over your mouth and make a separate piece that goes over your nose and leaves a large gap to breathe.
i just wear my hood up on my parka, once the temps equalize my glasses stop fogging.
Correct. My first winter without glasses and I don't miss this issue.
The process is 98% automated. Either your dad went to a retard on his first day, but the more likely answer is you're a jew who works for lens crafter and is trying to poison the well about lasik.

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Anyone heading towards Mt Tammany today during the snow storm? This will be my first hike ever and I've decided to go for it since there will be no people most likely, and I have severe social anxiety, I feel like this is the best time to start my mountaineering phase. If I die please don't loot my body, I'll be wearing my green arcteryx jacket.
why not go like 40 mi north to raymondskill rd and hike the cliffs trail where you can see the delaware without fucking interstate highways on either side

cliffs trail is my money:

make sure you bring your yak trax you wouldn't want to slip in an icy environment
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>500 ft elevation

Anon, I'm not gay.
you can go further, and there's more overlooks past the alltrails route, and then it's even more elevation gain
also, it will be snowing, you might not get very far

How many of you carry a traditional folding pocket knife while /out/?

Do you feel the steel used in traditional folders is outdated or that they are harder to maintain?

If you do carry one, what kind?
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You can sharpen them, it's just a little harder.
>You can sharpen them
well, of course
bone is pretty for a handle material, but is it actually good? advantages/disadvantages?
I carry two.
Different uses, different things.
It doesn't matter you can buy perfectly good pocket knives at any fucking antique store for like a quarter of the cost, just let it sit in CPL for a few hours.
Of all the things that are wasteful spaces in my pack, an additional folding knife is pretty much the least wasteful thing.
Since any situation where I have no knife is pretty much a worst situation than having too many.

Full kit
1. Rope cutter
2. Gerber (military issued)
3. Japan 007 cheap ass switch.
4. Buck switch for gutting
>why the rope cutter
when making and cutting ropes really quickly and grab and jerk movements is very efficient.
Any non-synthetic handle material is shit for obvious reasons on a use knife. Rotting and shrinking.

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Unsure what board to post this in but this seems like the right board to do so. So I need something for my current setup that pulls about 150-160 watts on average. I recently purchased the image related (Jackery 300 plus w/ 40 watt solar panels) because it was on sale and it had the range of wattage I was looking for but the thing is, with both solar charging and wall plug it only seems to last an hour even though it advertises 8 hour solar charge use. I'm using it for my rog ally z1 extreme and a starlink just to game. If anyone has any recommendations let me know, I wanted something with at least 5-8 hour life but I'm not sure what to really look for. I don't know if another solar panel will help or if it's the generator itself, I was thinking about just getting the Jackery 1000 any advice is appreciated.

TLDR; Recommendations for portable generator that runs on solar for 150-160 watt setup with 5-8 hour runtime.
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I think you're confusing the specs, 8 hour solar charge probably refers to how long it takes to charge, not discharge. That's a 300WH (watt hour) model, so if you're pulling ~150W it will only run for 1hr until 50% charge, which you don't want to drop below for battery health reasons. If you want to run longer you need a bigger battery, and you'll also need more solar panels to charge it in the same time. Use a watt calculator to figure out how many watt hours you need and go from there.
I need one for charging electric chainsaws, never been able to figure it out…
leave the videogayme shit home and that thing will give you unlimited power, simple as
do you have solar panels?

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>put on boots
>walk outside
is it really that difficult?
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Climbing pro is the only gear I feel like buying that I don't need. There's something about it, so beautiful and functional.
>maybe will never use a climbing rack again
>get out my old nuts and hexes, rip out the 15 year old dead cord, new cord to restring everything
>buy new slings 'in case' I ever need them
>restring the one cam I've got with dyneema, triple fishermen's
that was satisfying, I could die next week and my old shit will go to somebody that won't get killed by it because I spent 50 dorrar
Yeah I don't get this either. This is something you would say to a woman, not something a woman would ever say.
>is it really that difficult?
For most people, yes it is far to difficult.
>"Uncle ted" was a literal faggot that had cock willfully inserted in his mouth and arse, for your information.
That's false and you're a big faggot for suggesting that.
His words. Sorry I hurt your paternal figure.

I am taking a wilderness medicine course in Bend soon, but I booked my flight a couple days early so I would have a few days to explore a bit, since I have never been to Oregon. I know about Mt. Hood and of course crater lake, but I am not too interested in the national park-ing lot type tourism. I am experienced in cold weather backpacking, where would you locals go if you had 3 days? I would like to do mt hood, but im not sure if it will be worth the price of a checked back to get an ice axe and spikes through TSA. I am open to any recommendations, I will weed out any that is unrealistic for this trip.
>wilderness medicine course
Just go to NOLS if you really want to get into wilderness courses. Don't bother with the knockoffs of NOLS.
it literally is NOLS
in OR.? Just go to the main campus in WY. Better instructors there. Avoid the Shasta location too.
Bend is gay and requires a car to get into the wilderness

Fake outdoor mecca
climb at smith rock or kayak at white salmon

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Most of the outdoor gear we buy today are all manufactured in China, and just imported, assembled, local logo slapped on, and marked up for 3 times the price. What are some outdoors gear and gadgets you've bought from Chinese websites that turned out better than expected for your outdoors need?

It's that time again guys. Post your Chinese gear hauls or experiences with gear that turned out to be trash.
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Yeah i wash mine in modestly warm water and throw it in a machine dryer and it seems fine, only 2 seams for the sleeves
thank you fella
Oh they are also itchy as fuck when you first get them, legitimately throw them in the wash like 3 times and that sheds all the microplastics or whatever
For less than 15 usd its worth the wierd washing
ohhh I did not expect that, great idea. what wash setting do you recommend? just according to the fiber or something else?
anyone have experience with chink ice fishing huts? i need a new one and they look like a steal but i’m skeptical about the quality.

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