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I always do a bit of panning whenever I /out/ in the mountains. What are your prospecting experiences?
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bumping the best thread on /out/
Checked. Guess kek has spoken. Maybe I gotta watch that stuff at some point.
I just realized that I could finally read the books on those stories I downloaded ages ago on my long train ride today, but apparently, they’re not on my iPad. But loads of stuff like pic related is. Lots of good info for hobbyist panners in this old things.
Anyone knows some good podcasts on panning?
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Forgot the image.
But never mind, cause it bears repeating: the various USGS and state geological survey records on the subject are really good reads. Most are floating around online for free and legally so, it’s just a pain in the ass to find them.
Get tae fuck faggy

What's your favorite socks for your /out/ings? I do pic related but I'm wondering if there isn't a better way. My priority is on keeping cool in the summer and not getting my feet super sweaty but the thread's open to whatever you're into, I'm curious to hear. Maybe there's some kind of advanced ultra waterproof wader socks I've never heard of. Post 'em.
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>y-you're the one who's not going outside and should touch grass because he's too busy pondering/shilling sock brands, of all things
>also if you dare suggest I'm a braindead consoomer and you're tired of my reassuring horde and the never-ending dumb gear threads for that shopaholic dopamine spike, you're actually just triggered ha gotcha
Maybe if you'd wear some normal socks like everybody else you'd grow some self-awareness.
by this logic you surely go on week long high altitude treks in your skechers, jeans and tshirt right?
Fell for the meme, not thrilled
Sure they're better than random 5$ socks, but I'm not sure if they're 20$ extra better.
Hopefully they will last longer than generic socks and warranty process in the EU will be as smooth as people from the US claim.
Well there’s the problem right there anon.
Usually any thin wool sock. I sweat a lot and my feet stink. Only time I switch it up is when it gets cold and you run the risk of trench foot/frostbites. I do however always carry a pair of sealskinz extreme cold weather socks in my pack.

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is 12kg a good base weight for winter camping?
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My pack weighs 42lbs without food or water
Tis the summertime my guy. Ask summertime questions.
That's not winter. There's barely any snow on the ground.
>Hello wild ones ^_^
hello mommy :3
Its that heavy anon, depending on winter enviorment youll often need heavier equipment and clothing, but the great thing about winter is that you can use a pulk/sled to carry stuff on.
That seems like a reasonable weight, considering she is carrying an ice axe and a heavy duty tent.

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Carrot, Hemlock or Parsnip?
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Maybe it's a baby
If you're not sure of this you should never ever eat it. It's literally one of the easiest plants to identify, how the fuck can you not know what queen anne's lace looks like?

In fact, if you can't identify a wild carrot you should give up foraging. I can tell from a glance when I'm not looking at some shitty smartphone picture.
Not OP but do we have poison hemlock in the PNW? I'm on vancouver island/bc lower mainland and want to start foraging
Minnesota, near in the cities near the river.
yeah it's actually a lot more common here than anywhere else.
I live just south of tacoma and I see it all the time. although I've never been to canada, maybe the plants feel the same way I do about dealing with border control.
looking into it further, it seems they don't really grow as much in BC except for the Georgia depression (the exact spot you mentioned), which both makes sense to me and is hilarious.

if you plan to get into foraging with plants, then I would suggest picking up a book called "PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST COAST Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, & Alaska" by Pojar Mackinnon. The best way to learn about foraging (other than to be formally taught by a tribal elder with a training montage.) is to go out into the wild, like some sort of wizard with a type of book called a "dichotomous key" (and a dictionary) and use the key to identify a plant and then find out what to do with said plant. don't use google lens, or any other AI based program, we aren't there yet. don't rely on google or any other wifi-based technology that doesn't work in the middle of the woods. and don't just look at the pictures, because then you don't learn anything. Ideally, again you would have someone with you who knows things, but I understand that isn't always possible. for a start, look for salmon berries, they're bountiful this time of year. as a test, find out how to correctly identify a dandelion (there are a surprising amount of lookalikes). and for achievement get, try and memorize every fern, there are surprisingly few varieties.

I'm pretty sure that's like, the one state with no poison hemlock. also that sucks man.

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Just want a quick check on if this makes sense or is really stupid.

Recently did a 4-day avalanche course and found my Salomon Quest 4Ds ample in terms of warmth and support in all ways except having the rigidity in the toes for high angle snow. I don't intend to use this proposed setup for high-exposure front-pointing or anything. Just want to postpone having to buy fully fledged mountaineering boots and make mine a bit more comfortable for use in non-technical terrain.

Idea is I can wear them as hiking boots on approach then pop the insoles in when I put crampons on to bring them up to (or close) to a full shank mountaineering boot. They're comfy for approaches as well so saves me carrying boots+trail runners like some people do.
>All the cushioning of carbon
>All the durability of fiber
Hmmm, this is an actually interesting idea. Most of the worry regarding using boots other than rigid mountaineering boots comes from the notion that steel crampons will pop off your flexible boots. then again companies also make flexible (they are more rigid than you would think) linking bars for crampons to enable better use of flexible shoes. I can Imagine the carbon fiber insole would be a good bet that it works out better with that too.
Carbon fiber is only strong in 2 dimensions (or 1 if it's not made out properly). Given how thin the sole is and the pattern I'm suspecting the 2 dimensions are the plane you are walking in, so that sole would bend under perpendicular pressure to your sole and/or break.
I've never tried carbon fiber soles though, so maybe I am missing something and they somehow managed to lay the fibers in such a way that they are strong to perpendicular forces.
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This is valid, Kilian says he does something similar to what you are describing

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Do you think it would be viable to cut a hole in this, and add a heat proof pad for a small wood stove?
But you’re a retard.
waaaay to small, but if you do, make sure to buy a carbon monoxide detector
You can just build a small fire in those.
It's way too small, you'd be forced to be less than a foot away from the fire at all times. Build a fire or keep a stove near the door

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I am going camping and I keep bicycle near my tent. What kinda lock is good and lightweight so I can carry it with ease inside my backpack or pocket

General lock discussion is fine
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>locks on an /out/door board

Kindly go back to your low iq board please
Do you think there are forest niggers out looking to steal your bike? No one is going to steal your bike next to your tent.
>>>/n/ FAGGOT
>good and lightweight
yeah I don't think you can have both
just go for light cause the main risk is probably opportunistic assholes, not real thieves
It doesn't happen until it does.
OP if it's only for camping (and away from organized campgrounds), you only need something to prevent an opportunistic thief from riding away on your bike, a cable lock should suffice. Odds that someone is walking innawoods with bolt cutters are significantly lower.

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These things are exploding in population. Why are they still protected? These are monstrosities early explorers feared more than cannibal natives. We had their populations down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back IRL monsters that literally want to eat us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology where we can implant each one with a paralysis mechanism if it's close to a human and has the urge to attack. Hook up a bear nuerolink or some shit. But letting these things roam free is a hippie delusion. Wtf are we doing?
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well, theres' fun and then there's innane bullshit.
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what are you saying anon
I would rather kill you than kill a grizzly
>Almost everything is in constant danger of being eaten by something else. Thats the normal state of life in the woods. Why should you be entitled to anything else?
This is the most reddit shit I've ever read on this board. You are a guaranteed out of shape neckbeard redditor retard.

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Hi /out/. Im going camping with some friends for the first time in the coming weeks on an Island off mainland ireland. two of the party of seven have extensive camping experience and the rest of us are clueless. Any words of advice?
Listen to your experienced friends and ignore everyone here
Bring insect repellent
His experienced friends are most likely lying to everyone.
OP never got back to us about his camping trip. Maybe he got ated by a burr.

You guys wouldn't do this, would you?
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>30 minute walk for groceries is annoying honestly
that's when you use your bike
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eastoids always full of cope & seethe
the slowest in the group should always be killed and eaten when reaching first camp
im weaksauce from having an auto immune disease, but you wouldn't know it from looking at me. This is why I refuse all group hiking trips. I'd become such a liability.

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Are you scared to meet a bear?
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Nah, I have met bears, my dad handled bears. They are docile creatures, at least the Appalachian bears are. They dwell at the where there are many berry bushes, they love sweet fruits and honey. That is generally their territory, sometimes they are hunted.

Sometimes you have to hunt the bear because it is attacking crops or livestock, or in a survival situation. If you are camping in areas with bears, you have to seal or protect your food supplies because they will smell your food and come to your camp looking to eat it.
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>They dwell where there are many berry bushes, they love sweet fruits and honey.

Their meat is most similar to beef, is good for burgers. They really love blueberries and other berry bushes, will eat the whole bush. They are not endangered, but there are limits for hunters and trappers. In the presence of humans they are generally non aggressive and docile.
black bears kill just as many people as grizzlies every year (which is still not a large number but still). Make no mistake, a black bear will kill you for fun if it feels like it.
per capita
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Used 2guns last night.,
,,first gun-pelletsalt. ,,,,beareturns 1minute,, testing the screen Door?!NOWAY!!,DUMBEAR!,
,10mm aim just over his head from bed,
,WOOMPOW!,,,Thats LOUD!!,painfull andisorienting!!,
,,,,, maybeareturnature?

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I hate these motherfuckers like you wouldn’t believe.
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I understood that reference
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>anon is pepe
>venus fly trap maxxing
yes.. funny

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i go swimming pretty regularly at rivers in my country and every single time a family of fat retards are blasting shit music from one of these
it's gotten to the point where i'm contemplating learning something so i can make a signal jammer
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hmmm when i play my speaker near this weird looking white guy it stops working. yet when i walk away from him it starts working again

cmon bro they arent that dumb

just go at 5am

or nicely ask them to turn it down u want to be in nature w silence
No I'm sure it will work.
the worst is when the jeets are blasting music through them


always make sure you're not swimming downstream from jeets, i went to this waterfall area once and they were shitting in a tent on the little rivine and when they poured it out there was a pile of shit
They're mean :(

They're that dumb, trust me.

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Is it cringe of me to dayhike with my backpacking pack? I love the thing. It's super comfy, barely feels like a burden to me (weight wise) once strapped up and all, and lets me carry everything I could possibly want. Obviously I adjust what I take depending on the hike's length, but I find it silly to have to need to pay for a dayhike pack and a backpacking pack just to fit in. Is it really that much of a sin to just go out with my backpacking pack for everything?
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>he doesn't take his 120 litre milsurp pack on 40 minute walks round the park
Do you have your Rhodesian brushstroke gear on and a hatchet strapped to the side your pack?
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I think it’s worth the weight to take pic rel if I know I’m gonna be day hiking too
>10L pack

Just take literally whatever backpack although that is pretty good value.

Bought an intex sea hawk 3 and just tried out my new intex mariner 4. Used a 4hp outboard on it and holy crap it planed like something different.

It got really rocky out there and it was around class II currents but it just some how plowed through them. Thought I was'nt going to make it back to my car which was about 10 minutes away but it somehow made it. Worst that happened was I got wet.

How has this thing so strong?
>It got really rocky out there and it was around class II currents

It manufactured as a white water raft. If you do research they can handle up to class 3.

This raft isn't a terrible model. My friend had one and it was just as solid as my newport vessell raft
To be honest they're good for the price and pretty unique for their build i.e being able to smash through rough waters, how it sits like no other boats do

But don't expect to put anything more than a 4hp on it, hence why I bought a SIB form Boatworld which can handle 20 hp which smashed through anything
good god. I hope you're wearing a life jacket
I wouldn't recommend these intex boats.

I had a sea hawk 3 as well with a 2.5hp air cooled outboard which was basically a Honda trimmer with a propellor and I got stranded like it was some kind fo Bermuda triangle situation. I could go north western side of the river but when I tried to go the South Eastern direction id stop at a certain point and then my motor who switch off

It came down to the major fact that there was just too much drag on the boat and the engine also was not strong enough

Id get a Bris or something
I have one of these they're pretty good, I put a 6hp and it's extremely fast. I have a custom made engine mount for it

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