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What state, or part of the planet checks all the boxes?
>Great fishing
>Mountains (rucking hiking exploring camping hunting etc)
>beaches (fishing shelling kayaking etc)
>rivers/creeks/ponds (freshwater fishing kayaking etc)
>woods/forests (hiking camping hunting etc)
>fossils & gems/cool stones and rocks
>not full of niggers like in the south (NC coulda been it) or annoying soifolk like Oregon/Washington/California
>plenty of undeveloped land
>weather that allows for enjoying these things, but also a true winter

Alternatively what place do YOU choose which may have different criteria than mine above, and why?
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>Alternatively what place do YOU choose which may have different criteria than mine above, and why?

I like Appalachia. Everything is so green and alive and if you go on a cloudy day and there's been some rain recently the waters rush and it's a lot of fun.

The fishing is ok, they stock most the streams, but building railroads through every holler and along every creek changed the course of the rivers and dried up their micro-feeder streams.

The only beaches are on man-made lakes, but the water is warm (compared to a river) and clean.

The forests are a mix of icky brushy scrub where they logged and then it caught fire, but there's small patches of second and old growth where you can see the true potential.

>>fossils & gems/cool stones and rocks
there's nice rock formations you can have sheer cliffs of sandstone that you can get up on, under and next to. If you find an area where coke-making was prominent you can find a lot of crumbled brick, slag, and other rocks/metallic materials lining the old roadbeds.

And, unlike say Alaska and Patagonia, it's not a world-famous attraction so it won't be too crowded outside of the most popular things.
New Zealand. It’s fucking great here.
Depending on the weather I can decide to surf, whitewater kayak, tramp, rock climb, or ski, and be doing it between 5min and an hour from home.
>What state, or part of the planet checks all the boxes?
I haven't ever been to a place that ticks off all the criteria you've mentioned. However the closest thing that comes to mind is Sweden. I've never really traveled outside of Europe, but their nature is amazing, fishing is great and if you don't live in any big cities the chances of seeing any nig nogs are absolutely 0.

>Alternatively what place do YOU choose which may have different criteria than mine above, and why?
I'd choose Romania because the climate is just so great nowadays. It is always sunny, even in winter and the outdoors.... Is just incomparable with most of Europe. The demographic collapse of this country has made it so that more and more people leave especially the remote parts, so nature is taking over.
I can not count the amount of abandoned villages I have explored there. That little country has it all really, granted it is rather densely populated bit that problem will fix itself in the coming decades. The Carpathians are just a joy to hike on, not to steep not too hilly you can reach almost any place on game trails and backroads. That'd be my pick.
>or annoying soifolk
Unfortunately NZ fails here, also cost of living is ridiculous.

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Best city on earth and it's not close
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I wonder if some of what you saw could be post-covid problems, with a lot of the better instructors either giving up on flying or moving up into newly vacant real flying jobs and leaving nothing but the green instructors.

Anyway, yeah, I'm just gonna power through. Nothing comparable (community college flight programs) really seems any better for helo and at least COCC/LEFA is in the flying environment I want and offers pretty rare training like NVG and longline that you won't find in other college programs, and I'm both motivated and a fast learner with a pretty level head and good situational awareness etc. so I think I'll make it through alright as long as the instructors aren't complete fuckups.
Mt. Fuji?
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>Pic is Piatra Neamț
why do they call lacul rosu the red lake if it looks green
>Anyone whose not a whitefash Trump supporter
This is true, if you a "person" who enjoys broken infrastructure, high crime, drugrees wondering around everyone, human feces on the street, and a general unclean environment than Portland is for you. However a whitefash Trump supporter doesn't enjoy any of this
Romanians on general have a very.... limited vocabulary and capacity for abstraction, therefore we use basic words to name most geographic features. We have a goat lake, bat lake, green lake etc. Literally every town has an ad literam "main street", town hall street, iliac street etc.

It is just easier to remember than actual human names of the people who first discovered them, because these have always been the popular names of these places. I know that it is probably hard for someone in the new world to comprehend this but like, you don't change the name of a lake after it has been called something for 1000+ years.

So to answer your question, stupidity coupled with tradition. These two usually go hand in hand.

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>wins Alone effortlessly
Will he ever be mogged?
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>they actually take the TV show seriously
Nah, he's unbeatable.
You are just a simp
Jonas was having fun, everybody else in that season was struggling, barely surviving. Meanwhile this absolute fucking chad of a man is making funny videos for us to enjoy. Kills a fucking moose with one fucking arrow. Not a compound bow either, most bowhunters use compound bows with all modern tech to calculate distance and all that. This chad uses a shitty recurve bow and scores a kill. Field dresses that animal with a multitool knife. When the wolverine steals his food, he kills that thing and eats it. Meanwhile your lady can't do anything about the fox stealing her rabbits just bitches about it.
How so?
In my lane. Moisturized (by musk ox scrotum). Focused. Flourishing.

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Is it okay for the top soil to dry out for like an hour or two?
I know you have to keep it moist but not letting my top layer go dry for more than an hour in a warm, windy California city seems extremely difficult.

>let lawn dry out over summer
>removed Bermuda top layer with a hoe
>tilled soil about 6 inches deep very finely with rototiller
>smoothed flat
>scattered clover seeds on top soil
>watering 4 times a day to keep the top layer moist, sometimes 5
Don't worry, that Bermuda grass will come right back up no matter what.
I live in Phoenix and my yard grew and has maintained a giant clover patch without me even doing anything. I think it'll be fine.

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>camping resources in the sticky are UK websites
This board is dogshit
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There’s a small handful of know nothing know it all’s. They’re so dumb they don’t even know what they don’t know.
Not everyone lives where you live.
It’s probably 10yrs old anyway.
What do you even expect to learn from it, where to buy a cheap tent or jacket? Just ask on a related thread. Tdmyr
The UK users on /out/ are the dumbest, most aggressively retarded motherfuckers I’ve come across on any outdoor related forum. They’re also pissed off and angry all the time for some reason.
There'd faggots like this-> >>2784303 seeking reasons to get their (incompetent) pussy inflamed.
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These things are exploding in population. Why are they still protected? These are monstrosities early explorers feared more than cannibal natives. We had their populations down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back IRL monsters that literally want to eat us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology where we can implant each one with a paralysis mechanism if it's close to a human and has the urge to attack. Hook up a bear nuerolink or some shit. But letting these things roam free is a hippie delusion. Wtf are we doing?
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This…and the fact that a lot of the grizzly bears habitat in the lower 48 is surrounded by human habitat, which make for conflicts when the population is growing. The place is crawling with hunters at this time of year.
Whoa, that's intense.
cougars are worse
kill them all or better yet subject them to the evolutionary humiliation ritual that is domestication
can we just cull some of the worthless piece of shit parasite scum "humans" instead?
I love a good cougar

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hi guys I've started going out 1.5 years ago, when I started I was out of shape so I didnt do anything crazy, and went with a lower frequency, but with time I kept working out, rucking and now i got i good shape where i can complete expert infantrymen rucks in 2h47m which isn't anything crazy but its decent, and gain 1900m of elevation over 12km with a 45lbs ruck, I've always went on walking outings, tried snowshoeing, scrambling in summer, but never did any legit mountaineering shit, with crampons and ice picks, can you guys give me any advice or intro and where to look? I tried looking at CAI (Italian alpine club) but all the ones close to me dont have anything planned but normal walks, but I want to go with someone who's experienced for some times before trying alone since I've never done it.

also mountaineering thread general
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lol get off your high horse faggot
he's damn right, ice is no joke and someone without that respect is an extreme danger
I enjoy mocking you but people like you do really need to be forcibly put under control.
Your piles of surplus and a day with a guide won't buy you fitness, intelligence, skills nor good manners for the matter.
What do you expect from coming here? Everyone keeps telling you the same thing, you disregard it and end up being the only one paying for it. So far you've gotten away with little more than public embarrassment and wasted money.
It is likely someone practicing alpinism might have to rescue somebody buried under snow at some point, I cringe at the sole thought of your incompetent grubby brown hands laid onto someone in a critical spot.
You don't belong to Lombardy nor the Alps, there's enough detrimental people here.
suck the dick faggot keep writing walls of text I'm not reading and remember to dilate
It seems you struggle with self restraint, terrone. That's not going to help you get into alpinism.

My fucking forhead hurts.

hive is currently 7 months old.

no queen cells visible. added Apivar mite strips. added a feeder cake that wife made yesterday.

we did not see signs of infestation, but a gram of caution vs kilo of cure. we did see one small egg sack from silk moth, and small silk web, possibly 5cm×6cm area on very top outer edge of hive lid, just as the cover is lifted off.

lots of honey stores, lots of capped cells. lots of workers. and one particularly pissed off tiny twat... RIP.

we will add a honey super late winter / early fall.

We have done our best to set them up strong into their first cold season. it can get BRUTAL cold here. I've seen it a far as -20c
3 days later, the swelling is finally starting to recede.

I looked like a skyrim elf and/or a Na'vi since Saturday night. 8 benadryl, three 20mg prednisone, 5 aspirin, and continous slathering of diclofenac, lidocaine & hydrocortisone and I'm halfway back to normal.

not allergic per-se, but I accidentally smashed the venom gland when trying to remove it, pumping a good dose into my face. forgot I was wearing gloves, tried to use fingernail to scrape out the barb.

good times.
Really cool Beenon. Please keep us posted.

I’m in USDA zone 9A. It’s subtropical and rarely drops below freezing here. Would that make it easier for bees? Not that I want to keep them, I’m just curious.
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My hive is stinky. I got to check it. Soouthern ca.

I could have saved it
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>imagine the wars that could've been fought
Anon. How do you think the ice age ended? The nuclear exchange duing the finno-korean hyperwar melted most of the ice caps
>Is it true the grasslands were all forest before they chopped it down and killed the beavers?
who is she? so beautiful, i wanna camp with her
stop watching porn faggot
These are bots.

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I started a series of peppers and herbs on my balcony early in the summer. I live in Los Angeles, in a very windy area. How much do I have to worry about frost? Googling shows me anything between December to February to March. Should I blanket them if it goes close to 35°F? I have a blanket heater I can set on low but I don't want start a fire or kill the plants.

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I'm planning on thru hiking the Appalachian Trail, probably within the next year or so to prepare myself and gather supplies. Any tips or tricks/things you wish you knew beforehand? I think I'm most worried about food resupply
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Get the most recent map too. I had a free map 3 years out of date and I got stopped by land owners crossing private property and went down side trails to town that no longer existed.
>good headlamp
Is not AAA based.
18650 has about 3x energy density as 4xaaa.
Fenix has such a headlamp.
Agreed on petzl being cheap.

>gravity filter
What's the point, it takes me about 1min to squeeze a liter through a sawyer. You have to mind the setup anyway so it doesn't overflow.
Agree that eating trash tier food for weeks is not enjoyable. Buy a dehydrator and prepare healthy actually good meals.
>What's the point, it takes me about 1min to squeeze a liter through a sawyer.
1) it takes 5s to scoop a bag of water
2) you can press the flexible bag up against a rock to collect from a seep in the mountains
3) by the time you set up your stove/tent you have filtered water
4) can scoop multiple water bottles full of water at one time and hang it at camp
5) you can hang the bag up in a tree and use the hose for hand washing or even a shower
I mean, compared to filling a 2-5L bag and pressing it through the squeeze, just leaving it to drip seems pointless. Especially when gravity slows down as the top bag empties.
I can press out a liter in a minute or so.

I actually carry a 10L s2s bag (the grams...) For camp showers and washing. I made a gravity system between that and a smart water but stopped using it as such due to above issues.
>free places
yeah they are handy, the church basement in the werid town with the bar, dam I forget the name. But that was super handy.
>definitely makes for a better experience
subjective, I only deal with mail drop if it's a requirement, like to avoid really long hitches. Otherwise I much prefer buying food as I go.

>water treatment
I'm a chemical user. Aquamira is my go to, I premix it in a little dropper bottle for the day.

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Going somewhere very hot 2 weeks from now. It is some bumblefuck town near Sf bay. There's practically no vegetations and it's just arid plains mixed with scrap yards.

Need a buff that can breath and doesn't capture much heat. Active cooling capabilities and availability on amazon would be nice but not required. Needs to be a muted color in shades of green or tan. Camouflage is undesirable but ok if the thing is good at cooling. No big logos over the whole thing would be nice.

budget: <$50
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My overall advice would be
>Just find the highest rated buff knock off you can on amazon.
>Find it in a colourway closest to just straight white.
>Wear it with a wide brimmed hat so you don't need the buff the whole time.
>Wear good UV blocking sunglasses
you are a special kind of a retarded fucking gorilla nigger mutt
learn from the desert people, anon

Spaced breathable cover is better.
bismillah bro thanks

Thank you guys, I got the buff brand one and it'll serve me good around the bay

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The chad vs the tryhard
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Archery hunter here. His implication about us not bringing home meat is spot on.
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>Nobody wants to eat a racoon.
>Anon doesn't know about the southern (black?) traditions
And no I don't mean this as a joke I mean seriously go look on YT for cooking raccoon; I had a list of like 15 videos with reasonable viewcount. I was actually really surprised but it was probably a depression-era thing like white families where grandma used to eat groundhog and opossum (which may have worked its way down the family until recently or still ongoing) but it was a thing. I'd try it at least once.
Blacks will eat anything. Grass Carp. Black Fish. Jack Fish. The biggest nastiest mud cat you can catch.

When it came time to castrate hogs, my grandfather would always offer to call in another hand, but his primary black farm hand would always try to discourage him because he wanted that bucked of hog nuts to himself and didnt want to have to split them- no joke.

But I don't think coon hunting was ever much of a culturally black thing here geberally speaking. Again it isn't hard to kill a racoon. The sport of it was running and freeing them with dogs in the woods at night.
Not everyone, but the overwhelming majority are obviously full of shit. I do hike in a wool hat that I knitted myself and it’s holding up just fine but that’s neither here nor there.
Hunting for historical reenactment vs hunting for autistic minmaxing
Both are valid for different reasons.
I like hunting traditionalists more than hunting tech bros. But I'm neither so i don't have horse in the race

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what can stop me from constructing an 1890s drilling rig in my backgarden
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You don't own your mineral rights.
Becase you wont find shit, unless you hit a sewer line. All of the easy oil has been pumped out which is why we do fracking. Go ahead and try it so everyone can laugh at you.
>libertarian paradise
>Economically illiterates
Yes, tell us more about those communist utopias

Most calls I've grown cynical, actors begging to be noticed. Today was out with a rancher who was dying. The only thing he was concerned with was the welfare of his animals after he had gone.
One of them calls that really hits you. Him pleading with contacting relatives and neighbors to look after his animals while dying himself.
It gets me.
There's not many calls I cry over
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I would take over for him in a heartbeat
Recent EMT school grad here. On a clinical, I picked up a terminal pt from a nursing home on a transfer to a hospital. The whole way there he told us how much he missed his ranch, and that if he didn't have kids he would have just stayed and let himself slip away. The only thing he loved more than the peace and freedom was his kids' happiness. Unfortunately, his kids didn't even call or come to visit him very much anymore. Poor guy gave up a happy rest of his life to spare his kids some pain. I get it, but damn. I think about that sometimes.

Point is, everyone's got something they love more than life itself, even if they don't know it till their last moments.

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