Homesteading and prepping With the way everything's going this is looking inevitable. What are you doing to prepare? Have you started a self reliant homestead?
>>2801708for as long as he hates himself
>>2801684My plan is to be one of the billions of casualties.
>>2801788I have no idea what this actually means but it sounds 4d chess and based
>>2801684once it was hippies who dreamt of homesteading, now its rightoid chuds.other than that its still the same, they have no clue, start buying up way to small plots of land, act all bizarre and eventually fail completely, but not before they ruined the house and land and have been a general nuisanse to the community for years.they should remain in their urban containment zones and leave rural life to us who are born here.
>>2801684i wish to inherit my grandfathers land but idk if theyre going to sell it. also all my uncles are in the way too so im kinda fucked
>You are going to survive the apocalypse in Alaska.>You have a rain jacket and jeans. >You can only bring one piece of equipment/gear. What are you choosing?
>>2804287>aifuck off
>>2804559What's wrong with using AI to prove a point?
>>2804287Since you imposed no limitations I would bring a 3 story fully integrated, ventilated and 10-year fuel and food stocked underground bunker.I understand the spirit of your question but what you asked is a fairy tale so you get a fairy tale answer.
Its kinda important to know for the LARP where in Alaska we're dropping in at. The North Slope is not the interior is not the south is not the southeast. Washington is not Florida is not Nevada is not Maine.>>2804559also this, especially since it was so fucking low effort
>>2804558Doesn't look terrible but I'd trust the Mora more. Also I wasn't sure if a ferro rod in the sheath would count for the rules, figured the Mora one was a better bet since the rod is actually integrated into the knife.
What can be done about the chaparral menace? It’s the primary fuel carrying the current socal fires. >not merchantable >grows quickly>can easily cause spot fires so dozer line buffers are ineffective >prescription controlled burns would need to happen every five years and require hundreds if not thousands of personnel to be effective
>>2800039(You) are.
>>2798965>what can be doneWe thank God and the universe for burning down LA. Fuck you pieces of shit stop coming here
>>2802538I got news for ya. If you hate Californians coming to your state then get ready for thousands more. Their million dollar mcmansions burned down so they're going to take their insurance bailout and come shit up your neighborhood.
>>2798965Realistically? Nothing. Absolutely nothing will change.
>>2800139Oh okay, so you're underage and have no idea how the world works and thinks we should be in some commie society that does everything for you. Got it!
Does anyone have any experience working summers on a national park or at a ski lodge?What are the pros and cons?
>>2804341>regular payment to the landlord for use of the property>thats not rentlmao
>>2803788forestry and trail maintenance
>>2803896Fire lookout here that was sent to fire school. Training was 3 weeks. 2 weeks in classroom and 1 week at camp fighting pre-made fire situations.Every year you'll have classes to add or refresh on like do what's right training.Lots of it has nothing to do with the job. Can't tell you the amount of times I've heard of people having to drive 4 to 6 hrs round trip a day to head to the main office to get a technical issue fixed due to getting system locked just to input something in their work pc.Be prepared to do the pack test. 45 pounds on your back walking 3 miles in 45 min. People have heart attacks and heat stroke doing this every year. We had a kid in their 20s die attempting it last year cause they didn't get in shape when they applied so take it seriously even if you're on an engine driving up to most fires.Our area seems to get more desperate every year and never able to be staffed completely so if you're not a flake you have a solid chance. I've seen people twice my weight get in.It's a good job for being a bachelor but unless you can drive home to your wife it destroys your social life for half the year.Mine lives 4 hours away and each summer I see her less and less because with gas last season was $100 round trip.
>>2803863Not all of the granola women are tame
>>2803876If you're not paying for lodging that's saves a significant amount of money. Fire season is also like 4 months dude.
I was once out hiking in the winter, wanted to make a shortcut to a road and stepped on the edge of a swamp that hadn't properly frozen but was covered in a deep layer of snow.If I had taken a step too far or in a different place I probably would have drowned as I can't swim
Rolled an atv going uphill over some rocks. The guy I was following didn't hear me and kept going, I went ass over tea kettle and was pinned on my back with all 4 wheels in the air.
>>2796390>mountains>get lost>climb'no' down is the word you needed here
>>2796390>panic and almost start crying because climbing back down seemed impossible without falling to my death>t. cat stuck in tree
I once went out to my backyard and use my pool without knowing how to swim, after a couple hours I thought I had a handle on it and decided to go to the deeper part, I was floating and doing fine and out of fucking nowhere I started sinking, a decision I made in a split second saved my life, I could've tried breathing while I was sinking and breathed in water and that would've been it, but instead I put my whole body underwater and desperately tried to push myself to the edge so I can grab something and float, thankfully I managed to do it but that's the closes I've come to dying in my life and I've done some wild stuff like skydiving and solo winter hiking with 0 experience. Fuck man, every time I think about it I get scared, I'm suicidal and don't mind dying, but fuck, that was scary.
>>2792904Reminds me of all the times I've taken girls on their first hikes and I usually pick a nice peak to get nice views. Well, I have this thing that I do when I want to fuck them, I usually pretend it's this really difficult peak and pretend I'm actually focused on not getting lost, and stuff like that just to make them thing this shit is real (apparently this makes their pussies wet) but at the end we get to the peak and I usually fuck them at night, or when we get back to the parking lot the next day. Some girls love it so much they're willing to let me put loads inside them, something about nature and acting manly and making them feel protected.
Post photos you have taken that are outside, but not in a forest or undeveloped environment. Interesting architecture, farms, power plants, dams, etc.
>>2782925where is it? that looks sick
They're gonna build more of these now. The people that vote for it don't live near them.
>>2804179I have so many pictures of this crap, because I have to go a long way to not see it.I'll see if I have anything else that counts as urban sprawl.
>>2796556Arizona's forests are crazy beautiful. Had no idea they were that massive until I went up there this december. I've gotta go back and hike Coconino sometime...
>look at weather forecasts for Feb>winter is basically over>avg temps in the 40s, with maybe a few lows in the 20s>only a few days of snow predictedThis is so depressing. Where can I go in the US that still gets snow reliably until like April or March that isn't Alaska and is actually cold?
Good. Fuck winter.>just for a walk bro!>spend 20 minutes getting ready>it's either dark or overcast> -20 degrees outside>50 mph wind blowing wet snow in my face>sidewalks are frozen slush Yeah real fucking fun
sucks to be (you)
>>2803380>it got chilly in Texas so the fact that places normally cold have seen on average 10 more above freezing days in January compared to a century ago is invalid, checkmate sois!You octaroons from the mid south are a joke.
>>2803871Move to Guatemala you spiritual wetback.
I live in Iowa and I like the snow, it makes everything look clean and white and it makes the night brighter and the city quieter. However, we have gotten less snow this year than FLORIDA and I'm despondent.
Why do i need snow shoes in winter? My boot seem to do just fine walking through snow as is.
>>2803513Do you have the mesh net ones or the 3 straps? I have the 3 strap system on my evo ascents and love it, feels very secure and easy to use
I bought $400 snowshoes to go snowshoeing on this trip I signed up to but we didn't get any snow so it was a complete waste of fucking money. I'm thinking about returning them since I'll probably never use them.
>>2803115There’s a whole science to it, here in Utah where there’s a big skiing scene, the Utah avalanche center tracks these conditions throughout the winter. Colorado, Washington, and Montana have similar orgs I believe. If you’re interested in learning all about it you can check out the book Staying Alive In Avalanche Terrain by Bruce Tremper. There are many factors like temperature and wind history, the amount of snowfall, whether there’s cloud cover, how much water content is in the snow, and how long it’s been there, aspect of the slope, angle of the slope, time of year, etc. Fascinating stuff, really. I realize I’m talking about avalanches but avalanche risk is wholly dependent on snow conditions, and since avalanches kill people that’s where a lot of the information is.
>>2803767please donext time rent a pair before determining if you even need/like them
>>2803906>avalanche risk is wholly dependent on snow conditionsI get what you are saying but the human element is a large part of the actual risk. making bad decisions, peer pressure, going where you shouldnt ect...
Realistically speaking what are you supposed to do if a moose walks out in front of you on the trail and turns and stares you down? Can you just walk past them if it's not mating season?
>>2804097Hilarious that a 25% tariff was all it took to make Canadians into die-hard nationalists willing to bleed for their right to import millions of indians
>>2804107>WAAAAAAAAAAH!>WAAAAAAAAAAH!Does mutt baby need a bottle? Always hilarious to hear the 50% shitskin nation lecture much whiter countries on how brown they are.
>>2804107The ignorance evinced by this post is impressive.
>>2801385Keep a big tree between it and you?
Has anyone here sailed from one country to another? How does it work? If I don't have a visa can I pull up at the dock of some sleepy costal town and walk in?
Sailed form Christmas Island (Australian territory) to Bali in Indonesia.Organised visa and docking permit ahead of time. When landed in Port had to put a quarantine flag up and then take the tender to shore and go check in with the naval/immigration office.I somewhere like Indonesia you wouldn't want to pull up unannounced and unauthorised into a port you didn't have prior landing permits for.Also, be wary of privacy. It's not a joke.
>>2803942I’ll use a vpn anon, don’t worry
>>2803853/out/ doesn't really do any outdoors stuff anymore. You'll probably get some troll responses and random off topic posts but you won't get much advice. You might have better luck asking this in /trv/. Or maybe try some sailing forums. Good luck!
>>2803853Check with Customs. They will tell you what is required to enter other countries and what is required to get back into your country. I sail to Canada from the US and customs makes me fill out a form before I go (to get back in) and all's I have to do is radio the Canadians when I near a port. Different countries have different requirements but your customs will tell you what those requirements are.>>2804075If you don't know the answer to something just don't bother answering. I don't know who hurt you or why you feel obligated to talk out your ass but here you are.
Any anons ever heard of ECWCS Gen III? It's what the US Military uses to stay warm.I'm thinking of getting the clothes to stay warm in hikes, without getting too sweaty.What about for skiing, do you use special clothes for that?
I'm young and want to start fishing, what equipment should I get to get started? I will be fishing off the cost of Northern NSW and slightly inland. Assume I know nothing.
>>2804299do research on youtube. people who fish in your general area. don't listen to outdated and/or boomer fudd logic. you don't have to spend a lot of money on premium gear, but also don't buy lowest-tier junk that falls apart after a year or you will just end up spending more in the long run to replace it, especially if saltwater fishing.
>>2804300>youtubeI suggest Femboy Fishing. Great content.
>>2804301why is this tranny being shilled so hard
Howdy, /out/.Looking for suggestions on good pairs and brands of shoes/boots.It needs to be versatile enough for warehouse work since my boss is the one offering to pay new shoes for our department.However, I figured I may as well kill two birds with one stone and get a pair that can be used outdoors.I have a secondhand pair of Cabellas boots but the tongue comes way too far up and it takes too long to lace.Pic related; old Timberland work shoes; my right shoe had a rip that spread the whole way across the seam and now more of the shoe is loose than attached, so I'm working with one bare foot.
>>2803453Keen Targhee IV ‐ good for feetses like ours they are.
>>2803453disgusting alligator hoof
buy bigger boots because your toesies shouldn't be all curled like thatorgo barefoot, it'll fit your feet
>>2803453Horrific feet.Take the minimalist pill.
>>2803845this, i have a pair of keen targhee 2 and they're basically as comfortable as slippersbeen wearing them for like 10 years tho
What's the best way to get into tornado chasing with the season soon coming up?
>>2802895Those are actually really cool looking.
>>2803647How actually common is storm chasing?
>>2802667>>2802697was going to say it's a weak spout and hardly a tornado before I read this postit's basically a dust devil at this point in the photo, cool as shit and probably not very good for your eyes
>>2803920>How actually common is storm chasing?based on the vid, and the people in the vid, a shit ton of people do it for fun. He litterrally asks everyone where they are from, and they are from all over. There have been a number of movies about it, so I think it helped boost the hobby. Pecos Hank is apparently a more professional type who does it every year. I was even thinking about it, but I wanted a sprinter van so I can just sleep in it and not worry about getting hotels.
>>2802374This one
>large septic tank sunk into ground, furnished into a basic living quarters >1 years worth of food, canned goods, nutritional drinks, vitamins, etc>lights are lazerbrite heads (heads can last 200 hours on just 2 button cell batteries on low), with a years worth of batteries >handpump well for water>years supply of booksrandomly thought of this today, how does this sound as an emergency bunker?i'm not really taking this seriously, and i doubt i'll ever actually do it, but i'd still find it interesting to hear what you'd think
>>2802068like how when people prepped for the hurricanes that killed hundreds, they were just "duped by scare tactics"?have fun with your fema meals, if you even get them, and god knows you won't have a single light to spare
Just buy a fucking sailboat and fishing rod, and head to the ocean. Why do people act like living off grid completely self sustaining is so fucking hard?
>>2777306Airburst nukes are actually very survivable with a properly constructed bunker.
>>2803221Because people that are actually found doing this are a minor incident away from death.
>>2803683the anon probably lives in kansas, next hes gonna ask why you can't just "swim during a flash flood"