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This is just sad
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Nonetheless, the east is quite nice!
it's the best terrain in the world dingbat, everything is just really far away so you better prepare your ass for the native spirits
Put the whole board on clutch
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what a terribly inaccurate topographic representation
i dont think you understand how gay you sound when you talk like this
What is sad about it? Elaborate
>posts a worse, 2 dimensional map
Nobody tell him
The implication is that the eastern united states lacks significant elevation, and thus is less enjoyable to go outdoors in
>go to the west
>go into the mountains
>nothing but trans hippies wearing diapers with shit in them living in homeless encampments

wow what an excellent out experience
Can confirm. Fuck off, our diapers are full.
Yeah nah fuck off transplant
Kek I love how people only seethe at this but can't ever dispute it

More like cuckzarks
>dispute it
Do you really think only numbers matter?
I occasionally like to check in on /out/ every six months or so to make sure there's one of these faggot east vs west threads going. I always intend to start one then skitter away if there isn't, but I've yet to have the opportunity.
In summation, you guys are fags.
Ok so here's the out sticky for reference:
We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)

There have been like 2 threads about east coast hiking in the past few years here that are actually about real specific trails people are so obsessed with gatekeeping "omg overcrowding" that despite there being 100 million people within a day's drive of eastern forests/hills, there's absolutely ZERO discussion about comparing trail experiences and conditions here

like people would rather have just troll threads and gear threads than u know actual discussion cuz then the 200 people who read this board would then crowd out every trail mentioned?
how many times are you gonna make this thread?
there is nothing in the west. the boredom and emptiness is not redeemed by the mountains
I always wonder in the most empty parts of the east if I'm gonna ever find a random camp or hidden dwelling in the forest. It seems like the perfect place to just have some random project or house or military project or something weird but I never find anything.
Brutal mog.
Seething won't save you now, bud.
tons of places like that in new jersey
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this is what 50% of the western "mountains" looks like. no this picture wasn't taken in the fall or winter. no these trees were not burned. they are literally diseased. a bunch of sparse diseased pine trees... lmfao! the west is superio-ACK!
I am surrounded at all times 360 degrees by mountains, forests, canyons and deserts

I cannot open my eyes without seeing something beautiful

Thrse views are all possible from my front porch

I bet when you go outside you see black people
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>my one random picture taken from inside the car is representative of 50% of the West
Holy fuck. You are resorting to a new low even for you
>even for you
So, you are admitting that you are schizophrenic. That would explain all the falsehoods you tell and ignorance you exhibit I guess....something has to be the cause
I dont know who you are or who you think i am. I am also Nta that posted the image.
I dont know who you are or who you think i am. I am also Nta that posted the image.
Do east coast “outdoorsmen” really? I know y’all’s national parks have McDonald’s in them but like damn
You just blew him the fuck out so hard hes gonna dig a hole
Why does mexico go down into a hole?
Alaska >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> West
The West, especially mid-west has way too many shitholes. Sure they all have great views but the towns are dogshit, god forbid you get stuck on an indian reservation those may as well be detroit slums tier with wild dogs that will attack you randomly. Alaska is a much better experience if you have the money.
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literally car /out/ is more popular in the west. that's where 99% of overlanding exists. you can drive through most of your state parks.
> jeeps everywhere
black bear pass
> jeeps everywhere
want me to go on? lol, you're literally projecting faggot.
sure thing Jose. I bet when you go outside you see your cousins Pedro and Juan.
this. westerners are LARPers for the most part. just look at how many people dress like a cowboy but have never ridden a horse in their life. look at how most of the people in wyoming and montana are transplant boomers who moved their in the 80s/90s after growing up watching john wayne and playing cowboys and indians. they don't realize how stupid they look.
>just look at how many people dress like a cowboy but have never ridden a horse
how many?
just look
You are fat
You are gay
You are retarded
You refuse to walk up hills
You require infrastructure
>not an answer
Grand Junction Colorado is much whiter than almost all of Kentucky
> projecting
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ok, now do the populated areas of colorado. kek
kentucky - 87% white
colorado - 61% white(which includes millions of "white hispanics")
Im just stating facts. The east isnt creating Xtreme athletes. The west does that. Why? Because you're all fat and stupid and just find parking lots next to trees and grill out. That is what you fucking retards max out at.
I have no reason to go to Peublo or Denver

I have a mountain range that would take me 1000 lifetimes to fully explore and every inch is whiter than Kentucky

"White" in Kentucky is VERY commonly a mutt btw
> extreme athletes
what the fuck does that even mean? snowboarders and rock climbers?... no shit! wonder why. lmao. post arm Jose.
unless you're talking about the only large cities in kentucky, you're dead wrong. the people there are literally only of founding american stock out of colonial VA for the most part. you have no idea what you're talking about. meanwhile, your state is flooded with californians and mexicans. COPE brownoid
80% Norwegian 20% Scottish, first generation Appalachian grew up there but my parents didnt

Moved out west it's 1000 times better a total fucking joke that you even take the time to farm (you)s because obviously nobody in good faith would truly believe the east is even 1% as good
You dont know a damn thing about Kentucky, "whites" in Kentucky are usually darker than italians minus the random blonde blue eyed country boy, which is fucking random and rare in that area
friendly reminder that 99% of the /out/ists that live in the western us are in suburban city centers with fast internet. their entire outdoor experience consists of riding their $3000 mountain bike down the community bike path.
> appalchian
literally nobody outside of internet larpers label themselves as that. you're full of shit. you are 100% latinx
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imagine making bullshit up on an anonymous image board
Yall a buncha quarter nigs and claim cherokee
Brother if you live out in for example Pulaski county and think thats white you HAVE NEVER seen the inter-mountain west. THAT is white.
yeah... coming from a quarter white claiming not to be a mexican
During my time in Kentucky I was easily the whitest man in any room
> between nashville and louisville and thinks that's what 99% of ky looks like demographically.
not to mention, that's not even really in the mountains. lmfao. motherfuckers wanna call everything "appalachia" when they are in the fucking foothills at best. hilarious
sure you were, that's why you're talking shit about rural white folks right?
Appalachian whites are the lowest of all whites, if your IQ is above 90 you will struggle have peers.

Lots of small towns are heavily mulatto. You are delusional, these were places that slaves fled to during and after the civil war. There are A LOT of these mulatto towns in Kentucky.

So you have shitty whites in the hills, mulatto small towns, and the major cities are just walking dead bullshit

Cool state I will not be returning
In other states the rural whites arent inbeed retards pretty funny huh
Canada has better /out/ than both.
you have no idea what you're talking about. you talk as if you have been all over the region. nobody cares about your anecdotal evidence from one shitty area, even though it's probably all a larp to begin with. lmao. you are literally the same poster that spams /pol/ with anti-scots irish bullshit, I can tell by your speech pattern. you aren't white
You may not have ever met a man as white as me in your life

Stop having pride for low people
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> b-but muh mountains
is that really your only care? tell me you don't enjoy the outdoors more than you like shitposting. imagine not enjoying the swamp, the place that filters the casuals from the hardcores. westoids will NEVER know what it's like to swim with snapping turtles the size of tires, venemous snakes, spiders, gators, and more.
To be fair I will admit I am filtered by the climate and -20 is easier for me than 90 and humid

I have wrassled the big turtle boys
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winter version
I loved winter in the south because I didnt get poison ivy and didnt risk heat stroke every single day

Poison ivy doesnt grow above 4000-5000 feet so its not an issue here whatsoever
>he lets that stop him from going /out/
The west looks better on maps and spreadsheets
The east looks better in the actual outdoors

Take your pick
I did /out/ in Kentucky to the highest standards of St.Daniel Boone(PBUH)

I am just also capable of honesty instead of just mindlessly cheering for my land, in pure Scottsman order.
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I love living in the South- I'll be in Minnesota for a few more days, though, and it's fucking cold here. I forgot how cold it could get here. Anyway, I love seeing wild hogs, alligators, and armadillos wander around and I can swim in the ocean whenever I feel like it and look at the little crabs that walk around on the beach. I miss Minnesota because of how hilly and spacious it is but overall, my home remains in the south.
The meta is living in a good olace and visiting the shitty places for the two weeks they are habitatable

But most people are too poor for that
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A new challenger appears!
Even out highest mountain is smaller than Appalachians. Sad times for high altitude aficionados.
*talks to you in a deep cowboy voice*
Sir, you ain't allowed to violate alligators.
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Thoughbeitlessly although
Reminder that Scottish mountains and Appalachia was once the same mountain range.
reminder that "scottish" and "british" people are island germans, and ethnically its all just german people in appalachia and the uk no matter what tribal stuff they tell you about it being micro-tribes of we wuz celts who got slaughtered by the normans ages ago
there is no such thing

Too bad most of the elevated areas in Southern California are just piles of rocks with barely any vegetation or wildlife.
>this is what flatlanders really tell themselves to cope
>noooo calling a desert a desert is coooooooppppppeeeeeee!!!!
Anon, the best forests in the entire planet are in the west. This is not up for debate.

Your grass and 40 foot tall oak trees is nothing, it's nothing.
How often do you post this same gif?
>he doesnt know about the zone of alienation
That's not in southern California you absolute dipshit.
Holy fuck he deleted his reply out of embarrassment. Westoids utterly BTFO
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Just reposting because I fucked up the rotation
It's about exactly at the halfway point
Old mf hands typed this
What the fuck does this even mean?
East Coast has all the bugs though.
East coast is trans btw
>hey that's a desert
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Americans, what happens here?
Cousin fucking and meth, what do you think?
anon posted a picture of a gorgeous view but wouldn't tell me where it was and I can't find it on a map
apparently he claims it's in or near st francis national forest
but I cannot find EVEN ONE
good, expansive view in the ozarks
Dont worry about it
Why do the Appalachians have more spooky disappearance stories than the Rocky Mountains? Is it because of the trees?
It's because of the inbred retards

These are depressed and stupid people. The invent all sorts of bullshit to entertain themselves. They have no fucking clue how non-human they seem to the rest of America.
Appalachians are extremely forested. Easy to get lost in, easy to go missing in, easy to get raped in, easy to get murdered in without being noticed. Appalachians also for the most part are away from most of the big east coast hubs. It's mostly rural people, small towns.

Out west the worst thing that could happen to you is if you manage to get lost below treeline, which would be impressive, or dense fog hits / blinding snow storm, etc while above tree line
>people going missing in the west
elite outdoorsman and athletes and something goes wrong

>people going missing in the east
some diabetic retard or drug addict
Mmmnnnnnn, quite.
Don't respond to bots.
why is greenland so high?
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It's a map of the United States.
You need to explore the forest closer to towns. There's tones of shit like that around all the quite towns in upstate ny
>there was no reply
flatwoods monster, moth-man, and the moon-eyed people are all roaming around appalachia, among others. what do the rockies have? slide-rock bolters are easy to spot with modern tech so nobody dies to them anymore.
green = weed. greenland = so high. dude lmao.
As somebody who lives in the southern Appalachians..... whays the difference? I've seen that in both ranges.
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Every single individual in this thread sucks massive dick, just want yall to know that no matter what side you're on that your just a massive dick sucking faggot.

This can't be argued against either.
I've literally never sucked a dick of any size.
We know you secretly aspire to.

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