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Most of the outdoor gear we buy today are all manufactured in China, and just imported, assembled, local logo slapped on, and marked up for 3 times the price. What are some outdoors gear and gadgets you've bought from Chinese websites that turned out better than expected for your outdoors need?

It's that time again guys. Post your Chinese gear hauls or experiences with gear that turned out to be trash.
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Are the tents from aliexpress any good?
The only things I buy on ali express are ryzen processors and knockoff watches. I have been looking at the pagani speedmaster that costs $60 and has a seiko quartz inside. It's $100 on amazon and $60 on ali express. I would buy their clothing though. Sauce zhan is supposed to make good jeans and tee shirts that are comparable to samurai or iron heart. I haven't heard of some chinese fjallraven knockoff making vidda pros for $50 though and I definately wouldn't trust a tent or multitool unless they are specifically a high quality brand who deliberately is trying to undercut at a decent quality level and 1/3rd the price rather than a complete unknown selling a tent for 1/20th the price.
Fuck china seriously. Sadly some stuff from the US is actually imported from china already plus the retarded US taxes.
Why ryzen processors? And why does aliexpress sell them? Don't you want to buy them brand new?

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