Tired (literally) of being a sidesleepercel and want to become a backsleepingchad so I can sleep for more than 3 hours before my shoulder/legs go numb and wake me up. Anyone successfully done this?Will my unconscious self betray me and flip over to my side regardless?Should I just resign myself to the extra pound to carry a thicker sleeping pad?
>>2805364I can't sleep on my side. And no one will let me cuddle them.
>>2806096I’ll let you cuddle me
>>2804380The thing is sleeping flat on your back is actually horrible for your spine even with a pillow and any range of firm or hard mattresses People in ye olde days knew to sleep at an incline and good luck doing that without some soft stuff like pillows or a mattress that goes up and down
>>2805364Extremely Gay
Skill issue
I'll be spending a week in Vermont this September or October.Give me the best spots and trails to hit up, I will not be paying for a hotel. Thinking about hitting Green Mountain National Forest and Lake Willoughby at least, thinking about Smuggler's Notch and Mount Mansfield as well.t. am a leafcuck
>>2803469Rutland is a shithole but a cozy shithole if you live hereBennington is mehBurlington is a fucking travestyits not super bad but compares to what it was like 20 years ago just gives me such a bad vibe I cant stand being thereBasically all towns in Vermont over 2000 population are either rich liberals that cater to tourists, or opiod shitholes
Im Black. Can I go to Vermont?
>>2806362According to the democrat party, you're not smart enough to get a driver's license. So going to Vermont is unlikely for you as driving or buying a plane train or bus ticket requires ID.
>>2806351No offense, but rutland is just a shitholeVermont has a lot of towns with sticks so far up their ass its unreal, and towns where theres no money from out of state.Burlington is an absolute failure of govtRutland is the worst of the last 50 years of american development but all on one corridor cuz its in a valley. I hate woodstock so much. So many cars from out of state crawling 9 miles an hour below the speed limit that need to just be put down. Stowe area and much of 100 corridor just out of state money and out of state fucktards that need to be put down.Most of the rest of the state is largely just poor people trying to make it, but thank god we get to live here rather than anywhere else.Coyote and squirrel hunting is legal all year round, so unless land is posted you can walk around anywhere during the day. Not at night. This is also a law of the land type thing; honestly i would try and avoid private property. You may think you are just innocent and shouldnt be bothered, but if I come across a person and a tent in my woods im gonna shut that shit down as effectively as I can. App gap, vt 17, lincoln gap and 125 have more soul than the notch. Middlebury sucks. Just stick to the national forest. Hit bars or breweries, hill farmstead will be good im sure but its stick up the ass territory. Dont idolize any of it.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Green river resevoir is good, willoughby is good, i like east of the greens more than the west generally and farther south more than farther north generally, but its a little hard to explain where the good shit is. The guy advocating for norwich area sounds like kinda a shithead but i like that area. I worked all over the state doing solar shit for a few years.
I found this washed up on the beach. It's hard and doesn't smell strange. Can you guys help me identify it? It's been bothering me for almost three years.
>>2806248Probably genus Batomys dumbass
>>2806193Spaghetti set in a ball of concrete and then hucked into the water at the beach so the normies think they got somrthing special when they’re collecting sea shells
>>2806193Whale remains
>>2806193Bro that's noodles covered in plaster.
#519- “Stale Bread” EditionPrevious Thread:>>2795992janny pls…Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here! http://www.pastebin.com/u/fishingandtacklehttps://imgur.com/a/1Xw3NNew Bong Fishin Guidehttps://pastebin.com/sDB5SQTqFirst for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2806182that adds up. less opportunity for salmonids for me and lots of inland lakes that are obnoxiously bass filled, I respect it bigly tho. I do enjoy the rainbow trizzout and Chinook I get on the yearly excursions, but pulling out a sick bass lounging on a boat on a lake no worries in the world is absolutely a good day
Today I lost one decent squid because I didn't bring the net.
>>2806116Set yourself a new goal, something that will take time to reach like "catch and eat every species of fish in your state/province/country." Depending on where you live, that could keep you busy for many, many years.
I havent used my rods since OctoberLiving in North East NJ is suffering, warm up please. And no I will not fish the Hudson I don't want to turn into a supervillain
>>2806360At least you're not in DE.
Fall is here, and with that, wool weather. Post your recent scores.Topics include:>alpaca>bison>merino>cashmere >tartans>waterproof Irish sweaters>anoraks>touques and hats>pants>budget-score 100% wool work socks>blankets>army surplus finds>washing and careComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2804335Yep hahaha, New Zealand fabric and Chinese worksmanship gives Swanndri very attractive prices. God's willing, by the end of the century not even bricks will be produced in cessmany anymore.
>>2804351>Chinese worksmanshipDude, just stop.
>>2783761>crossing a glacier in jeanssyntheticfags btfo
>>2804364Fuck you gonna do about it? Nothing! Hahahaha they serve the exact purpose they are made for at a fraction of the price. Of course I'd prefer them to be made in New Zealand or Europe (not cessmany), but then the price would be higher. Germ swines are ignorant and irrational.
My sweater elbows split again.It's literally over.
Whats stopping you from bugging out to Alaska and paragliding every day
>>2805657>Whats stopping you from bugging out to Alaska and paragliding every dayMostly 2 things1: not wanting to go to Alaska2: no interest in paragliding
>>2805657I'm not a fag and I actually like where I live. That sucks for you, I guess.
>>2805657don't much care for Alaskan mosquitos. winters there are kinda weird. sunlight too, sorta all or nothing. for sure beautiful if you visit at the right time though
>>2805657I have no money.
what strange / spooky stuff have you seen?once when i was in the desert, there was a telephone pole, on it looked exactly like a 10ft tall bird of prey, just eyeing me downit was about a good 5min of walking, which felt like forever, just to see that it was a transformer that looked weird, none of the other poles had it eithersounds dumb, but it really did look exactly like a gigantic human sized hawk, and the "head" even seemed to follow you too, really interesting illusion, since it also hit all the primal parts of the brain that gone "you're about to be fucking eaten by a bird!!!!!!"a year or two later, when i was gonna take a picture, it was gone, which adds a strange air to "it was right there, i tell you!">inb4 go to /x/ for this shiti want real stories, not >i smelled the rotten shit fart gas, and my best friend was turned into a skinwalker, and then i pulled out that gun from videogame and blasted it, dude trust me
>>2802579No particular order: human traffickers, extremely aggressive moose, fresh abduction site where two teens were taken for presumably Molochite sacrifice, a bunch of city-slickers in my super-sekrit camping spot for an archery catalogue photo-shoot (fuckers), an erratically acting lone caribou that was not happy with us, the day where something followed us out of the mountains for about 150 miles (never saw it though, so doesn't really count), and once a set of record-breaking moose tracks followed by a set of record-breaking grizzly tracks followed by a set of record-breaking wolf tracks. That one was funny, I didn't follow them though.
>>2802589I went camping when i was like 12 with some friends in his backyardwe heard shit circling our tent, sniffing at itmustve been coyotes but we were scared i had to take a shit really bad but didnt want to go outsidei shit a little in my pants and then stuck my ass out the flap and shit outside the tentthen went to sleepin the morning whatever was circling the tent ate my shit
>>2802579Kek!>>2802680Straight flexin on em!
>>2803745Ive seen something like this, wasn't really in the woods, on the side of the road in a rural town thoughturtle, deer, possum, squirrel all standing in a circle looking at each other as I rode by on my bike
When I was a kid around 9 I was walking a local trail alone and this mangy fox followed me for about 20 minutes on my way out.
Anyone run these liquid fuel bottle stoves? How are they vs traditional disposable gas bottle stoves and what fuel do you run on them?
>>2803796>I think Machine Sich in Ukraine still makes stoves like that, though. At least that's where most gasoline burners in EU are smuggled in from.Source or website? Any pics or material on building one?
>>2803796>>2806372Found some material on the Motor Sich ones. Had no idea anyone still manifactured them. Have you used any of those self-contained designs yourself?
>>2797540they where standard issue in the army and why they still got a huge following. cumbersome, maintendance heavy but would run on any kind of liquid fuel you might encounter in a war/zombie scenario. wouldnt bring it on a hike, would definetly keep one if i was a prepper.
>>2806372>machine sichActually motor sich. Sorry, got the names mixed up. Since they're ukrainian, all their stuff is in kyrillic, but there's resellers on amazon, ebay etc.One example:https://www.amazon.com/Gasoline-Motor-Sich-Primus-touristic/dp/B06XR8TRNZAnother:https://www.ebay.de/itm/186508967000>>2806373>Have you used any of those self-contained designs yourself?No, I don't have any pressurized stoves, I've just seen other people make and use them. Personally, I'm sticking with gravity feed systems. Those just seem a lot safer to me.
how does it feel to be absolutely mogged by a 80 year old woman who lived alone in the mountains of the northwest her entire life. Dick proeneke's life sounds like childs play compared to hers
>>2806364Am I supposed to know who this is?
>>2806368if you were a real /out/doorsman then yes. >lived alone with few possessions not even a tent nor sleeping bag and without shoes for her feet or a coat for the cold Chilcotin winters. All she had was a stocking cap, black cotton stockings, moccasins, a skirt she made herself and a tattered men's sports coat which was given and one blanket! She did own a rifle, two old frying pans, a few pots, a knife, fork and spoon and a double-handled axe. She took, from her marriage, a share of the family cows and pastured them in wild meadows. In winter she fed them with hand cut hay from the grasslands. She did apparently have some horses, but they were unable to survive the harsh conditions she lived under.To survive and feed herself she hunted moose and deer, snared squirrels and birds to roast over her fire. She caught fish, dug up wild potatoes and picked berries drying them for winter. She traded squirrel pelts for sugar, flour and tea at the Tatla Lake store and in 1959 her life go a little better when she got a small pension from the government which was held for her at the store.She was an amazing woman in many ways, but what astounded people of that day was her ability to withstand the cold. People tell of watching her casually take off her moccasins in the middle of winter and dump the snow out before replacing them on her feet. In the deepest winters where the snow was many feet high and the temperatures would drop to -40 she could be seen huddled beneath a small tarpaulin beside her campfire. People who tried to take her in say that she did not like to be in the warmth and would retreat back outside finding comfort in the cold.
>>2806369i wonder if she had a genetic thing
>>2806369>People who tried to take her in say that she did not like to be in the warmth and would retreat back outside finding comfort in the coldLiterally me
>>2806364the west Chilcotin territory she lived in was rich with game in the summer, there was plenty of trade with the Bella Coola bands on the ocean only a few days journey west. The winters were and are still brutal out there, Puntzi Mountain to the east is often the coldest place in BC. There were all sorts of small scattered camps of a few families each all over the region even into the recent times, mostly ranching or running packing for hunters.
what tents you all use? post pics. no hot tents.also, im a hobo currently using a tarp, saved up money and was thinking of getting the wild country helm 1 (picrel). would be nice to have an actual closed space at night. anyone have experience with wild country tents? i will put a tarp over it for extra protection.
>>2806330>>2806345The old model of the woods A frame is on sale for a massive discount, likely due to this supposed updated model coming out soon. https://www.als.com/woods-aframe-3person-3season-tent-10505113/p?idsku=1565403®ion_id=4453554&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA8Lu9BhA8EiwAag16b645xEciEOtsJHtyloj-VIL_ade-VVyURBmZS2DGYgTYLNpPFsw86xoCknsQAvD_BwELink to the sale for anyone interested, a quick Google search gave me a reddit thread where people report that this online retailer is legit and has existed since '91. So a great deal for anyone wanting an A frame for $40
>>2806350Kek, I came across those guys and had the same reaction when I saw the price.I checked them out and they have an active social media presence so they seem to be fully legit.They have a real building and everything, all comes back to that website proper.
>>2806355They also have the 6-man version of the tent on sale for $60. Looks like a no-brainer for packing a queen air mattress when the woman comes along
>>2803558been pretty close to getting the F2 too, but the source i can get it from only has Khaki, and i hear it requires a boatload of seam-seal, could be a fun project though
>>2795864For Spring through fall I use a Life-Figher 2 person tent. But I'm looking into getting a hot tent for winter trips. Anyone got some good recommendations for a 2-3 person hot tent under $200?
How are we holding up, federal land management bros?
>>2806316Wildland fire fighters and others in that industry start most forest fires themselves. It's just logical. If You turn solving a problem into a career, you've guaranteed that the problem will never be solved, you've financially incentivized the promotion and exacerbation of the problem. You're asking someone, who has a mortgage or rent payment and bills to pay and mouths to feed, to work themselves out of a job. Guess what they're absolutely not going to do? Solve the problem and be unemployed as a result is not on their to-do list, I promise.
>>2805982we already have enough gorgeous wood houses and they sit empty unusedthe trees are more important than jews
>>2806319I fucking hate jews but this is such an ignorant hippie tree hugger take. You want an actual environmentally beneficial take on it? Trees are carbon based, they survive off of CO2, they pull co2 out of the atmosphere and lock it up tightly inside the wood. Forests that aren't responsibly managed burn. That's just nature. Pinecone's are literally engineered to jettison their seeds when exposed to the heat of a forest fire. The natural cycle in a world devoid of human influence is designed to cycle between forest growth and then fire cleansing. Letting these trees burn releases all that carbon in the wood back into the atmosphere. Logging companies have a capitalists financial motivation to responsibly manage the forest, clean the forest floor and prevent fires. Responsible Logging also has the cleansing benefits as forest fires, but instead of releasing the carbon back to the atmosphere, it stays locked up in the lumber that gets turned into homes and buildings where it stays locked up for hundreds of years or until the building get destroyed and thrown into a landfill where it gets buried underground FOREVER. Sustainable Logging is better for the environment than smoking weed and chaining yourself to trees while shouting at loggers like a worthless useless dirty hippie. >inb4 you call me a logger, I'm an electrician and was a master technician at a Toyota dealership before that.> I have no dog in the fight besides wanting to preserve the forests I love.> I cut down trees in the forest for fun and for firewood. >You're a pussy if you've never chopped down a tree by hand with an axe.
>>2805855people in my state are throwing a hissy fit they wont be getting 25 million to repave a 2 mile section of road in a ski resort town where the road isn't even in bad shape literally poor people subsidizing rich faggot skiiers so their BMWs don't have to experience a tiny pothole at a ski resort
>>2805855I don't know if you can call it embezzling if it's being done so boldly and blatantly. Embezzling would imply that they are trying to hide it, or be sneaky about it. The people pocketing that money are not being subtle about it in any way.
On YT, you click on one of them and you get recommended several others. They all appear to be using the same inflatable camping gear from China, many thousands of dollar+ tents made for 12+ people by themselves, they all have Jeeps instead of domestic vehicles, and they all appear to be models wearing heavy makeup. RyuCampKirin CampUNI CampI'm sure there are plenty more. Are all of these Instagram-based "camping" channels becoming a trend? Are they all managed by a modeling agency? Why do they all use $15,000 worth of camping gear to spend the night in the snow? Anyone have any experience with these?
>>2806219Pretty clever having your meal pack itself in.
>>2806223I watched him cook this little MFer a steak on the glamping stove.
>>2806219Most of the YouTube "camping" channels are ass, sponsored bullshit designed to sell cheap Chinese camping gear off Amazon. A guy goes into the woods for a singel night and doesn't do fuck all in the woods besides eat dinner and breakfast. All the gear is Nature hike or Pomoly and it all came from Amazon. Im convinced these guys are sponsored, that or they're just smarter than me and YouTube pays them enough to justify buying the amount of Chinese garbage that they have in their videos. And the one staring a female camper are almost always an onlyfans promotion While also promoting nature hike and pomoly knockoffs of name brand products. It's unfortunate, there's a reason outdoorboys is successful, it's literally the only channel where they go out for more than a day and actually do something besides eat and sleep while they're out there.
>>2806255I can't wait to see Luke gape himself with a turned-wood + epoxy monster dildo. I want to see a fade from black the next morning of Luke replicating goatse with a raspberry Danish he packed for breakfast, followed by a real goatse ass spread. Maybe some sharted cooking oil too.
Say you want to glamp in the desert and you want to live in a traditional and small tent that is natural and non plastic and has a floor, which do you recommend that is like under $500?
>>2803828>Spoon feed me spoon feed me!!!Use your own fucking brain for five seconds. Google "natural made tent" like you did in your post, and stop wasting yours and everyone else's time with your retarded babbling.
>>2804377Not what I was getting at. I was pointing out that Anon has never touched a sewing machine in his life and was talking out of his ass.Your emotional reaction is very feminine. Stop watching porn and go outside.
>>2803828>>2804074Buy yourself one of these bitches that's in bad shape but still works. These fuckers punch through anything and are easy even for retards to new to sewing. I've made canvas pants and machete sheafs and done lots of repair work with it but never a tent--although I can't imagine tents being difficult beyond sewing a very long straight line which can be challenging for large pieces of material.
>>2803809A canvas tarp.
>>2803809>glamp in the desertYou want climate control too?>traditional and small tentCanvas tent>is like under $500?Not going to happen.Anyone who buys these canvas car-camping tent tries to sell them on FB marketplace for the same as what they got them too. They cost $800 and up.You might as well buy a van and camp in it. You'll need a vehicle to move a canvas tent anyways.
Who is going? WyaLocs you want it held at / locs you wanna avoid Stories from past rainbow gatherings
>>2801353She isn't.
>>2803539are you an mod?did you deleted her?
>>2803591Don't worry about it.
>>2806285They do , you dont know shit
and why dont they have a cyanide emergency suicide kit with them? I just heard about a guy who was trapped 3 weeks in a cave and died from starvation. Three weeks of total darkness and hunger sounds pretty scary.
>>2803933https://counter-currents.com/2013/06/the-faustian-spirit/>>2803935Your skin is brown and it weakens your spirit.
>>2803951>there was no replyLMAO
>>2803951>>2806256>only 1 person died this waytheres many nutty putties, many dont make the news
>>2803951simple as that manga of the people stonewhy tf would you do that? cat brains