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What do you guys watch when you go out camping?
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>pointing out delusion is the same as gatekeeping
i still think it's silly to go on a trip that most people use to unplug and get away from society and do the polar opposite for reddit upvotes and twitter likes.

captcha: hpvd
op has herpes
>anon realizes the point of modern camping

and moaning anime girls as you blast hentai out of jbl speakers at 3am to annoy the other campers
the really silly thing is living such a life that you feel the need to “unplug” or “get away”. only city dwellers who go out a couple times a year think this way. people that actually live and work /out/ have no qualms about watching something after the suns down

Hi guys long time no see but I need your advice, what's the very best option for a base layer for rain and cold? Is wool still king or are there better alternatives?

>Just get a goretex hardshell and don't get wet
I'm working construction for 10h shifts, I'll get wet and sweat a lot no ifs or buts.

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Thanks m9, am not a mutt.
Do so, what are they gonna do about it?
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>Do you know any making cotton ones?
Brynje makes cotton ones, but only short sleeve and sleeveless
How about the coolest base layer in hot weather? I've been sweating buckets in these last 2 months on the Dolomites, neither poly not wool seem to help.
Also is there a way not to ruin your pile with arms and neck sunscreen?
That is not a reason to get it wet or not protect it from getting wet
That's a niche bonus where something's gone to shit and now your clothes are soaked

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I have an avocado tree in my garden. Some of the branches overhang the street outside. Today my mom told me the other day she saw one of the neighbours stealing our fruits. Shes non confrontational so she didnt say anything. I asked her how many did they take and she said quite a few. She said the guy wore a military uniform and the neighbour right infront of us is military so its probably him or one of his friends.
So should i kick his ass? Im totally 'ard and definitely could.
Maybe you should prune your tree. Thanks for the free avocados.
if the fruit can be reached from the public road without trespassing, you should consider them commons and not be a karen about someone picking them. like >>2758457 said, prune your tree if you dont like it

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I've been lurking here and there for a few years now and I keep seeing people going seemingly to the middle of nowhere (miles from any signs of civilization) to very beautiful sights. I grew up very sheltered and leashed and so most of my outdoor experiences were spent less than half a mile from my parents' car parked near a 'scenic drive' road. I was a very adventurous kid and even had some experience gym climbing but my mother was deathly afraid to let me do anything riskier than a steep hike.

Ever since moving out, I've been trying to get out and hike more and I'm lucky enough to live in an area where it's really very beautiful, but I've never really understood how people go to the middle of nowhere. I know how ridiculous it sounds to ask, since the answer is probably just "you just fucking go", but how do you guys find/go to some of these places? Do you have GPS or maps or something? Do you just wander until you find somewhere you like or does someone give you a recommendation?

In a couple of weeks I'm going to Norway for about 5 months for my job and I've seen some of the natural beauty and so I don't want to miss out on anything doing normalcuck shit. I'd also appreciate advice on what to see there (past just the default answers like fjords)

picrel: meadow from sequoia natl park
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youre the only one starting a thread based on your own pure ignorance and putting it on display, ironic
Drive to middle of nowhere, get of car and walk.
>if you think it's easy to get there you're woefully ignorant.
Its very easy usually. As long as the weather is good.
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>put one foot in front of the other

Alternatively just fork up the cash to be dumped of where you want by helicopter

>pic related
>Shot by a boomer owning the land
>Car left on the side of the road towed away

>hikes entire pct in sandals
>single pair used over 2800 miles. 4500 eurotrash measurements.
good luck getting a thousand out of your trail runners.
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>I am too stupid to understand anything you wrote
FTFY. Seriously, why are you commenting on something clearly beyond your intellectual depth in the first place?
I tip my fedora to you good sir. Have a nice day.
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I just wanted to talk about sandals and some science cultist just had to star reading lines out of their bible. Embarrassing really how few science cultists can't comprehend that science is loaded with imaginary and infinite constants and that all measurements are relative.
You know the Roman army ended up replacing caligae with boots eventually
NTA. You’re a faggot.

First, you don’t know what Reddit spacing is. It’s using extra spacing for emphasis.



Reddit spacing



Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Climate change really bums me out
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>is a lie told by climate activists to control your behavior
this is maga-tier cognitive dissonance
I was talking about climate change, thanks for proving my point. A major section of land covering Five states was covered in the fallout from the complete climate shift of the midwest after the coastal and inland forests were decimated.
I think you're either really dumb or a complete liar if you're trying to pigeon hole what I said about the 1930s temperature plot into urban heat zones.
You can directly correlate the removal of wetlands and thinning of forests from 1700 to today to the shift in weather patterns in north America.

It's not really about min or max temperatures at all--it's about the shifts in where the averages fall.

North america gets "about" the same amount of rain but now it gets it all in the spring and fall instead of being evenly distributed about the fall and all summer is drought--that's climate change not an overall aggregate temperature increase.
>Anthropogenic climate change is the truth heavily manipulated by mega corporations to tie man made pollution and weather pattern changes to C02 instead of deforestation and the filling of wetlands.
>North america gets "about" the same amount of rain but now it gets it all in the spring and fall
>looks outside
this is not a factual statement. be more specific or at least be factual

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Hull speed edition
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theres lots
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lego boats seem to be an untapped trend on social media, hmm
this ones actually pretty based, i love the lapstrake style hull construction. very authentic and trad
I have a Raymarine st2000 and would like it to steer to the wind. They used to sell a push pit mounted windvane that spoke in seatalk that would tell the ap what to do. Is there a diy way to build this?

And why is it Idaho?
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>park is in the state
>park has the majority of entrances
>the vast majority of visitors enter thru the state entrances
>coping this hard
lol. ok.
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What a fucking faggot
>should of
ESL opinion discarded
>National Parks
>gets BTFO
>seethes even harder
>admits to being gay
welp, at least your honest

A friend of mine and i will go camping while visiting various cities and towns in Germany this summer for around 2 weeks and i feel like we have what we need but im not that experience with camping so i might be missing some stuff.
I also dont really know Germany and the laws surrounding camping and stuff there, i dont think there are many dangerous wild animals in the forest so i dont think id have to worry about that.
What we have in mind is basically:
>Go to city/town
>get there early, get a bus to the out-most part of the city/town without being too far and throwing our camping equipment in the middle of a forest.
>go back
>enjoy the day
>get back to the camp to grill and drink and stuff
>wake up, get our shit and go to the next location.
If anyone ever did this in Germany id love to have cool tips and read possible problems that may arise.
Our equipment is just a tent that you put on the floor and makes itself,a tarp for rain, portable grill, cooking thing to put a small gas canister, small pan, cutting board and cutlery.
(we also have other things like power banks and cellphones and stuff)
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>Socks himself in the face
A germ's parable.
Yeah man, read the room. Finns don't need german investments or german tourists to have an actual economy, why would they seethe at german discount supermarket chains.
Where is this picture from? Did you take it?
How ordnung muss sein are they about it?
If I hang my hammock in the evening and pack up in the morning and don't light any fires, if a forest janny catches me, how likely is it that he'll let me off with a warning? If someone else sees me, will they snitch on me, or worse, try to chase me away?
Also what's the legal status of pepper spray?
>if a forest janny catches me, how likely is it that he'll let me off with a warning?
Very likely. It's possible you will have to move though, which sucks in the middle of the night.
>legal status of pepper spray
Legal if it has a special german stamp "for animal defense". So best buy it in germany.

a thread for all that usefull pocket junk we carry every day

-whats in ya pockets?
-lookin fo´new stuffs?
-post about pocket stuff

we all know we like this stuff
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I got one, not worth it imo. the metal piece that captures the blade is just a flat spring with a notch. it comes apart pretty easily under duress. the notch should hook around or the spring should have more tension. it's a fun desk knife though.

thanks for posting this, I had been thinking about it too. wish the real ones didn't have such retarded blade profiles :/
Seeing as that isn't actually you, I suppose you carry another man's cock around all day?
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/fa/ is the only board with a watch thread, but they're too busy being elitist and insulting each other over brand tiers.

Is /out/ related watchposting relevant ITT?
Do you ever carry different stuff? Ngl, curious as hell.

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It's been almost a year since the last climbing thread on /out/ died. The thread on /xs/ is overwhelmingly focused on gym climbing, so I'm making this attempt to revive the general. Help out by sharing trip reports, photos, advice, etc.

A place to talk about outdoor climbing in any aspect (trad, sport, bouldering, aid, alpine, etc).

Rock Climbing is a dangerous sport that can cause loss of life, limb, eyesight, or sanity.


/xs/ thread:

Adam Ondra sends world's hardest trad route Bon Voyage: https://youtu.be/ji4At78H5Ys
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How many times will you ask the same question? If you need to ask, don't go.
i don't need to ask, i've already gone and took the picture. i already have my opinion (probably the same as yours), just wanted to check others, with the limited information of the picture, if you have any thoughts
If you start to slide near the channel you have a 50% chance of getting dumped onto those rocks, after all your limbs get broken. I almost did something similarly stupid so I understand the urge.
I don't have any kind of educated opinion, but personally I wouldn't do that without the ability to self-arrest
Bouldered on peak grit for the first time today, amazing boulders and rock that was really fun though i got my ass beat on most problems since im coming from edgy granite, probably wont be back for another 2 years though.
Im sad i didnt get the chance to climb any of the trad routes but i didnt feel like finding any partners for it.

-increased cold habituation
-increased fitness level
-increased body fat
there its that simple. also if you dont know how to swim yet in 2024 you are fucking retarded
>-increased fitness level
>-increased body fat
its not that complicated to understand, you need to find the balance between being physically fit and also maintaining a decent body fat percentage. think of the typical build of a polynesian seafarer compared to some body builder who is cutting for low body fat. the fat acts as a bio-prene internal wetsuit of sorts.
Good point. I was half trolling but also wanted to see your answer. I lift and sometimes I'm slim and other times I have bulk.
kek sorry anon just felt like being autistic pain in the ass
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Life jacket
They'll save your life
Wear it!
I do my best to encourage and teach people to swim. It is a life skill that changes people's life.

Personally I'm an excellent swimmer and can swim for hours and float with little effort. I do recommend a life jacket if you're swimming a lot.

If you're swimming in boots and gear, the side swim is relatively efficient and lets you manage the other gear you're carrying. Your ruck should be waterproofed to float and should be supporting as much gear as possible. But this is advanced stuff that you should only be doing as a strong swimmer and done with practice and have safety controls.

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WARNING: Far too many inflatable kayaks are just swimming pool toys. If you forget that, if you take them out to sea, they may kill you. They're made in tens of thousands on Chinese production lines that have no environmental protection, no job security, very little quality control and no knowledge of kayaking on cold seas. Amazon sells them. People sell them at street markets. Price is no guide - some supermarkets have sold 'pool toy' kayaks for less than £50, but some of them are offered as 'adventure equipment' for more than £500. That's a colossal profit margin for a cheap, nasty product. It's also a way to suggest that these flimsy, dangerous toys are strong, durable and safe.The main thing to watch for is that the shell of a nasty inflatable kayak is probably made of the same quality of fabric that is used for poolside chairs, and the parts that inflate are probably made of unreinforced PVC (vinyl) that's no stronger or more durable than a kids' paddling pool. The seams are probably RF-welded. Unreinforced PVC fabric and cheap valves cannot hold the high pressures that make a serious IK into a relatively stiff boat; unreinforced PVC is thin and easily punctured. It will become brittle with age as the plasticisers evaporate, and it can just split open where you had it folded up over winter. An entire seam can suddenly pop open because the RF welding fails, dumping you in the water in less than a second. A nasty inflatable kayak probably has a life of less than 3 years of summer use. They're designed as badly as they're made, so they're very slow, hard to paddle in a straight line and impossible to control in windy conditions.
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whatever you say fagman muh china brand seethe chinkpain anon
>if you take them out to sea, they may kill you.
Bro, you shouldn't kayak anywhere you can't swim to safely. If you do artic or offshore kayaking, that's advanced where you have appropriate skills and equipment.
sorry im not a scaredy cat homebody like you. how do you think our ancestors got here in the first place
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riding plesiosaurs, duh
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more like surfing on beds of grass

Bird watchers have recently taken over the banks previously used for decades for fishing
They don't share the space and camp out on them for hours at a time, preventing fishermen and migratory waterfowl from accessing the area

How do we get rid of this scourge
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>fish fags clogging up the docks when I'm trying to dock my shit.

Holy fuck and they don't even move.
What are you going to do about it frenchanon
this but relating to canoes/kayaks
fuck fishfaggot rats
birders are the bmx

kayaking with women is so fun and you get to stare at their butts when you stop for a break at the beach
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huh weird, both of my exes were pear shaped just like this. maybe youre just a virgen
This is an obvious troll thread and the person who made it is a janny who is not playing by the rules
Doing anything with women is the antithesis of fun. Women are not capable of appreciating anything but themselves. They even hate other women.

Kayak alone and you'll be surprised how much more enjoyable it is without a bitch in your ear complaining the entire time.
i find when i paddle alone women seem to gravitate towards me i guess im the mysterious gentleman kinda type
im OP and i love wide bottomed women especially those who enjoy watersports and going to the nude beach

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