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Recommend me some durable waterproof boots for rain and snow seasons, should be comfortable enough to hike for 10-15 kilometers/day in cross terrain. Budget is around $200, if they are properly proper I can go a bit higher.
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I'm going hiking in the Adirondacks and also either the Green Mountains or White Mountains. Similar terrain I think?
Looking for some new boots or shoes. I always just had Merrel Moab 3s but I want to upgrade.
I am thinking:
>Salomon X Ultra 4 low or mid
>Oboz Sawtooth X or Bridger low or mid
If anybody has an opinion on either for Northeast hiking for like, 10-14 miles at a time I'm interested. I tried them all on and I honestly couldnt decide.
the Whites are my home range but i regularly hike in the Green Mountains and Adirondacks, and yes they're extremely similar terrain wise

funnily enough, my current pair of boots are the oboz bridger mids, and my last pair were salomon x ultra mids. i absolutely hated the salomons and couldn't wait to get rid of them. i found the toe box very restrictive in those boots, and in really rocky and rugged terrain like the northeast has, that was not a good fit. the oboz bridgers have been far better. way more comfortable, waterproofing holds up, and soles grip well on the slab rock up here. only downside has been durability i think. I bought them last august and the uppers have a hole near the toebox already. i have put close to 500 miles in this terrain on them though so maybe my expectations are a little high
see >>2750400
>IF youre dealing with a light pack
This actually isn't true at all. I climbed to a base camp with a pack that was about 1/3rd my body weight with trail runners and felt nothing the next day.
>Salomon X Ultra 4
I've gone through 4 pairs of these and I love them. They fit my feet perfectly, unlike the other anon.

I hike with these and with a pair of water shoes, both from Salomon, both have the quick on and off lace thing. Makes river crosses really easy.

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Homestead General /hsg/
> Biochar Edition
> Thread #07

Talk gardening, farming, livestock, beekeeping, building, electricity and plumbing, earthworks, waterworks, permaculture, raising children, market gardening, selling produce, barter, home economics, composting, mulching, pest control, diet, health.
Anything relevant to living on site, making a home out of the land.

Old Thread: >>2676468
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grow microgreens for one season. then drop it because it's a joke. nutrient density is completely true. however, that means you have to eat basically sheets of turf to get the same mass as you would from eating say...a couple servings of broccoli. microgreens are a fine fancy thing to add on top of bacon on a hamburger, but thats it. youd have to dedicate your lawn to growing "micro" greens, when you could just allow the micro stuff to fully grow into the real plant like a normal garden.
Thank you and yes I have a light
I have a herb garden that I'm expanding (I only have basil and parsley at the moment) because I bought a lot of shallow pots. When I have more lawn space, I'll definitely take your advice into consideration
>you have to eat basically sheets of turf
So... A salad. I think you might have a better experience if you grow different microgreens. Cilantro, radishes, mustard, chives, nasturtiums, and beets are all very flavorful and you can use them for nearly anything.
No problem. Have fun with it.

-increased cold habituation
-increased fitness level
-increased body fat
there its that simple. also if you dont know how to swim yet in 2024 you are fucking retarded
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its not that complicated to understand, you need to find the balance between being physically fit and also maintaining a decent body fat percentage. think of the typical build of a polynesian seafarer compared to some body builder who is cutting for low body fat. the fat acts as a bio-prene internal wetsuit of sorts.
Good point. I was half trolling but also wanted to see your answer. I lift and sometimes I'm slim and other times I have bulk.
kek sorry anon just felt like being autistic pain in the ass
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Life jacket
They'll save your life
Wear it!
I do my best to encourage and teach people to swim. It is a life skill that changes people's life.

Personally I'm an excellent swimmer and can swim for hours and float with little effort. I do recommend a life jacket if you're swimming a lot.

If you're swimming in boots and gear, the side swim is relatively efficient and lets you manage the other gear you're carrying. Your ruck should be waterproofed to float and should be supporting as much gear as possible. But this is advanced stuff that you should only be doing as a strong swimmer and done with practice and have safety controls.
its ok bro i have ass burgers too

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Is it cringe of me to dayhike with my backpacking pack? I love the thing. It's super comfy, barely feels like a burden to me (weight wise) once strapped up and all, and lets me carry everything I could possibly want. Obviously I adjust what I take depending on the hike's length, but I find it silly to have to need to pay for a dayhike pack and a backpacking pack just to fit in. Is it really that much of a sin to just go out with my backpacking pack for everything?
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Do you have your Rhodesian brushstroke gear on and a hatchet strapped to the side your pack?
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I think it’s worth the weight to take pic rel if I know I’m gonna be day hiking too
>10L pack

Just take literally whatever backpack although that is pretty good value.
Everything about this post is cringe but for different reasons.

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Anyone have paranormal encounters while /out/?

Please share your stories
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>Has never been disproven in your path
You're face is nonsense.
Nothing paranormal, though the natural beauty of creation is from a higher power, which is supernatural.
I've been stalked by a troll (not the internet kind).
I've had things outside my tent that i cannot explain multiple times.
Go on..

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I witnessed a woman fall to her death today on half dome cables. Immediately turned around and hiked out.
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Toasting in ebin scream crap
No, OP was very strangely accurate. ~15 people have died on the half dome cables in the park's history. It's not like this is something that tons of people just get rekt on frequently like base jumping. To get this and the person's sex correct within seven days is beyond crazy.
He also got her build right
Yes, that too, considering the amount of obese normies hat are more likely to be killed on this hike and the skinny climbing hardos who are mostly the ones attempting this route.
OP must have taken a big hit of DMT and was able to project himself into the future. Crazy shit just like that dude who envisioned trump getting his ear shot.

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It's been almost a year since the last climbing thread on /out/ died. The thread on /xs/ is overwhelmingly focused on gym climbing, so I'm making this attempt to revive the general. Help out by sharing trip reports, photos, advice, etc.

A place to talk about outdoor climbing in any aspect (trad, sport, bouldering, aid, alpine, etc).

Rock Climbing is a dangerous sport that can cause loss of life, limb, eyesight, or sanity.


/xs/ thread:

Adam Ondra sends world's hardest trad route Bon Voyage: https://youtu.be/ji4At78H5Ys
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I don't have any kind of educated opinion, but personally I wouldn't do that without the ability to self-arrest
Bouldered on peak grit for the first time today, amazing boulders and rock that was really fun though i got my ass beat on most problems since im coming from edgy granite, probably wont be back for another 2 years though.
Im sad i didnt get the chance to climb any of the trad routes but i didnt feel like finding any partners for it.
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Despite slightly high temps I went up to Tahoe to try a boulder I've been thinking about for a while. Purple Sticky Punch (V5) is insanely aesthetic and was a pretty fucking brutal approach involving significant off trail wandering. Unfortunately I could not pull the crux, which involves using an awful left hand sloper and a super high left foot to slap your right hand up over a bulge.

Despite not sending the hike was absolutely gorgeous and the meadows were probably the most lush I've ever seen in Tahoe, Yarrow growing over 5 foot tall and the Lupins were going absolutely gangbusters.

Will be back in 2 weeks to try again, here's me in the meadows, will post a pic of the boulder next.
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The boulder itself, climbing partner censored. I circled the awful left hand sloper and the arrow points to where people I've seen do it stick their left foot. There really isnt any other way than to just slap the right hand up and in the sun and heat it just did not feel possible. Need to get stronger on slopers.
Fucking hell I hate mantling on slopers. That looks pretty high up too. No way I'd ever get on this but that's no surprise from a punter like me. Looks beautiful out there.

#509- “Do You Even #Baitcast?” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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You sound poor
NTA, the only way I'd use a live scope or depth finder is to scout fishing locations. This would be to familiarize myself with the lay of the land. When I'm actually fishing, I only want to fish, not look at a screen. I think it's behavior similar to eating everything that comes out of the water regardless of size and species. It's repugnant. But I'm not going to tell a stranger what to do.
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Do me a favor, buy this and never go on the water
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Us fat people know some what how to eat tasty food.
There are only few name brands that have livescope available. I only have a basic gps and downscan so I can't really help you. However, I make my decision based on what resource I can find online. Look up video/resource of how the fishfinder work, see if you like how it function. The more resource out there you can find, the easier time you will have to set up and troubleshoot your own fishfinder. There are only like handful of fishfinders out there with livescope so it shouldn't be too tough of a choice

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General thread for freediving and/or spearfishing, since I don't see one mentioning either.

My personal questions:
I've been thinking about taking a certification course so I can learn to do these things correctly and safely. I'm probably happy just doing the diving, but spearfishing seems like an easy and practical extension. I only casually skindive and rod-and-reel fish at the moment. Does anyone have experience taking such a course?
I know I'll need my own gear early on, but each instructor I can find seems to have their own equipment shops, so I imagine they wouldn't be impartial about the quality of other gear on the market. I live on the Pacific coast of the US, so I see that a 7 mm open cell wetsuit is strongly recommended. What good/bad features should I look out for on wetsuits and other equipment? For non-competitive diving, carbon fiber fins are almost certainly not worth the price, right?
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lmao, looks like china junk.
I've never used something like that or one of the tiny tanks, but I'd get a proper diving mask and snorkel and a separate tank with regulator and mouthpiece. that way, you have a good mask, no matter what and can trash the tank if it sucks.
they should last you maybe like 5-10minutes, depending on you breathing and depth. dont go deeper than 10m or so and remember to full breath out before surfacing, especially if it runs out unexpected and you get the urge yt go up fast.
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yeah shallow rivers with lots of smooth riverstone are nice but getting swept into a canyon or pothole would be a fucking nightmare

I would still be a little reluctant to use a mask in the ocean, some things are better left unseen
If you go deeper than a few meters with that you will die a very painful, and very avoidable death from the bends. At that point you may as well just hold your breath. With a little practice you can probably breath-hold dive for as long as that dinky tank would last you.
That kind of chink shit is endangering lives of the ignorant, should be illegal.
those eyebrows, holy shit

I've been looking around for a good hammock but a lot of the recommended brands I've seen in discussions either aren't making them anymore or are completely sold out.

Could I get some hammock recommendations as well as general tips for hammock camping?
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literally doesn't matter. They're all the same just the straps are different.
Get a two person, a bit bigger but a lot more comfy
Not that anon but probably 300-400. Thats 2 hammocks though and an underquilt. They are right though the 5 dollar blessed Menard's is almost certainly less comfortable than a proper 11ft hammock. The extra length and the diagonal position let's you avoid the curve and take pressure off your back.

Demonstratively false, but almost all the cheaper parachute nylon fabric hammocks are the same I'll give you that. Mostly because the machine that makes them tops out at about a 9.5ft length. On these the width makes up a little for the short length but if you're really sleeping in it spend the extra 30 bucks or whatever for an 11ft when you committed.
He's trolling, anon. It's the same as waterproof stuff not being waterproof or raw aluminum being an alloy. Just ignore him.
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are spreader bars a meme? seems like wasted weight
For the hammock? Like a bridge hammock? It definitely works and it's a shorter hammock set-up. Bridge hammocks are also easier to use a sleeping pad inside. The negative is that they are a little heavier and you have to carry the poles of course.

Just knives.
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Pull through sharpener hurts my soul.
Just use a dmt pocket sharpener or chink alternative, takes maybe 10 seconds more time, but edge will hold about a thousand times better.
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first and last knife
is that assisted
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Is the brush really that useful? Theese are my mushroom/foraging knives, ussually just clean up whatever I've gathered when I get home, probably should get the "mushroom" opinel huh?

a thread for all that usefull pocket junk we carry every day

-whats in ya pockets?
-lookin fo´new stuffs?
-post about pocket stuff

we all know we like this stuff
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thanks for posting this, I had been thinking about it too. wish the real ones didn't have such retarded blade profiles :/
Seeing as that isn't actually you, I suppose you carry another man's cock around all day?
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/fa/ is the only board with a watch thread, but they're too busy being elitist and insulting each other over brand tiers.

Is /out/ related watchposting relevant ITT?
Do you ever carry different stuff? Ngl, curious as hell.
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Sure, why not, I used to wear the DW-5600E, but I have upgraded to a Rangerman a couple of years ago, not having to manually adjust for daylight saving time, solar charging, bigger face etc is nice, I is a lot more clunky though

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Post your trailcam photos. This is the only thing I’ve captured in 4 months.
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It’s a coyote, no wolves in my area probably for centuries except in the zoo
must be somehwere hot. His short coat tricked me.
agreed. look at the difference in coats between>>2758021
and >>2719024
How sensitive are these things? The pics in this thread are pretty neat, but I feel like if I put a trail cam near my house it would just capture 500 pictures of trees swaying in the wind
they aren't generally triggered by movement but by heat signatures. this saves a shitton of time and battery and everything else.

I have a motion sensitive camera meant for indoors use but I have it pointing out the patio doors into the back garden and it just records all fucking day long when a leaf drops or there's a gentle breeze. my trail cam however only goes off when it detects heat, so a person or animal, sadly this configuration won't capture anything cold blooded so no gators or snakes and such

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1000 ft of elevation gain is plenty
anything more is superfluous and simply for poseurs to brag about
I’ve climbed many 13th and 14ers in Colorado and not one of them has a view as impressive as that of Cadillac Mountain in Maine.
but isn't cadillac mountain super crowded and like 70% chance of fog?
Can drive straight to it and it's in a national park, so yes.

how do you avoid these fucking monstrosities
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That is fuckin awesome
wingman... shellman
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I've spent more time than I can count wading around in ponds, sinkholes, creeks and swamps right there in there range, and I've stepped on mocassins and alligators and seen water snakes, snapping turtles, and soft shell turtles but I have never seen a single Alligator Snapping Turtle.
Had to push this guy along with a piece of foam I keep in my truck for this purpose. Their neck extension is so much further than I thought.

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