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Why are hikers so fucking chill compared to other outdoor hobbyists? They’re so nice and always greet you on the trail
As an avid hiker, it's because I don't like people at all, I'm not nice, if I say hi and keep moving I won't have to have a conversation with you. I also dress up like someone you wouldn't trust, on purpose.
>compared to other outdoor hobbyists
because other outdoor hobbies attract unlikeable people
sadists with unresolved masculinity issues
boring gearfag boomers
adrenaline junkie trust funders
no comment necessary
>winter sports
elitist weekend warrior richfags
>niche shit like birdwatching / foraging / metal detecting / nature photography
some combination of autist and hippie

hiking just attracts people who enjoy nature for its own sake
I've found it varies. Depending on the seriousness of the trail.

The more serious/remote a trail, the nicer the people hiking it are.
I typically do the more difficult trails with the better views and I have noticed there’s some kind of camaraderie with the people there, especially at the summit. It’s quite based desu
Antisocial piece of shit. It’s not hard to be friendly.
Hikers are the biggest gearfags of them all. Spending thousands on ultralight high tech high end water bottles and band aids just to save .046 pounds on their pack.
I don’t greet people I just give a friendly nod and move on. I’ve kinda just programmed myself to do that everywhere
Nigga i just a metal water bottle from target and my 10 year old backpack kek
I didn't go hiking to make friends. I am friendly, I regularly help people who are turned around, I bring one extra water bottle and a cliff bar everywhere I go etc. But people are not normal and generally self absorbed. No I don't want to hear about your kids, your dog, your mustang or what you do for a living, which is what these chit chat conversations devolve into. There are a few old men I see regularly and we huff a hello or nod at eachother and talk about trail conditions or wildlife as needed, thats about as much as anyone should need to talk about.
I feel like I’m the only blackanon who hikes. Every time I go on any given trail, I’m the only black person there
I hike twice a week on two trails, one popular and one more remote. I live in a very multicultural area in Canada. I have never seen a black person on either trail. I would guess

>70% white, 10% Asian, 10% Indian, 10% other
Where do you think you are?
Giga based.
>noooo only talk about things I personally approve of
This is why you’re an outcel
>I also dress up like someone you wouldn't trust
I need some pointers matter
i met my wife while hiking (shes black)
>Black friend I met in military gets stationed in my home state
>Next time I'm there I ask him how good he is at hiking (planning on doing a sort of dangerous one)
>"Idk haven’t gone hiking before"
>"Black people don’t usually do that"
>what (again)
>"That’s how they get you"
>o uhh... alright
>Go hiking by myself

But yeah I see what you mean. Or rather, don't see, because I hardly ever see black people on hikes.
Fishing is generally the only /out/ activity black people engage in.
Stop trying to befriend me
Utilitarian enough to look like a serious hiker while being pretty unkempt like a homeless person. I'm also hairy and messy most of the time, with my long hair bunched into a loose ball on the top of my head. None of my gear matches either, you get good deals on ugly colored gear.
They are cruisin for bussy
Everyone is using SmartWater bottles and Leukotape.
I wonder if because they're a few generations removed from the Congo thry have got some deep seeded fear of leaving the village because it really is a fucked up place in the jungle.
I use whatever 1,5l plastic bottle I bought at my nearest supermarket
I don't have this experience
bubba with a six pack is usually way more friendly than some bugman in 4000 dollars worth of Arcteryx who are often interogative and sort of aggro
Smart water bottles are fairly durable and work with sawyer squeeze.
No one owes you their time or energy, you uppity faggot.
did about 6miles barefoot today. what gear?
>interogative and aggro
In spite of being a big guy, this is my experience as well.
>be me, topping out Shasta at 11am
>be wearing tennis shoes and shorts, using my old bent up ski poles
>gearfag group at summit bullshitting in their $1k double boots and helmets
>leader stops midsentence, looks at me with googly eyes, blurts
>all NPC eyes are on me (I'm tall and mysterious, used to this)
>say, "You're looking at it BRO" and then wink at the closest qt
>much harumphing and mumbled WELL I CAN'T EVENs
>agressively ignore further inquiries, ignore the summit register
>fist bump random Asian dude like I know him from way back
>leave summit at an easy jog
This was at the turn of the century before the tourists knew you could go up the East side in tennis shoes. Even the ranger lady that sold me the summit pass told me I wouldn't make it, "You'll post hole the whole way". A pox on that dumb ho.
The summit group was visibly annoyed that I was up there in shorts and tennies, they wanted to give me a bunch of grief over it but I cut that shit off at the pass by being even more aggro, I was ready to roll the interogator off the summit and he knew it.
The hillbillies I talked to on the way down were cool and didn't care about my lack of gear.
>>2765410 go back to the hood
>hunting bad >:(

i literally go hunting in rags and a 20 year old 30-06
meanwhile every hiker i see is wearing brand new off the shelf clothes
Bought all my gear off of Facebook marketplace or in sales, I’m poor as shit and go hiking because it’s free and I started doing it stoned but now I’m completely sober and love it for what it is
I'll give you a "you"
>mount shasta
this faggot got ass raped by lemurians
2 seconds

if you have enough energy to hike or trail run, you have enough energy to say "hi" or "hey" and keep it moving if you're not up for a convo
but hunting is alright too
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Because of the implication
i'd risk my own life to save another hiker. i dunno what it is but when im out on the trails im at extreme peace and value other people that are probably experiencing the same.
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I too find hikers universally appreciate when you go out of your way to greet them
this is eithter north italia or a artefact in the mountains, how ever all the vegitation loves heat doesnt mean it has to be on a hot place.
can bee one of the coldest places you have ever seen yes it prefers very hot climate but it can exist wiht in -25°C winters
it likes -2 in winter andf +30 in summer but it can take -30 in winter and +5 in summer
it can exist as oasis in very cold climate
What a garbage take. You sound miserable
brain status: fried
Okay, I'm glad you hate me. Let's agree to not talk, normalfag.
Hunting is the most painless and humane way a wild animal can die.

Also how is bird watching niche?
what about rockhounds, surely they are normal people right
For me the trails are dogs are allowed are full of intitled assholes--the trails where dogs are expressly banned are full of the polite non assholes.
It is very hard to be nice to people like you--which is why I'm not. I don't owe you anything, Karen.
I see the problem here: you think you're worthy of my respect when in fact you deserve nothing from me but contempt. We both know you're too fat to do the trails I do though--so it's academic at this point.
Buncha 14 year olds in here
>Seething Karen is big mad she got snubbed on the trail today
Stay mad fatty. I don't owe you anything.
I think its a primitive psychological trait. When you're alone and far away from others it makes it easier to kill or be killed. People act like assholes on most public transportation because they know you can't just kill and dispose of them with little effort.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that too. What do you think is going on there? It wouldn’t surprise me that much to learn there’s some kind of discrimination discouraging black hikers since you know, society sucks, but I struggle to imagine what that would be. Trails and nature are pretty universally accessible, I’ve always liked hiking for that
Oh fucking save it for your sociology class, you nigger loving faggot
Imagine seething this hard over a post lmao. Mindbroken faggot.
not them but it's pretty clear you're the one seething, Karen
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>I struggle to imagine what that would be
Your lack of imagination doesn't prove anything.
yeah cycling and mountain biking guys can be super cliquey and elitist. Skiing as well is extremly elitist. I ski in snowpants that look like jeans and holy shit the looks i get.
Fishing ppl are alright. Hikers are nicer because its an easy thing to get into u just walk but I will say there are some asshole hikers out there or ones that think they are better than u and they literally blatanly tell u
Modern hikers are way more judgy about other people's appearance, clothing, gear, technique, etc. See the recent trekking pole thread for a perfect example of this. I stopped hiking on popular trails last year because I got sick of encountering judgmental cunts all the time. I deal with enough of that shit in society and go outdoors to get away from that shit. I feel a lot more at peace exploring obscure trails and backcountry areas where I know I won't run into these types of people and usually won't see anyone at all.
>Modern hikers are
If your point of reference this is 4chan
>See the recent trekking pole thread
Then you are 100% mistaken. 4chan is a minute minority of idiots who you'll never meet innawoods.
My primary point of reference is popular trails like Rickett's Glen and sections of the AT. I stopped hiking those kinds of trails altogether last fall and don't miss them.
Lol I just hike in shorts and tank top or shirtless, depending on the weather. I don't have any gear on me. Simple and clean, just like that
>there was no response to this
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Low resting heart rate from.all the walking innit
>Why are hikers so fucking chill
really depends on the region and trail

in my home town in central Germany hikers are typically indifferent / cold
same in some touristy spots in Switzerland
in more remote parts of Switzerland / Austria / German alps people tend to be very nice though

did 4 weeks on the appalachian trail, and there were so many super cool people
while other (popular) US national parks had many people that ignored you and were generally more unfriendly

in other parts of the world

hiking in China or South Korea is a terrible imposition
unless you are completely alone
people there generally hate you if you even breathe next to them
also Koreans loves hiking fashion, you'll feel like an underdressed hobo, no matter where you go

Nepal, Bhutan and India were all very pleasant
but basically exclusively European / US hikers
I genuinely don't know what the local hiking culture (if there's any) looks like

most other parts of the world don't get many hikers
or only have tours
like Kilimanjaro, which is a stunning ascent but only groups of Europeans / US and their guides / porters
Thank you for proving my point.
You seem to be terminally online. You might want to reconsider this choice.
I'm at work Karen and don't even think about this place when 4:00 rolls around. What's your excuse?
>My incoherent rambling had a thesis
Stay mad Karen. I look forward to snubbing you again and not thinking about it at all until you cry about it on the internet (again).
I'm not doubting you or discounting your feelings, but how are strangers being judgemental towards you or in the position to make a rude comment for no reason? Also you shouldn't abandon your favorite places just because idiots said things to you.
Please keep in mind that I still believe you and I should because once a stranger said extremely rude things to me innawoods and it blew my mind.
>hunterfags immediately jumping on this post
He’s a schizo that hears voices in his head
because they are all high
Black fishermen are always based guys
Can confirm
Quit gaslighting
I’m just out having fun. I tailor my interactions with others as fit the situation. From a simple hello to full on we’re camping and partying. Just depends on the people.
Ah yes another jew spews psudoscience while saying nothing of value.
go back to /pol/ you disingenuous yid.
I always carry a 1911 in a chest holster, ensuring most everyone greets me extra nicely. So I'm polite in return, head nods first, tight smiles if I've seen the fellow before. A few regular old timers will give the approving nod as well. The women goosh. The pussy men hurry on their way. The bears wave and fuck off as well. Cant say how blacks would react because I've never met one where I hike.
If I saw someone open carrying in the national park...
I would still ignore them. Nothing personal m8, I just don't want to talk to you.
That's fine. Plenty of the old timers who carry their own pieces react the same.

And I don't hike in national parks.
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people with dark skin tend to have an visceral fear of the woods. Probably has to do with the fact that their native lands are full of animals that literally hunt humans.
This. I still use my JanSport backpack from elementary school. The zipper only shuts one way, but it works. No frills, nice color, and I avoid the frame vs frameless argument altogether.
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lel everyone always claps wherever you go/
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>once a stranger said extremely rude things to me innawoods and it blew my mind
For me it was 50's stereotypical karen-bitch complaining I was "going to fast to enjoy the flowers", her friends behind her apologized as they passed me because they probably saw me considering whether pushing her off the trail would be fatal lol
Nature puts people in a good mood, country people are also very kind if you are polite and kind to others. Golden rule.
I just carry a rifle on the top of my pack. keeps people from talking and keeps people from letting there dogs being crazy off leash. If i had a dollar for every time if been on a trial that says keep your dogs on leash only to see the opposite. id have quite a few dollars.
It's just walking
>be innawoods hunting small game with my air rifle, wearing old surplus and rabbit fur hat
>see pair of qt hikers, one is asian and the other white-ish latina, both petite and about 19-21
>go near to them and greet them, try to strike a convo
>where are you from, where are you going, what do you want to see, have you ever been around here before, etc etc.
>they get creeped out and turn back to their vehicle

you sound like you have a superbly manicured lawn that would bring monsanto bioengineers to tears. you should go outside and touch it
Probably homesteaders/farmers are more your type and would get what you are doing. I imagine any women by themselves would be nervous on a trail anyway, especially if they didn't grow up around that or are not used to guns.
Lmfao I know this feel. I did the narrows once and a bunch of people that had rented waders from some outfitter said I was being unsafe.
I see it from another angle; you're both in a remote place where injuries or setbacks can spiral out of control pretty easily. It's smart to make a positive impression on everyone you encounter because you never know if you'll end up needing their help later.

You're also more likely to encounter fit (i.e., disciplined) people with similar interests who are just easier to get along with. Some of the best interactions with strangers I've ever had have been in the backcountry.
I fucking hate when some fucker tries to keep pace and chat. Fuck offff
Imagine going /out/ to meet people
You can literally tell them in a polite fashion, that you came out to be alone. These people aren't mind readers friend.
>I have no obligation to be civil
by this same logic you should be ok with being murdered next time you go hiking, nigger.
It is wise to be friendly and polite in the wilderness, let alone the countryside, how do you think the deer feel?
>how do you think the deer feel?
Hunted, threatened, by coyotes and humans with guns
Deer just wants to eat vegetation and chill, make deer babies
Nah. It's like talking to people at the gym. Just shut the fuck up
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>how do you think the deer feel
The old timers are the only ones who understand why another man is alone in the woods. If we cross paths once, there is a nod, if we pass twice we simply ignore eachother. I am there to be with the woods, with nature, we should all be respectful of that fact.

Beyond this, you can sense the feeling of another person as you approach, sometimes I have to be very nice because people are afraid of me, for example, yesterday I crossed a young man with his radio on, clearly afraid of bears, from 10 meters he was already hugging the side of the trail making space for me to pass. I don't need some jittery person a few feet away without taking control, so I called out a friendly hello and had my hand ready for my knife (not visible to him) just incase he was unwell mentally. Such is life when you go out there, there's nobody to help you besides you./rant
Tell them that instead of me. I can't do anything about it.
I tell them by screaming slurs at the top of my lungs
Im not sure that you do if you're complaining about it on the internet. But I challenge you to do that next time, if only for the laffs.
they're lonely and hoping to meet a wife or husband out in the middle of nowhere. There is little biological reasoning to go on a "hike" things like hunting and fishing simulate our evolutionary purpose as predators so they actually have a rewarding charm. Climbing to the top of a mountain on someone else's trail is just menial
Maybe you should actually slow down and enjoy being in nature instead of being obsessed with miles and how much your pack weighs
As it turns out, people like to do things and find fulfilment in things regardless of "biological reasoning". I don't respect peakbagging or care to do it myself but I am not so obtuse as to think it's not possible for someone to genuinely want to go climb something just to do it or for the view.
Lack of niggers.
>There is little biological reasoning to go on a "hike"
Or diving
Or swimming
Or kayaking
Or canoeing
Or cycling
Or mountain biking
Or dirtbiking
Or ATV riding
Or snowmobiling
Or snowboarding
Or skiing
Or team sports
Or tons of other activities/hobbies

What's your point? Does everything need to be "biologically imperative" or "productive"?
Hiking has evolutionary benefits. Staying in shape keeps you healthy and makes you more attractive to potential partners. This is lost on the fat gear collectors on this board ofc
>I'm fat and fill my pack with larpjunk so everyone walking faster than 2mph must be suffering like I would
>I-I'm not winded after that 100ft of elevation gain, I'm just uh, stopping to really enjoy these *coughing fit* f-flowers
Low IQ post. Historically speaking hiking is an integral part of fishing and hunting, as well as other activities like foraging and migrating. We evolved to find enjoyment in the full lifestyle, not just the parts where we get the reward. That's why people find fulfillment in camping and hiking even if there is no carrot on a stick so to speak. Being outside in nature is rewarding in of itself on a biological level. It's beneficial for us in a number of ways.
You’re the one who gets winded and neurotic if his pack weighs .04 pounds more than it should
you want attention and affirmation, go TikTok.

Their hike does not involve you, and talking to you takes up brainspace.

>but being friendly is good
>it's nice
for you. People who don't need people don't need to be Corgi friendly.

>but not being friendly spoils the mood
Having to be a Walmart greeter innawoods out of social expectation spoils Their mood. Just leave Ernest Hemingway alone.
>hiking in China is a terrible imposition
>people there generally hate you

you sure that's not because you're a guailou white devil? Imagine peak American GIJoe Patriotism but built on WEST BAD. Chinks are pretty insular as in; stack a few generations of antiwest propaganda on that, they believe white people bayonet babies just because.

>South Korean supa /fa/sh
>make anyone feel like a hobo
and then everyone clapped and cheered as you decended
t. self aggrandizing boomer faggot
the chineaze are fairly universally acknowledged to be the most raciss people on earth. they hate everyone
>It wouldn’t surprise me that much to learn there’s some kind of discrimination discouraging black hikers
Different interests from a combination of genetics and culture. Everyone is always trying to find discrimination and injustice when in reality no one actually cares enough to create/maintain it.
Thats the same thing...
Because at that point we're just two humans out in the natural world. Politics doesnt matter.
99% of hikers i meet are chill i always bring my dog and met my gf on a trail close to my house dog wingman is the best
>Also how is bird watching niche?
It is compared to hiking or fishing.
>Walmart greeter
LMAO this. It gets so tiring to engage and respond to humans on the trail, particularly those humans who greet someone with fake geniality as a way of sizing them up.
Hiking is strenuous effort which does not result in any tangible benefit, apart from the opportunity to hit on white hiker chicks. That runs contrary to the entire negro mindset, which glorifies getting rewards far in excess of the effort invested.
Mostly true but
Cyclists are based and mtbers are nice
>winter sports
What you said applies to weekend warriros, gapers, tourists. However, people who are very serious about skiing tend to be very friendly with each other
Hiking is one of the most "doing it for the love of nature" /out/ activities. There's no competitive goal. It still requires a lot of physical activity which scares off lazy shitters. Even the autismo ultralighter gearheads have a horseshoe theory thing going in with a guy like me who just brings his 20 year old pack, tent, food, and a book to 90% of hikes and is accidentally ultralight. So it just attracts that kind of people.
All the gay sex they have while on the trail keeps them calm
You go a whole 1 mile with that
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these two plus a sawyer and a smartwater 1.5L are the GOAT. unfiltered water - > Cnoc -> sawyer -> smartwater bottle with the water bottle adapter.
Anon sounds asocial, not antisocial. Asocial people are often perfectly friendly.
You sound really mad about people having money.
>you're not friendly
>anon explains how he is perfectly friendly
>no no not like that, friendly is stopping to talk about whatever suits me
You're emberassing.
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If you are told to shut up and fuck off for starting up a conversation with a random person you really should listen. truly what level of entitled faggot are you.
>they aren't in danger you are and your lack of synapses firing is truly frightening.
Wait until you find out what a mountain bike or a set of skiing gear costs. And let's not even get into mountaineering or photography. Hiking is one of the cheapest hobbies.
This reminds me of how I would wear a faded metallica shirt every year on the first day of school from sophomore to senior year because nobody wants to sit next to that guy and I was hoping the class size would be small enough I could have nobody around me.
>Those seething hunter replies
Hikers are just glorified walkers. That's it, they're just out on a walk.
They're not autistic about starting fires using just two rocks while it pouring outside cause
This is also why they're big fags, because they glorify walking in the woods.
True, I also never call myself a "hiker", that's like those fatties saying they exercise because they walk.
It's not an exercise, it's just a basic fucking human activity. If you're gonna call yourself a hiker you better walk from dawn to dusk, not just a 30 minute walk from the car to the lake.
Black people don't hike because it reminds them of being hunted by cheetahs in the motherland
There is biological reasoning for you to get laid yet here we are
I carry extra shit so my pack is heavier so I get more of a workout, then I get to feel the connection with nature and get more ripped so I can steal yo girl two ways
Nigga I just like nature
Hate this shit. I purposely got a different brand of athletic tape to not be a part of the meme.
They're pretty relaxed!
*Smiling Nod*
your not under the grid device 10g rays they use to impulse thought control and create agitation in populated areas cause animals cant talk or influce socity so they never never hit the forest with it.
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Boulder Colorado??

Also doggo rock
Yessir. How did you know?
I been there took that pic I posted
Mountain biking has turned into the biggest gear off fag show around. Especially the stupid Hawaiian shirt influenced riding gear.
In the US most black people are in the south
The south sucks for hiking
simple as
This post reeks of low testosterone and low risk taking. How can you even be on this board without a survivalist mindset in which normal healthy masculinity entails?
I'm not chill. Just depressed.
I see black people hiking all the time in NY. Are you just in an area without a lot 9t black people or something?
Lol Also
I'm from Slovenia and I've never seen a non white person in my village of 220. Explain that liberal
every single here is true and they hated him for it.
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bros I'm out of shape, can't even run a mile, and just went on a road trip with a lot of hiking and basically the whole time it was like this:
>Huffing and puffing my way to the top
>Passing everyone
>Slam my foot into a rock, every step hurts
>Still passing everyone
>Quads cramping
>Somehow still passing everyone
>Water and granola bar(s) break so I can wait for people up ahead
>Catch up with them anyway
>Stare out at nature and take pictures
>Still catch up to the people I was waiting on earlier
A dude passed me on a hike and I realized that's the only time it had happened in about a month. I'm already hiking embarrassingly slowly, and I'm already staring at nature and taking stupid amounts of pictures. I even autistically overpack, so my bag usually starts off at like 25 pounds (this is for simple hikes, not overnighters). Of course I'll outhike fat old people, but I'm still passing by all these fit-looking people in their 20's, when there is no reason that should be happening. What, uhh... I don't even know what to ask. Am I... hiking wrong?
You're autistic, and I don't even mean that as an insult. You think you're slowing down, but compared to the normalfag brain, you're hyperfixated on forward movement. It's a known thing that autists often move about really fast for no reason.
my friends hate me because i say hi to every single person that comes accross us on the trail
its my revenge to them because every time i agree to take someone with me innawoods they dont want to actually walk in the woods but by ready made trails

and dont get me wrong they are hunters generations in the making but for some reason when they weekend warrior you cant get them into the bush even if you tried, also constantly wasted
What do you guys usually eat on hiking trips? Being new and working up serious calorie deficits, eating junk food without consequences loses its charm after a while. I find myself being more stoked at eating trail mix than anything else.
woah. where is this?
The view from Angels Landing, Zion National Park.
Would highly recommend. Would not recommend during summer. That was awful lmao
It's pretty common for new hikers to not know how to pace themselves. I still hike fast but the difference now is I'm always within my limits and never struggling that hard. You should work on going slower, it's subtly difficult and a real skill, unless you're into busting your ass all the time. If you ever want to do long and strenuous climbs you will absolutely need to learn this as well.
Let's keep it that way brillohead
Maybe because walking around isn't stressful to particular parts of ourselves like moving our legs or arms erratically or quickly, using fast reflexes or specific tools, so it wears down on people less? And it's easy to walk BESIDE someone!
But your chillness mileage may vary because (see polls.io/en/wksmj/vote) who knows what someone might be like if the only distinctive thing about how they're acting is they're just... walking around lol. It makes people feel more mysterious.

See also polls.io/en/wksmj/vote for more data.
>I also dress up like someone you wouldn't trust, on purpose.
Yet you're obviously, even rarely fit, given the perspective. Yeah I'm pretty chill and cheerful overall, but kind of envy guys who can go locations that remote, that far from routes like frail bastards like me take in touring sedans,
You'll be fine until you overdo it and injure yourself. Either a foot or hip injury, probably. You really need to keep a slower pace, especially if it's a multi-day hike on tough terrain. You will hurt yourself if you try to crank 20+ mile days multiple days in a row without building up to that kind of strain.
>I also dress up like someone you wouldn't trust, on purpose.
I couldn't succeed at such a strategy, good as I look taking the opposite route. As for disliking people, I can't take any such statement seriously: It's one thing to abhor the madness of crowds, quite another to be on bad terms with benign neighbors.
hiking makes you one with nature
r u sure he didn't meant "depressed"?

I hike almost every week in southern appalachia
Plenty of blacks in town
Only seen ONE black hiker in the last 13 years
I just wish I could fit more hiking into my weekly schedule.
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Niggers are too busy shooting each other and committing crime. This should be obvious.
Most of the black people I've seen on trails have been women, never solo.
this is true. and no one that actually socializes with humans they dont know would disagree.
In my home region (the Chicago megalopolis) hikers are rare. It so happens that a friend of mine became one after moving to Estes Park. I understand how he felt about it, though for scenic thrills I prefer flower gardening, and have a certain gift for it. Sometimes still regret that I never flew out there for a stay at his place, for long, personally guided look around it.
Get this pseudoscience faggotry outta here
I just carry my AK at port arms wherever i go
darky detected
How did you like Bhutan anon? What kind of hikes did you do there? Didn't the state guide have to be with you?
>literally hunt humans
As opposed to figuratively hunting them? You are retarded.
I like the feeling of being alone in nature, especially in lowland parks low in fame but high with biodiversity, and on winter drives to quiet sites, night or day, where privacy is profound, even as one strolls around the security of an idling and very dependable car. The best friend of my youth was quite the opposite in disposition, quite the hiker, with a cool manner combined with a rather violent fantasy life, at times. In one letter, two years after moving from the Chicago region (where I still live) to Estes Park, he casually mentioned how much fun he'd find it to murder an entire family on the slopes of a certain mountain rich tourists frequented, and a year later asked me on the phone to send him a handgun by UPS or whatever. Naturally I declined by cutting off all further correspondence, but nothing came of it in any case, since he soon afterward formed a close friendship with a neighbor chick quite unlike any I've ever met. He died a kissless hugless virgin, of lung cancer, in 2011, and while I'm nothing of the sort, I knew him better than anyone else did, and didn't mind his worst or most cutting insults, elaborate or subtle as some of them were, since in person we were relaxed in conversation as it's possible to be.
Its actually just the simple fact that nobody wants to say hi to 30 people very mile they hike on a trail whereas saying high to first person you see in 5 miles is easy and even makes you happy to see another human.

Same thing in cities, how everyone is rude and minding their own business as compared to the country where you say hi to everyone you cross and know all their names.
Imagine how much of an insufferable faggot you would have to be to make this post
can some of the AI bots here write it out the way it really happened?
- y-you're looking at it bro...
- what?
Cut two small holes in your shirt to reveal your perverted nipples
>how can you even like the outdoors without being a cringy larper?
By not having autism.
Hunter fragility in full display
Based and baitpilled, enjoying the hunter seethe
>but I struggle to imagine what that would be.
Nobody likes en-words.
Humans invented underwater caving to escape en-words.
>If I saw someone open carrying in the national park...
Lololol, I've crossed paths with your kind before; trying not to stare at my .357 while your women gush over my dog.
B.. but it's a frameless...
>What do you guys usually eat on hiking trips?
Pound of trail mix a bag of bagels and two cans of tuna.
White women like them
That's only propaganda. The statistics don't support it.
summer sausage and cheese is damn good. I rarely ever see anyone eating that kind of stuff cause they are usually retard vegans out west atleast. Most vegans will eat some fish though for protein on hikes which is good. I'll eat some peanut butter and honey during the day though usually maybe with oats or something
Vegans don't eat fish, dork.
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>It wouldn’t surprise me that much to learn there’s some kind of discrimination discouraging black hikers since you know, society sucks, but I struggle to imagine what that would be.
>All state and national parks are free / if not local libraries always have free entry passes
>Literally just need a water bottle and some tennis shoes
>Can go hours without seeing another person
>Won't anyone think of the niggosauruses
You think that its just inherent that they must face some kind of discrimination, but can't even come up with some basic hypothetical shows how retarded your theory is. If it was so inherent to society then it should be easy for you to imagine some kind of scenario unless you are an applelet and lack an imagination.
Vegetarians do.
stealing that mufugga
You just reminded me of that saffer who was kayaking in Congo and got yanked into the water by a giant croc, guy was relatively famous and was never seen again after that. Also watched a video of some saffers fighting off crocs in the White Nile recently. They have to be the most extreme adrenaline junkies I've ever seen.
I run into David goggins type of black people on the trails but never your normal run of the mill nigga
You should see the /o/ gearfags who get lightweight lugnuts and aerodynamic wiperblades and shit
It's not hard to leave us the fuck alone either.
dead board
Shitpost bunp
True vegetarians don't. You're thinking of pescatarians
you're from Cali, aren't you?
read again lol
Oh we're still bumping this thread?
They're in the middle of a serious cardio workout + immersed in nature = good mood.
Also, minimal social expectation. It's normal to say hello and move on. Maybe comment on the weather.
Agreed. I live in NH. Any of the 4ks that aren't huge tourist destinations, the hikers are very friendly.
Anything that's a major destination for tourists, it's a dice roll and some are outright dicks.
>Still collecting (You)s on this post 5 months later
>collecting (You)s
Thanks for the (You)
>That’s how they get you
who's "they"?

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