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No ‘24-‘25 ski and snowboard thread yet? Post where you you want to go and what you want to do this winter.

I’m thinking of heading back out to work at a resort again this season, kind of on a whim.
I was a liftie a Breckenridge for a year right before COVID. I want go somewhere new though. Any tips for places with decent employee housing?
It may be because I am poor and don't have an extra 10 grand each year to devote to skiing. But skiers are the douchuest people I ever meet when i go /out/. I'm including bow hunters in there. They are close to the autism level.

But if you've ever looked into the eyes of a fully autistic ski bro when there is "fresh powder"
Just moved out of shitty New England to somewhere with actually good weather. Pretty excited for this winter. Thinking about getting a tele setup for the woods but no clue what binding system to go with. Just want something cozy for going around rolling hills. Not big mountains or anything steep.

Also Im pretty sure any mega resort owned by vail or icon or whatever will have a bunch of employee housing for all the foreigners they ship in. Independent mountains are probably more of a miss than a hit for employee housing. And if they do have anything its probably in terrible condition. I would just go full ski bum and live in the parking lot closest to your lift. They might feel bad for you after a while and offer you some cheap housing.
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>But skiers are the douchuest people I ever meet when i go /out/. I'm including bow hunters in there. They are close to the autism leve

I like skiing, but i don't like the people who like skiing
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Mayyyy end up taking a trip to Japan. We shall see. I want to at least speak a bit more nippanese first.
I understand. I skied for the very first time at Killington last winter, and the three minutes I spent in their lodge I was taken back by the absolute fluoride stares on everyone in their thousand+ dollar gear. I got the impression they were there mainly to check off the box for "healthy outdoor activity" and sunk cost-dopamine release.

I get I'm on the other end of the extreme, but I feel like as a young American, car-camping and traveling all over on an Indy pass is almost a right of passage given how unique these circumstances are (though the activity has gotten more expensive on the whole, there are incredible deals to be had and if you're set on it, you can ski for cheaper now than ever before)
Also, If you're going to Jay Peak, which you should, being the best mountain on the Indy pass, stay at Grandpa Grunts
I guess I should say best east coast mountain, but I doubt many people are buying the pass that aren't on the east coast.
>Any tips for places with decent employee housing
Breck/Summit now has a van life parking lot with 24hr security and bathrooms, $50/month if you work full time in county.

The last RFV park-and-ride lot before Aspen is the defacto employee van life lot for the resorts in that area...

There's not going to be any new employee housing for a few years, and when they finish it they'll probably then announce that they are going to remodel the old employee housing for 2-3 years so there will be no net increase in employee housing for 5-6 years prolly...

I've heard that Crested Butte is loaded with mid 30s divorcees who got the ski house and some alimony.

If you can deal with 1 bus each way per day and never miss it (35 miles of if you do) you could live in Nucla and commute to Telluride.
Holy fucking shit is Grunts still there? Is he still alive? We used to go there in the late 90's early 00's when we were 16 and the college kids would get us drunk and high for free.
His son Brad runs it, lives in with his family. Brad is great but I have to say, the guests I've seen while there have been no younger than 30-35. Can't put that on the owner however; pretty much every hostel experience I've had in US/EU the past 5 years has been millennials and older.
Still worth going regardless, just don't expect to make friends there. The sauna is spacious and functional, and on weekends they make complimentary breakfast. Also have lift ticket vouchers for Jay, but I've never used them.
Just giving you guys a heads-up that I will be skiing 4x a week at my local hill this season. The reason this is news is because I'm black. Lessons are pretty cheap (200 for the entire day), so hopefully I'll be competent after a month or so.
Before the internet it was a word of mouth place as far as I know. We never made reservations, just showed up and paid $5-10 bucks or whatever. I imagine that most people who know of it are millennials or late gen-x who used the place during their college years.

I'm also this poster here >>2785757...they are building / creating ski hostels all over Colorado now. There used to only be a few, all word of mouth places like GGs, but now they are popping up all over the state. Most ski towns have at least 1 and there are some in other towns as well. There's a few that were boutique hotels or corporate ski retreats or whatever in class C buildings and the owners picked them up for cheap 7-8 years ago, some others are full on $10-15 million dollar new construction builds. I've stayed at a few and they are far from being 'youth' hostels, I've seen senior citizens and families with kids at them, but it did seem like mostly millennials and gen-x.
M8 if you're making a thread that will stay up for months atleast get a picture of a real woman.
I want to go somewhere to learn skiing.
Try Cragmeur in Rockaway, NJ...very beginner friendly
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Bumping the thread.
Any new gear for this season?
Been using comically undersized 160mm skis with 70mm underfoot since late adolescence. This past winter it got so bad between the ski chatter when bombing, and sinking in the powder stashes in glades, did I finally decide it's time. The poachers probably weren't the best choice, but my only criteria really were twin tip and as durable as possible. Considering how long I used the old ones, optimistic these will be skied by posterity
ive been using hand me down gear from the family forever and as such all my shell jackets have had wool liners and
it feels wrong to change over to just a shell with no liner to me, but I assume im just being stubborn for no reason
any opinions or is this literally irrelevant
>van life parking lot
thats pretty cool
for east coast skiing anons who want something similar, ive had good success with park and ride lots near ski slopes and sleeping in my car.
I got some bibs to try them out since I was curious. I doubt theyll become my every day outfit for skiing but when it gets extra cold and snowy they should prove useful. Id imagine if I do any summit hikes theyll overheat me to death even with extra cold though
also some prescription goggles after getting tired of slipping my glasses underneath normal goggles
>it feels wrong to change over to just a shell with no liner to me
Why? You still use layers to keep warm but you have flexibility. When its -10f I am wearing a puffy under my shell. When its 40F I am wearing just a fleece vest or something. Just get a shell that allows to room to layer as needed
I know it's a silly question, but how good can I expect to get as a beginner (I've gone skiing twice in my life), if I live 5 minutes from a ski hill and have zero time commitments? Say I hit 40-50 days this season for about 5 hours each time.
>40-50 days
thats 2-3yrs worth of skiing for most people. consistency is huge in improving but still depends on your overall ability. You should be plenty good with that many days in a season
How "good" do you want to get? You should be having fun and rarely crashing after a day or two, and having fun (instead of having terror) on the challenging slopes after maybe a week or two, I don't know. What more is there for you?
>How "good" do you want to get?
I'm on the East Coast at the moment, but I'm moving out west (Vancouver) next year. I won't have as much time, but could make day trips to nearby mountains and weekend trips to farther ones with friends. I want to be confident that I'll be able to make the most of the limited time since I won't have the consistency or practice time I do now.
> That's 2-3yrs worth of skiing for most people
Ok, that's pretty encouraging. I'm going to get some private lessons which should speed things up.
On the east coast you can expect to be doing black diamonds on your second day of skiing, if you don't sabotage yourself. Do not slowplow in the beginning. Turn like you're on roller blades, turn more and more aggressively and learn the balance. Progressively increase the gradient and speed. Get comfortable hockey stopping. Falling isn't a big deal.
I went skiing at val d'isere once, broke my hip, not very fun, I was a child
Man you guys must have some easy ass black diamonds lol

We'd probably call them greens around here
depends how challenging the ski hill near you is
you can get good basics down on something repetitive but unless you find some differing conditions i wouldnt expect to get that amazing
east coast blacks are usually about a west coast blue, maybe a double blue the more north you get
the same shift for double blacks on the east coast as well
t. skis both coasts
easy to unzip at 2 layers once when overheating if its something like a cold morning and a warm afternoon/heavy exercise. thats about all i can really defend it with
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I'm going Norway this year
i skied 60 days my first season and i could do everything on the mountain by the end, with varying levels of competence. i skied 90 days my second season and now do almost everything well. i live in salt lake city
Is it true that it is mandatory to be stoned as a liftie?
Real skiers don't spend 10k every year. Icon pass is less than $700, your only other expense is gas. Pack your own food instead of the $16 hotdog. Do your own ski maintenance, it's very easy.

Even equipment is not expensive. You can get skis, boots, and poles for under $300 at a swap. Buy new in the summer. Upgrade one thing every year and soon you won't need anything. There are upfront costs but they are not prohibitive. You could blow a few hundred going out on the weekend anywhere. The main requirement is having a car.

Yeah, skiers can be douchy, that is true. Most white, entitled dickheads who brag about their real estate properties to others on the chairlift. But that can all be ignored, you aren't hanging out with them. Also depends on the resort you go to.
Groomed blacks are a joke here, but moguled runs and glades will humble west coast skiers. Just different strengths.
>but moguled runs and glades will humble west coast skiers.
explain better. plenty of moguls and tree skiing out west. to me, the biggest difference are the conditions. conditions out east really force you to learn how to carve. bulletproof is a thing.
no. but im sure it helps the monotny of the job. liftscum as we called them.
My family is planning a holiday in Italy around early April. Do you think it would be worth it to leave earlier and spend some time at a resort somewhere in the Alps? My season would go something like this: Spend January and early February practicing at my local hill. After I'm comfortable there venture to some larger hills in my area in February and early March and then head to the Alps for a week or so in mid to late March.
Hi vermonters! I hope to see you on the slopes. Ill share my jerky on the lift ride up.
for me, its sunapee
How long do skis last in storage? I've got a pair of Cham 97s that I bought like 10 years ago, skied for a season, and then I had to move somewhere with shit skiing and have only used a few times since. They've just been sitting in a bag ever since. Now I'm finally about to move to an area with good skiing again so I'm thinking about gear, and my area has a big swap/sale next month so I should probably figure out what I need before it.

I'm guessing the bindings are probably sketch after sitting for a decade, but are the skis worth trying to save or should I just give up and get a new pair?
Copper mountain should still have employee housing, and you can still get to Breckenridge from there easily with the free shuttles.
Its metal wood and plastic, theyre probably fine. Just go try them
Andybody ski on Blizzard Rustlers? like or dislike?
>I was a liftie a Breckenridge for a year right before COVID. I want go somewhere new though
What have you been doing in the 5 years since?
I splitboarded up my local resort yesterday, was pretty good considering how little snow has fallen in town.

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