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Has /out/ seen whats down there?
not that cave, but supposedly there is one in brazil that goes to agartha, cant remember the name of it though
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Down and up must become in and out.
man I would love to find something like that to splore. When I was little I used to rut around the woods looking for a secret undiscovered cave. Every rocky outcropping and every uprooted tree was a potential concealed cave to me. I never found one tho :[
They are everywhere entrances are sealed off and buried but can still be by passed in other areas with a shovel. Lemons mine was never found because the native woman blew up the entrance with dynamite after Lemons death.
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I know what’s down there. That’s no ordinary rabbit!
>Down and up must become in and out.
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A million bones for looking down there? Goes to agartha probably. They hiding SOMETHING.
Maybe the pit IS the lemon mine?
You need to find marble or limestone landscape then you'll find caves.
>BC Parks
It's only monopoly money anyways.
Just get a drone
go in without proper caving gear or training, they cant stop you from learning the truth OP
i know where it is, friends and i have plans to visit this June by horseback. Its pretty remote.
What a shithole country
natives claimed it as a "culturally vulnerable site" which is bullshit as they never knew it was there either.
I'm a different anon, but I already live in an area with karst topography. Even better, I know a spot where a stream comes out from the bottom of a ridge. The exit is way too small too get into, or even look inside, but someone at some point shored it up with CMUs, and built a pumphouse near it. The pump is fairly modern (probably this century anyway) but it looks like it hasn't been used in quite some time. Is this pretty strong evidence for a cave I could access with some digging? Or is it more likely just small breaches that drain the water that speaks into the ground? There is also a spring further up the hill with a small discharge.
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Sounds good man. Watch a dude caled Keiran Mckay on YT. You could try walking around and feeling for cool air coming out of cracks and piles of rocks.
It's a portal to Devil's Kettle in Minnesota
Osama Bin Laden
That's probably what they'll have to spend on a rescue effort to get someone out.

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