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>nooo the Salton Sea wasn't our fault!!! we need more water!!!
You're doing your part, right anon?
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It’s going to turn into a salt pan if they do nothing. After the canal blowout that created the lake, the lake was fed by irrigation runoff only. Since the Imperial Valley Irrigation Authority has found it more profitable to use more efficient irrigation techniques and sell their excess Colorado water allotment to LA than to continue doing trench irrigation, the amount of runoff flowing into the lake is less than what the lake loses to evaporation each year, which has lead to lake volume loss that concentrated the salts and killed all the fish. Eventually, there will be a small brine pool and a large dry lake bed that poisons the air with dust (already a problem, but it will get 100 times worse as the lake continues to die).
More like the Salton seethe
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>You're making the LA Times seethe
>letter to the editor
>Exterminate all the beaver and level their habitat
>Cut down almost all the old growth
>Cyclically log the coastal rainforest
>Put concrete and farms over the ancient wetlands
>Use the surface water for monoculture
>Suck the aquifers dry for nut, citrus, s0i and grapes
>The water table drops and the surface water disappears
They will do nothing. They are the trifecta of environmental destruction:
Very, very stupid

Genuinely cannot find any info on camping or anyone interested in camping who isn't a fag.
>Camping gear is not all plastic shit that costs 500+ dollars
>Campers are just gearheads who enjoy buying shit from REI more than actually camping
>everyone is a pussy. Don't even carry a knife or drink from a river because "knife le weapon" and "river le germs"!!!!!
>"camp mattresses" exist and are like 400 dollars for a glorified balloon
>Camping sites are just parking lots by parks, and filled with retards
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Potatoes are pretty good food for short trips, though. They're dense, don't need to be rehydrated, and don't need to actually cook to become edible.
If it's just 1-3 days, bringing the second canteen you'd need to carry enough water for freeze-dried foods, noodles or oatlmeal isn't going to save all that much weight compared to packing a few taters.
Did OP ever manage to recover from this?
That's your fault anon.
You're essentially watching infomercials and wondering why they never just use the things they present for a few episodes rather than show a new item each time.
Just call up a friend, go camping with him, where and how you want.
The caricature of campers you portray in your post comes from watching YouTube videos and expecting them to be a sample size of the average camper when they are not - they are advertisements by "influencers", you're basically watching a brand mascot do things. Literally none of the things you cry about are accurate for real people I met camping in, except maybe the fear of drinking from rivers, which a few people had (and a simple filter fixes it for them).
Stop inventing people in your head and getting mad at them and instead start going outside anon. You're voluntarily making yourself miserable.
op has weak cankles and couldnt carry a 10 lb bag of rice to his dualie much less a plastic backpack up 500 ft across two miles
This anon fucks (feet)

Id forestry a good out career?
>get to hang out in the woods all day
>physical work so get strong
>sense of adventure
>don’t have to deal with tourists like park ranger
Is become a logger the true out job?
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My favorite interview with Bill Mollison is where he says the USA is run by sociopaths hell bent on raping nature and that they should be offed for the benefit of all humanity.
*They being the government
Is he wrong?
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picrel. It's honestly frustrating caring about conservation when the major political camps have so much other detrimental shit attached to them whatever ounce of good they promise to do is buried under a mountain of harmful practises.
And for no reason at all...

Hello, Im completing my "absentee father" hiking setup, help me gear up.
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>I got banned for this thing in 2019
Fucking lazy jannies
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my dad never took me camping
go ahead and laugh you know you want to
Explain the biolite to me.
Amazon insists that I should buy one, and it keeps recommending me biolite adjacent gear. is it really just a tiny firepit with a peltier?
Fatherless behavior
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yeah, Im thinking pointless meme product that'll get one or two uses max before being forgotten or broken on the third use.

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What do we think about binoculars? Anyone have any recommendations for durable compact binoculars around $100?
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Just get some cheap Nikon binoculars, they are nice quality. Prostaff are good but Aculon are fine.
Post your opinion about it if you get it.
I just purchased the 10x version of that on sale for $60 but it won't be here for like a week. If this thread is still up and I remember I'll let you know how vortex monoculars are.
A few years ago I bought two pairs of Leopold BX-1 Marksman 10×42 binoculars from Cabelas during a good Black Friday sale. They're a Cabelas exclusive, so I think that's the only place they're sold. Regular price is like $150. The Black Friday sale had them on sale for $100. I used a "gift card hack" by buying gift cards from a reseller to bring my cost down to about $75 each, so I bought two and gave one pair to a friend for Christmas.

They're very clear and feel like they're built well. I've used them for a few seasons in all sorts of weather (I live in Wisconsin). Personally, I find any magnification under 10x to be barely useful - 10x is powerful enough to spot and ID things I can't see with the naked eye, while 8x and lower just let's me see things I've already spotted/ID'd more clearly. They're good binos, and on sale they're a good deal.

Leopold also makes the non-exclusive BX-1 McKenzie HD. I assume the glass is slightly better than in the Marksman model. While Cabelas sells the McKenzie for like $200, Natchez currently has them on sale for $140 and Sportsman's Warehouse has them for $145. If you could find a Black Friday sale on a pair of the McKenzie model to bring the cost down even lower, that would be an awesome deal.
>Does anyone have experiences on monoculars?
difficult to hold while jacking off.

talk about ruckz and packz
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just got a savotta jaakari m for 185~ varusteleka raised the price just a day later, I think I could have gotten it from varuste.net for a little cheaper tho shipping would have made it the same
what do you guys think of it? idk how much better I could do at this price, and it seems pretty extendable compared to other packs, it was pretty much either this or the karrimor sabre 45, I really enjoyed the webbing on the savotta and the M05 didn't catch any sideways looks urban to rural, infact I think it mogged quite a lot of the chinese crap everyone is using
the only downside is the complete lack of aeration mesh on the back and straps, but that isn't a big deal, I'm sure I could have some solution for the back yet with a sweatshirt it's perfectly fine, besides that is really balances nicely and doesn't lean on you anyway
curious as to the future (when I have more money and bigger quests) if I should get an L or XL or try a different company for humongous, the m will probably be with me for life so far

> looks cool

it looks like hipster faggotry.
that's kinda neat, you could get a real ww2 wehrmacht combat pack for that price tho lol
while that pack does have some attachment points to coolness that almost justify the price
>Incorrect SCIF nomenclature
CIF, frendo
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Thinking of getting the Miller Unic 30 because it has a bottom compartment which can be merged with the big one my opening an interneral zippered flap. Alternatively does anyone know of another model with the same design in the 25-30 litre range?

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Is this brand worth the hype? As a outdoors juggernaut I think their brand has good quality products, gear ect. But I sometimes think about the price and get chills how much everything costs.
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Their whiterwater gear used to be top notch, both drysuits and PFDs.
Used to call it PagaGucci for obvious reasons, but it was worth it.
Tthen they sold it off to become.. Lotus?
Then they just stopped. Pretty disappointing.
Don't know what it's like now.
Probably like our NZ brands - moved production to China but still playing on the 'home grown" reputation from 20yrs ago
>They have fa design
They really don't. Patagonia looks gawky asf most of the time. It ain't it.
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I think I'm gonna buy one of their workwear jacket. For $189 I don't think you can go wrong in this case, the lifetime warranty sounds great. That would be my first Patagonia item.

Icebreaker and Smartwool are unfortunately part of VF Corp. All of their brands suffered significant quality drops due to cost cutting. Big avoid - Icebreaker, Smartwool, Timberland, North Face, Vans, Dickies.

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I'm doing a little hunting right now and it's been raining off and on all day so I went back to my basecamp where my truck is at. And I believe I have found an amazing discovery that might just save the world.

If you want to make the rain start all you have to do is roll down your windows.

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theres a field near me and this one horse keeps chasing me - i won't even do anything to it and it charges at me. how do i kill it (in a nogunz country)?
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Howdy Bacon.
I'd say the cows are kept at a ranch feeding lot part time.
The get nearly tame after a month or so of getting fed some super tasty and zero effort hay oats n shit.
Then the get loaded up and dumped out on a blm state parcel of land miles wide and long for some months when it's green, spring summer fall.
If the see a human out somewhere they are like
>Oh now you come to see us you mf
>you better have a few bales of tasty alfalfa or bathtub full of sweet oats in your pockets or your not leaving here alive
This is typical for farm and pastured animals like horses cows sheep etc.
Human = feeding time
An easier time than wandering around foraging and feeling starved 24/7
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>but muh fourteeners
Elevation is a useless metric. Jut is all that matters
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The Alps must be the shittiest place on the planet if white people have lived there for thousands of years and still can't figure out a way to bulldoze it all and turn it into agriculture or cities. What is it, just freezing rock sticking out of the ground at a 90 degree angle?
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We've turned them into cheeses
Nice living in the juttiest state :)
I wonder what the map would look like for Alaska? The couple times I've visited the mountains have been incredible. I can't imagine any other state comes close.
>There was no response
t. mosquito the size of a dinner plate

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These things are exploding in population. Why are they still protected? These are monstrosities early explorers feared more than cannibal natives. We had their populations down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back IRL monsters that literally want to eat us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology where we can implant each one with a paralysis mechanism if it's close to a human and has the urge to attack. Hook up a bear nuerolink or some shit. But letting these things roam free is a hippie delusion. Wtf are we doing?
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I love a good cougar
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>should we eradicate an entire species because it doesn't let me roleplay as a hippie when I go out to the far off hick woods on the weekend every other couple months
Uhm, no? We already eradicated any real potential threat from our settlements, everything else is just you wanting to turn nature into Disneyland.
That's a great idea! We could breed them with servals.

Also bumpin to remind op he is gay
magic boom sticks that let us casually annihilate any animal on this gay earth and you pussies still wanna turn nature into a daycare. stay inside.

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He is so twitchy and nervous the last year or two since the ''incident'' and really not fun to watch anymore

Are all Canadians this highly strung and nervious all the time? is it part and parcel of living in a dystopia that you will take zero risks even when engaging in things like stealth camping
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I want to fuck the navel
>tiddy campers

ngl I enjoy their content


Not to brag but I fucked two mexican girls touring Canada a few years ago. They asked me to open a jar of salsa for them and I started laughing at the irony, they didn't understand why it was funny. Never got a VD from them either, just the cherry on top of it all.
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What do you guys think about Slim Potatohead?
no clue who that is, but those are really nice front lawns in the background
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His earlier stuff in 2018 to 2020 was pretty kino but as he got more popular his vids became more soulless, the dude clearly has to put out ''content'' to pay the bills and doesn't enjoy it anymore

Also why am I not surprised he sexo'd an asian woman, he looks the type

Is it true that you can get lost easily in the Appalachians?

I want to go there someday but I'm scared I'll end up like those two Dutch girls in Panama

>not to mention the weird paranormal stuff
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Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like a working iphone 14, even without a contract could still be used just to dial sos in an emergency, like you don't need a plan to do the SOS features.
Also kinda funny you have money for a garmin-shit but not for a 2 year old phone.
There are GPS with emergency SOS function that don't require an annual subscription. Probably to specifically fight garmins strangle on that market.
It's the appalachians, just walk the 20 yards over to the wafflehouse or cracker barrel
Dying is free retard.
Why do you type like a redditor boy

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Homestead General /hsg/
> Garden plot
> Thread #08

Talk gardening, farming, livestock, beekeeping, building, electricity and plumbing, earthworks, waterworks, permaculture, raising children, market gardening, selling produce, barter, home economics, composting, mulching, pest control, diet, health.
Anything relevant to living on site, making a home out of the land.

Old Thread: >>2724333
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I didn't know those things are so effective at keeping frost out, I need to get some for next year
I forget if he talks about it here but it’s a good intro to Coleman.


Every layer of cover you add takes you one zone lower. If you can high tunnel, caterpillar tunnel, and have cold frames you can turn a Milwaukee winter into a Montgomery winter.
Utah because Mormons ain't putting up with any of that shit
Rural Utah. The cities are all blue.
Tell me all about your (consumer scale) home grown meat.

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/out/, wtf did I just read? Any of you hear or see this shit before? I was planning on spending a lot of time in national parks both backpacking and RVing. How do I defend against these park rangers? A gun, a cross, my GF that's slower than me? I can't sleep!
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They are secretly succubi and/or incubi (doesn't matter, they can change appearance to fit the one most likely to be enjoyed by their prey). If you camp in national parks and don't have incense burning in your tent or hammock they will suck your dick, maybe do more.
So stop fantasizing about dumb shit and get out there champ!
I remember going to Mount Airy (Chattahoochee-Oconee national forest), and I heard that shit at night- I'm pretty sure it wasn't supernatural, but damn... it was spooky. It echoed throughout the site and I could only lay there in my tent and wonder.
When I was a 11 year old there was like a campout at a big mountain park. My mom took me and we hiked some amazing trails and canyons. Streams, pretty trees.
The entire group cooked out together nice. Singing, dancing, fun. Some brought tents. The rest of us bunked in a old ranger cabin. It was cleaned out but still had some windows and one door out of 3.
At night we slept. And there was a girl laying not far from me. The entire floor was filled with maybe 40 people sacked out, snores etc.
The girl musta been like 14 bc she squirmed right next to me and grabbed hand and made me feel her tits. Then moved my hand to squishy her vag with was wet.
It was amazing. Her cat smelled like roses all over my hand. She grabbed my little donk. But just kissed me.
She git tired and moved away maybe to her family.
I didn't tell my mom, but I had a smile in the morning. We hiked that day too and a couple school busses picked us all up who didn't have vehicles back to our villages.
Good times.
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And watch out for your basket.

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