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Getting tired with my bulky heavy ass bag. Light weight is also appreciated. Any recommendations?
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no such thing exists. a quality packable down sleeping bag starts between 300-400 dollars. good down isn't cheap. cheap down isn't good.

one of my best purchases when i was a poor fag was a western mountaineering ultra light, buy quality, cry once. paid 275 used in 2019
Teton leef 0 is $90, synthetic mummy style so compacts fairly well. It comes with a compression bag and can clip outside you pack. It's not bad, a good step to colder weather without the expense of down
>cheap down isn't good.
It’s not black and white. Cheap down is better than synthetics most of the time. Inb4 poorfag. My quilts were $200 to $300 because good down is indeed better than cheap down.
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I'm thinking of going with the EE revelation quilt right now. It's around 300 - 400
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Homestead General /hsg/
> Biochar Edition
> Thread #07

Talk gardening, farming, livestock, beekeeping, building, electricity and plumbing, earthworks, waterworks, permaculture, raising children, market gardening, selling produce, barter, home economics, composting, mulching, pest control, diet, health.
Anything relevant to living on site, making a home out of the land.

Old Thread: >>2676468
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ya the common question is what I'm asking too where to find land and how to search and buy it. I want to get away from suburbs and leaf blowers 24 7 and build a shack in the woods
sounds awesome I want to do something like this but just looking for land still
MLS listing service
What's the best US state to homestead in? I realize this might depend on personal preferences and what you want to do on the land. Just in general. Also any anons interested in starting a wiki for this general?

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I can’t for the life of me find a good series of online and free atlases for the Pacific Northwest.
I’m trying to collage several of them together to make a map for a project.
To my annoyance, Google Maps and Google Earths’ curvature means the snips I take don’t line up.
And all the free atlases are these tiny jpegs scanned from ancient books since they are the only ones not under copyright.

The jackpot would be good scans of the Nat Geo wall posters. But I’ll settle for something that has terrain and roads on them.
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They still have maps in non American libraries lad. Librarians can usually get stuff through interlibrary loan as well.
PNW dweller here--you wouldn't believe how many ukranians and russians and chinese I've met in the back woods.. probably 8 so far in the last 10 years.
what a weird map to make abbotsford so prominent
Caltopo if it's free if it still exists.
it does and has scans of the US topos, which are pretty beautiful maps. It also has a good set of tools for exporting printable pdfs.
>what is a gazetta
the wild life is gonna fuckin eat you.

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Where has brit out gone?
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dogwalkers should be gassed with due process
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is urbex /out/?
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eh? I walked from Porthmadog to Betws-y-coed.
Walked from Llangadog to Merthyr Tydfil this last weekend. Saturday was wet.
overgrazing from livestock and deer
one of the worst things about the UK actually
Why not ;D

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What kind of options are out there in this day and age? I'm interested in all of it. Preferably reusable and longer lasting, power of illumination less important.
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What the fuck
Has anyone ever tried a tritium light?
/diy/ and /out/ are a great combo
>and put another $5 worth of lithium cell, USB BMS board, and probably the proper resistor
IDK what this means I am a smoothbrain. Post finished product pls.
#1 cause of dwelling fires
chinese batteries that should have failed QC
#2 cause
homemade batteries from idiots

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Is there a point where the size of your tent ruins the atmosphere of actual camping outdoors (with a car 5 feet away as well)?
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As much as you can take with you without it being a pain in the ass is my guess. If you're out hiking for a week that's fuck all, if you're driving to the place you can take a bunch of stuff with you but it's going to have diminishing returns pretty fast. More crap to clean up and so on. A big tent is good for family camping.
Opinion discarded. You wanted a house the entire time.
Looks comfy
If you can stand up in it, it's a cabin, not a tent
Sure, if it's too heavy to carry innawoods it's probably at that limit, although I would generally say that the experience is made up more importantly of other things, like disconnecting from electronics, remoteness from other people, and extended exposure to the open sky. Sleeping in a foot-access primitive log cabin that is a hundred miles from the nearest settlement is still a great experience.

>be black bear
>see a nature park built directly in the middle of my forest
>wander around the place looking for food
>see a woman, run away scared shitless
>get a fucking hit squad send out to euthanize me
>die and enter a higher plane of existence
>mfw humans on the other side of the continent heard about my death and are talking about how scary I was and how they would shoot me faster if they saw me in person
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You say that as if anything more than a shovel is necessary to kill a snake
Tbh this seems like something /out/ would do
>bear encroached on human territory (in a city no less)
>attacked a worker
What did you expect?
Just American things.
>If a person feeds a bear they should kill the person, not the bear.
If a person is whats feeding a black bear I don't think they are alive anymore.

This might be verging on off topic but does anyone else love seeing what kind of gaming set ups they can pull off with a low budget and low weight? There's just something about hooking up a tiny computer screen in a cabin with no sound or scuffed sound that makes the experience way more enjoyable than just using the TV at home.
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I remember playing through Metal Gear Solid and all the Mega Man X games on my first smartphone. It was on my class trips from my boarding school (they also gave me an old computer in my room as part of Senior privileges and I ended up playing through Majora's Mask and MGS Peace Walker. The school ended up upgrading their security to keep people from playing games on the computers after that.
i had a tiny TV like that when i was kid, alwasy used to sneak out into my aunts camper and watch shitty TV on even shittier signal, but it was comfy, dont even remember what i watched, probably just german news broadcasts or something, i didnt understand anyway
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if you INSIST on gaming while youre out just get a steam deck man, no need for all that larp shit
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actually randomly saw one at the thrift store the other day

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Can you parachute off the top of K2 and Everest?

That would make short work of descending. Think of how epic that would be. A quick way for those who are struggling to return to base camp.
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He’s right about Denali.
Watch The Man Who Skiied Down Everest. It's very comfy
Yes but you risk being blown into the side of the mountain. There's a very small chance you'd land somewhere accessible from which you could disconnect your parachute and continue your descent. More likely you'd be slammed into rocks, get your lines tangled, the parachute ripped, and then pulled back off the rocks by winds on your now ripped parachute. You would spin wildly, slam into the the rocks over and over again until your lines were all cut or the parachute too shredded to generate enough pull on your body to get airborne again. Your broken and bloodied body likely would end up somewhere completely inaccessible and never recovered.
How long before we can build a hypobaric chamber with VR so anons can simulate the climb without leaving their local 'VR Experience Centre'?
>Chinese hands in occupied Tibet typed this

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Korea is an underrated /out/ country. It's mountainous so there are tons of great places to hike, backpack, climb, boulder, and mountain bike. It has a long distance bike trail that you can ride the length of the country. It's a peninsula so plenty of great spots to ocean kayak, inlet kayak, and fish. All while have great public transportation to travel to all these places. Also has a strong supporting culture for /out/ activities.
It is absolutely gorgeous
The mountain-scape in Korea is like a wrinkled up blanket though... it goes from flat valley bottom to steap terrain in no time flat and it does this over and over and over... it's pretty brutal actually. Also--monsoon season is a thing.

I've been looking around for a good hammock but a lot of the recommended brands I've seen in discussions either aren't making them anymore or are completely sold out.

Could I get some hammock recommendations as well as general tips for hammock camping?
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>everyone who owns a hammock ie not you
Nigger what? These are all me retard.
Answer the question boss. How much money have you dropped on hammocks so you can pretend to be an expert on how to lay down?
literally doesn't matter. They're all the same just the straps are different.
Get a two person, a bit bigger but a lot more comfy
Not that anon but probably 300-400. Thats 2 hammocks though and an underquilt. They are right though the 5 dollar blessed Menard's is almost certainly less comfortable than a proper 11ft hammock. The extra length and the diagonal position let's you avoid the curve and take pressure off your back.

Demonstratively false, but almost all the cheaper parachute nylon fabric hammocks are the same I'll give you that. Mostly because the machine that makes them tops out at about a 9.5ft length. On these the width makes up a little for the short length but if you're really sleeping in it spend the extra 30 bucks or whatever for an 11ft when you committed.
He's trolling, anon. It's the same as waterproof stuff not being waterproof or raw aluminum being an alloy. Just ignore him.
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are spreader bars a meme? seems like wasted weight

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Can someone redpill me on those fancy expensive bikes? Four years ago I bought a bike for daily commute. I was poor so I bought the cheapest city bike for €260:


Then I discovered my passion for cycling trips. The problem was, my bike was cheap, so it kept breaking all the time, other than that I loved it. After two years I had enough and came back to the bike shop, where the guy tried to sell me some more racing-looking bike, but I really loved my city bike, so I ended up buying a more expensive bike from the city series for €700:


It's very comfortable, and during these two years the only things that needed repairs were tubes and tyres, even the original brake pads are still going strong. Fantastic. I can't express it how much I love the minimal maintenance. Unfortunately, it's very heavy, which really limits my performance during all-day cycling trips.

I'm thinking of buying one of those fancy expensive bikes for my trips, but I don't know shit about them.
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And instead you opted to deal with the weight and drag of an internal gearbox?
Yup. I bike an average of 100 km a week and can't be arsed to baby a derailleur anymore.
>my bike was cheap, so it kept breaking all the time
lmao like some onions racing bike is going to break less? I guess things do go wrong on a basic bike now and then but there's not much can fail you can't fix with a pair of vice grips and $10 of parts from walmart or parts pulled from junk bikes. Are you some kind of woman?
You don't even own a bike.
I own a bike I bought used 14 years ago for around $200 and it works great.

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Good day gentlemen.
What is one to do when all lands are claimed as private estates, surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by mistrustful boomers? No matter where I venture, I am deemed a trespasser. Even the so-called 'public lands' are often forbidden.

I understand that in these troubled times, the presence of disreputable individuals makes it challenging to maintain order. Yet, I grow weary of constantly watching my back. And before you levy any unkind judgments upon me, know that my experiences in the great outdoors far exceed those of the average normie soul. I speak with the authority of one well-versed in the ways of nature.

It is disheartening beyond measure to feel the weight of suspicion when all I desire is to explore this wondrous Earth. Should I surrender to this frustration and seek refuge in the wilds of Scotland?
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Not in foggy ol Inglun'. Trespassing isn't worth the legal repercussions.
>I am very experienced
>how do I find places to camp?
These two statements are incongruous to one another. The only way to gain experience is to go camping, which means you already know how to find places.
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Scotland is a train ride away. Regardless you should definetly head up there if you haven't been, it's brilliant.
But camping in the hills of England and Wales isn't new. Hike up into the hills in the afternoon, enjoy yourself until it's close to sunset, pitch up and sleep. Then rise with the sun, break your fast, and break camp. Ideally you don't pitch too early or leave too late. Leave no trace and all that.
No one is roaming the hills at dusk and dawn to catch wild campers.

However, due to an increase in people not following these basic rules, pitch way too early or leaving way too late, leaving rubbish etc. I fear a backlash. Promote best practice and enjoy yourself.
>Trespassing isn't worth the legal repercussions
what? there literally aren't any

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im a 20yr old chronically online male, i've fantasized about going camping/hiking alone for years but never had the money nor guts to take the plunge, what kind of places or equipment do you anons recommend for a beginner like me? my goal is to someday travel around my country for a month while camping inbetween.
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Increase incrementally on the hiking front, I would avoid adding weekly more than 10% more distance/elevation gain than you did the week before.

Depending on your living situation try 'camping' in your backyard or even your literal living room, only use what you would have fully packed up.
By the sounds of it you should start with a walk at your local park
You probably have what you need to start already . A back pack, water bottle , some munchies, a comfortable pair of shoes and clothing appropriate for the days weather is all you need for a nice day hike.
Start with a day hike every now and then. As you are outside you will figure out what gear you want. Maybe different shoes for your hiking trips, maybe a different back pack.
The key is just get outside to start.
Have you considered starting with going outside?
>not enough money
Hiking is basically free, camping only has the upfront cost of gear but if you're just starting you can get away with cheap Walmart stuff. Look up the 10 essentials and build around that.
>not enough guts
Do a little at a time. You dont have to fo weeklong backcountry treks right away. Hike solo on popular trails, do a solo car camping trip, build your confidence with more experience.

Hey anon, Im currently deep in the beautiful jungle of my country. Its very nice but its getting dark pretty quick. I decided to post some pics of it here
thats nice anon,

what country is this? I personally have difficulty differentiating many other countries jungles from the southeastern united states, I need to learn more about local flora
>deep in the beautiful jungle
If you have enough cell service to send pictures you probably aren't all that deep in the jungle.
is this straya by chance?

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