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thread dedicated to the possible northern lights at low latitute of tonight, and after that other space and astronomy stuff

pic related was shot in Northern Italy (!)
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>I'm going to just keep looking every night this month.
lmao even

when i saw the aurora from Italy >>2781657
>>2781591 i had to stay out basically all night in a dripping wet field (i stayed out more than 4 hours from 10 PM to 2:30 AM)
during all of that, i saw the aurora for a grand total of 10 minutes (there was one "flame" at 11 PM and another one at 1:45 AM, each lasting about 5 minutes)

tldr; stay out all night but when there actually is a storm happening, not when there isn't. Don't expect to see anything all the time but expect a few and far-in-between brief events scattered along the whole night (the storms from your perspective tend to be stronger after sunset up to well after midnight, but the chances decrease more towards sunrise)
Wow, amazing shot!
Wow, amazing shot!
yeah grey cloud as per 95% usual here
aaayyyyyy pizza pasta bippitty-boppitty

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previous thread: >>2765467
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Is it stupid to hunt pheasants with an 18" barrel shotgun? I have one with a 26" barrel set up for hunting but at the clay field I'm more successful with the 18". I'm in the northeastern US and there is thick brush and not a ton of open space in the spots where I hunt pheasants. In other words, I'm not really expecting having to take a shot beyond 25 yards. Between that, the better performance on clays, and the fact that my shorter gun fits me better, I think I may be onto something here.
Go for it at 25 yds and in it's like grouse hunting and a lot of ppl use short barrel open chokes for that. If it works it works.
/k/ommandos dream
Someone I know ow said he passed on a fork spike last weekend because it wasn't much larger than a fawn. Temps are supposed to drop this next weekend, so we'll be heading back out if my boss approves my vacation request. I saw sign of mountain lion last time I was out but didn't see or hear any.
Good luck! That may have been my last deer hunting trip for the season unless my sister or brother in law see the bucks back on the property before the end of the month. I'm pretty discouraged ATM.

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Now that the dust is beginning to settle, which one is superior for the true outdoorsman?
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>Less pajeets
This is all that needed to be said
yeah all these NPS haters are showing how dogshit they are at planning. I love Natl forests too but there and some incredible spots in national parks. I spent 4 days on a Zion thru and saw like 8 people until the last 2 hours (including a totally empty Angels landing). Druid Arch in Canyonlands, saw 4 people. I go boulder in RMNP all the time, hardly ever see anyone except other climbers. Plenty of bigger trails in Smonky MTns mostly empty, even in peak leaf season.
Yeah, if you stick to shit within 4 miles of the closest parking lot to the main entrance it sucks. The solution is to not do that, not call national parks shit. But 80% of this board LARPS about going outside, while being to fat to do any of the stuff they talk about.
Depends on terrain
Used to be a forest there?

I could have saved it
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I mistook you for the other poster. I agree with you we need more beavers, wetlands, and forests everywhere. A lot of people don't realize that one dedicated man can plant several thousand trees in his free time.
amused to see that there's a Lewis & Clark fandom and they're at each other's throats
That's rough, buddy.
thats a incorrect map the great plains also includes most of eastern iowa and east minnesota
>eastern iowa and east minnesota
dont you mean western MN/IA?

Suprised nobody made a thread about this guy...been missing for a week. its not lookin good bros.

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>the forest anon
who or what is that?
Looks like they gave up looking for him...

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK — After 11 days of searching, Yellowstone National Park will scale back efforts to locate Minnesota native Austin King in the vicinity of Eagle Peak, the park said in a release.

The effort transitioned from a rescue to recovery Wednesday.

More than 100 personnel, including two helicopters, search dog teams, ground teams with spotting scopes, trackers, and a drone have searched more than 3,225 miles at elevations ranging from 11,350 feet to 8,400 feet. The park said no definitive clues as to King’s current whereabouts have been found.
That's unfortunate news.
Good thing he was prepared and had a satellite phone or satellite messaging device with him.
he used his cel phone to call his family from the top of the peak he climbed

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Have you ever taken a gril /out/?
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I've been talking to this woman from Ghana about it. Like someone here said, people from less developed nations HUDDLE in the towns/cities even more than us, so I don't know if it's worth taking her if I still know her next spring. But it would be fun for a night, to introduce her to the whitest pastime in the universe. Fucking girls in the trees when they're not used to it is excellent.
Nah, not really
> take GF camping
> short canoe trip to an island for an overnighter
> fish for supper
> deep fry walleye over the fire in lard
> bring Buffalohide to lay on by the fire
> she never banged outside before
> bang by the fire on the Buffalo skin
> snuggles post coitus
> she ends up hogging the entire Hudson Bay 4 point blank and I nearly freeze to death in the itchy shitty WW2 OD Army wool blanket
> currently she is bugging me about another camping trip before the snow comes.
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posted this before, a risky move but everything worked out in the end
fun fact: same trip an extremely short stocky jewish girl came along as well and she was fine. actually, the worst companion on a journey so far has been a hike-obssessed dude who got a blister early and complained the whole trip
in my experience wimmin are probably per capita less obnoxious than men on hiking trips. maybe out of a desire to prove they're not weak/helpless/ineffectual/whatever. all the hiking companions i've had that i'd describe as anything less than pleasant were older men

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Life’s been changing in some exciting ways for me recently. I’ve been with an incredible woman from Thailand for a year, and after spending three months there to really understand the culture, we’ve stayed strong. She just landed a job in Langford, BC, and I’ll be working at the dockyard nearby. We’ve also found a place in Langford, surrounded by the natural beauty of Vancouver Island. Since I’ve spent most of my life in Ontario, I’m really looking forward to the outdoor lifestyle here—fishing, hiking, and exploring the forests. For anyone who knows the area, what should I expect? Any tips on diving into the outdoor scene? Can’t wait to make the most of what the island has to offer!
nice bot post
>leaving the jeets behind
LOL you sure are in for a rude awakening. also fuck off we're full
>I’ve been with an incredible woman from Thailand for a year
How big is "her" wiener?

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So the only way to be truly free is to live on a boat in international waters right? You can larp innawoods as much as you like but the government still owns you and your land. So how feasible is this if you're not a billionaire?
There's plenty of youtube channels of hippies living in boats but I'm talking the real seaworld experience. I thinking using a super cheap old sail boat or an old small fishing boat or something, something you could buy for the price of a condo.
>have a motor and sail for when one of them doesn't work
>hang out just at the edge of international waters which is only about 30km, you can practically swim back to shore
>go to land just long enough to restore your stocks, not long enough to pay taxes
>solar and wind power
>hydroponics and fishing for backup food
>rainwater and desalinization plant (dirt cheap nowadays)
>a couple mean Rottweilers as an alarm system
>satellite phone for emergencies
>you could expand by buying and towing another boat
could you do all this for less than a million dollars?
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>>very left leaning socialist utopia
>They're right-libertarians actually, but definitely utopians
You can tell off the bat immediately without even looking at the website because they actually got off their asses and truly acquired the lifestyle and put effort in to live the way they wanted instead praying that one day society and the government will magically turn into a socialist utopia the way leftist leaning people think.
>the only way to truly be free
>completely reliant on others for food, supplies, and rescue
>8 months/year in international water doesn't mean you don't need to pay taxes
what taxes could you possibly have to pay except ones on products?
cute rethoric but a land chud is infinitely more dependent on the system than a boat chad
Sounds pretty wild!
I was watching him since he was with his ugly girlfriend in a van, this boat is a mess, he will work on it for another 6 years or so before it will be usable, and with how he builds it, i can only wish him no strong storms. He's a cool guy, but not very wise.

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I got a $50 CAD gift card to bass pro. I like lake fishing. what should I get?
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how do you check expiration dates? I was bought 3 years ago for a secret Santa but I only just got it today.
ohp, nevermind. it was just bought recently, we good.
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>lake fishing
assuming you already have plenty of lures i recommend scented baits. those bottles of walleye and trout goop work wonders.
Some lures maybe
any suggestions for diving lures? around 15 to 20 feet spots on my main lake. want to start getting the big ones that stay deeper.

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what did your father and grandfather teach you and what do you wish they had
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literally nothing. holy fuck they were so useless. the only things i have gained were through genetic memory of my ancestors being seafarers and farmers
Grandpa(s) no, dad yes, a little.
I wish I learned how to hunt and clean/butcher animals.
my grandpa taught me how to do pretty much anything myself so I've been DIYing everything my entire life.
my dad taught me how to be a junkie alcoholic and ruin everyone around yous life.
Funny because my father was somewhat well off and never did any DIY himself, always paying someone else to do it. So now I'm the same way. I don't know if I'm terrible at DIY or if I just don't care to learn, but either way, I'm fucking terrible with my hands
My grandfather taught me that money is the only thing that maters
My father taught me that drugs are the only that matter
I have never been outside before

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Here it is:
That is the biggest natural park from Romania and one ob biggest from Carpatians.

The exact location where from i made the picture, that "garden" with grass and small spruces. Is lirerally my property, and is the best property from Carpatians, situated between two natural parks and third one begins from on other sode of the border. It is situated on top of a rocky mountain while the top is flat where from you have viev on poth parks, complete panorama of the bigger one. Right next there live the scarciest fauna of the country, the eurasian black grouse, around 100 pairs in entire country in the wild. On that mountain >>2780333

The proprety was forced taked by noble family a hundred years ago, we manage to get some back down the rock but the plane on top we did not get it. I might try to retake it.
Not to mantion, that noble family shoot last european bison from carpatians.

I knew it!
Hope next time i goo outside, i will come back with a lynx paw. A sepherder told me a lynx killed 2 sheeps inside his home backyard last year.

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I want to try goose but don't have a gun. Anybody ever caught one before?
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Attack geese are no joke.
Tricky to catch!
I've gotten a few from kicking them when they hiss at me. Fuck cobra chickens, I hope you kill them all.
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go waterfowl hunting 2xhjw
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put out traps maybe. or get a gan

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Who cares?
100 acres isnt shit

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And how come no birds or bugs ever eat the berries?
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It’s buckthorn. it’s invasive. It’s toxic to humans and not very nutritious for animals so they don’t eat it very much.
Looking it up and seeing it was a hedge plant i can see how they look nice. Shane the berries are useless.
They probably do!
invasive buckthorn cut it down
it contains laxatives so when birds eat it they shit everywhere thats how it spreads fast

ive killed most of it on my property ive been going into the Neighbors woods and scraping the bark and applying concentrated glyphosate to the wounds to kill the shit growing close to my property
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>it contains laxatives so when birds eat it they shit everywhere thats how it spreads fast
That's hilarious. Problem, birds?

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i like to make petroglyphs on the rocks to confuse local archaeologists. today i carved the green crab god
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they mad lol
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Grow up.
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Hey those are really cool!
Where are they? I would like to come and see them
the location needs to remain a secret to protect my cultural heritage

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