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He is so twitchy and nervous the last year or two since the ''incident'' and really not fun to watch anymore

Are all Canadians this highly strung and nervious all the time? is it part and parcel of living in a dystopia that you will take zero risks even when engaging in things like stealth camping
>meet steve once
>mysteriously die
Oh boy the monthly Steve thread
better than an another /out/ career or boomer seethe or a bullshit gardening question thread
at least the steve ones are reasonably often funny
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This guy crashed his quad and has brain damage and a dead hand now. What is happening in canada
whole thread of literally who E-celebs. cool!
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It was a dirt bike, and I can't watch this dude anymore either, not because of his accident but I noticed in his recent videos he's riddled in scumbag tier tattoos so I unsubbed
That guy was an alone contestent who lost :^]
he tapped after he lost his firesteel iirc
shit really? his brother died of vax recently, like Steve's wife
>died of vax
2 more weeks!
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Canada really got a lot of the killshots unfortunately
Live about an hour away from where Joe is from and I still cant stand his fuckin accent.

>gowin doown to the cæmp spot

only people i've met that talk like him are farmers and kids that drive trucks in highschool
>This guy crashed his quad and has brain damage
thank you Jesus for doing something right every now and then
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He got hit by the triple whammy of dumb
>covered in tattoos
>stupid accent
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steve is cool
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Should they link up, /out/?
I really dont like his face, i cant watch his stuff
>I really dont like his face, i cant watch his stuff

I think i was the only one. He looks extremely repressive of his anger, which sometimes spurts out. Seeing also how weird he is in his emotional expression(Mormonism and all) i suspect there might be some really shady ways he lets his not so wholesome side out.
There's always this intense tension with him that you can tell intuitively. I've seen chill dads that don't see themselves as an army lieutenant conatantly on duty.
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this dude looks like a boer who is one stink eye away from reliving the 19th century rebellion
I watched his video about the crash out of curiosity and he said the brain damage means hes going to stop being a daily toker

I mean good for him brain injuries suck but yeah
You not alone
>Are all Canadians this highly strung and nervious all the time
I think he just does it for the bit.

Not sure also, but I think he grew fond of companionship, He seemed very comfortable camping with his friend who recentish passed away.
I feel like steve being thrown back into solo camping is going to be a little nervous. Especially since he has found that statistically, whacky videos do better where he's using weird materials to camp with or something. He is just clearly afraid of confrontation of other people while doing so though.
Probably because it isnt really him, but he does it for the views.
He also seems to not enjoy being recognized much, at least while he's working/filming, so his responses to others is getting ever more justified as his popularity grows.
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>afraid of confrontation of other people while doing so though.
Is confrontation in Canada a crime? he's always worried about breaking meaningless little laws here and there

Is there any madlad stealth campers out there that are like old steve?
Canadians are weird.
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Most canadians I've made friends with online over the years have been dumb as rocks, I don't get it because Americans while dumb are at least relatable
It's worse now, most Canadians are in a state of terminal decline/denial/destruction. It's happened before, it's the fate of the humans caught up in a communist hellscape. It looks a little more subtle because we're in a more isolated environment due to the internet and social media isolation but the hallmarks are there for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Maybe the Inuit will make it, because they were off in the boonies already. But urban and urban-adjacent Canadians are FUCKED until something breaks and the open fighting begins.

It's happening to us as well :( Not happy about for anyone, I'd love to be kumbaya and stuff but the screws are being twisted on us all.
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This is why I moved out to the country, I grew up in the 80s and never saw a non-white until around the year 2000 in my country

Now the entire city centres are overflowing with violent browns knifing kids

The fall can't come soon enough imho
I wish I could say I stopped watching him when I found out he faked his "sleeping behind a walmart" video, but actually I always found his mannerisms weird and uncanny. On paper I should love his content, but he just rubs me the wrong way. For Ontario /out/ youtubers I'll stick to Jim/Ted Baird, Xander, and John of lostlakes.

That sucks about his hand though. I don't get the edgelords who wish ill will on complete strangers just because they have a following on youtube.
Justin Barbour is the boss of the bushwhacker leafshitters.
He's on a man sized ramble right now but idk how it's going because idk where he posts updates, if he does at all.
Don't think he'll upload to ___tube because he's trying to make a living at it. I'll pay to watch his next trip report if I have to.
you don't like watching someone with horseteeth shoving a camera 3 inches from them while he loudly eats 3 pounds of slop in between doing retarded shit? whats wrong with you?
None of this is remotely true.
Fuck off Steve.
i just want to see steve have the balls just once to say >hey mofo i'm fuckin campin here
9 times outta 10 anyone who's ever seen me camping has just said oh hey and went the other way....steve on the other hand has a panic attack packs up camp and runs off like he's being hunted by the cia
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I just wish he'd talk about how his wife died (((suddenly))) with no pre-existing condition
He killed her
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I don't believe he did, but the vaxx certainly did
It's safe and effective chud. If you get it you won't have any risk of covid killing you and it is 100% effective at stopping the spread.
Because they found out they were wrong about everything
It's called a dystopian hellscape.
Clearly you've never lived in Claifornia.
I imagine Canada is even worse, typical boomer police state
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True. So true. Worst part about it is people are punished for acknowledging it. Which makes us hate our own people as well.
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Sierra Pacific Industries claimed illegal ownership over public lands in CA, OR and WA and now they have CLOSED public lands in these states. Agenda 2030 is growing to a happy forest near you. Soon you will be just like Steve and therefore you will understand.
Based Kruger poster.
He's a Mormon
Look at that neck growing like a stump rooted deep in solar plexus. He looks to be deceptively strong. Obfuscating his potential for rushed judgment. Whether the branch of sanity snapped or merely bent is the question carried away with highway's hum.
>the most interesting character in the movie has 10 minutes of screen time

i'm glad blomkamp's career died
thanks for this, most white trash channel i've come about in a while
has a bit of luck with a decent wife it seems
kinda talks like dsp you can tell it's some kind of a small time conman
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Do you think Wallis is an alcoholic? Because once you take that first step, you never stop at two. And if he's hiding it, what else is he not coming clean about?
Dudes wife died, mother died, and best friend died. Poor guy is going through a lot all in one year.
So he's twitchy because he's worried he'll get caught?
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Steve has a new girlfriend.
>he's evil because... he's ugly
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He probably has thots thirsting after him constantly for that youtube money
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Canada is a stressful place, hard to relax here
If he was in any way serious about outdoors he'd have married a deer.
are you retarded?
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I don't buy into the theory that he killed his wife but it's obvious that he's unwell. He's always been very weird and a little off. I dunno, I just get strong serial killer vibes from him
>Are all Canadians this highly strung and nervous all the time?
I would be nervous too if I were surrounded by a new species of beast that defecated openly around humans and mockingly pretended to assimilate.
Based bairds enjoyer
My intuition says he fucks his dog.
I thought you were making a deliberate reference to the documentary explaining openly what made her die suddenly, by the title of Died Suddenly. It's not allowed on YouTube, but it's all over BitChute and Rumble.
>Canadians are in a state of terminal decline/denial/destruction
I noticed this on my recent trip there. As an Australian it was wild seeing all their monuments, of all the same battles and wars that we've been in, but every single public space was full of homeless camps. I thought the country was on par with Australia for my whole life but going there it was revealing that it is a significant step down (maybe even two) when it comes to quality of life.

And even just services, I thought the country was a civilised place, I would walk into a hotel and ask for a room but they could/would not offer one. They could scan in my passport or whatever, standard stuff, but no. Everything had to be booked online or paid with a credit card, cash was scary to them it seems, which is absolutely not the case in America. I would go into the bargain hotels, the fanciest ones, all staffed by the low-caste Indians who just outright refused to take money or give me a place to lay my head. I understand my accent was difficult for them, but I had an easier time getting around in India itself in most cases. Meanwhile these turbaned Canadians were almost hostile to me for daring to walk in and ask for a room. Its a bureaucratic hellhole where nothing is done directly, I found it easier to pay with things through services like travala using bitcoin than using my debit visa or cash. This wasn't even a hotel thing either, just going into the fastfood restaurant or using uber, its all Canadian-Indians trying to prevent you from getting what you want or going wherever you need to go. Like they were friendly enough and really enjoyed talking about cricket, but the whole vibe of the country was off, everyone (even the Indians) have been reduced to the lowest quality possible.

It really is no wonder why every Canadian of merit flees south. There is absolutely no hope for Canada as far as I see it.
Who the fuck is this reddit princess? He is literally crying in every video like a little boy. I bet he wears a mask because of his lactose intolerance and wash hands every 5 minutes. He wouldn't survive 2 days in a forest without his marketing team. What a pussy
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he's a two foot tall dwarf with stick arms that constantly falls over, what are you talking about
I'm pretty sure he is an alcoholic, I got that impression after just a couple videos
His latest video has him walking round really stiff like a geriatric would
throw in that turkish /out/ cooking guy and this would be my endgame
Basically, he changed the world of camping and can't take the pressure. People seek him out from all around the world for adventure, either in person, by mail, or vicariously by watching on YouTube. He's a leader to tens of thousands, and behind the scenes that's a lot of responsibility and not many people would have lasted this long. You have to give him credit.
Yeah, I don't see why he would be that stiff. He seems to be in extremely poor health for a 43-year old. Only explanation I can think of is the drinking. He mentions in the newest video he is tuning down the step 2s as well. I don't think he is desperate for drink all day every day, just that he has fallen into a habit where he drinks enough to be very unhealthy
I like sorting out the white trash with few hundred bots watching them when searching for stealth camping on yt


i thought he was gen x or something
>People seek him out from all around the world for adventure, either in person, by mail, or vicariously by watching on YouTube

Any hot women do you think?
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>he's quit/cut back Step 2
>Joe Robinet almost died, now doing physical therapy
>Rokkitkit taking his son out on the ocean for some reason
>Scotty Walkabout running out of places to go that arent the same fucking place over and over
>Korean/Japanese tiddy campers slowly taking over youtube
its over
that's hot
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>quit/cut back step 2
I'll be leaving as soon as I can.
Headed to Japan once I can buy a property and a business there.
Might catch me lurking in the background of tiddy streamer.
How the hell does a dog drive a quad?
I want to fuck the navel

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