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Genuinely cannot find any info on camping or anyone interested in camping who isn't a fag.
>Camping gear is not all plastic shit that costs 500+ dollars
>Campers are just gearheads who enjoy buying shit from REI more than actually camping
>everyone is a pussy. Don't even carry a knife or drink from a river because "knife le weapon" and "river le germs"!!!!!
>"camp mattresses" exist and are like 400 dollars for a glorified balloon
>Camping sites are just parking lots by parks, and filled with retards
So...go camping on your own.
You're talking about glamping which has always been a thing. There's normie camp grounds and primitive sites you actually need to hike out too.

Also if you don't like plastic gear you're a hipster faggot. I'm as much if an anti micro plastic schizo as the next guy but camping is the one situation where the pros outweigh the cons.
My dad is retired on a super fixed income and he camps for pretty much the entire summer because it's one of the cheapest ways to travel. $1k of camping equipment would get you like a week in a hotel somewhere and it lasts you multiple years
You've never been camping yet you are now an expert?
is this another demotivational thread?
>Camping fucking sucks now
nigga what? just buy some used gear on craigslist to avoid chinkshit. the whole point of camping is to get away from the spiralling clown world. the woods are the same as they always were.
What the fuck are you taking about
The amount of rubber micro particles you inhale during a day in an urban environment dwarfs any amount you'd ingest during a camping trip out in nature.
>tons of videos about buying quality camping gear on a budget
>tons of DIY projects
>everybody brings a knife
>everybody filters river water or boils snow
>camp mattresses exist and they cost as much as two nights at a cheap hotel
>he camps at (((campsites)))
I bought a cheap tent, a cheap bag, and a pillow. I am ready to get out there
You’ve never camped more than a few days, and only in fair weather. You’re fat. You’ve never backpacked more than a few miles, and even then your focus was on camping rather than hiking. You don’t even know the difference between camping and hiking. Your feet are softer than the inside of a vagina. You think pemmican and whole potatoes are a good choice for hiking food. You think pack weight isn’t important. You have no idea what you’re doing.
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So trve anon. That's why I turn to my eastern friends or secondhand market for gear, and go bushwacking to get away from these bluetooth speaker retards.
I just use an ALICE rig and an old backpack not even meant for camping to bring my tent and tarp. My tent is like 6 years old at this point. Works fine for me.
Pemmican has a decent calorie/weight ratio thoughbeit.
Anon, you make your own experience.
you don't have to participate in any of that.
you can just go camping.
which I suspect you don't actually do, you just like wanking about it with other wankers online.
Just go outside.
Fucking gottem but you lost me on pemican

OP you should go to Alaska that's where all the cool hard-core campers go :)
That's pretty harsh.
You sound like you camp with your mom.
>spends $5000 on elaborate car-top tent
if you're not sleeping on top of your car you're not a true outdoorsman
There's nothing better than getting outdoors, cracking open a cooler full of beers, and blasting music from your car while you and the lads play ladder ball. Sorry you can't have fun anon, call the warden on me pussy
Why don't you put up an ad on craigslist for an manly man who wants to go overnight camping with you macho style.
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imagine coping so hard because you're too scared to go out by yourself
but it is scary though. I mean I'm pretty scared of being killed by satanic hillbillies, mole jews, or mountain feds, or hunted by rich fags cause I accidentally found their child mills
>Camping gear is not all plastic shit that costs 500+ dollars
Don’t buy it. There are plenty of non-plastic or cheap options (they’re mostly bad)
>Campers are just gearheads who enjoy buying shit from REI more than actually camping
What they do doesn’t affect you or me in any way.
>everyone is a pussy. Don't even carry a knife or drink from a river because "knife le weapon" and "river le germs"!!!!!
Again, it doesn’t affect you. Do you need a group to camp with? Why? Just go with friends if you’re not comfortable being alone.
>"camp mattresses" exist and are like 400 dollars for a glorified balloon
We can all google the prices. CCF pads exists.
>Camping sites are just parking lots by parks,
Go to a national forest and setup wherever you want
>and filled with retards
How would you even know?
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for some weird reason most anons still think going /out/ means following some premade trails and camping on a campgrounds on nature parks by default
where have all those who are able to use a map and compass gone
whats the point of going anywhere if you are just going to be around people anyway
It’s regional. In the southeast and a lot of the east coast, going off-trail means bushwhacking through a jungle at 1/4 mile per hour. It’s done through necessity, connecting trails and old roads, or getting to a certain feature. It’s not the same thing as just hiking. Sometimes you find a game trail but they don’t go very far. Old forest roads are nice but you don’t really need to navigate (just look at a map).
>there was no response to this
>>Camping sites are just parking lots by parks, and filled with retards
Well yes, what else would a camping site be?
If you want to go camping then go in nature, in the wild.
Always wanted to go /out/ with a bag of potato's desu
You sound like a whiny bitch and probably stupid
The only thing stopping you from your dreams is you.
It tastes fucking horrid, which is why it was used as an emergency ration that everyone hated.
buy land or rent land
and you dont know how to start a fire without a butane torch, lighter or lighter fluid. Hiking is just walking
you're retarded and thing your special trans app that tells you that you walked
someting that everyone who isnt a cripple which is the majority of thw popluation can do
you arent special.
You will never be special.
I bet you dont even know where to begin looking for materials to start a fire?
Do you know how to identify proper trees?
Can you effectively split wood?
>inb4 can you
yes, i can.
Do you even know how to track animals?
Literally stop wasting your money on trans gear and actually go outside
everytime someone on this board actually goes outside you fags get mad that they arent doing it your oddly specific way.

>inb4 but my hecking trans state doesnt allow fires

foldable firepits exist
you can also do the dakota firehole
i bet you didnt even know what that was until i mentioned it.
you fuckjng retards just horde images and infographics that you will never put into use because you spend all your time watchjng anime and playing video games
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>he thinks starting a fire and splitting wood is some big difficult task
You basement dwellers just can't help but to out yourselves sometimes
i fucking hate this board
you're the same retards that think walking is a special task
I don't even know what this thread is about, literally didn't read. I just saw your retarded post and decided to chime in. I've been making fires and splitting wood since I was a kid. I can't imagine how new you would have to be to the outdoors to think that's anything special.
yeah dude and my dad works for nintendo!1!1!1!!1
god i fucking hate americans
what's the cheapest/lightest setup for solo camping 2 nights?
Do you seriously think lighting a fire is something remarkable ?
I spent $25 on a sleeping pad that keeps me about 3 inches off the ground. I'm putting it on top of my closed cell foam pad. I think maybe you're talking about glamping. There's no way in hell I'm packing an actual full size inflatable "mattress" on my back unless I'm just not carrying any other gear. That's silly.

Tbh if you're only camping two nights, you might as well completely disregard weight concerns. Carry as much as you can bear for however long you're looking to hike.
Im in Europe and we can't do camping in hiking trails, only in certain camping parks (which are not wild)
Also I'm in a tight budget of around 100USD or less, It's my first time too
>we can't do camping in hiking trails
And thank Christ for that. Imbeciles are already setting up anyway in the literal middle of trails.
I guess the abbos aren't the only ones needing to be warned not to sleep on roads.

I've heard of people night hiking and actually bumping into fuckers' tents. Unreal.
If you're only doing a couple nights and are on a tight budget, I'd recommend a bivy bag. If you want to go really cheap and lightweight, you can just buy a tarp and do a ridgeline and cowboy camp. You wont need a large expensive backpack or anything ultralight. Get a cheap cell foam pad and an inflatable pad to put on top. The most expensive part is probably going to be the sleeping bag but if you look around for sales/clearance synthetic stuff, I think you can easily fit your $100 budget.

If you're willing to spring for a few extra pounds, there are plenty of dirt cheap freestanding tents on ebay/amazon, but don't expect them to be stormworthy. For a couple nights, you can make some compromises.
You can, just dont get seen.
I didn't mean in the middle of the trail, just that we can't do wild camping here
Im a good boy
I just perfected my cooking and water setup and ordered some expensive titanium shit and I'll probably never use it because going outside is too uncomfortable but I find comfort in all my nylon things and doo-dads
You can give me any good reasons to go outside, anyway, its sort of a depressing isolating thing going out into the wilderness
Depends on what you’re comfortable with. The Borah Gear bug bivy and tarp are really light and affordable, but offer less convenience than a tent. The Lanshan Chink tent on Amazon is pretty cheap but you’re rolling the dice in quality and it’s fairly small. The X-Mid is a great value but the price tag might be a bit much for some people.

Generally there’s the choice of usability (including quality), price, and weight. You get to pick two. The shelters I listed are some of the exceptions, all of them being cheap, light, and useable (but still with varying degrees).

Retard newfag advice. Thanks.
Nta but during labor day weekend I hiked 34 miles with 60 pounds of gear. Was great fun, but too many people since it was a holiday.
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>You think pemmican and whole potatoes are a good choice for hiking food.
>he doesn't strap a 10 lb sack of potatoes to his head when hiking
where are you camping? the north pole? sahara desert?
Yeah i dont know how people need more than the ozark trail tent.
Boggles my mind why people crowd together in campgrounds next to a busy road, and pay out the nose for the privilege. How scared can a person be of shitting in the dirt?
Potatoes are pretty good food for short trips, though. They're dense, don't need to be rehydrated, and don't need to actually cook to become edible.
If it's just 1-3 days, bringing the second canteen you'd need to carry enough water for freeze-dried foods, noodles or oatlmeal isn't going to save all that much weight compared to packing a few taters.
Did OP ever manage to recover from this?
That's your fault anon.
You're essentially watching infomercials and wondering why they never just use the things they present for a few episodes rather than show a new item each time.
Just call up a friend, go camping with him, where and how you want.
The caricature of campers you portray in your post comes from watching YouTube videos and expecting them to be a sample size of the average camper when they are not - they are advertisements by "influencers", you're basically watching a brand mascot do things. Literally none of the things you cry about are accurate for real people I met camping in, except maybe the fear of drinking from rivers, which a few people had (and a simple filter fixes it for them).
Stop inventing people in your head and getting mad at them and instead start going outside anon. You're voluntarily making yourself miserable.
op has weak cankles and couldnt carry a 10 lb bag of rice to his dualie much less a plastic backpack up 500 ft across two miles
This anon fucks (feet)

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