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Hello, Im completing my "absentee father" hiking setup, help me gear up.
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I got banned for this thing in 2019.
Good times, great mods.
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does it mean you had an absentie father or you are an overcompensating absentie father
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It means items bought by those without a father figure teaching you the ropes about the woods, life, and dignity.
yeah okay that makes sense. kinda sad now that I think about it
It’s a list of things OP doesn’t like.
Y'all are going to get mad when I say this but it's a stock option.
>I don’t like ladders so your father didn’t raise you lol
I do t get it. My dad drove us around in a bad ass Dodge Ramcharger with a ladder on the back that he made himself (he was a welder). After that we had a 90’s Ford Econoline with a custom roof rack and ladder that I helped make (I was 10, but still). This was at the time when everyone had a minivan, right at the cusp of the SUV craze.
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let me guess you need more
agreed on everything except the hammock (assuming it isn't some 9ft JUSTASGOOD thing off amazon). I prefer them to tents on the east coast because it can be a lot easier to find decently spaced trees than a wide enough, clear enough, flat enough spot to pitch a tent.
I also took issue with that meme image including a hammock. Hammocks are good, hammocks are wise.
My father always wore those fanny packs lol.
>carabiner with keys is le bad
Fat boy doesn't own a bike. Or do you keep all your keys dangling from the lock?
Only truly absentee father shit is OPs assisted stick breaking tool, the charger, flip flops and fingerless gloves. The rest is just terminally indoor children obsessing over what other people do, which is pretty fatherless by itself.

Leatherman and fanny packs are hot shit as soon as you're no longer a little boy.
wait are you saying you actually subscribe to fanny packs?
Yeah definitely, they're great when you're fishing. You'd know that if your dad ever took you.
i can actually see the value in a FP while fishing, and also my dad did take me fishing a few times (this was back in the 90s) and I had a FP the whole time.

I just never thought it was really worthwhile in the 21st century but live and learn I guess
>Stick snapper
Why would it suddenly lose its use?

As a sidenote, I also do like wearing them crossbody on day hikes in summer. Gives me a place to keep my wallet, phone, keys and water bottle that isn't a full-on sweaty-back backpack.
A bike? What am I a libcuck?
>single mode of transport
>completely dependent on big oil
Yup, you sound like a libcuck to me.
Neo liberals need to neo lib. Such that industrial cock
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picrel is based tho
Try telling these boys you can just sharpen a stick and hold it in some hot coals for a bit, and watch them lose their shit
Name one (1) use for this in the real world.
Home defense.
>home defense spear
Where do you live? Zimbabwe?
>Breaks sticks

The invented a bullshit use for it, and put it FIRST on the list hahaha. You can open bottles with the plastic edge of a lighter anyway.
hammocks are superior in a lot of ways, especially when comparing cheap hammocks to cheap tents. if there's anything popularized on youtube by boomer "bushcrafters" that should be slandered it's retarded bare-bones lean-tos that anyone with a brain would avoid in anything but an emergency situation
Yup. Those lean-tos are great for daytime shit (fishing, getting out of the rain, so on so forth), completely terrible for overnight shit or, god forbid, regular use.
Fanny packs are great and Leatherman will fix that if you send it in.
If you live somewhere that a bicycle is sufficent to travel the distances you need, you are a bugman
>picrel is based tho
it's not, its retarded
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I'd like to argue against it, but I can't. I got no dad growing up, and pretty much everything here checks out.
>I got a big fucking knife that I like to baton with
>Got a hammock for camping
>I regularly bring my Leatherman in for the woods
>I keep my snacks and other items in a fanny pack
>And I wear US aviator gloves with the fingers cut off

Seriously, I'd like to argue against this, but it's pretty much spot-on.
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>having a bike means you dont have a car and you do everything by bike
This is what no exercise does to your brain.
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The reason your dad left was because your mother ran him off

He never wanted to leave you anon
What if I'm black?
You'll be the first to die in your camping group.
>and Leatherman will fix that if you send it in.
If you're stupid enough to break the pliers it's because you were using them wrong. Your absent father didn't teach you.
>Oversized Knife
Show me a father that hasnt played out rambo scenarios in their mind a time or two.

>Axe thats useless after breaking the handle
Pretty common to see with most people that go outdoors once or twice a year and are well adjusted for society and not schizo preppers.

>Portable Stove
I don't see the problem really, especially if youre caught in a sudden downpour and your fire pit is waterlogged. or youre doing a long trek and want to break down and setup camp quick and leave no trace.

>Carabiner Keyring
Whats the problem with this one? I keep my keys on my belt I've got too many keys to keep them in my pocket, and the jingling helps prevent people from being startled by me.

>Hammock and Tarp
Great for camping where it regularly rains to keep you off the damp ground, quick to break down.

I've used mine every single day for the past 24 years, I don't get the issue.

I have no idea what those are and ive never seem them like that before, they look painful to wear and like a marketing gimmick for the "ultralight" crowd, but i'm sure theyve got their positive merits.

These are great, they look ridiculous but theyre fantastic, can carry my kids snacks during hikes since theyre always going to be hungry part way through no matter what you do, or for collecting neat rocks when rock hounding to keep you from collecting too many.

>Fingerless Gloves
Not a fan of these im sure theres valid uses for them, but i've never considered needing a pair.
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Then you probably have a nightmare mom
Your dad is probably a good guy
>my wife's kids snacks
Sorry for the typo
based, i remember those threads
i'll sooner convert to wood gas or vegetable oil for fuel than become a fucking cuclist faggot
my father is a rugged farmer type, and if I told him I was going camping, he's laugh at me and call me a city boy sissy, cause he considers that sort of thing the kind of thing city boys do
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You do that, eternal bootlicking cuck. God forbid you go outside, you're better off hopping from enclosed space to enclosed space. Home to car to tent.

Nobody is arguing you should do everything by bike, but damn some exercise would do you some good.
>[insufferable manchild sounds]
>Nobody is arguing you should do everything by bike, but damn some exercise would do you some good.
what is it with bike trannies and this insult? is it some sort of projection?
Small Pointy Horn and Blunt Horn both overkill, only need Big Pointy Horn
Riding a bicycle is less exercise than actually running.
>absentee father
Does this mean that you are the absentee father or you had an absentee father?
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it means I drink Absinthe.
>two piss bottles nearly full
Geeze, with how lush that environment looks I would think for sure you would be able to find a stream of some kind to empty them in. You must be a lake guy.
>tfw absentee father but don't use any of these or anything remotely similar
It means he's a lonely loser with no friends who has to posts troll threads on the internet to get any type of human interaction. But if he finds a group he can shit on, maybe he can find others to shit on them too, and now he has online friends to have shits with. This is his life and it doesn't get any better for him. Don't pity him, just learn to recognize him and see him for the pathetic miserable creature he is.
>there was no response
So are fake exhaust tips, norms have shit taste what else is new
lol no it’s not but okay
How will you reach stuff in the roof rack? I’m 6’ 1” but haven’t looked to closely at a 4 Runner. Isn’t the roof around 6’ high?
Hunting hogs

Gotta take issue with a couple.
These are great to stuff in your bag as camp shoes. Keep your feet out of your boots whenever you can, anon.
Situational, but I'm a photographer and fingerless gloves are a godsend. I usually use the cheap shitty "wooly" kind, but the bike gloves can be useful if you're in rockier terrain or there's shitty brush everywhere. Basically, if you can't have hands in pockets and you have to operate your equipment, fingerless gloves are fantastic.
>Implying he actually runs or cycles
Stand on a tire or the bumper
>t. had no father

many such cases
Based retard
Based wood powered anon
Won't that break it if you do it too many times?
I am 190cm 97kg
kek it's crazy how fragile and afraid of bikes these cucks are
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Hey now buddy i paid my childsupport for the month so fuck right off
Dont worry bro (you)re check'd. I have a folding stool in my van cause im 5'7" but mostly its for drinking beer in the parking lot
Even just owning a bike is an outlandish concept to them, so you know they're horribly fat. Zero exercise is the norm. The lardass innately fears having to move his legs a little and will grasp at straws to justify it.
Tbdesu I have no idea what this is
No idea what most of this is either
i don't get it either but maybe it's because who bring their kid /out/ need tents and get them used to that ?
It's because hammocks are a larp. If you instinctively know how to set up a tent then you actually went camping.
It's way better than a tent namely because you can lean over and piss out of it without getting up at night.
ok, which one of you he is?
>camps while the smell of his warm piss wafts up at him all night
>perfectly trapping the hot urine fumes under his hammock for maximum effect
Unless it's pouring rain, there's nothing better than getting out of bed and having a good piss at night in the great outdoors.
My father never taught me about the wilderness and even kept me.locked up at home for most of my childhood (other than for school)

is it over for me? How do i get a father figure at 30?
Do you exercise at all?
Bikes aside, whats the last time you ran for more than 5 minutes in a row? Be honest
It’s one of those weird things that’s strangely enjoyable. Getting back into a hammock or tent and covering up with a quilt or sleeping bag after a cold night pee is super comfy.
>doesn’t just unzip the door and piss out the side
>still in a tent like a pleb
I'm too drunk to taste this chicken.
Find a rich empty nester and make fun of minorities with him on his back porch
Worked for me
Weird Tbh
please tell me this has been moved to the clearance section of REI and that no one buys this
I literally saw those in Dechatlon, Poland.
>Snow is waist deep
>There is a strong wind
>3 in the morning
>There are 2 bodies between you and the tent entrance
>The stove is still warm
>You have needed to pee for the past 4 hours
And yet when you stumble back in, you are still satisfied.
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if I made a few of these out of scrap steel and listed them as Rustic Hand Forged Traditional StickSnapper do you think people would buy them?
go on etsy and check if someone had outsmarted you first
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I wouldn't exactly call them people but yes I think they would.

they do buy those near useless hand carved wooden cups
You're too late, I've already cornered the market on reselling novelty bottle openers as vintage stick snappers.
You don't have the leverage needed to break into this existing market, can I interest you in a stick snapper to make it easier for you?.
I want a mini, electric chainsaw but then I have to love with the fact that I own a mini, electric chainsaw
Shitty pot. No isolation on the handles.
Road bikes are the worst bikes.
It is easier than walking.
wow I suddenly now remember the hilarious shitstorm the stove charger made on /out/ when it was invented. Like nigga just buy a 20k mAh battery pack.
How the actual fuck did someone manage to break that axe? Go at it with a sledge hammer?
whats wrong with hammock?
you literally dont go out if you cant see the value of a fanny pack
My dad was /out/ as fuck in his younger days and is the one who got me into camping, hiking, etc. and he carries a Leatherman and gave me my first one when I was young. Admittedly that was back in the day when they were way higher quality and less bulky than the new ones though.
I never got to like them but whatever, this is not indication of lack of father
This is when /out/ peaked, then covid destroyed the board.
not sure if b8 or genuinely retarded
>Healthy exercise is bad in muttland
No wonder Americans are so fat
I have that hat.

you do realize these are mutually exclusive terms when it comes to car purchases, right anon?
I understand waddling from your truck to grab a pack of twinkies is hard. But normal humans (not americans) can travel dozens or even hundreds of miles on a bike.
Imagine being this delusional over your choice to become the most visibility annoying faggots who ever lived. >>>/n/
But enough about guys who drive Super Duty’s
I drive a rac4 and a 15 year old corolla. Again, >>>/n/
Good luck running any meaningful distance while I cover 40 miles a day comfortably and with ease, sightseeing all the while.
>only one of these is an /out/ form of getting around
Or are you one of those faggots who think discussion = bad?
>the most visibility annoying faggots who ever lived
that would be vegans. subhuman cyclist shitstains are a close second though.
Ouch, rough topic. Essentials?
Okay, I give up. How does it "burn wood"?
It's step 2.
skill issue
Using the thermoengineering process of Bruler Du Bois, obviously. It literally says so on the card the tool comes with.
American drivers fucking hate cyclists and oppose any new cycling infrastructure. Bike lanes are a controversial issue here.
why are all of the tools broken?
How did they get the knife blade to break like that?
They will come up the shaft and gore you. You need a crossbar near the end.
Do non millennial dads even hike? Seems like if that generation was in the woods it was to hunt fish or party
Ask your father.
My dad is an early boomer and was a pretty hardcore backpacker in the '70s and still hiked and camped into my childhood. He's 78 now so not really in a condition to do serious stuff anymore but he's about to move to an area with tons of good nearby /out/ and we've been talking about doing some light hiking and car camping in the area.
I think the implication is that they don't know how to use the tools and break them, not that the tools are faggy.
My dad is gen x and he would force us all to hike every weekend. He was a big military + history autist though and we had a decent number of abandoned sites around us.
Everyone has already covered this, but the sandals and the hammock are perfect acceptable in most contexts, the fanny pack is fine, especially if it has your first aid kit in it, and the keys on a carabineer means that you don't have to keep them in your pocket where they take up space and can wear a hole.
No they aren't. Don't try to justify your fatherless behavior.
>I got banned for this thing in 2019
Fucking lazy jannies
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my dad never took me camping
go ahead and laugh you know you want to
Explain the biolite to me.
Amazon insists that I should buy one, and it keeps recommending me biolite adjacent gear. is it really just a tiny firepit with a peltier?
Fatherless behavior
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yeah, Im thinking pointless meme product that'll get one or two uses max before being forgotten or broken on the third use.

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