Why is this a Japanese market exclusive Why is it that any outdoors gear that's any good has to come in blaze orange, piss yellow, or Red 40?
>>2803104I take it you've never set up camp, wandered away for 5 minutes to look around, and then couldn't find your camp again because it wasn't blaze orange, piss yellow, or red 40I've lost entire camps that way. Just couldn't find them.
>>2803104>Why is it that any outdoors gear that's any good has to come in blaze orange, piss yellow, or Red 40?That's simply not the case. Most good gear is made for military use. Not issue gear, generally, but the "buy it yourself to replace the crap you're given" kind of stuff. That's pretty much all black,g reen, brown or camo.The kind of stuff that's brightly colored is normally meme gear, targeted towards people who go out so seldom that getting lost and needing to signal rescuers seems like a real issue to them.Japan is a bit of a specialcase here, since they don't have "normal" trais. There, you either have a "trail" that looks more like a road, or you're going cross-country. That's why neon colors don't sell well there, and even cheap, crappy gear like Captain Stag is generally olive or black.
>>2803107DO not redeem!
>>2805846>Most good gear is made for military uselolLMAO
>>2805841first time i stashed things before going up a mountain, because i was gonna come down the same way and no point in hauling everything up, i was worried that someone might steal it or that some wild goat would munch on it so i hid it behind some rocks and took a picture of the place to make sure i wouldn't lose it, big fucking mistake even with the picture it took me a full fucking hour of walking around up and down the slope finding the right stop i took the picture from and then finding the spot where the things were, never again, i felt so dumb and miserable doing that shit after being so tired from the ascension
how do you survive a situation like The Long Dark? as in a harsh winter that just doesn't seem to quit?most of what i can tell, from old writings during famous terrible winters, there really isn't much you can do besides having food & fuel already stocked up, but what do you do if you don't have that?
>>2804882>wish it had better gunsEven after the addition of the revolver and all the weapon variants it's still in need of a shotgun and some kind of carbine that fits in between the revolver and rifle. And I understand it's a game and all but it tickles my autism at how difficult it is to reload ammo yet at the same time primers somehow aren't a resource that's required. I have to gather all this shit to make my ammo yet primers are one resource too many? At least add a few hundred next to each ammo reloading bench so they're not difficult to find or something.>>2805151>You know they’re making a second one!nta but I've read a bit about the next one and It doesn't exactly fill me with hope. The addition of multiplayer means the lonely vibe of the first one is probably gone, this also means no time dilation so who the hell knows how they'll deal with that gameplay wise, the new will to live system sounds like a pain in the ass and the cherry on top is the new focus on urban environments. And of course it's releasing in early access since releasing finished products is for losers apparently.
>>2804912yeah, i feel like if you have a forest to yourself, tempature won't be an issue, but food will probably be ever dwindling assuming you really find any to begin with >>2805747at least being early access, glaring issues will "probably" be resolved now if only they'd finally add a sled for hauling items...
>>2804841really sad how far intelligence has fallen to where we have to spoon feed people this info
>>2805892intelligence =/= education
>>2805892Bro it's just some stories about folks surviving the cold what are you on about?
She went down fighting. Would /out/ have the same courage?
>>2805434>it just just be coyotes or wolves it has to be scary and freakish COYWOLVES wow scarywhy are north americans like this
>>2805569Hybrid animals actually have a tendency to be more predatory/aggressive. It's just not possible in this case. Those hybrid animals do exist though, I've seen them.>why are north americans like thisOur experiences with wildlife are a lot more recent and closer to our folklore and history. If you go back far enough in European history there are times when the werewolf and vampire would be a recent and reasonable thing based on experiences with contemporary wildlife.
>>2805572Tbh I think Europeans have a really difficult time grasping the potential severity of wildlife, due to the absolute lack of it in their homeland. That's why you always see random European tourists getting btfo in Yellowstone.
>>2805569The coyotes that killed her were just stock coyotes. No evidence of any hybridization from the ones that attacked her. In the areas where wolves have been eradicated; coyotes have been getting marginally larger to help fill the niche that has opened up. Especially in areas where people have stopped hunting. They are still not something to consider unless you have a child or are the size of a child. While I find bearspray laughable for grizzly defense. It will work fine on any canine. Including aggressive feral dogs which are a far more credible threat.
>>2805239most people on this website cant even talk to a woman. so no
Lets say I work 4 days a week and I have a wife and kid at home to garden while I'm at work. How has the icremental approach worked for you homestead anons and how long has it taken for you make a well establish homestead with cows and shit?
>>2803182i didnt read every other comment before making my postbut you did, which means you are a loser.sucks to suck i guess.
>>2802996>I realised I was buying a bag of chicken feed every fortnight for only about 10-16 eggs in that time periodI'm getting a dozen eggs a day and I buy chicken food around every three weeks. You were doing something wrong. My guess is you had imprisoned chickens
>>2804602>>2804844Why are you bumping an old shitpost thread?
I tried it, the season nature of the work was impossible to juggle with a job.
>>2801354>>Farming is effectively playing Factorio IRLseems fun but it's not though factorio is about automation not being a busybee a decent factorio build does shit on its own and you only do high level thinking and small optimizations after a while
"Bushcraft" has become an influencer trend on social media. How has my /out/ lifestyle sunk this low...and how many of you faggots are like this? Also if you own a shemagh please kys
>>2804483Not for processing wood. A hatchet actually becomes redundant the further you go. I’m not saying it’s not useful. But the further you get from a trailhead, the fewer people there are. That means there’s more deadfall, so finding wood thin enough that it doesn’t have to be split is a lot easier. Hatchets make clearing off small limbs easy, but only marginally easier than cutting them with a decent saw.
>>2805459>survivalism, which is cringe,Hey, doing mock Bug Outs is fun.
>>2802495>the shemagh thingI mean, I have two, and they're actually pretty useful here and there. Especially as an insta-pillow if you can stuff it. Then again, I'm carrying 100 lbs of random horseshit I've found along a decade's worth of highway, and not rubbing myself through 5.11 pants on a YT blog.
Bushcraft has always been a larp.There are so many utility items that weigh nothing and increase your comfort outdoors tenfold, there is no reason to build shelter out of leaves and mud and trying to start a fire by rubbing sticks together.You were playing pretend frontiersman and now you are mad that others are doing it too.
>>2805853It’s fun though. I stick to fishing and backpacking, and my baseweight is right around 12lbs when hiking, but I still get it. Of course there’s no “need” to build a shelter. There’s no need for me to go hiking and sleep in a hammock.
>Is this your dream home when you become rich? https://youtu.be/rtRgOKP4qSg?feature=shared
They ruined that property by putting buildings on it and a fence around it.
>>2805680Ive been going around town where I live and cutting up peoples fences where they meet up with the forrest to let the deer pass through
>>2805769LARP, but either way, i really hope you get shot.
>>2805771cutting a fence doesn't justify murdering someone, you would rightfully go to prison
>>2805676Thanks man, I just spend the past hour looking at proprties that I got not intention of buying. I got shit to do you know
It's back, baby!
>>2801275>>2801391>>2801481>>2801513Mt. McKinley isnin Denali National Park.
>>2801275>Subhuman calls Americans muttsevery time
>>2801485>>2801625>>2801754I prefer Queef.
>>2801269It's Gulf of America now too. Check Google Maps.
Hey /out. I am leaving the US to go work in another country and I wanted to go on a trip with 5 to 6 others deep into Southern Appalachia. A lot of us are hikers and urban ex enthusiasts. We also really enjoy folklore and horror. Thought I would start this thread to get people talking about their experiences exploring Southern Appalachia or to talk about abandoned towns they may know of. (Planning to plot out locations on a map. Feel free to leave town names or rough map locations. Thanks)
>>2805779*banjo noises*
>>2805798>worst case scenario >OP encounters some hillbilly with a sawed off shotgun that rapes him and then he permanently ends up on the missing persons list >best case scenario >OP aimlessly stumbles through poison ivy and then after panicking gets lost and has to call some county sheriff SAR team, ends up all over the news in the South
>>2805803You forgot>get too close to a meth lab in the woods>fishhooks at eye level>punji sticks >attack dogs
mullens, wv has an overlook of the town you can mostly drive up, though near the end it turns into an atv trail, not sure if there's more of a view if you go all the way up the atv trailfor most people ghost town is gonna mean thurmond, wv, in the new river gorge area, you can walk around there, or there's trails and campsites nearby, as well as two shitty dirt roads one of which takes you to an extreme hard to get to waterfall and you need an atv or narrow suv to get to even where to park for thatthere's also the typhoid graveyard off of one of the rail trails I wanna say on the other side of the new river near the brooklyn campground panther state forest (now called panther wildlife management area) has TWO abandoned fire towers, one is removed but an interesting climb to the top and you could spend hours just exploring that back-country, the other one there's an orange-blazed trail leading from the group campground on the main road to get to, the other way goes from the assistant superintendent's house and it just a dirt fire road walk to the topthere's the old abandoned caretaker's cabin at the top, and what appears to be the original ww2 era fire tower, I didn't go to the top cuz I was exhausted but I think that might have the best view, its marked closed but I think you can still go up it if you are bravemost of southern appalachia is atv trailsso if you want to go anywhere you have to own an atv, rent an atv, or hire an atv tour guide you CAN walk up an atv trail, legally I think, but um not super safethere's an atv trail to a view near war,wv to an overlookanother one just outside williamson, wvComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
there's another segment of interesting highway i think connecting matewan and williamson maybe (52) and you should look at the flood walls and there's tons of interesting blue/green colored water in the creeks if you drive along tug fork (there's a long highway between like oceana and points west along tug fork)you can swim in clear fork, a tributary of tug fork, just on the atv trail/road (folsom rd) past the wilmore dam, can vouch for it being pretty and deep there's something called the delorme overlook (haven't been but seen pictured) near matewan on the kentucky side that has a gorgeous view but you need an atv to get to it or its a helluva hikesomeone also marked something called garrett's point on google maps, dunno if its a real overlook but its on google maps near the wv/ky/va triple point and at least prominence wise would have a view if there's a clearing or a towermight be worth investigating, didn't look like posted but that whole area is kinda owned by the csx railroad near the ky/wv border and you can KINDA maybe drive on the road near the river but its bad shape (along tug fork heading nw towards matewanalso recommend breaks interstate park if you are in the area, that has actual non-atv overlooks
you will never get to this level
>>2805202Not false. Fags are made through grooming and molestation. Children who are loved and protected always turn out straight
>>2802744>Disowning your gay kid isn't derangedCorrect. >Magical underwear is derangedWhy are you making things up?>Tax dodging is derangedTax dodging is beyond based you retarded cuck. I'm not paying for Consula's third illegitimate anchor baby and Tyrone's second ER visit for his herpes outbreak.
>>2802918>>2803190The idea behind the underwear is only degenerates wouldn't cover certain parts of their bodies--turns out they're right.
>>2805644we don't need to be ashamed of our bodies and our genitals
>>2805650Mormon underwear is retarded but nudists are much worse, and unironically deserve death.
>>2805352I want to convert a van into a ghetto one
>>2805453Vans are better than RVs because they can actually go places. A good Van with clearance and 4x4 can go so many places an RV could never.
>>2805501agreed. I have a lifted chevy express and I camp in spots that take forever the crawl to and can be all alone for days. I have camped on beaches in mexico and not seen another person for 10 days
>>2805352They're sexy.
I got a used f150 and light weight camper, $13000 total. You can go anywhere and sleep for free. No hassle with a trailer. Solar when warm and generator when cold.
What ultralight gear do you use?
>>2805267I weigh less than your pack, what is there to understand, it's made for people who are not your size
>>2805267>110lbs.Packing list? Im curious.
>>2803512long travels mixed activities. generally when you need to check in or store your bag. like on bus/plane/Train ride.when you do a day activity away from base camp (when you can leave gear behind safely) like a summit push or a trip to town. >>2803990>>2803978i mean why not do baby steps with small hikes? go very early or remote if hate people. >>2805267if the gear breaks i can buy new stuff and cooooonsuuuuuuume!Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2805267>”fad” that’s been around for 35 yearsReally there are very old examples, but the early 90’s is when it really took off.>doesn’t understand the weight-price-durability triangleLight, expensive gear isn’t fragile or delicate. Cheap, light gear is. And cheap, tough gear isn’t light. Light weight, cheap, or durable: you can pick two. There’s also the basic principle of just leaving shit at home that you don’t need, so the consumer meme doesn’t always fit. And there are super cheap, super durable, ultralight options out there, some of which are very popular (like SmartWater bottles and Fancy Feast stoves). >doesn’t know the backpacking “hike vs” camp” conundrumThis is what you don’t get (you admitted it). All backpacking trips can be broken down into two parts: hiking and camping. You chose to be comfortable in your hike or comfortable at camp. There’s often a give and take. More comfort while you’re moving often means less at camp. And vice versa, like lugging a folding chair for 8 hours just to lounge around a campfire because it’s comfy. Time factors in as well. Do you want to spend more time hiking, viewing, exploring, and so on, or relaxing and lounging in camp? It’s why the term “ultralight camping” isn’t in the common lexicon. “Ultralight hiking” and “ultralight backpacking” obviously are. >made up scenario about a make believe woman>doesn’t know what baseweight isPost pack list that’s 110lbs without food and water. Or are you such a new faggot that you count consumables?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2803497my ultralight 12" cast iron skillet
hey /out/, i was hiking through a small wetland to get to a river to camp out at, and came across this animal carcass. To me it kinda looks like a coon but the ribs look too big, there's also something white clamped onto its tail. anyone have an idea of what this thing is? the location is in the southeastern US.
>>2805720White tail deer.
>>2805728yeah im retarded. i thought the neck was a tail and the ass was a head lmao
Does anyone use OnX mapping for hiking? Is it worth paying for this elite version?
>>2805702How would you like it if a bunch of random people constantly drove into your driveway and blocked you in so that they could see the waterfall you have hidden in your backyard that you maintain at your own costs while these freeloaders continue to pester you just so they can grab a shot for their insta reels?
>>2805689>usgs topo maps lack a ton of basic informationLike what? They definitely don’t list seasonal or temporary closures, but what else?
>>2805692that sounds like a nightmare poorfag hikers constantly pestering you for permission to trespass.no, get the fuck off my property. go be poor somewhere else.
>>2805673>i'd pay for something if it gave me what i want>i don't understand why someone would pay for land to have privacybig REDDIT THINK MOMENT HERE LADS
Mine is making a fire and holding pork sausages over the fire, maybe even a slice of bread a bit over the fire and thats all i need.Bonus would be cucumber or potatoe salat and a nice drinkPic unrelatedYes im german
>>2804037Lo siento pero mi espagnol es muy mal.Try to strive for better language rather than being proud of your deficiencies. You do need or at the very least want to speak the language, or you wouldn't be here.
>>2804039Je parle un peut de français, vous montagnes sont tres beau mon amiI know how to talk it but writing it here i look like im retarded i should practice more
>>2804041Learning languages is hard, the only languages I really know how to speak are german (because I'm native) and english. My french is good enough to be there for a few weeks on vacation, but it's lacking and my spanish and chinese are a broken mess. As long as you put in the effort though, people appreciate it. If you're like me then you're shit at learning vocabulary, once you are good enough to be able to kinda understand it, I recommend consuming media in that language. My french went from "I can barely ask where the bathroom is" to "I can communicate with you, even if not perfectly" by just listening to french podcasts. Some people are better at passively absorbing a language rather than deliberately learning it. Either way, good luck anon.
>>2800523knorr sidekicks. nothing like a pack of goyfeed you need to do nothing but boil water to make 4 days into a canoe trip.
>>2801003based, love your choice
What is your favorite seat or cushion that would fit in or on an 18 liter backpack?
>>2805510Huh huh, hes gay for hank hills butt
i just have one of the older "egg shell" ones, cant remember the brand name, but its the folding foam matt things, i have the fancy pants one where one side is reflectivedogshit for an actual sleeping mat, but GODTIER in my canoe, place 3 segments on my seat, flop the rest down in the canoe, keeps your butt nice and cushioned, but, you also, get the extra segments down on the floor of the canoe, not keep you feet dry, where you can kick off the shoes and not worry about the little water that, always, makes its way in (no i dont have holes in my canoe, its inevitable if you are fishing and swtiching paddles, shit like that, and given it cant absorb water, paired with some crocks. GOAT
>>2805566Excellent choice in using another Mike Judge cartoon.
>>2805486if you want an actual chair, helinox chair zero packs down extremely small, I carry one with me everywhere in a 14L packif you just want a pad to sit on, zpack / garage grown gear sells a sit pad for 10 bux
>>2805486my backpack. get a real backpack.