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Welcome to /hive/ -
beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2657231
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Nice suit
ITT: disease breeding hobbyists
chick on the left looks like she is gonna be warm. Hope you dont live in the South. I think ive lost a couple pounds inspecting my bees because of a suit like that lol
Had a weak hive get robbed out today. Tried turning the sprinkler on them, but I dont think it did anything but make them all wet. Plugged the entrance with grass tonight, we'll see if that keeps them away tomorrow. More worried about the number of bees flying around my neighbors yard than I am about losing the hive.

Found the dead queen and put her in my lil bottle of dead queens and alcohol for use as swarm lure.
Sorry to hear anon


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Got any decent squirrel recipes?

Squirrel season in my state opened on the first and I got some and made squirrel gravy, which I always do unless I roast one over a campfire for dinner innawoods.
> picrel is the season’s first squirrel before cleaned and cooked
Now I make a damn good squirrel gravy, but I think this season I want to try something new.

Post any suggestions or home recipes y’all got below.
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Yeah pretty much the same texture and maybe with a hint of a nutty flavour.
>boil water
>add squirrel (whole)
>wait half hour
>remove squirrel, let cool
Hard-boiled squirrel and bone juice
>Now I make a damn good squirrel gravy
>Doesn't post the recipe
nigga that's nuts

I was at an auction this weekend and ended up with a number of packs and tents from what I approximate to be from the 70s-80s but other than that I cant find any other information about even after search all the model numbers. Any fjallraven autists that can help me out?
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the frames and all the packs attached to frames were one lot that I was the only bidder on and the rest was also a lot that I was the only bidder on again.
steel wool if you're serious and they are actually tarnished, rough side of a dish sponge otherwise
I think it might just be 50yrs of dust desu but 50/50 chance of various rodent shit.
How much did you spend on this pile of garbage?
$10 total

Id forestry a good out career?
>get to hang out in the woods all day
>physical work so get strong
>sense of adventure
>don’t have to deal with tourists like park ranger
Is become a logger the true out job?
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Easy, I choose the first two. I don't give a fuck about the ecological impact lmao. Anyone that does is deluding themselves.
There are careers that exist with all three but they usually fall into one of two categories:
>academic research in the natural/environmental sciences at a post-doctorate level
>GS-fantastic government jobs in some sort of land management, wildlife biology, or conservation-oriented field
Both are insanely competitive to get into, while the second is also incredibly nepotistic and includes about 90% office work or more
You will be much happier pursuing a regular job and doing /out/ stuff in your freetime than obsessing over an /out/ career that would kill your enthusiasm anyway
Thats me rn
I wound up in the supply chain logistics/mgmt industry after having to leave wildland fire for health reasons
I should have just been a machinist or something
>10/10 this dude has a big brain
Trying to get on as an operational forester in Oxford co, ME. Did you have a Maine license?

Are you an Autumn kind of person?
>Nice and cool but not cold like winter
>The colors and aesthetics
>The sound of crunchy leaves
>All the cool events happening around that time
>All the cool foods that grow around that time
>All the smells in the air
>That crisp cold autumn air
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Also I forgot to add
Spring: Travel
Summer: Swimming
Autumn: Nature watching
Winter: Night Walks
Spring and Autumn: Watching the sunset with a beer (sun sets at a decent time)
Summer and Winter: Attending festivals an faires
Spring and Summer: Outdoor Exercise
Autumn and Winter: Sightseeing/Attending heritage sights
I wish fall was cozier in Texas. It’s hot as fuck even through September, there’s no leaves changing color, and there’s not as much fall activities like hay rides or corn mazes compared to the Midwest
Same. Though nowadays, I do way less hiking in the warmer months because I'd rather take my MTB and kayak out
Hiking in the summer is just not enjoyable with the heat/humidity and bugs. I'd rather be in the canoe or swimming or at the beach.

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Hello frens
Long time lurker first time poster.
I recently accepted a position that will bring me to the North Slope of Alaska. It was recommended to me to bring a small survival kit in case severe weather were to hit while on patrol during the winter months which are almost upon us. I bought a 24 hour 5.11 assault bag and have gotten some items listed below in case of emergency. Could anyone else please provide any input or items I might be forgetting? Thanks in advance!
Small first aid kit with TQs and quick clot and suture kit
Rechargeable flashlight and headlamp
SS water bottle
SS cutlery
6 Mountain House freeze dried meals
1 pack water purification tablets
Small dropper of iodine
Small flask of grain alcohol
Two mylar emergency blankets (I also have my wool blanket)

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What position? Elaborate
>Zippo lighter and small bottle of fuel
anon, I...
>no sleeping / bivy bag
I'd get a good military bag, at the bare minimum. In Alaska, probably the US MSS, or maybe the Carinthia tropen / def4 / bivy combination most european armies use. Either should keep you alive down to -40-50°C.
>rechargeable flashlight
Bad idea. Batteries die in cold weater. Get a classic one, with disposable batteries, and keep the spares in one of your insidepockets.
>24 fuel tablets
That's not going to last long. Expect 3-4 tablets per meal, and some more for melting snow / ice for water.
>freeze dried meals
Those need heat to prepare. Better bring something you can eat cold, like dried crackers or beef jerky. Those you can just warm near your body for a few hours.
>Compass and USGS maps of where im going
Don't fall for the compass meme. If the weather is bad enough that you need a survival kit, chances are that it'll be bad enough that you won't see any landmarks to use the compass with. Better get a GPS, or even a smartphone with offline navigation. Paper maps are a good backup if you have marked trails or rivers in the area that you can follow.
>fishing equipment
Now we're entering larp territory. You're not going to go primitive, but bunker down and wait for rescue. You won't have the time to fish.
>rebar twine
For what, building traps? For shelter building, the paracord is enough.

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>folding saw
Won't work on frozen wood. Axe or machete is better.
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in what universe is an axe or machete better at cutting through frozen wood than a saw?

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It's been almost a year since the last climbing thread on /out/ died. The thread on /xs/ is overwhelmingly focused on gym climbing, so I'm making this attempt to revive the general. Help out by sharing trip reports, photos, advice, etc.

A place to talk about outdoor climbing in any aspect (trad, sport, bouldering, aid, alpine, etc).

Rock Climbing is a dangerous sport that can cause loss of life, limb, eyesight, or sanity.


/xs/ thread:

Adam Ondra sends world's hardest trad route Bon Voyage: https://youtu.be/ji4At78H5Ys
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I hope winter comes soon, Gooooooooooooood i need some ice
I tried aid climbing for the first time today and fucked it up royally. I was about 20 feet up and realized that the cam I was on only had two lobes engaged. So now I'm in a big hurry to get onto my next placement and I forget to clip the rope into the current cam. I didn't have anything of the right size so I grab the cam underneath me and re-place it above, then clip the rope and ladder and move up onto it. As I'm fussing about trying to make the next placement my cam pops and I take a ride, falling about 20 feet before the rope catches and slamming my belayer into the wall, about 5 feet off the ground.

In hindsight I realize that I am a big dumb idiot.
Meh you survived with no major injury and it's a decent story.
There's a hand crack boulder at mcdowell. Bring crack gloves cause it's real gritty.
If I were solo I would bring a stick clip and sport gear. Opens up a lot of possibilities.

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where would i meet a cute /out/doorsy gf?
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bindi is cuter than steve imo
but there is that whole man vs bear thing going on lately.. although im some ways i look more like a bear than a man anyway these days
I couldve sworn ive seen her tits. Theyre big flapjacks
Be greatfull the time Steve spent with us in this timeline.
What about at the REI in the new mixed use development downtown?

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>flies into your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth nonstop for no reason
Nothing personnel chud
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I don't live on the east coast, sorry.

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why are these little shits so attracted to me?
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Here in the northeast it's opposite. The droughts make it too dry for them and they can't breathe. Only time I've gotten them this year was nearby ponds.
>if you haven't not

WTF are you talking about, ESL?
there are 3 distinct genes that humans cam have that make you more attractive to female mosquitos, you might have all three of them.
I think it was veritasium on YouTube who did a video about it.
Genetics are racist, chud
I noticed that after replying and hoped no one else would notice that I totally fucked that up lol; after I tweak and edit my reply so many times it usually ends up filled with stupid errors like that and I often let one or two slide by accident. It was also like 9PM and I hadn't had any sleep since the early morning of the 13th IIRC. It should read:
>Did you brush your teeth today? The gnats will swarm you and I assume the mosquitos will too if you half-assed cleaning your teeth that day.
Meaning that the flies and gnats are bad enough, worse when you forget to brush.

Recently, I had a poor wood
dUck brought to me,
Do any of you guys ever see
Young motherless animals while out?

Anybody ever rehab a poor baby lost without its mother? Show me your critters give me some more advice for keeping the smug little ducker alive happy and healthy so hopefully it can rejoin the wild.
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Keep an eye out for Haitans, OP.
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bostingin,,epicduck thread.,
,,hors forquack.
JUST fuck my shit up.
Kek. She likes to dunk her whole head in the water. Just remember they made him pay $900,000 a year to his ex.

Guys, help me find the place in the attached photo, I live in Krasnodar, Russia and indicate the coordinates
Peбятa,пoмoгитe нaйти мecтo нa пpикpeплeннoй фoткe,я живy в Кpacнoдape,в Poccии и yкaзaть кoopдинaты
Shouldnt you be getting droned so we can watch you die on /Pol webms?

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Is this the ideal way to experience the great outdoors on a broader scheme and meet lesbians?

I have a little above $30k in savings I can blow on converting my Tahoe and don't mind picking up migrant jobs along the way.
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Based. Enjoy your life man.
It's cold here already, and you're not going to have a good time of it. You'll have to crack the windows for ventilation and then you're going to be freezing at night.
>Germany bros...
And you ask about the most ass clenched and over-regulated country in europe?
>everyone else starts buying them to protect themselves from the assholes.
that is literally what is happening
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Bathe yourself, tardó.

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I just came here to say that he was not as cool as you think. That's why he died, yeah he had a book that told him poisonous seeds were ok to eat, but the guy was also a retard. I tried to find accurate info and sources vary but it seems like he took about 5kgs of rice with him, loads of people were offering to get him supplies, even the guy who gave him a lift to the trail. But he refused them all.
People out in the northern wilderness survive because they PREPARE for the winter.
For most of his outing he relied totally on other people, even stealing food at some points; and then he thinks he can live off the land like it's nothing.
Yeah, maybe he was fucked over by the poison seeds, but when he went to cross the river to go back home, and found it had now risen, he didn't even walk down the banks to look for a crossing. I'd have gone at least 5 miles each way, if not, 10; not like you can get lost following a river. There was a cable crossing HALF A MILE from where he was. Which means to me he definitely didn't even try the tiniest bit, because he was way more retarded than he was cool.
I don't even think he did any trapping or fishing. He just had a rifle and relied completely on that for wild game.
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this guy's bus was kept in the engineering building of my university for a while. it's not there anymore. i don't know where they put it
>yup, but it's his fans who are the dumbest fucks.
Yeah I lived with a gril that worshipped this guy and no shit did a 90min round trip to drop off a pair of shoes she sold on FB marketplace for 50c.
I called her out on it - time wasted, fuel cost etc.
Held her phone out at me "You see this? THIS is 50c I didn't have before." taps head.
Any time someone has anything good to say about this clown, I immediately equate them to her.
sorry anon but are you autistic?
I hereby summon the NASCAR anon.
No he will cause too much seethe.

bros, camping is about to get a whole lot easier
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glownigger type tech
That would be based.
>expected something else from a place called “Yo Semite”
who cares about camping? this would be a wonderful tool to further my psychological warfare capabilities against my polish neighbors.
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