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Killed one of these creepy fuckers, any idea what it is?
house centipede - Scutigera Coleoptrata
if you get bit, it'll kill you just about instantly, even their blood can kill you
they like hiding in your ears, they're commonly called "ear biting centipedes" in brazil
if you see one, just call the cops as soon as possible
Needless to say, they can jump about two meters and used to be suspect of having a role in cases of spontaneous human combustion in the 19th century, though I find that nonsensical.
Absolutely do contact authorities and leave the area immediately if you stumble upon one.
Thanks kek
I have a PhD in Spiderology from an HBCU online degree program, so I be smarter than anyone here.
That is unironically a wood spider "cellulose aracknidous".
They can grow up to 3 meters and can kill a human with one kick.
Sell your house and move, it's the only way to be sure.
They kill other insects and cockroaches so don't hurt it even if it looks like came from your nightmare.
Scutigera Coleoptrata, or as I call them, Scoots. They scoot and like living amongst your drywall and carpeting. They are frens, like spiders, and eat things that are much more offensive than themselves (fleas, mites, roaches).

You can coexist with the scoot. They won't be found in your sheets or bed, although they are often found in the shower so bewhare
house centipede
they are great, they eat roaches and other annoying pests. completely harmless though very bold little guys.
i kill these things too even though they're good for your house. they're just too hideous
I bet you kill spiders in your house as well.
My mother once pulled the sheets back on her bed to get in and one of those had gone in under the sheets. They also seem to sometimes run towards you
they want to be fren
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The specific name is not to be capitalized
I used to live in a basement apartment with these. Everyone said just to keep them around because they eat ants and roaches, but I never saw an ant or a roach and they are about as off putting as roaches the way they scurry about when you turn on the light.
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you never saw roaches because they were on the prowl.

keep in mind, roaches are after your food and they get into your silverwave, plates, cereal boxes, fruit basket, etc. and because they literally are born and live in rotting trash they have salmonella and e.coli all over and inside their bodies, and will contaminate everything they touch with filth, shit, and sickness.

scoots just live in the walls and along the edges of the carpeting and don't eat your food. they just intercept the stinkie toxic roaches and dispatch them one your behalf
>let vermin infest your home so they can feed off other vermin

how about OP does what I do and take a zero tolerance total bug holocaust approach? literally nothing lives in my house without my express knowledge and permission.
>how about OP does what I do and take a zero tolerance total bug holocaust approach?
That's a pointless sisyphean struggle. If you live in the countryside insects in your house are absolutely inevitable, open a window and you'll immediately get a fill.
You can't kill them all because they're infinite, but you can let natural allies stay and let them remove them from hard to reach spots.
or I can just set up some ant traps and spray down insect killer in the places I know they tend to frequent. the only thing that continues to exist in my house, even though i kill them when i see them, are spiders. they are too clever and crafty to be completely eradicated. centipedes and millipedes are fucking dipshits, I can easily crush them as they basically exist in 2 dimensional form. spiders conquer the vertical and horizontal planes of reality, and they also kill other insects including niggapedes.
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If you live in some dead suburban plot I can see why you would want to play pest control, but if you lived in real countryside you would quickly give up.
If I open a window in summer I get swarmed by so many moths they look like a snow storm, and then I hear crickets chirping inside the house all night long.
I live in the country, a small neighbourhood surrounded by farms and forest. We get invaded by tent caterpillars every 2-3 years and then they turn into faggot moths that further swarm houses. You learn to turn off all the lights in the house and the porch light before exiting at night, otherwise they'll flutter around your kitchen like faggots for the next 2 days.
brown recluse.

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