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Cant seem to find any discussion on this anywhere so I'll just post it here:
What are your thoughts on overalls for going /out/?
I fucking hate wearing rucking with shirts that constantly ride up regardless of their fitting and pants/shorts that, when you kneel or bend over expose your lower back. Tucking them into each other also just feels uncomfortable.
Something like picrel (2)?
Seems perfect for practically all weather right? If it's cold, just wear long-johns underneath and then and only then maybe like some ECWCS cold weather pants and jacket over it.
If it's warm then just rock the boiler suit with only regular underwear.
No sliding, no exposure of skin, no need for sunscreen and it even looks cool (picrel 1. Maru, from Heavenly Delusion)

Why hasn't it been done?
>I fucking hate wearing rucking with shirts
I fucking hate rucking wearing shirts**********
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when you fart, it all comes up and out through your neck
might be good, might be bad
The only time I've seen overalls used /out/ are storm suits or stationary use in extreme cold.
>when it's warm
Heavy activity in something with zero ventilation is retarded, these also ride up in your groin and would be extremely uncomfortable scrambling over or climbing anything. Might be decent for riding to keep debris off you and you aren't sweating like a pig so venting isn't as much of an issue
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I mean, cant you just diy your own solution to ventilation? Off the top of my head I came up with picrel
>zipper running along the entire contact surface of a pack
Anon... At least say pit zips or something
hmmm actually now that I think about it having a pack on would kind of subdue any ventilation you would get doing this.... also where the fuck would I store the flap after I zip it open?

.... I got some work to do...
either way you get the point.
kek as soon as I posted >>2777446
the page refreshed and I saw your reply.
Yeah I know... It has some work ahead of it but im not gonna give up on it. I fucking hate clothes riding up my body during any sort of movement, constantly adjusting that shit up and down drives me nuts
I was just thinking about this today. I hate how normal pants and belts interact with a backpack hip belt.
I'm thinking chop it off somewhere between the waist and the chest and add suspenders so it's like a pair of waders.
Sherling jumpsuit
They reduced the price to only $3000
>I fucking hate clothes riding up my body
bro have you never used overalls before? a single shrug and the entire garment will ride up your body
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nice try mikey
...really?... fuck.
Yes and instead of your shirt riding up your back the suit goes up your ass and crushes your balls.
I've seen DPM tank suits being used for paintball and Airsoft. You could open the pockets to vent but it still gets pretty toasty.
Have you ever actually hiked? Down to ~10°C, going topless is the most comfy, and even well into he negatives, short sleeves and a coarse-knit pullover the wind will blow through are perfectly fine. On the other hand, when you take a break, you'll want a jacket even in early autumn.

Coveralls are good for when you're stationary (hunting, sniping) or when it's getting really cold (think antarctica), but for normal climates and physical activity, you want to be able to drop and add layers quickly.
And it sucks when you need a shit.
I wear overalls for work, drysuit on the river.
Drysuits are notorious for accidents. Especially sucks if you have attached booties and no piss zip.
One of the boys, with booties, got into mushrooms for the first time hiking out one day, freezing so kept full kit on. Surprise sudden liquid shit, fucking hilarious.
No. Better to have layers (top and bottom separates) tucked in and buy 'long' size if your shirt rides up.

A sleeved poncho is more workable than this. Ponchos are great but become a bit of a nightmare in the wind, but you can fix that by carrying a quick release belt to sinch it down with.
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A poncho with sleeves is called an anorak
Actually its a cagoule but nobody really uses that term anymore. An anorak is different being quilted and more for warmth than for waterproofing.
Anoracks are quite frequently unlined
Trying to fix a solved problem and you managed to find a worse solution.
Total goofboi vibes
I like this idea.
The usual zippable vent points of leg sides and armpits can be included with options for fully enclosed hood and gloves to protect from bugs.
It's not a perfect solution but neither is literally any piece of clothing.

Start doing it. develop the product, iron out the issues. As a starting point test out milsurp vs work wear and decide which features you liike and dislike in situations.
I'm rooting for you lad.
Looks great for winter. Can just piss yourself when you get cold, and it looks more breathable than other similar piss-yourself garments like waders. You little fucking pee boy, you.
>be me
>work seismic in university, where you have to wear high-viz covies
>be way the fuck out in the bush with no toilets
>coworker goes to take a shit in the bush, pulls his covies down to his knees but not check behind him
>shit into the back of his covies
>stand up, pulling the covies on, with his turd pile smearing into his back
>all the jughounds laugh and call him poop commander for the rest of the season
Always double check on your bathroom breaks.

That thing is freaking AWESOME
Impractical in every way an action man can conjure. Inexperienced faggots have been trying to push onezies on our company for decades. Thank goodness it never sticks. Back to the 2D with you goblin.
That's cool as fuck,too bad I'm broke and won't ever need it
This. Also OP should remember that overalls are designed to be worn OVER regular clothes rather than as a garment straight over the skin. The point is to keep grease, metal flakes, etc, off of your body rather than to actually be comfortable as a stand-alone thing. They’re loose fitting precisely because you’re meant to have layers on underneath them. At least this is how I was told to use them whilst doing workshop safety stuff in school in bongland (unironically had a shirt and smart trousers on underneath my boiler suit -I’m pretty sure they made us ditch ties in the workshop for safety reasons which was pretty rare as English schools are normally quite insistent on ties but idk because I’m pretty sure I can remember someone whipping someone else with a tie when we were meant to be making bottle openers).
what if you need to shit
Real Patriots Wear Diapers
Sounds pretty cool
insulated coveralls are usually worn in very cold weather
its too hard to layer down
get tall overalls even if youre not tall
they shrink along the length and regulars will give you a wedgie and make it difficult to reach overhead
the biggest difference between a cheap pair of insulated coveralls and a good one is the zipper
metal zippers only, plastic is dog shit, plastic will break the first time you bend over
a longer zipper is easier to piss out of than one that only comes down to your belly button
shitting is a pain
>shitting is a pain
You might need to see a doctor.
i have insulated overalls i bought from a military surplus store
i love them.
I actually buy up surp coveralls when I see them cheap for hunting. Keeps the ticks off me. Normal thickness surp ones are too thick for the summer but great for late summer/fall. The real thin ones can be good for more weather I think but I've yet to really test their durability. You still need to wear something under them; I usually choose underarmor long sleeve shirt and pants tucked into each other, pants tuckedinto socks/boots, underwear dependent on weather. As it gets colder I may put a jacket over them and put some thicker pants/underlayer pants underneath. Problem with getting them is they're hard to find in person and usually pricey to stock up on, especially in camo. I don't trust the Chinese made ones to stand up to use either so that's out of the picture. Metal zipper = good, normal pockets without passthrough to pants under = good, double zipper pull on main vertical zipper = good (you need to pee, remember), underarmor pants with an opening to stick your dick through = good (PITA without a dick passthrough for peeing), etc.

I generally don't need venting like that but I'm not on a multi-day hike; at most on a 4-10hr hunting trip. I find backpacks can really make your back sweat and/or trap the moisture though. IIRC at least one of my surp coveralls have open armpit vent zips, no net (but easily sewn in).

Try it out. I love them.

Fuck I wish I could get those in the US (at a non scalped/absurd price).

Yeah I still wear normal clothes in the winter.
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Interesting. Would a mechanics overall work?
OP you are a certified chronically online nigga. just go outside and toughen up you actual walking pussy.
Pissing and shitting in overalls sucks massive ass, especially when you're /out/ have to squat down.
Thanks for the bump
How does this piece of shit of a thread not get removed instantly?
Jannies what are you doing? Pull your heads out of your asses and fix the bloody board already.

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