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you will never get to this level
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Not false. Fags are made through grooming and molestation. Children who are loved and protected always turn out straight
>Disowning your gay kid isn't deranged
>Magical underwear is deranged
Why are you making things up?
>Tax dodging is deranged
Tax dodging is beyond based you retarded cuck. I'm not paying for Consula's third illegitimate anchor baby and Tyrone's second ER visit for his herpes outbreak.
The idea behind the underwear is only degenerates wouldn't cover certain parts of their bodies--turns out they're right.
we don't need to be ashamed of our bodies and our genitals
Mormon underwear is retarded but nudists are much worse, and unironically deserve death.

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I want to convert a van into a ghetto one
Vans are better than RVs because they can actually go places.

A good Van with clearance and 4x4 can go so many places an RV could never.
agreed. I have a lifted chevy express and I camp in spots that take forever the crawl to and can be all alone for days.

I have camped on beaches in mexico and not seen another person for 10 days
They're sexy.
I got a used f150 and light weight camper, $13000 total. You can go anywhere and sleep for free. No hassle with a trailer. Solar when warm and generator when cold.

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What ultralight gear do you use?
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I weigh less than your pack, what is there to understand, it's made for people who are not your size
Packing list? Im curious.
long travels mixed activities.

generally when you need to check in or store your bag. like on bus/plane/Train ride.

when you do a day activity away from base camp (when you can leave gear behind safely) like a summit push or a trip to town.

i mean why not do baby steps with small hikes? go very early or remote if hate people.

if the gear breaks i can buy new stuff and cooooonsuuuuuuume!

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>”fad” that’s been around for 35 years
Really there are very old examples, but the early 90’s is when it really took off.

>doesn’t understand the weight-price-durability triangle
Light, expensive gear isn’t fragile or delicate. Cheap, light gear is. And cheap, tough gear isn’t light. Light weight, cheap, or durable: you can pick two. There’s also the basic principle of just leaving shit at home that you don’t need, so the consumer meme doesn’t always fit. And there are super cheap, super durable, ultralight options out there, some of which are very popular (like SmartWater bottles and Fancy Feast stoves).

>doesn’t know the backpacking “hike vs” camp” conundrum
This is what you don’t get (you admitted it). All backpacking trips can be broken down into two parts: hiking and camping. You chose to be comfortable in your hike or comfortable at camp. There’s often a give and take. More comfort while you’re moving often means less at camp. And vice versa, like lugging a folding chair for 8 hours just to lounge around a campfire because it’s comfy.

Time factors in as well. Do you want to spend more time hiking, viewing, exploring, and so on, or relaxing and lounging in camp? It’s why the term “ultralight camping” isn’t in the common lexicon. “Ultralight hiking” and “ultralight backpacking” obviously are.

>made up scenario about a make believe woman
>doesn’t know what baseweight is
Post pack list that’s 110lbs without food and water. Or are you such a new faggot that you count consumables?

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my ultralight 12" cast iron skillet

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hey /out/, i was hiking through a small wetland to get to a river to camp out at, and came across this animal carcass. To me it kinda looks like a coon but the ribs look too big, there's also something white clamped onto its tail. anyone have an idea of what this thing is? the location is in the southeastern US.
White tail deer.
yeah im retarded. i thought the neck was a tail and the ass was a head lmao

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Does anyone use OnX mapping for hiking? Is it worth paying for this elite version?
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How would you like it if a bunch of random people constantly drove into your driveway and blocked you in so that they could see the waterfall you have hidden in your backyard that you maintain at your own costs while these freeloaders continue to pester you just so they can grab a shot for their insta reels?

>usgs topo maps lack a ton of basic information
Like what? They definitely don’t list seasonal or temporary closures, but what else?
that sounds like a nightmare poorfag hikers constantly pestering you for permission to trespass.
no, get the fuck off my property. go be poor somewhere else.
>i'd pay for something if it gave me what i want
>i don't understand why someone would pay for land to have privacy

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Mine is making a fire and holding pork sausages over the fire, maybe even a slice of bread a bit over the fire and thats all i need.
Bonus would be cucumber or potatoe salat and a nice drink
Pic unrelated
Yes im german
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Lo siento pero mi espagnol es muy mal.
Try to strive for better language rather than being proud of your deficiencies. You do need or at the very least want to speak the language, or you wouldn't be here.
Je parle un peut de français, vous montagnes sont tres beau mon ami
I know how to talk it but writing it here i look like im retarded i should practice more
Learning languages is hard, the only languages I really know how to speak are german (because I'm native) and english. My french is good enough to be there for a few weeks on vacation, but it's lacking and my spanish and chinese are a broken mess.
As long as you put in the effort though, people appreciate it. If you're like me then you're shit at learning vocabulary, once you are good enough to be able to kinda understand it, I recommend consuming media in that language. My french went from "I can barely ask where the bathroom is" to "I can communicate with you, even if not perfectly" by just listening to french podcasts. Some people are better at passively absorbing a language rather than deliberately learning it. Either way, good luck anon.
knorr sidekicks. nothing like a pack of goyfeed you need to do nothing but boil water to make 4 days into a canoe trip.
based, love your choice

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What is your favorite seat or cushion that would fit in or on an 18 liter backpack?
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Huh huh, hes gay for hank hills butt
i just have one of the older "egg shell" ones, cant remember the brand name, but its the folding foam matt things, i have the fancy pants one where one side is reflective

dogshit for an actual sleeping mat, but GODTIER in my canoe, place 3 segments on my seat, flop the rest down in the canoe, keeps your butt nice and cushioned, but, you also, get the extra segments down on the floor of the canoe, not keep you feet dry, where you can kick off the shoes and not worry about the little water that, always, makes its way in (no i dont have holes in my canoe, its inevitable if you are fishing and swtiching paddles, shit like that, and given it cant absorb water, paired with some crocks. GOAT
Excellent choice in using another Mike Judge cartoon.
if you want an actual chair, helinox chair zero packs down extremely small, I carry one with me everywhere in a 14L pack
if you just want a pad to sit on, zpack / garage grown gear sells a sit pad for 10 bux
my backpack. get a real backpack.

red pill me on the universal studios eat a hillbilly tea test?
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I ask again, what
red pill me on my nuts in your mouth
OK seriosly who wasted time using an AI on /out/?
Good post

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ofcourse the full question is "is it a good spot afetr cleaning?", but i will take care of that.
as you see, there are arcs that let in natural light and at the same time it would be a nice neat spot for just chilling if i clean it and bring some furniture in.
i foun this spot yesterday in the neiborhood i was living in for 17 years. i dont wanna talk about it.

jokes aside i only lately started really searshing for an "art" spot where i could ponder the world.

tell me your opinions
Looks like a great art spot where you will continually have to go in a clean because it’s highly visible and people have no chill. Do you appreciate mankind’s hubris? Do you mind vandalism and theft? Have a tetanus shot? Up to date on vaccines? This place is for you!
there is another place for garbage in this area, so a sign asking not to put garbage there is a solution (and its very popular in my country's colture, so people will probably obey)
and yes i dont mind vandalism
and about the theftpoint, i think installing a camera is a solid solution
thanks for the warnigs tho, appreciate it! if you have more id like to hear, its better than regretting afterwards
Hey, go for it then.

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ITT: Critters
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Goretex for dogs
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Primitive hunting season edition.

Just got back from packing the freezer this winter, with my .60 cal fusil de chase.

What projects, events, or excursions have you been up to or have planned?
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holy kino!
i just started talking to some guys apart of mountain man rendezvous' in my area.
any advice or links to quality equipment?
im a buy once, cry once kind of guy so i go for quality over price.
also need a rifle and prefer one around a 1770's gun.
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Are ya'll with the crew of the Scavenger or Sloop's crew?

Anyways, I was just baking some biscuit for a marching and bivouac event this weekend.

Okay, big question, and not judging: Are you doing frontier living history, or are you doing buckskinning/ mountain man stuff? The latter is more of a "frontier renfair" And it has a very different vibe, being less authentic, but can still be fun.

What are you trying to go for looks wise? Where are you located? What culture do you have most interest in?
i'd like to go for a more authentic look so living history would be my goal.

as for looks...i havent thought about it. i do fur trapping already so i guess i'd like to be a fur trapper. I'm located south of Seattle. i enjoy the culture to my area but the natives get real uppity about every perceived slight. so i guess i'll stick with european.
The natives have a right to get uppity with what they've had to deal with, And the kind of fucked up douchebaggery that mountain man types still constantly perpetrate. Don't be one of those douchebags, because getting in good with the natives in this hobby opens up a lot of opportunities.

Seattle really pushes you into the 19th century and later. Are you looking to do something more 18th century or want to do later?

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Well /out/ what tracks have you recently found?
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i have a bunch nothing super recent
i thought bears slept in the winter
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Bobcat tracks I saw yesterday, probably five to ten minutes old.
Domestic shorthair.
That would presuppose that we actually had a winter. Haven't had any snow as you can very well see so the bears are still active.

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It's been almost a year since the last climbing thread on /out/ died. The thread on /xs/ is overwhelmingly focused on gym climbing, so I'm making this attempt to revive the general. Help out by sharing trip reports, photos, advice, etc.

A place to talk about outdoor climbing in any aspect (trad, sport, bouldering, aid, alpine, etc).

Rock Climbing is a dangerous sport that can cause loss of life, limb, eyesight, or sanity.


/xs/ thread:

Adam Ondra sends world's hardest trad route Bon Voyage: https://youtu.be/ji4At78H5Ys
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Led this easy crack system, then top roped the crack to the left that starts under a roof(forgot to take a picture). It's mainly about practice placing pro and making anchors quickly at this point, but there was some exposure near the top.
Yeah, I use an inverted Taz Lov2. I've got it working pretty smooth now and I trust it, so it's just down to how good is my pro is. I'm finding leading to be much more fun and rewarding than TR'ing even if it's just easy stuff for now.
That's awesome but man you gotta find a partner and really level up. That's JTree right? Gotta be loads of people looking to climb around there. Are you just committed to climbing solo?
Yeah I've been thinking about hiring a guide to teach me how to belay and give me some tips.
I'm not sure there are many people who want to partner up with a beginner who can only lead easy routes and has minimal belay experience, it seems like most people get into climbing through someone they already know, but I would like to climb with others so I will make the effort, thanks.
I will also keep solo leading because it offers so much freedom.

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What is /out/'s opinion on trespassing to access interesting places like waterfalls, swimming holes, caves, large rock formations, open viewpoints, abandoned sites, etc? And what is /out/'s opinion on posting these places online?
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>Like, men saw one of the few good things about the material plane and thought "wow, beautiful. wouldn't it be great if I claimed this place as mine and asked anyone who wished to enter for tokens lmfao?"
>astonishing how people try to defend this
yeah and how do you find their contact info
some states have property databases, some don't, even if you get that at best you get a name and a mailing address, never a phone number or an email address
If they had a system where property owners could post an email address so you could contact them, that would be one thing, but really all you are going to get is a mailing address so then somehow you have to write a letter and communicate when exactly you want to be on their property, assuming you even know that, and then hope they write you back. They could easily just ignore you.

Most of the time when you see a posted no trespassing sign - there's no contact info. Landowners 99% of the time are just going to say no anyways to any requests to be on their land.

Also, as the other anon said, its not like I'm walking right up to your house, its always just random empty land that they would rather put up menacing signs than work with the gov to establish an easement or sell the adjacent land so people can have access.

And, most land in the east is held by giant logging/mining cartels who hate everyone and will never let you hike on their land no matter what.
In fact seeing the earth is all it's beauty is precisely the type of thing I am willing to die for

So go ahead and shoot, bubba

I will trespass, I will
>Buys land
>Cuts down all the trees
>Builds McManshon with several garages full of shit
You aren't worthy of respect

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What does /out/ think about the Boy Scouts changing its name in an effort to be more inclusive?
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>maybe if we let gays live openly without punishing them for it they would be less likely to molest children

All the places where they let gays "live openly" the gays seek out children to have sex in front of them and scream homo/transphobia when you tell them not to do it in front of the kids.
the amount of molestations has risen with acceptance of homosexuality, by an multiplicative degree at that
additionally, MJ wasn't even the perpetrator, it was his father
Kill yourself faggots
Gaslighting doesn't work anymore.

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