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My dick rock collection is growing.
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this is one of the earliest ones before i really knew how to into clay, the head fell off after being in drawer for a couple years
made another one and fired it so hot it's almost like a piece of black glass but i can't seem to find it anywhere
it's pretty neat how all you need is a creek/river, a fire and a couple hours time to make some pottery
Good luck finding one that's uncircumcised.
nice, throw it at a larger rock to test it out if it shatters in a million pieces you know its quartz

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I asked ChatGPT to create a year long hiking route for me.

I think it did pretty well, results to be posted below. There a few minor tweaks I could make, certainly aiming to stay close to or in wilderness. Might revise later by making an actual mapped out route that adheres more to trailheads but ChatGPT I think has successfully given a really good head start.

Your thoughts are appreciated :)
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I may be a bit autistic because I have to walk a minimum of 20 miles a day just to stay sane
Maybe he just fucked around in the grand canyon for 2 weeks? Or is counting the tail end of his journey which is I think also the grand canyon?
You don't go outside, do you.
Within 5 miles of you there are at least 100 homeless people disregarding your silly ideas about property at this very moment
Based retard

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Fall is here, and with that, wool weather. Post your recent scores.
Topics include:
>waterproof Irish sweaters
>touques and hats
>budget-score 100% wool work socks
>army surplus finds
>washing and care

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I got this wool cap from a local vender recently. It's been keeping me warm this fall/winter. its also fairly good in the rain here in the PNW keeps me warm even when mildly wet and drys easily.
I Like these. spendy but awesome
Going on a hike with some friends soon. Planning what to wear. It's a dry, hot summer here (Australia). I have a thermal, long sleeved, merino baselayer top from Aldi. I'm not sure of the GSM, but it's "Crane Performance". That's about all it says.

Anyway, my question is about the SPF. Do you think it'll be good enough to just wear on the hike for sun protection? As in nothing else but the wool t-shirt as my shirt. It's very fucking thin, so my guess is that's it's at most 150gsm.

Apologies for not giving much more information, this is basically all I know about it
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Not strictly /out/ but I have just attained some Harris Tweed trousers.

They will do me well as winter approaches Snowdonia
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This anon >>2786839 is absolutely bang on. All you need is a wooly pully. Still the greatest and cheapest wool milsurp garment on the market.

That being said, if it weren't for the £70+ price tag, I would be super tempted by the Austrian equivalent (picrel)

I don't sharpen my knives.
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I can never tell if I'm doing it right or if its having no affect or if I'm actively ruining the edge even more
My friend swears by the sound it makes to tell you you're doing it right. He says the more the knife rings the more likely it is being honed well. Not sure if that's true though.
Those do not hone. The ceramic mug trick works because its abrasive
I honed your mom and if anything , there was more materiel than when I started

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How many of you practice,sword fighting/kendo ,knife fighting,archery
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Based. 4chan is a judo website and /out/ is a judo board. Do you train outside? I'll be teaching some outdoor judo to my hiking and range buddy soon and I'm trying to decide if we should train gi or no gi.
Two things. You might carry it at some point (for example, I have a machete in my truck for use in the woods, even if I don't carry it on me normally). Also, plenty of skills translate to other weapons. For example, most of the machete stuff I'm training also works with a mid-sized knife (which I do carry), a walking stick, a beer bottle or any other somewhat straight thing I can hit someone with.
Blades of any size, impact weapons, throwing weapons, some meme shit (meteor hammer) for fun. Also unarmed combat. All of that for 25 years by now, with ranged weapons (bows, firearms, crossbows) added in whenever I had an opportunity.
There's no weapon I can't use at least somewhat effectively.
Seconded. Should we put it to a vote?
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I am going to be buying some archery equipment soon. I used to practice at a shooting club when I was a kid, so I am hoping some of that natural intuitiveness has stuck after 25 years.

I'm going straight in at the intermediate level gear because I I intend to git gud over the next few years, and it will be great to be back in a club environment. Any suggestions for a decent recurve? I am also open to "traditional" flatbows (fiberglass limbs) and wooden arrows, because that seems like a great way to re-introduce.

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>post pic of recent /out/ing
>take turns guessing where anons pictures are from
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They Will Seethe At This
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I grew up in the pine barrens and I'm pretty sure every lake there is manmade, so it's not even really a feature of the nature. Success lake is definitely manmade, but I've always heard they all are. My hometown had a park in the barrens with five lakes and they were all dug out as part of some brick factories operations.
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Do you like to paddle, anon? Me and my friend love to use our kyak and explore. (pic related is a recent place Ive been)
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The tide in this area is wicked. It is necessary to time your trips to ride the incoming or outgoing tide to where you want to go.
He's right, though. Choppy, fast, "off-road" water? Kayaks are better. Flat, steady "on-road" water? Canoes beat them every day.
Headwind is a bitch. Tailwind is awesome. Some Aleut kayaks, or Baidarkas, have wide sterns to catch the wave energy from a tailing sea.
That's a delta, Wich one is it? I am still on the fence between a thermoformed delta or a rotomolded p&h. The old speed weight vs I can bang it on the rocks without cringing
dagger stratos is a pretty good kayak no? what was subpar about it?
kayak upgrades went well over budget but I guess at least it was with black friday sales. it could have been much worse.
I love my thermoformed Delta 17'.
I say you should choose a thermoform. They're pretty solid boats. I don't think you should worry about rocks - just steer clear of them!
With the thermoform, you can just carry the thing, obviating the need for dragging it over rocks.

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i'll be in south america in january and i'd like to do some multiday hiking in patagonia, but i'm kind of clueless for how accessible this is. i could bring map backpack/tent/gear, but i'll be doing other travelling as well, so i don't really want to lug extra stuff around, but i will if needed. other thought was to rent gear or book cabins/hostels if that's a thing.

googling this type of trip, excursion companies want like $3-5k, so fuck that, how do i hike some of the best trails in this region without spending a fortune?
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The fishing must be good down there. Its probably still the kind of place where you can just wing it and talk to the farmers to see if they will let you explore their land.
Hi anon, i live in patagonia. You already know what places you want to go?, a really nice place is El Chalten. IMO, for average hikings you don't really need that much gear..
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If you are doing the Patagonia tour, just buy a 1p tent in Santiago before moving to Patagonia through facebook marketplace (coordinate a meetup by an undergound station) you can find good deals there and sell it later in patagonia when your tour is over.

> t.chudleno
>I don't think you've given this trip enough thought

>expecting people to think on 4chan
Chile or Argentina? I'm a local there in Puerto Varas.

Totally is, but with gringos an extra $20 or a gift goes a long way to make locals more friendly towards you.

There's a decathlon store in Pto Montt, but it's rather small and shitty. There are various stores here to buy anything you want /out/ related.

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Who are your favorite /out/ youtubers? This dudes recent video on rebuilding the cabin is pretty cool.
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One things for sure, Grand Thumb is a fucking loser.
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Kenneth is the undisputed GOAT of /out/
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well, that´s not ShugEmery, so assume you just made some typos and selected the wrong image

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just found a 4 leaf clover and masturbated with it, do i still get good luck or sumthing
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I remember my first beer >>2779600
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My pond
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Quality post bump
I love Saber so much. I wish honorable and strong women were real...

Oh right, OP has a question. The answer is yes, but only in sexual matters.

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The US, Canada, and Europe has nothing that compares to Patagonia. I see you guys constantly having dick waving contests over your shitty mountains but they pale in comparison to what you'll find down here along with our views.
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Yes, trees do exist in other parts of the world anon.
Alaska Range, Coast Range, and the Alps all have granite spires surrounded by glaciers.

Patagonia is cool but not unique.
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I live in patagonia, the only thing i envy from gringos and europeans is the amount or game they have. here you're lucky to see some ranch owned deer a few times or hares. boar are supposed to be around but i've never seen one, just the prints and the poop.

chilean side of patagonia is very forested. looks a bit like a jungle, because it's a rainforest.
You may be right but the rockies are a few miles from my front door so I will suffer with what I have.
Alaska's mountains are really second in grandeur only to the central Asian ranges, if even them.

To me the real treat is seeing all the different kinds of beauty the world has to offer, which is why I personally feel lucky to live in the western US, we have all kinds of landscapes that are amongst the most spectacular of their kind in the world, deserts, canyons, forests, waterfalls, all sorts of stuff. And our mountains are diverse and not half bad either, the Wind River Range, Glacier NP, the Cascades, Yosemite Valley and the Sierra etc, all are pretty spectacular in different ways. That being said if I had to pick my favorite range I've visited in terms of beauty it's the Canadian Rockies, so yeah our mountains (besides Alaska) aren't the best, but still great.

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Modern outdoor footwear with "waterproof, breathable membranes".

Never waterproof.

Never breathable.

Every fucking time.
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if you have waterproofed leather a membrane is a hindrance. even the cheap fabric liner is a better vent than some half permeable trashbag
Don't care, my fee are compeltely dry working in the rain for 12 hours that's all that matters.
thats my point, they wouldnt be in goytex
The hiking boots I bought earlier this year are def waterproof. Walked through many puddles and during heavy rain without issue
I have ranched and worked in a feed mill with timberland pros, they are comfy warm and last long

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West coast
>dozens of unique mountain ranges with their own special charm and flavor
>towering snow capped peaks, volcanic ruins and jagged landscape
>vast deserts with alien like landscape stretching for hundreds of miles
>massive canyons and plateaus carved by thunderous rivers
>ancient old growth forests untouched by human hands
>vast expanses of savanna and prarie teaming with wildlife
East coast
>here’s some replanted trees and shit with a McDonald’s right down the road
>btw we built a staircase and a bridge to get to the cool part
How is it even a competition?
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go back and stay there.
Just say you don’t go out bro
>How is it even a competition?
It isn't a competition, dunno why you're making it into one.
This. Its
a continent, not two different sports teams.
says you who makes these dogshit threads ona daily basis

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We are recruiting for an innawoods homesteading community, building from the ground up (literally) in rural Appalachia. We use natural/reclaimed materials wherever possible and focus on prepping, bushcraft, survival, self-sufficiency, self-development, and enjoying life innawoods. 50 wooded mountainous acres with several flat sites accessible on foot. Completely off-grid with solar/gas electric & running water. Big plans for the place including sawmill, blacksmith shop, greenhouse, etc. Far from major cities. Build something before winter or wait til spring. No RV/camper hookups available. No junkies, no trannies, no vaxxies allowed.

Just gauging interest, also wondering how best to recruit?
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playing pretend to the exclusion of living a real life is incredibly self-destructive son.
Unless you seriously know what you're doing, you should have everything planned out beforehand
>how best to recruit
>recruit on 4chan for idealised fantasy community (kek)
>no vaccinations
at least all the kids will die before they get molested
Just go join the yellow bus cult. They will even give you one or two free teens as long as you give them babies and your labour. That's how they "recruit" new members because if you fuck one of their kids they own you for life. Worth the trade off? Land, trad wife and a simple life for your freedom? You can find them out in appalachia there.
I don’t know how you can recruit good people for that. The people I’ve found who were interested in this and competent were too old plus a little crazy. Like, we don’t need guys having heart attacks while shoveling poop or snow or whatever. Younger people who were interested, though lacking skills, had drug problems and liked to couch surf. I have the means to begin building a modest community, within reasonable driving distance of civilization, but I don’t want to build something and fill it with old folks, hipster layabouts, and crazies. I also don’t want to get Ruby Ridged.

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Best place in California for camping?
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panoche hills

I'm planning on motocamping in panoche hills for the first time soon
Bluff Creek
Urban camping is a real thing yakno. Never heard of Steve?
Lake Merritt

Trinities, Mt Shasta

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