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the /out/ pipe threads seem popular, but whats the consensus on cigars and cigarillos?
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my dad's best friend liked swisher sweets but he died of lung cancer :/
He died doing what he loved.
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best cheap cigarillos
All of those will give you cancer.
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It's great having a cigar when out. I prefer lighter ones with sweet notes. Cigarellos are ok but they don't last long enough to enjoy properly.

list your preferably /out/ related injuries
i had back surgery this spring due to cumulative /out/ and work related activities and it ruined my whole year
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>and it ruined my whole year
not an excuse anon, rin would want you to go outdoors anyways even if it's just casual sightseeing at the local state park
flies tongued my anus
Subungual hematoma and nerve damage on my big toes from a 20-mile hike in the spring. Trust me, you don't want to see photos.

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Have you found any cool rocks recently /out/?
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Could it possibly be shale instead?
T. Same anon
Shale is fragile and breaks into sheets. It should be obvious if it's a shale
Water transport. If it was found with all that nice rounded quartz gravel, that's the most obvious explanation. That's assuming it wasn't brought in from somewhere as fill.
I found this dick rock.
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now cut it

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You guys do realize that there is no escape from the expanse and eventual control by the technological system don't you? You can run for a short time but you can't hide. Outdoors and homesteading etc. are ultimately just temporary escapes. Most of the globe after all was a wilderness where these kind of lifestyles were possible for most people and due to the expansion of technological civilization there is little wilderness left. Wilderness escape is only available to a relative few for economic and practical reasons. The system will continue to expand. How many of you guys agree with Ted Kaczynski that a revolutionary anti-tech movement like wilderness front (www.wildernessfront.com) should force an end to the technosystem and save wilderness from ravaging and control and eventual extinction? If there is no wilderness left there is no freedom left.
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>squalor and sufferering

See now you're just regurgitating tired old tropes. Reliable anthropology has pretty much debunked these topes, but they get repeated because they serves a psychological purpose.

"The Pirahãs show no evidence of depression, chronic fatigue, extreme anxiety, panic attacks, or other psychological ailments common in many industrialized societies." …

"I have never heard a Pirahã say that he or she is worried. In fact, so far as I can tell, the Pirahãs have no word for worry in their language. One group of visitors to the Pirahãs, psychologists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Brain and Cognitive Science Department, commented that the Pirahãs appeared to be the happiest people they had ever seen."

-Daniel Everett, "Don't Sleep There Are Snakes" (2009) p. 278

Here we found a few Snake Indians comprising 6 men 7 women and 8 or
10 children who were the only Inhabitants of this lonely and secluded spot.
They were all neatly clothed in dressed deer and Sheep skins of the best
quality and seemed to be perfectly contented and happy. …I almost wished

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>No. A rapid collapse is far more likely, and anyway it's the only practical human course of action.
Relax, there will be a collapse, probably this century.
We will all die, and the last free people have already been born.
The future is hell, techno dystopia hell, then a collapse and if there are survivors, they'll repeat the cycle from whatever technological age humanity regressed to.
Anecdotal evidence that is romanticizing poverty.
I like living in a civilized, technologically advanced society.
if it were merely a few then a point could be made, but instead this is a consistent repeated trend observed in all primitive cultures. Your "poverty" comment shows you a sucker for the "standard of living" myth. the way that works is the industrial system simply defines a higher standard of living as being only those things it can provide and then it "discovers" that the standard is increasing. If instead of iphones and refrigerators and cars etc. you judge standard of living in freedom, fulfillment, dignity, clear flowing streams, abundant wildlife, tranquility and solitude of vast meadows and forests, etc. etc., then our standard of living is falling very, very rapidly.

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what have you guys found?
i found this cup half buried in some soil & moss; no scratches, chips, or cracks, it was perfectly intact
it was during a time that i needed a new cup too, so now this is my main cup
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Yeah, that sounds like celluloid. They do that swirly grained look to make it look like ivory, it's actually pretty convincing. And yeah, it's great material for practicing inlay too, just be sure to cut and shape it by hand; celluloid is ridiculously flammable, if you use a Dremel or a belt sander, it's remarkably easy to get it to combust from the friction.

I didn't grab any of the white key veneers when I found that piano. Idk why, I should have.
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probably still works, at least the info does
>what have you guys found?
Peace and serenity
pretty cool

I've been using a sling bag for uni and i find it's neat how it lets you access your stuffs without removing the thing. So i can't help but wonder if I can use a bigger one for /out/ stuff. For example picrel, a 12l pack

Will it fuck up your shoulder/back thoughbeit? I mean there's a reason most hiking packs use 2 straps
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Why not just use a purse at that point? Sling bags are fucking stupid. Use a real backpack like a man.
>I want to fuck my back up so I can look cool to gradeschoolers and midwits
yeah, no thanks.
I know idiots who have back problems because they fell for the single shoulder strap meme.
>12 liters is a daypack
No it isn't you retard. 12 liters is a diaper bag and what nannies keep wet wipes in. The smallest daypack is 20 liters if you live around actual mountains and aren't a larper.
I removed a strap from my large ALICE so I can wear it cross-body like a sling bag
How else are you supposed to pick up primary school girls?

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Morel edition
Found about a half pound over Easter weekend, upstate SC.
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hello from finland, found some Ramaria boreimaxima
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Is it weird to cut the gills or pore tubes off mushrooms before eating them? It's totally a psychological thing but I don't feel right eating them. Just the cap flesh and stem (if it's not tough).
Nice coral!

Yes, it is weird or at least uncommon(I've never heard of anyone doing it). Sounds like a pita to do on most mushrooms. But you do you, if you have a problem, psychological or otherwise, remove it, if that's what you feel you need to do.

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What's the cheapest and easiest way I can get to this lifestyle in Australia?
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>having "the latest thing" just for the sake of it
That's the slavic notion of wealth.
just go squat on some land in the wopwops
>having "the latest thing" just for the sake
That describes 80% of Western civilization.
Do all your campgrounds have cooking facilities like ovens etc?
Anyone here done a horticultural apprenticeship in Australia? Is horticulture a decent career?
I'm a low motivation, zero ambition, unemployed only worked for 9 months in my entire life university graduate looking for a career
I've been growing vegetables for the past 10 years, collecting plants for the past 15 years and have an interest in farming/nature
I'm thinking horticultural, baking or cooking

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How do I defend against these fuckers

But no, seriously.

I have sprays up to 50% DEET which is overkill for most things.
It did the job in equatorial ports while I worked in merchant marine, and yet with these fuckers it feels like its effectiveness is a coin flip.
by losing weight and eating less carbs
wear this
Cover up. I wear a long sleeve hoody and pants when im inna woods at high summer and the horse flies, deer flies, biting black flies and mosquitoes all cant get at me and life is much improved.
yes. armor is underrated and nature can be pesky as fuck

/o/ here, so i plan on taking a road trip and camping out for a night but i want to know are yeti coolers worth the price? i want to buy a yeti tundra 45 cooler to store food and drinks for my trip but i want to know if the $300 price tag is justified? or should i just go to my local walmart and buy a IGLOO cooler for a fraction of the price?
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If you are going to be using it to make money then yeah, go for a yeti.

For a maybe one night and never use again? Fucking pack a sandwich and some liquor instead of cake and beer.

If you NEED to keep something cold a $30 cooler and prechilled whatever will last 24 hours no problem
so does ya mum
"buy it nice or buy it twice" only applies to stuff that you actively use a lot. If you're going to use any cooler once a year for a road trip then there is absolutely no reason to buy a yeti when a 80 dollar igloo would surpass your needs.
>when a 80 dollar igloo would surpass your needs.
I use a $20 soft shell no-name brand picnic cooler and it's good enough for day trips even when I leave it in the back with hot sun baking the car all day. You get a good 10-12 hours out of those things before the ice completely melts. One thing about coolers is the smaller they are, the longer they stay cool. So only buy one as big as you actually need.
Fuck yeti they sold off to China. Buy Pelican

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How do you feel about volunteering your skills to help your community in the event of a disaster?

>do you feel you have skills you could offer?
>would you be more likely to join an organization if the organization was based?
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desperate swing and a miss
disappointed in you
Learn to have a normal interaction, imbecile. Your crap is all over the place.
I had a plan to buy a bunch of food grade barrels and create rain water catchments hidden all over the local area, mainly hidden in out of the way places. I feel like having knowledge of something like that would be valuable in an emergency and apart from having to worry about vandals or officials, I think it would be left alone to collect water until it is required.
Also it is worth having decentralised resources in a disaster because of the you-know-who's that like to do as they please when the going gets tough.
In 2017, I picked up a machete and went to clear up my local main road after a large hurricane. To my surprise I wasn't the only one there. There was about a dozen people doing the same. Someone haves us coffee.
Most I could do is help clear some brush or lug heavy shit around all day. I could maybe still do some basic triage from some FEMA training I had years ago but I'd rather leave that to pros. I'm good with a chainsaw, though.

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I can't be the only one who prefers going /out/ at night and I'm not talking about camping. What activities do you do at night?
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I used to enjoy walking in the local park until I ran into some homosexual gentlemen who enquired otf I would cared to engage in sodomy with them

No anon I am not any such person
u in hawaii? im down to go.
>i cant be the one who prefers going out when lost of the predators are awake? right
predators can't be seen without heat vision

how are my alpbros doing?

will it ever stop raining?
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>Tent. No hammock.
got a carinthia biwack sack, never used it so we'll see how it goes

> No sticks and lumber around so bring a camping stove.
got a pretty lightweight esbit cooker setup, is it a meme or actually usable?

also kino picture, love me some alps
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The sack should be super comfy.
Should be a good option for above the tree line.
Am not a gear guy but I wouldn't worry about the stove.

Remember to post your hike here or in the follow up thread.
It's inconvenient to do anything but heat up precooked food with the esbit, especially if there's wind.
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recently moved to the foothills of the alps. pretty dam nice out here

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Hello /out/ im looking to get into bow hunting. And im wondering what bows you reccommend/own yourself, not looking for something fancy just something that does the job well. I can bbrow 2plate for reps so i recon draw weight will mostly be a non issue (i think). Animals im looking to hunt are dove,rabbit and diffrent game birds.
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Bear G2 Cruzer

I would also buy a can of chrome spray paint for the arrows makes them easier to find
ok, go shoot a 110lb warbow.
Make sure to post the footage here.
Your comparison was dumb, I'm not talking about the bow part
Go to a pro shop and ask this retard.
the pro shop is just gonna give him the same run down we did.
let him find out the hardway

Anyone recognize this spot?
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>he said, casually bumping the thread back to page 1
Not really, no
It's inescapable, anon
Oh shit I almost forgot to bump this
body count? more like a genocide

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