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Anyone else kind of conflicted with how to handle a heating source? I see so many people now using those soulless buddy heaters, but I'm worried about carbon monoxide. With a traditional fire it just makes everything smell like smoke for months, if not years if you keep it in a container. A stove is big and heavy, and a little collapsible wood stove is not going to really keep you warm, and is still going to put out smoke.

What do you guys prefer for Oct-Nov camping before the snow hits the mountains?
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Just tried my first cold camping yesterday and it was a bit...different than what I am used to. Although I was plenty warm in my sleeping bag, the -3°C air in the tent was uncomfortable to breathe in and could barely sleep the whole night. Should I look into insulated tents? Are those a thing? Tents that retain the body heat and moisture? Or would that be a problem because of CO2 and they all have to be well ventilated and I just gotta put up with it?

Also my summer snacks (cheese, tuna cans, protein bars) aren't working out for me in the cold, what's some light to carry hot foods I could make?
>the -3°C air in the tent was uncomfortable to breathe in

Wear a balaclava
>Anyone else kind of conflicted with how to handle a heating source? I see so many people now using those soulless buddy heaters, but I'm worried about carbon monoxide. With a traditional fire it just makes everything smell like smoke for months, if not years if you keep it in a container. A stove is big and heavy, and a little collapsible wood stove is not going to really keep you warm, and is still going to put out smoke.
u guys are fucking useless
it's either no fire or fire
Huh interesting, thought they were only for skiing and didn't think about using them like that, thanks anon. Material-wise I seem to have some fleece, merino wool and goretex ones in my online stores of choice. Which one do you use for sleeping?

>outfishes all your expensive fancy lures
Nothing personnel chud
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I just dangle my little worm (my penis) in the water until something bites
Love em
would slay trout on worms with my Ute friend up in Colorado. No limits for natives baby
>not using chewing gum
its passive fishing, i throw out a floater or a sinker while i make coffe, maybe i get a troat or not while i do something else. if its one of thoose days nothing else works you might get one this way after an hour or two... lures, spinners or flyfishing is active fishing and i can pull up one ever 5 min on a good day.

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I'm planning on thru hiking the Appalachian Trail, probably within the next year or so to prepare myself and gather supplies. Any tips or tricks/things you wish you knew beforehand? I think I'm most worried about food resupply
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also, some hostels that arent located immediately by the trail will usually offer a free ride to the hostel, use this to your advantage and plan hostel stays according to you resupplies, if you are going to stay at a hostel, you might as well resupply, some charge extra to go to the grocery store, but some will just say "hey im gonna go do some errands in town, want me to drop you off on the way there and pick you up in an hour?"
there was several sections of the trail that were closed on my hike, new york had a whole mountain park thing closed off, everybody was going ape shit about people who said they were gonna do it anyway, I am a purist so I did it anyway, I didnt get caught

I didnt even buy a national park pass for the smokies, shenendoah, or any others, I only ever got a permit for Katahdin, which was absolutely zero hassle just make sure youve got cash

Thanks for the info on payment services. I plan to just take Uber to the trail from Atlanta next year. Gonna get a hotel room next to the REI to buy stakes/fuel/non-carry-on stuff then just use Uber. I just hope they aren't too offended by my smell after I actually start the trail.
I got the amtrak to gainesville, walked to the edge of town, then hitched to Dahlonega, then hitched to Amicalola

I would leave the stakes at home if I were you, there are plenty of sticks and rocks all around, one less thing

Everybody plans to buy fuel at the REI in Atlanta, its basically a meme at this point, they are always out, I can't tell you how many people in Georgia told me they didn't have fuel for that reason, I am glad I went stoveless, I never missed eating hot food, maybe I am just crazy but as long as you get a couple good recipes cold soaking is just better
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im starting february of next year
hope we run into each other, OP

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So Sandy Irvine's severed foot has been found on Everest after 100 years. Does this tell us anything about whether or not he and George Mallory reached the summit in 1924? Does it disprove the rumors that the Chinese found and disposed of the bodies? How could just a severed foot be found?
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>some opium-peddling western imperialist
Neither Mallory or Irving were Jewish as far as I know
Yeah but they both died at that altitude so its no surprise they were struggling
Wait, so he only had one leg to start with ?
They also died within the same distance from eachother

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Does this shit work or not?

I went into the Paramo shop today to take a closer look at build quality and to a lesser extent, the weight and I found myself wanting to get one to try. Thing is they're fucking expensive so I left before the lure got too strong to resist.

The shop assistant seemed quite frank about the whole thing. He said it works best on people who move a lot and run warm to hot, which is absolutely me. He said if you're a slow walker who has to wear a lot of layers then it's probably not going to keep you as dry as it could, which I appreciated.

The local mountain rescue all use Paramo and swear by it. But I've never seen any brand get so many mixed reviews with no grey areas. It's either "I've used paramo for 15 years and never gotten wet" or "I got wet every time I went in the rain with my Paramo"

What gives?
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Do you expect to be mostly dry using paramo? What about being in sustained heavy rain all day?

My goretex will prevent me from becoming soaked even if I do end up somewhat damp from sweat.
You've never worked a day in your life.

Say wa?
The mystery of Paramo. Nobody has a fucking clue apparently.
Is it time for shitpost bumpin already?

How many of you carry a traditional folding pocket knife while /out/?

Do you feel the steel used in traditional folders is outdated or that they are harder to maintain?

If you do carry one, what kind?
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>maybe you should stop being a weak ass bitch, an Opinel no.8 will outlast a buck.
>would be real fun to see a picture of your knife...
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I'm pretty sure I've had this Opinel longer then you have en alive
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>I'm pretty sure I've had this Opinel longer then you have en alive
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>Is Case gud?
I want one of those in magnacut and burlap micarta so bad.

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>that one faggot who goes camping/hiking/fishing etc alone
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Come with me?
What are you gonna do about it?
That's the point bruh.
Are you oversocialized?
Complain about it anonymously on a forgotten imageboard

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Now that the dust is beginning to settle, which one is superior for the true outdoorsman?
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I like it friend.
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Both departments can suck ass, but if it's a question of which public lands are better, then my vote is for National Forests.
they are both good. if you have a really strong opinion here, you are either doing something specific or you are (more likely) pretending that you go outside and repeating shit that you heard on youtube
you can generally tell when posters here complain about crowds without realizing that they're admitting that they went to a crowded parking lot and didn't get far from there. there's tons of them, they are completely delusional.
bruh I'd delete this post out of embarrassment

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anyone here run trail cameras?

any recommendations?
want to buy one for my dad as a christmas gift as he's living innawoods right now.
just need something for his boomer mind that's easy to set up, operate and take out again to pop out and plug into a laptop to look at funny critters.
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I have multiple cameras- Moultrie, Tactacam (reveal) and Gamekeeper. They all work great. If you dont want cel connectivity then I would suggest the Gamekeeper. super simple set up and use and its worked for yrs thru all 3 seasons. Only blanked out when it got down to -40
stop shitting up threads with this gay shit
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>dude he likely knows more about game cams
he doesn't, he's residing in a cool area where there's a lot of wildlife lurking and it'd be cool to get some random video footage of them as he's had some interested in random critters but you can only get so far with a camera.
>If you dont want cel connectivity then I would suggest the Gamekeeper.
>Only blanked out when it got down to -40
that sounds about perfect, thanks for the recs, I'll be reading about them and trail cams in general, I realize that I'm being a faggot for not doing any research before asking so thanks.
also I should mention that it doesn't need a battery that lasts more than a few days for his usage.
also you got any cool footage to show from any of those cams?

here's a picture of a fox I took around that area.
>it doesn't need a battery that lasts more than a few days for his usage.
Most take 8-12 AA batteries which seem to last weeks if not months depending on usage. I got a lithium battery for the tactacam but havent used it yet

>any cool footage
lots and lots of deer and elk but other critters too. got this wolf last summer

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hi guys I've started going out 1.5 years ago, when I started I was out of shape so I didnt do anything crazy, and went with a lower frequency, but with time I kept working out, rucking and now i got i good shape where i can complete expert infantrymen rucks in 2h47m which isn't anything crazy but its decent, and gain 1900m of elevation over 12km with a 45lbs ruck, I've always went on walking outings, tried snowshoeing, scrambling in summer, but never did any legit mountaineering shit, with crampons and ice picks, can you guys give me any advice or intro and where to look? I tried looking at CAI (Italian alpine club) but all the ones close to me dont have anything planned but normal walks, but I want to go with someone who's experienced for some times before trying alone since I've never done it.

also mountaineering thread general
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In my 6 years of climbing experience (most mediums of climbing) I never paid for a guide, nor anybody teaching me anything directly. I started out with summer mountaineering in the rocky's and eventually transitioned to rock climbing, then ice, then alpinism. I think this is a logical course of action to progress but I think it begs the question about what you really want out of "climbing". If you want class 3-4 scrambles in winter conditions, then your on the right path. read freedom of the hills (ignore most vertical climbing chapters), scour ukc/summitpost/mountainproject forums ,stay away from glaciers, and continue summer/spring mountaineering and transition to winter when you feel adept with your tools and skills. It would be a faster process if you join club outings and find a mentor. If you want vertical rock faces and steep ice gullies, there is much to learn and I suggest going to a rock climbing gym to start
No one who is actually serious about mountaineering has read Freedom of the Hills.
The Alps aren't what you have in america.
and the americas have what you dont in the alps
Strolls wearing crampons? Can do that too. Not everywhere is technical on the Alps.

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Looking to buy a road bike to ride on pic related. The trail is 30 miles (15 miles one way 15 miles back) and the entire thing looks like the image. Paved the whole way.

I currently ride this on a Trek Marlin which is a hardtail. My average speed is 13.8 mph and it takes me ~2 hours to complete the ride.

Will switching to a dedicated road bike significantly raise my average speed? I'd be very happy if I could cut the ride down to an hour and a half if possible.

Budget is ~2000 USD. Can go to ~3000 USD if the price difference is truly worth it.

BTW my dream bike is a Bianchi Aria Centaur. If I could easily obtain this in the USA I'd buy it but I can't find it anywhere. I only want it because I think it's beautiful, I have no idea if it's a good bike.
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Just put road tires on your bike and it will be faster.
30 miles is not a long distance. And with the correct tire and pressure, you're going a decent pace without much effort.
It's just my two cents, I'm not a fan of overspending. People buy way too expensive bikes they don't need.
>30 miles is not a long distance.
It is on a fat tired mountain bike that's limiting my average speed to 13.8 mph. My legs move faster than the resistance the pedals can give me. I need some form of upgrade so I can raise my top average speed.
You should try Craigslist.
buy a track bike and stop being gay. you will thank me when you have actual muscle mass.

As it is becoming increasingly clear that GoreTex is bad for your health and the environment, I'm looking for alternatives.

What are some good alternatives to GoreTex that's less toxic, but doesn't compromise too much on functionality?

Pic related; Fjallraven Greenland jacket, which uses wax for (some) water resistance.
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64 replies and not a single piece of evidence showing GoreTex is bad for your health?
i ate a goretecs and shidded my pant

Holy shit. I was designing a non-goretex jacket exactly like this in my head. It was based around my OR Foray goretex jacket which has similar side zips though not as big.

I was going to try and make something like this from a cheap sleeved poncho and add some snaps running from waist to cuff but now I can just buy one.

I searched for ages for something like this and never found anything.
>2. the scientists think the most likely source of plastic in the brain is ingestion. hmm, what is made of polyethylene? food containers, cutting boards...
this, the plastic shavings freakout over clothing is completely stupid, are you eating boot leather for dinner too? are you soaking in a bathtub with your plastic jacket?
Then keep wearing it.

Rate my camping gear.

innawoods dot net thread
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Joke aside I found the specific vest but can't get it because I'm in 'murrica & unless I find it on some international shipping site that has it
I do both
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I can't go camping until I find the correct knife and boots.
this website still exists? hölï shit
Find them yet?

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Haven't seen one of these on /out/ in a while, first time following the Stalker challenge, surprisingly fun, even for a noguns britbong. Ended with 14 points at the end, next time I'm aiming for 20+.
Anyone else entered the Zone recently?
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I've never done a stalker challenge and I don't really get the appeal but I'm glad you did it and that you had a good time. Nice photos anon.
Looks fun anon
I need to get around to doing one of these sometime

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lately i've seen posts in several threads about anons complaining they don't find people to hike with so i thought it might be good to have a thread where people post where they are and so on in case others are also interested and they can organize something together

i'll start, last half of september i will be on holiday and i plan on going to either pyrenees or the alps, preferably pyrenees because it's a bit cheaper. i'm up for everything but i usually do hiking and mountaneering, like ascending peaks on II or III terrain and so on. if i had a partner we could maybe do more interesting stuff. let me know if anyone is interested. currently i live in spain
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>If there's anyone here in NorCal
Are you interested in winter climbing? I'm a leaf but about 3h away. Looking for an "I'll meet you at the trailhead so if you don't show I'll just do the climbs myself and nothing is lost" kindof deal.

I'm looking for a winter climbing partner for one reason only and that is AVALANCE PROTECTION, ie if you are avalanched and there doesn't happen to be someone there with a shovel that's it.
>if you are avalanched and there doesn't happen to be someone there with a shovel that's it.
bro my understanding is that if you are avalanched you probably die instantly from the punch and even if you don't, chances are your partner got avalanched same as you

i think that the point of going with a partner is to stop falls down slopes and crevases, and have someone to rescue you afterwards
>have someone to rescue you afterwards
yup. Scary that a gps beacon won't save you if you fall into one, nightmare fuel for sure, like when you realize you're walking on a cornice.
>falls down slopes
probably dead or too risky, call for help
>my understanding is that if you are avalanched you probably die instantly from the punch and even if you don't, chances are your partner got avalanched same as you
I don't think this is true if you are up in the mountains, maybe if you are crossing a field at the base of a mountain. When you are up in the mountains you are the one causing the avalanches and you are right up where they start.

It is good technique to have one person cross an open area then the other so that if something happens you don't both get burried. If you do get burried waving your hands in front of your face before the snow freezes can give you an oxygen bubble that can last several minutes. Beacons can help soneone find you before those minutes are up. People usually don't get burried deep, especially if you have an avalanche bag..
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Or lower Wisconsin. Come on anon, it'd be fun.

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