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Now that the dust is beginning to settle, which one is superior for the true outdoorsman?
Less pajeets in the NFs.
Not for long Saar
the free one with the least amount of jannies and rules to follow
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>typical composition of a park service
The (((forestry service))) is the propaganda arm of the Timber Cartels and the (((Department of Agriculture))) is run by Bayer's little pet: Monsanto.

The department of AG considers selective breeding GMO as harmless as Gene editing GMO and dishonestly lets them be considered equivalent when discussing GMO and morons are none the wiser.

BLM is legit just another name for the Logging Cartels--fuck them. They're allowing Gene edited Doug Firs to infest forests and they allow all sorts of shit that would be considered shit for the environment even by 1950s standards.

The only thing NPS does right is when they don't do anything.
Where'd you learn this from? Curious to know more, not super well informed personally.
Decades of watching it all unravel. I started by just watching them lie and lie and rip apart forests for profit at the expense of society.

I dunno, maybe start with the Beaver Institute (specifically work by Dr. Emily Fairfax).

Andrew Millison has a lot of good information about watersheds, aquifers and how forests create weather systems.

Look into work by Bill Mollison--"father of permaculture" as well.

Look into old growth growth rates compared to (((managed forests)))--old growth (150+ year old trees) put on exponentially more biomass per year than managed forests.

Look up north American rainforests--basically the entire west coast and look at the history of them.

It's hard to say where to start but I can say the timber cartel has saturated society with lies and total bullshit.
The Gene edited Doug Fir:
I live near a test forest for Warhauser and talk to some of their employees.
It's painful that I have to eplain mycological substrates to an experimental forests.

They're trying hard as fuck to make trees a monoculture and the only way to do that would end up with desert...which is eventually going to happen with managed forests anyways but the monoculture will speed that up noticeably.
I also did permitting for a non profit construction projects which is where I learned about (((Building Code))).

If something isn't in the building code you can essentially quadruple the build cost and double the approval time. All the code for housing construction is basically from the 50s and 60s... total shit and all wood construction methods.
it was the jewish beavers.
>Jewish beavers
They are rodents I guess.
across all its holdings the blm manages like three trees of merchantable size and quality lmao
And they kill everything else with prejudice--usually by aerial spray. BLM is controlled by vial demons who lie about everything.
I'm not saying they're good stewards, the old joke was "bureau of livestock and mining", it's just obviously nonsense to complain that they're in nefarious cahoots with the timber industry. Nobody's trying to log, like, juniper or black spruce.
They don't log it--they kill it and replace it with (((economically viable))) species. They spray herbicides to kill any species that interferes with their harvest.
>Be me, highschool senior
>Young and innocent
>Really want a job where I can help forests and animals
>Go to job fair
>Know I need to talk to the tables with BLM, USFWS, NPS, and USFS.
>Walk up to BLM table
>Ask about restoration ecology jobs in BLM
>They don't know what restoration ecology is, tells me to talk to USFS
>Go to USFS
>"Sorry anon, we don't do that either"
>Go to NPS
>"We generally work for people, culture, and education"
>Go to USFWS
>"Well... We manage the National Wildlife Refuge System and some of those require restoration."

Why is only 1 national agency partially focused on actually protecting wildlife? Since college, I have been able to do much more work with local agencies than federal ones.
because republicans control the government and want to make money, not help the environment
It doesn't matter who's in power anon--logging money goes directly to the state and not into the general fund. Logging fuckery has been going on before WA was even a state and it's always been a wealth extraction from public resources (forests) to rich people and they use souless husks of men to chop it all down and pretend that it "helped build a nation"

when in reality it made a few people very rich and created climate change in the entire northern continent that they pretend isn't tied to cutting down rainforests and old growth.
You can easily look through all of these agencies websites to find endless restoration work they are all doing. Idk why you would think some agencies don't just because of a high school job fair. All of the actual positions, as in other than things like ucc crews that do grunt work, are college degree requiring scientist jobs, so of course they aren't gonna talk about it with high schoolers, they are there to grab kids to do rec tec or fire or trails or Visitor center stuff, all the basic shit that doesn't require any education or much brain power.
>Cutting down lowland and intermountain rainforest
>Cutting down old growth
>Ree they do restoration though
You're fucking retarded. The people that work for the logging cartels are the biggest piece of shit liars on earth.

You probably believe you have to deforest to build a house or even wiper your ass. DNR is the reason you can't do wetland restoration in (((managed forests.)))
this is your brain on mainstream media
of what, cheatgrass?
>controlling the government
lol, lmao even. A Democrat is president, and another Democrat will be elected this November along with the house flipping blue
Doesn't matter. Republicans control congress and thus spending because you need 60 democrats in the senate to pass anything republicans don't approve of and the system is stacked to guarantee that doesn't happen.

you can't pass funding increases for federal agencies with republicans in power
Curious that all the leadership in the states with the heaviest logging are blue states.

This isn't a political problem: it's a social one.

Federal agencies don't need more funding--they need less. The actual loggers are not part of the government at all and the government doesn't need to take income from timber land lease because they get it from the harvest profits.

You don't know what you're talking about at all.

I get it, you're mad that I correctly identified you as a locust. This is just your broken mind coping--continue I guess.
When it comes to deforestation and filling wetlands the Dems and R are absolutely on the same page: Extracting as much money from their rich timber and mining donors as possible while pretending they care about nature.

Dude in the Washington thread didn't even know everything west of the cascades is rainforest and he lives in Port Angeles.
No one has posted it yet? sure is newfag ITT
I never made any claim as to the quality of restoration work or corruption within these agencies, schizo, just that they do in fact hire people in that work
>Since college, I have been able to do much more work with local agencies than federal ones
state ones are much better than feds in this regard because of habitat restoration mandates for hunting and resource management
>t. unhinged kike
lol, stay mad
Not sorry I fucked up your recruiting thread.
I don't expect your pilpul to be coherent--that wouldn't be fun for me at all.
>habitat restoration
lol nope
>Resource management
weird way to describe clearcutting and completely fucking the mycology and topsoil.
This. They're fucking everywhere in the parks. They smell bad, they shit near the trail, they're loud and annoying.

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