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Anyone else kind of conflicted with how to handle a heating source? I see so many people now using those soulless buddy heaters, but I'm worried about carbon monoxide. With a traditional fire it just makes everything smell like smoke for months, if not years if you keep it in a container. A stove is big and heavy, and a little collapsible wood stove is not going to really keep you warm, and is still going to put out smoke.

What do you guys prefer for Oct-Nov camping before the snow hits the mountains?
Cheese and salami. Sometimes I drink olive oil.
a wood fire produces way more carbon monoxide
You don't have that inside your tent, so no worry.
Like a lot of olive oil? Or just sips?
Just a little for extra calories.
bring a flask of whiskey and take sips
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>I'm worried about carbon monoxide.
When I first got my lavvu with a stove I just brought my alarm to test the levels, nothing to worry about and the thermometer turned out to be way more interesting.
Mr buddy heater. obviously
Pu 238
Depends on the situation.
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Dress warm, get a good sleeping bag and pad, wool blanket, and drink.
You don't like the smell of smoke, and your afraid to get it on your outdoor gear??
build a leanto out of a tarp
get a fireproof cover for your sleeping bag
sleep right in front of the fire
i think tent heaters are more of an american thing because it never gets too cold there
for some reason people tend to think the warmer is there to warm you when really the sole point is just to get your stuff dry so you have something dry to wrap around you again

wooden stove ofcourse has the added benefit of drying your gear and making it possible to make food and melt drinking water for the coming night/day
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A wood stove is maximum comfy, but it burns out too quickly to keep you warm all night. Great for cooking though.
4 sleeping bags and you pee in a bottle works wonders
>4 sleeping bags
>all that trapped moisture
>not just using one good one

>pissing in a bottle and keeping it inside your tent like a degenerate
>not tossing it outside your tent and taking shots at it with your gat to scare of cryptids and mark your territory with and explosion of hot steaming piss

Do you even camp, bro?
>piss bottle
Check out Mr. glampypants over here. I just roll over and hang wang, piss into the snow. That way my old lady can bitch about the piss smell for the rest of the day (she's going to bitch anyways, I'm just giving her a head start)
Just make a campfire. If you have a smoke smell, wash your clothes when you're done. Never been an issue for me. Course the roughest part is getting the fucking fire going in the fall here. But I've done it enough that I can make a fire put of scrap and wet wood
>heat source
sleeping bag is all you need unless you have highs of -10°C

now, after the snow hits the mountains I love camping with a ti stove in a large tent eg 10' diameter teepee

>wood stove is maximum comfy, but it burns out too quickly to keep you warm all night.
tend to get 4h out of mine with the damper down. waking up once to stoke the fire isn't bad
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>nu-/out/ being filtered this hard by winter camping 101
what happened to this board?
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>A wood stove is maximum comfy, but it burns out too quickly to keep you warm all night.
it is really nice to warm yourself in the evenings but the main point is to dry your gear
most likely whats left of the corona tourists are making a racket on their way out
>what happened to this board?
4chan started requiring adblock off and cookies on to post images. Also the 60s post timer.awxmw
Good quality gear and a hot water bottle.

Been stuck on the side of alpine peaks mid winter and got through just fine with that.
The smell of smoke is comfy for me due to my grandparents always having their fireplace lit
I like smoke, but I don't like the smell of it on my gear lasting for years.
Jesus Christ this.
In a developed campground I have a heater buddy and a 5 gallon propane tank. While backpacking more and varied layers with a sleeping bag that’s rated lower then the weather I expect.
I was here when this board was made and besides a few /out/ has been mainly larpers.
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>Anyone else kind of conflicted with how to handle a heating source?
Your body is a heating source. Just dress better.
Use a soulless buddy heater inside the tent.
Forced meme.
unironically explain to me why a 60s post timer decreases post quality.
also I dont have my adblock off
>I dont have my adblock off
You didn't post an image...

Also rofl @ post timer being 900s now
>A C C E L E R A T E
>write up a good post
>click get captcha
>massive timer
>scroll away
>you get no post instead of a good post
>in the future put no effort into posting because I know it'll likely be gatekept behind wasting my time

there you go
Literally nothing. Use the right sleeping gear and you won’t need any auxiliary heat. My go to is a plastic tarp/sack as the outermost layer to keep everything inside dry (or at least as dry as it can be considering winter camping and sweat) then a good sleeping bag, with an air mattress inside of it, then a mummy bag inside the sleeping bag on top of the air mattress. I usually try to lay down pine boughs or leaf litter if available inside a snow trench, then cover the top of the trench with boughs if it’s really nasty. Most of the time I’m part way out of the mummy bag because it’s too warm, even in -20F. Just gotta keep out of the wind, and that’s what the trench is good for.
Depends on the temperature:
A good sleeping bag is key
Don’t get wet from sweat and rain
Eat enough calories
Drink warm tea and whiskey
Bring the right choice of clothes e.g. long dong silvers for your legs
Get a good insulation from the ground you’re sleeping on, you’ll lose the most heat there

That’s it for the most situations
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Wow. That is an amazing picture. It must have slipped into the crevice, and struggled itself right down in there. This has to be somewhere very remote since the skeleton didn't get eaten through from above by predators. For some reason I just keep staring at the location of this unfortunate creature's demise.
This is the ultralight sarcophogous that I wish to be buried in. Just wrap my remains in it and I will sled off into valhalla and get many upvotes when I arrive.
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Just tried my first cold camping yesterday and it was a bit...different than what I am used to. Although I was plenty warm in my sleeping bag, the -3°C air in the tent was uncomfortable to breathe in and could barely sleep the whole night. Should I look into insulated tents? Are those a thing? Tents that retain the body heat and moisture? Or would that be a problem because of CO2 and they all have to be well ventilated and I just gotta put up with it?

Also my summer snacks (cheese, tuna cans, protein bars) aren't working out for me in the cold, what's some light to carry hot foods I could make?
>the -3°C air in the tent was uncomfortable to breathe in

Wear a balaclava
>Anyone else kind of conflicted with how to handle a heating source? I see so many people now using those soulless buddy heaters, but I'm worried about carbon monoxide. With a traditional fire it just makes everything smell like smoke for months, if not years if you keep it in a container. A stove is big and heavy, and a little collapsible wood stove is not going to really keep you warm, and is still going to put out smoke.
u guys are fucking useless
it's either no fire or fire
Huh interesting, thought they were only for skiing and didn't think about using them like that, thanks anon. Material-wise I seem to have some fleece, merino wool and goretex ones in my online stores of choice. Which one do you use for sleeping?

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