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So Sandy Irvine's severed foot has been found on Everest after 100 years. Does this tell us anything about whether or not he and George Mallory reached the summit in 1924? Does it disprove the rumors that the Chinese found and disposed of the bodies? How could just a severed foot be found?
>How could just a severed foot be found?
Imagine being ordered to hike to within a mile of the summit of Everest to dispose of 2 hundred-year-old bodies or your family will be labeled as class traitors. I'd like to watch a documentary about those poor gooks.
If the Chinese found Irvine's body then they have the camera which would show if they summitted.
>How could just a severed foot be found?
100 years of getting churned through a shifting glacier
no way in hell.
If the rest of him is at the bottom of the North Face like the foot, then there's no way the camera's intact. Probably smashed to pieces on the way down or churned up by the glacier.
it seems absurdly unlikely that they happened to find his foot just melted out of a glacier exactly 100 years later. Something funny is going on.
It wasn't entirely random. They were searching the area he was supposed to be. They found an oxygen bottle from a 1933 expedition that found some of Irvine's belongings and then searched around it.
How did he end up in a glacier away from Mallory? And what's happened to Mallory's body?
And his foot just happens to have his name written on it. What are the chances
All my boots and socks had my initials and last 4 in the army.
Interesting find!
The most horrifying situation is that Irvine actually survived the fall, lost his leg in the process, and is now hopping along the Himalayas howling in pain, and due to his age he has long, white, bedraggled hair. Ignorant climbers mistake him for a Yeti and run in fear from him when all he wants is to be rescued. Sad, very sad.
Did Mallory and Irvine have GAY SEX with each other, before reaching the top/dying?
there is a non zero chance
I've heard that if you fall a long way off a mountain your body gets basically smashed to bits and limbs go flying.
Reminds me of the 9/11 hijacker's passport they found, artfully singed around the edges.
That's a lot of heal drop, could explain why he died. Should have worn minimalist shoes.
something like this happened to a guy I knew, I posted the story here once
try it and live stream it
Unironically this
What boot is that? Seems pretty good condition for 100 years outside
the film almost certainly wouldn't have survived that long in those conditions
Is he ok?
The news articles mention the boot maker, who's shop doesn't exist anymore as far as I knkw. He bought it for a price which will get you a fried chicken meal with fries in London today.
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They made them to last back then. Apparently their clothing proved excellent when reproductions of it were tested by modern climbers on Everest.
This is true, when Ueli Steck fell on Nuptse, he fell about 3k’ and his body was found in multiple pieces.
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The Main Rongbuk Glacier is where Irving’s foot was found, approximately where I marked the I, and the M is for Mallory where he was approximately found.
The G is for the gas cylinder
The blue line is the North Col.
Most of the attempts on the north face follow the yellow line up the East Rongbuk Glacier so as to bypass the North Col.
The Main Rongbuk Glacier is very rarely explored, and tightly controlled by China, which is why it took so long for his remains to be found.

Based on where Mallory’s body was found, and assuming he fell somewhat close to Mallory, I think the location of Irving’s remains lends credence to the theory that the Chinese “threw him down the mountain” as you can kinda guess the direction of travel based on the terrain.
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Here is something of a reverse view.
There is no doubt that Mallory was on the west side of the North Col, so if Irving was “thrown down” to around the North Col where the glacier basically ends, the glacier could have easily carried Irving’s remains down further.
You can sort of guess a range of how long it took his remains to get from the North Col down to where they were found based on the average speed of a glacier, and it tracks that it probably got to the North Col in the early 90’s, not the 70’s
Potentially his body was thrown down by the Chinese not too long before Mallory’s body was found by Westerners.
what motive would the chinese have for disturbing the body? i've heard the theory before, but never understood why
The Chinese literally pretend they have the highest IQ score in the world despite 1/3 of their population living in poverty on farms. If you arent fucking retarded you look at Chinese economic scores and wonder how the fuck they managed to come up with that. But if you are a triple vaccinated retard you just accept it.
just answer the question bitch
NTA, but the body could have been in the way or in some location that could have had bad optics for the chinese if someone looked into their expedition. They will go to great lengths to put on a face for the rest of the world, a body from another country from 40 years earlier at the same altitude that they were struggling to get to could be seen as embarrassing.
Tl;dr, the Chinese found Irving’s body and the camera in 1975, tried to develop the film but botched it, and covered it up to avoid national embarrassment
Ching Chong bing bong pp in ur coke
They don't want some opium-peddling western imperialist from a century ago stealing their glory of summiting by that route.
>some opium-peddling western imperialist
Neither Mallory or Irving were Jewish as far as I know
Yeah but they both died at that altitude so its no surprise they were struggling
Wait, so he only had one leg to start with ?
They also died within the same distance from eachother

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