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>outfishes all your expensive fancy lures
Nothing personnel chud
Its mean though
That worm did more good than you ever will
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Yes anon, it turns out that fish like live bait better than a fake lure.
Is that a revelation to you?
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cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers? good movie
>if not readily available (winter), corn straight from the can
>want predatory fish? use another fish (see above) as bait idiot
Lures are just big plastic's way of selling more plastic.
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also small shoutout to spoon lures, they're actually fun to use and that at least counts for something
I prefer crankbaits and spinners because with hard baits, I don’t blow $4 to not catch two dozen perch too small to get their mouths on the hook. If I want to get harassed by a million juvenile fish too small to eat it’s cheaper to throw a San Juan worm than a real one.
I just dangle my little worm (my penis) in the water until something bites
Love em
would slay trout on worms with my Ute friend up in Colorado. No limits for natives baby
>not using chewing gum

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