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lately i've seen posts in several threads about anons complaining they don't find people to hike with so i thought it might be good to have a thread where people post where they are and so on in case others are also interested and they can organize something together

i'll start, last half of september i will be on holiday and i plan on going to either pyrenees or the alps, preferably pyrenees because it's a bit cheaper. i'm up for everything but i usually do hiking and mountaneering, like ascending peaks on II or III terrain and so on. if i had a partner we could maybe do more interesting stuff. let me know if anyone is interested. currently i live in spain
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I'm in the Netherlands. Want to hike the GR11 next summer. Went to Norway this year. Also thinking about going innadesert in Oman this November, has anyone been there before?
>I'm in the Netherlands
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im around here
sadly the rule of "everyone on the internet is a loser" applies here too
you won't find cool people here to hike with, because cool people are already outside and living life and not on 4chan
the one time I put a throwaway email here some dude spent 2 hours signing it up for porn sites and that was all that ever came of it
>innadesert in Oman
what's in that desert? aren't deserts dead and boring?
>some dude spent 2 hours signing it up for porn sites
holy based

one time I added a girl from /soc/ on kik and she tried to get me to buy her porn
As much as I'd love to meet an anon here to hike with, and even in the best circumstances, I really enjoy being in the woods alone. Even my wife comes once per week and loves it, but one day is for me and only me. She wont do overnights though, so, would be nice to have someone to do that with, but I sure as shit am not spending a night in the woods with an anon I met on a rattan braid enthusiast forum.

probably but why not try
>cool people are already outside and living life and not on 4chan
Not necessarily. There's plenty of people who go on 4chan when there's nothing else to do. For example, I'm posting this between weight training sets.
But I guess everybody here who's made it already is old enough to remember the brownie /k/ommando. Wouldn't want to risk that, either.
i will be in France all of september, near Nice, i dont give a shit about the ocean, but just walking the winding hilly roads is bliss to me
I'd only do something like this to see how out-of-shape, inexperienced, and socially retarded your typical /out/ poster is
>I'd only do something like this to see how out-of-shape, inexperienced, and socially retarded your typical /out/ poster is
there is this really cool, neat, thing most people have in their houses, its called a miror
This is me. I run my own company and work 3 days per week, I spend 1 day hiking alone, 1 day hiking with my dog and wife and 1 day at the beach, weather permitting. That leaves me with usually Mondays where I putz around the house, do some book keeping and shitpost here and on /diy/.
Cope fatty, I was referring to people like you
south NH not interested in sex but am interested in bow fishing
so, yeah, he's right, just use a mirror.
Stay triggered
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>n-n-n0 UUU!!!11
I think you meant to reply to >>2768343
No, it was to you, the visibly upset poster.
Not them but I can't tell if you're the same retard that posts this same 80IQ recycled bant in every thread you visit or if 80IQ retards have the same 5 comments they use for everything.

Or do we need to range ban south america and india... that probably has more to do with it.
You can't see people on an imageboard, dumbfuck
At this point, let's just rangeban every continent except Antarctica
I'm afraid someone from 4chan will kill me and hide my body.
I am also terribly afraid that someone on 4chan would try to kill me and hide my body BUT god fuck I wish I could find a guy to live with and go out with.
are you gay or trans?
Kill yourself. No one cares and you talk like a faggot
are you feminine at least?
just carry a knife or pepper spray or something. if you are so scared you deserve to get murdered by a stranger. also you should meet the guy beforehand obviously to see if you trust him enough, if he is fat and you don't want to go with him etc
You can just close your eyes while banging him

Jokes aside, I live in the PNW. I'm surprised at how international this board is
I’ve made good friends at /o/ meets because at least there’s a baseline of owning a car and having a license.
Anyone in NoCO?
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Hi guys
I'm From Scotland, but got a one way ticket to Tokyo departing in a few days
gonna be doing shit loads of hiking and essentially work my way through asia from north to south, heading west
prob gonna be /out/ for like 6 months odd
rough bucket list is heading Japan,South korea, taiwan, vietnam, laos, cambodia, thailand, indonesia and then after that see whats up. maybe fly home or stop over in india or somewhere else off the wall on my way back
if anyone else is going out there over the next few months or lives out there lets get talking
shame to hear that you had a shitty time mate
thats why most people either drop a throwaway email or something like a messaging profile where you cant get spammed
I've honestly lost count of how many people I have met off of this website but only one or two of them have actually been a bit strange, neither situation did I ever feel like I was actually in danger
I met maybe a dozen or so people off of another hobby board, and then I think maybe at least 20-30 total from this board
you gotta remember that the great filter is actually getting off your bum and going outside
losers aren't going to go outside
and the losers who do actually go outside, and are dicks, usually lack the social skill or bravery to go and meet someone who isn't a family member
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I have met up with anons in Baja and in Denver

Good times, we are not so bad so go ahead and make a friend
I'm in southern Alberta, I go out to the Crowsnest pass area often in anyone is out this way

that's fucking nice
Out here in nipponland, don't know of any good trails though and I'm pretty far north of Tokyo. Your endeavor sounds sick, post about your journeys here, gives me some good insight on trails here
I’m in Madison WI. What you got going on this weekend?
>in nipponland, don't know of any good trails
Check maintenance trails for electricity lines. At least in Okinawa, those were the only half decent trails. Well, outside of the nature preserve / jungle combat training area on the northern end that you're not actually supposed to enter.
Those trails vary between keitruck sized gravel roads and single-file animal trails, you get great views since they cut down any tree that gets high enough that it might touch the power lines and they normally don't have any dead ends.
Only real downside is they're not on any maps. When I lived there, it took me almost half a year until I had figured out where they all eld to.
Thanks for the tip, thats pretty useful. You just tracked the clearcuts on google earth then?
Just a bunch of South American gang members.
Maybe it's intentional, you never know...
>remember the brownie /k/ommando
what happened?
he jizzed into them before bringing and sharing them at a /k/ meetup
you could see even from the picture that it was condensed milk
You're so certain that you would have eaten them, right?
Edmonton, mostly do Banff, Jasper and Yoho, but I've gone to Waterton a couple times.
The way we used to do this was by area code

It's just weird to push this anti-gay hysteria for years on end based on a single photo of dubious origin.
>if you meet men offline they will try to rape you
is the implication
What are some of the best spots in the Driftless? I literally just got back from Wildcat Mountain about an hour ago. Driving through the (northern) driftless was cool and all but it looks like mostly private land or agriculture. Not sure if it's worth the trip compared to Northwoods or Door Cty
I'm a blackanon currently residing in Denver/303.
I hope you fucks aren't as cringe as the other boards.
Where my Ontario anons at.
the thing is, for our kind of activities it gets much more dangerous than just gay things. i have often thought when hiking how easy it would be to kill or just incapacitate someone else, maybe hitting him with a stick when he is wakling ahead of me, or pushing him off a cliff or whatever. even worse in the US because i could just buy a gun and take it out of my backup while my partner is peeing
i meant backpack, not backup

a couple times i've encountered girls alone in places quite isolated, not more than one day hike from a road or anything, but uncommon places where there is barely any trail and very few people ever go to, even hiking. i wondered if they were very dumb or very brave. one of them at least was with her dog. but still if there were psychos around where i live they would have it so easy
reporting in from GA and down for anything (climbing, trail running, MTB) in GA, SC, or NC
Dont tell people you are black on here and then look to meet up
Most of us are good people but fuck dude, this is still 4chan.

Now if you dont mention it and show up at a meet and your black, most likely no one will care at all , especially if you are a decent bloke.
But damn dude there some fucked up people on here, dont draw them out of the woodwork and then end up in harms way
anyone in Tbilisi, Georgia? Anywhere in the Caucasus?
I thought the guy admitted to adding semen in a post after the fact.
kill yourself
Hey anon I’m in northern ct, got an extra bow?
Nta but I'd say 1:25 people here are openly racist and the chances of any of them not larping and actually doing something is going to be near zero. I personally trust noone in the woods, the realization I can easily get away with murder when encountering someone 5+ miles into the woods is not beyond me and I imagine the other guy is thinking the same thing.
Hi blackanon. We should do a front range meet up. Any other CO anons are welcome to hop in
T. COS chud
Suggestion: Don't use the term "hookup".

Unless you're a DTF homogay natureboy.
>Unless you're a DTF homogay natureboy.
You think Op chose a couple of bears by chance?
I ask again, any southern Ontario anons? Not even looking to hike with you but share some lesser known trails?
Isn't there a website with locations for meeting?
Any oregonians here reporting in?
I'm in my early 30s, married, and reasonably well-adjusted.

I can't speak for others, but I started using 4chan in 2008 or 2009. I was an autistic loser back then, but have since lived a fairly fulfilling life. I've traveled to dozens of countries, found new hobbies, and am generally cordial when it comes to meet new people.

Obviously I'm not entirely normal--that's how I ended up here in the first place--but the autism has waned over time. I know a very small handful of other people IRL who use 4chan, and they're all in the same boat: people around my age who were losers when they were younger, but grew up, got married, and are now happy and reasonably successful people.

I stick around because I've been coming here so long that it's habit (and because I actually enjoy helping people on /trv/, at least on the odd occasion anons ask questions that aren't about cooming or obvious LARPs).
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sorry for my bad english bros, i thought hookup didn't have so strong connotation and could be used in any context. i am not intending sex with this because i know there are no hot ladies here

seriously nobody wants to come in the pirenees or alps with me? they are so big some of you must be around
Nah, I was living on the island and just scouted out the area over a few months. Helped that I got a few excess-production items from a local military supplier that I wanted to test so I could decide whether I should buy more from the guys (which I did - can only recommend Okinawa Tactical and their Alice packs. tell them you'renot american though, and that you're paying in yen. Both will give you discounts). Most trails would end at the gate of some farmer after a few 100m, while the maintenance trails continued from the bigger towns to the villages. Once I figured out the pattern, I'd just look for power lines. Usually, there'd be one post right next to some sideroad, and when I'd go around the fence, the trail would begin right behind it.

One example: On OKI, there's one trail beginning west of the Japanese military command (26°27'18.7"N 127°50'09.2"E) that leads towards Yaka on the other side of the island. On aerial pictures, you can only see small bits of the trail, for example:
26°27'22.1"N 127°50'18.8"E
26°27'22.3"N 127°50'37.8"E
That one's only around 1km and fairly easy (it was part of my weekly grocery ruck while living there).

Another one I remember leads from the eastern side of mount Nago to Lake Haneji over 4-5km, but that one I can't even find on the map. Iirc, it accesses this post:
26°35'18.2"N 128°00'45.6"E
crosses near this farm:
26°35'38.9"N 128°01'05.5"E
And ends somewhere around here:
26°36'08.8"N 128°01'28.2"E
But I'm not to sure on the exact locations, as I only hiked that one once. Also, despite being a 2-3m wide gravel trail, the tree cover is dense enough that I can't see it on the google maps at all.
>seriously nobody wants to come in the pirenees or alps with me? they are so big some of you must be around
There are some of us around. For example, I'm half a day's drive (250km) from the alps.
Can't plan any large trips this year though, as I just started keeping chickens and have to stay around this winter to make sure my automatic systems (food, water, door opening) actually work the way they're supposed too.
So I'm just lurking to see if anybody in my area (western Germany) is looking for daytrips.
5'10" 175lbs
6.5" cock, lean build
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Looking for a woman (not girl) on the east coast to go hike and travel with (Green Mountains, White Mountains, Maine, and down south as well). Bonus points if you can take off enough time to go on west adventures.
>a woman
You're in for a big surprise asking for that here.
I expect nothing to come of this.
>not giving a shit about the ocean while being on the French Riviera

I get you, beaches are crowded and expensive there, but the Massif de l'Estérel is especially beautiful near the coast
last bump
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I come if you have a car
where are you more or less and what kind of thing are you into? not this month but maybe next time
"Meetup" is the word you're looking for.
No its not
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Gonna be in Texas next year then travelling around the states for some outings. I'd love to get a local to help me find some fun trips.
Why would anyone want to hike with people or do anything with people for that matter?
thats a man
Dutchfag hiker/mountaineer here. Looking for someone to go on a C2 course with next year. And longer trips if I'm sure you won't drop me into a crevasse or murder me in my sleep.
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Greetings, bonjour, /out/fags and a special aho to manitoba anons out there.

I might have a high stakes game to play for you but first a question. I want to know how many /out/ists reside in SK, MB and west ON, so if you live in said areas, please reply, just so i know how many potential players there may be.

Before we get to the game i want to say i reside in northern MB and am very familiar with what i lovingly call the canadian jungle, and i am proud to call the vast, near inpenetrable swamps my home. Since i was a child i have idolized the Coureur du bois and the Baymen of the fur trading era and tried to emulate them as best as i can, even to this day. Now, though im sure the worst fur trader could run laps around me, i think im pretty good.

That said i want to test the skills of others, and in that way test my own skill. I want to plant a cache of sorts, with various goodies and money for the first finder to claim. Depending on how long it takes to first claim, i know how poor or good my own survival and navigation skills are. I initially wanted to make a geocache but those fags are cucks and imagine maybe 1% could even pull one of mine off, and besides that, we anons should stick together, kindred spirits and all that.

I want to make it borderline suicidal difficult but i understand not many people are autistic about this shit as i am, so i will make it an advanced difficulty instead. I will also make the cache within 300km of the border. I undersrand its not financially feasible for some to travel a few days north just to piss around in the bush. If there is more interest in this topic i will make a thread, and i could make a harder hunt when the first cache is claimed.

I genuinely want to test the skill of local frens as i believe this area of the world breeds the best bushmen. Please, for the love, dont make me have to sink as low as faggit to find some able participants. I believe in anons.

thanks for coming to my effortpost.
you kinda need a partner for some things, specially out things. climbing, glacier traversing and ridges for example

how much does it cost, and how many days it takes? i might be interested
Ridiculously unfounded fear, I would be displaying that shit for the world to see, True Detective Season 1 style
Then I would get your email and spend hours signing you up for porn sites
i am this anon >>2777949 and after thinking it twice i think there's a good chance that i will be interested, send me an email at sosterrones@protonmail.com if you want and lets talk about the details
Hey mate, live in Asia but from that silly prison colony below it.
Know it's not on your list but heading to Sichaun province by the end of the year, quite relaxed about when, it's a short flight.
Keen if anyone else is, want to do Emei mountain, not the full thing because it's a fuckload of steps, probably start half way or so.
Forgive the cancerous alltrails link: https://www.alltrails.com/parks/china/sichuan/emeishan-national-park
Otherwise hit me up if you in Malaysia or Southern Thailand, there's some tremendous jungle hiking around once monsoon season stops
Have you seen the people who get arrested for writing violent threats on /pol/?
I don't think anyone has anything to worry about, let alone someone who actually goes outdoors once a week.
If any Chicagoland/Illinois tards want to go for a hike, hit me up.
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Bumping this non-rapey then shallow grave thread
No one wont rape you anon, its fine
i might
you never done a rape in your life
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i live near denver lets go on a hike ill smoke u up nigga
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any colorado anons?
hey don't lump every rapist together, as a conservationist I practice a sustainable "rape and release" policy.
If everyone adheres to "after you blow, let them go" there can be an everlasting supply of cute nonconsensual bussy for generations to cum.
kind of a reach but if anyone is in the philippines i'm looking to go /out/
Sorry for the wait. I don't come here often anymore, so I didn't see your response. I sent you a mail.
anyone in fairbanks area?
you cant give that stuff away where I live

since its legal, no one is that intersted anymore
Sounds like fun!
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Heeeey guys!

I'm looking for fun guys to teach me stuff about camping. I've never been a boyscout but i'm willing to be a great learner.
is thats a man
canberra, australia. you can add me on steam
Looking for a partner(s) to do some winter climbing in the adirondacks. Planning on Jan or Feb for 1-2 weeks. Flexible on dates.

If you were born in ontario fat chance you're gonna share any lesser known trails so they can be overrun and shut down.
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Hey Anons. I'm in the Netherlands, would love to meet some other people to go on hikes or long bike rides here with.
Maybe also visit some of the few remaining paalkamperen?
I'm based near 's-Hertogenbosch but can travel anywhere in train distance.
I'm in batumi ქართული ვიცი რომ?
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If there's anyone here in NorCal near Sacramento, Bay Area, or anywhere else in the valley, I'd love to have more people to go hiking with. The other friends I very infrequently go hiking with are always too busy to go out every weekend like I usually do. I just wanna take silly pics of weeb plushies in very remote areas.

throwaway email: gvdedajvd@gmail.com
do you usually take them with you hiking or was it just for this photo
I met one of my good friend on a Kentucky /out/ thread years ago. It was a good experience.

Anyways, I'm in Cincinnati and I enjoy hiking and fishing on the weekends, usually just day trips. Hunting is fun too.
anyone else doing the pct this year? I just put in a application for a late may permit
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Im from Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC incase anyone else lives nearby and wants to climb some mountains sometime. I visit the parents in the Okanagan quite regularily for holidays and often get the chance to visit the mountains on the trip there (incase anyone from the lower mainland wants to try out something around there sometime). Been meaning to do some winter hiking this year hopefully as well.


ik ben de lokale bosjesman
I live in New York and usually hike around the Hudson Highlands/Gunks/Catskills area.
Interested in going up to the Adirondacks and trying out some 46ers next year.
Any other NYanons here?
>the brownie /k/ommando
sadly checking into this moldy shithole. looking at the steens next summer
the fact that you keep using bears makes this very funny
I'm in Washington state and I desperately want a friend who hikes but do not trust anyone here for an instant. If you're like me you should suck it up and apply for a trail maintenance volunteer group, or a class for topics such as: avalanche, wilderness first aid, scrambling or climbing, etc. and socialize there. (I have come to accept I am too socially anxious and retarded to go to these things, having signed up and bailed mulitple times. Hiking and backpacking alone is fine too.)
Posting to give moral support. You can believe me or not but I've flown to two different countries and had people fly to mine from friendships which began here on this Korean basket weaving forum. The average person who uses the site isn't nearly as fucked up or retarded as you'd think irl.
I'm here
there was an anon from Aysen not sure if he still posts.
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Hello frens.
Little frog here that is tired of overcrowded Western Europe. I'm planning a 2-3 months trip to the US to enjoy true wilderness.
I'd love to meet some anons along the way, especially if some of you are hunters and would be up to bringing le noob frog on his first hunt of his life!

Telegram: fitzen726
Mail: lefroganon@mail.com
I'm mostly planning on hitting the West so if you see anything close to you on my map you can hit me up. But Appalachia looks glorious so if you're from there you can also contact me as long as you're not planning on raping me in the forest.
how do you actually make friends on here? outside of /trv/ i've never ever met any channers irl.
Thats crazy
Hoi bosjesman, ik stuur je een bericht
I live in central pa and like to hike. Also enjoy mountaineering

Reply with ur disc if you wanna meetup Lol
>If there's anyone here in NorCal
Are you interested in winter climbing? I'm a leaf but about 3h away. Looking for an "I'll meet you at the trailhead so if you don't show I'll just do the climbs myself and nothing is lost" kindof deal.

I'm looking for a winter climbing partner for one reason only and that is AVALANCE PROTECTION, ie if you are avalanched and there doesn't happen to be someone there with a shovel that's it.
>if you are avalanched and there doesn't happen to be someone there with a shovel that's it.
bro my understanding is that if you are avalanched you probably die instantly from the punch and even if you don't, chances are your partner got avalanched same as you

i think that the point of going with a partner is to stop falls down slopes and crevases, and have someone to rescue you afterwards
>have someone to rescue you afterwards
yup. Scary that a gps beacon won't save you if you fall into one, nightmare fuel for sure, like when you realize you're walking on a cornice.
>falls down slopes
probably dead or too risky, call for help
>my understanding is that if you are avalanched you probably die instantly from the punch and even if you don't, chances are your partner got avalanched same as you
I don't think this is true if you are up in the mountains, maybe if you are crossing a field at the base of a mountain. When you are up in the mountains you are the one causing the avalanches and you are right up where they start.

It is good technique to have one person cross an open area then the other so that if something happens you don't both get burried. If you do get burried waving your hands in front of your face before the snow freezes can give you an oxygen bubble that can last several minutes. Beacons can help soneone find you before those minutes are up. People usually don't get burried deep, especially if you have an avalanche bag..
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Or lower Wisconsin. Come on anon, it'd be fun.
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SoCal socially awkward peeps?
What region?
Are the permits actually enforced?
If you’re coming from, I’m the guy who was talking about car camping in Oman. It’s one of the only countries I’ve been to where people are completely nonplussed When you tell them you’re camping in some random wadi. The nature is still pristine and beautiful, and you can pretty much do whatever you want in the desert. Although maybe the border areas are a little sketch. Google Wadi Shab cave, Wadi Tiwi, Wadi Bani Khalid. I rented a car for $20 a day but I would recommend getting a nice 4 x 4 so all the little mountain roads would be fair game. Be careful gathering firewood, there’s lots of nocturnal snakes and scorpions.
In Musandam, we hired a fisherman to drop us on a secluded beach and pick us up two days later. That’s probably the coolest place I’ve ever ever been. The snorkeling was 10 out of 10.

Boulder county but not Boulder
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Hey I’m 18 and from austria and would like a camping/hiking buddy(s) to go and explore the alps with for a weekend or so (also preferably if you speak german but english is also fine)

I don’t expect much to come from this but here’s my discord: hope013236
If you would like another way to get in contact like e mail that’s also fine
I think I saw you somewhere... are you european anon?

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