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place to buy kudzu seeds online?
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Does it spread quickly?
Depends on species but there are many that form a fast growing ground cover and some species, like black locust, grow 4 feet per season
extending as much as 60 feet per season at a rate of about one foot per day. This vigorous vine may extend 32-100 feet in length, with stems 1/2 - 4 inches in diameter.
Where can you get it?

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/out/ tourist here, but it seems like an appropriate place to ask

What's a good, cheap flashlight?
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-The majority of the time, these companies are heavily astroturfed in online social media spaces. A few, characteristic, strategies they use are the owner of the company having an English name and, inexplicably, two or three other members of the forum are ardent supporters of that brand. "You need to check out an AstroSUNY. Jake will take care of you." *this when "Jake's" real name is something like Jilin Xiao. They all use this sort of strategy, though, even the good ones.

-Sometimes they make it big and get an REI promotion, which is what happened to get Fenix, Olight and Nitecore into brick and mortar stores in the US. I personally do not think any of these brands are any better quality than any random chink flashlight you'll find on aliexpress.

-The only two brands I've really come back to are Emisar and Convoy. Convoy is inexpensive but not "cheap." I've never had one crap out on me, although I also don't expect much from them. The UI is pretty basic, although for some reason, they contain a strobe mode, like a lot of chink lights. I bought about a dozen S2+'s and T2's and use them as "battery holders" that I keep in junk drawers and by doors around my house. That way, if I just need a flashlight when stepping outside, there's always one handy. Emisar is a high end flashlight brand that I use for EDC (D4K), although I don't use it for camping, since I'm not totally convinced of the waterproofing. Even so, I do trust the brand to hold up basically forever, and never crap out randomly.

I will say that, for camping, you literally don't need any of this fancy pocket torch bullshit. You mainly just need something that you can use to help you see around camp. Get the cheapest Black Diamond headlamp, and the thing will last all season before you need to change the battery. The only time you might want something brighter is if you want to hike at night. Bring a chinesium pocket torch and a few spare batteries for night hiking, if you want to do that.
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>jam 137 distinct modes and configuration menus into a UI that only has one button to control it.
I know exactly what you mean. I was looking at the 21700 Zebralight's just yesterday because my Fenix PD32 V2's button is crapping out. But the UI seems utterly proposterous. So that's a no.

My go-to has always been Fenix. But I'm getting tired of their relative lack of QC given the price; LED's are rarely centred, manufacturing defects; you can buy 3 of the exact same model and each one will be different, e.g. Some will have clicky buttons, some will be mushy buttons.
Do you recommend any other brands other than the ones you've mentioned? We do a lot of mine exploration, so I need something reliable.
I'll have a look at Emisar.
you can turn off the strobe mode and sos mode on convoy lights. turn the light on then half press to select low. wait 10 seconds the light will cut out briefly half press the button again. now your light just has low/med/high with no sos or strobe mode. same process to reverse it.
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as long as the million useless functions are tucked away behind weird button combinations that you will never perform accidentally I don't see the issue with them, I have a chinesium flashlight that uses pic related but since I only use the smooth ramp up/down, turbo and moonlight modes I can just ignore 90% of this graph and it doesn't affect me one bit
>Do you recommend any other brands other than the ones you've mentioned?
Well for backpacking and camping, I would recommend any of the American brands, like Petzl or Black Diamond, since those are designed for camping, and not for burning through batteries to approximate a white laser beam.

Emisar is great for EDC, and most of them are going to be fine for camping, but you need to make sure you aren't using them on turbo too often, or the battery won't last. And most of them will be perfectly waterproof with well greased o-rings and precise machining, but there are a couple models, like the DT8, that I just don't trust.

Most of mine have the older style UI that predates the configuration menu.

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I go through hiking boots quickly, typically I just deal with the smooth ruined sole and slip and slide. I'd like to get a pair of something resolable, which lead me to Jim Green leather boots.

Anyone hike in leather boots? I don't live in terrible heat nor do I wade through rivers. Thinking a single lined leather boot is going to serve me well in the long term.
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>Red wing heritage is fashion boots.
Completely baseless claim. I've abused the crap out of mine for over a year and they still look good as new with a bit of oiling and buffing. You're either lying or your friend got a defective pair.
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>1 year
go take your red wing heritage to your ranger/guard station for 2025 wildland fire season and try not to get laughed out of the room
Trump los-oh wait
Yeah no shit, they're not fireman boots. Who claimed they were? That's not due to poor quality though. It's due to the inherent design with the lower ankles and lack of fire resistant outsoles. The sorts of boots you would wear for fighting wildfires are totally unsuitable for casual wear/hiking though, unless you're a masochist.
>The pnw boots do irreparable damage to your body
telling lies again anon, shame on you.

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Recently got a NV monocular, nothing fancy just a cheap (compared to analogue) digital one. And I must say that exploring the hills at night with no torch is so exciting. I don't know how to really describe it..... somewhere between exploring places with childish wonder and doing something you know you shouldn't, but getting away with it.

Anyone else into the night vision game?

P.S. the photos don't look great but looking through it live somehow has more detail than the photo.
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Yes? He's correct.
No, he's not. Not everyone needs a 3k USD device, I for once would be satisfied with a good quality gen 2 or even 1.
Now be sure to write an angry reply and try to argue with me going in circles for hours as it is customary.
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That's alright, it's okay to be wrong sometimes.
I've already forgiven you both for writing crap online, no worries bubba.

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Best /out/tubers?
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I've done the PCT - 2021. No need to stand in a bush
>I hiked 2,600 miles and never once had to walk through some shrubbery because of blowdowns or trying to find a better place to cross a creek
Sure buddy. Whatever you say.

>every post except mine is shilling the same valueless female bloggers from 5 years ago
snooooooze post some actually good channels.
hey i remember there's an /out/ anon who reviews axes and really knows his shit. what's his channel name again? i'm in the market for a new one.
You know the creek crossings are really well defined, right? Outside of extreme circumstances like attempting section K right after the winter of 22-23. Again it's a trail - no need for bushwhacking. I know you aren't going to understand the PCT but my brother in Christ it's not that complicated.
>trees literally never fall over and block the trail
>it’s always best to just cross a creek where the trail is
ok cool thanks for clarifying

Who is going? Wya

Locs you want it held at / locs you wanna avoid

Stories from past rainbow gatherings
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>Rainbow Gathering 2025
shitty cia glownigger cult
stop advertising on here
read acid dreams and weird scenes from inside the canyon

easily but its all village bike tier blown out roast beef whores and a lot of them have herpes.
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the hippie movement was created by the cia when they introduced the bohemians to lsd. the whole hippie movement is a subversion to begin with. read acid dreams.
>t. never taken lsd
I've seen Spenny take lsd and he turned into a hippie alright
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every old head on planet earth has read acid dreams. you're a very naive child and have minimal experience with psychedelics. and you don't even know their history.


New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png (embed)

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous >>2768315

Revival edition
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Can't find anything if not about agave syrup
I’ve been covering my peppers and tomatoes on nights that dip below 35 but we’re about to get a real and sustained cold snap. If I can baby them another ten days to two weeks I’ll be happy and still have garden tomatoes for my annual New Year’s Eve BLT.

5a here.

Any other winter gardeners around?
I've found that even if the plants live this long, the lack of heat makes the tomatoes taste not so great. 6b fwiw
I've got a small herb garden that I keep in the closet at night. My house is heated by wood and it doesn't last all night. Also zone 5a. Next year I might try some season extension strategies, but how do you deal with the snow? It can come down a foot at a time where I'm at.
You aren’t wrong they’re a lot harder but I’ve found they sweeten up as it gets colder.
I also overwinter my herbs but I use leaf and lawn litter to just cover them and insulate against the frost but I had several never even die off last year.

We can also get a foot at a time. I inherited a ton of tableclothes and use those and a roll of painters plastic as an improvised low tunnel. I also have an unheated high tunnel greenhouse I made out of pallets.

I want to be able to move more north and still grow veggies should circumstances require.

January carrots from last winter. Buckets are also golden because you can just wrap them in layers and keep plants going a lot longer than “the experts” say.

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A few weeks ago I went camping in Northern ID. It was warm and clear out so I slept on a sleeping pad and only used a wool blanket and a hoodie for insulation. It was plenty and I slept great, but it probably didn't get down past 40°.

The blanket is the cheapest 80% wool blanket I could find at a surplus store. I think the brand is Swiss Link. It's relatively think and looks like a moving blanket.

It got me thinking, is there any benefit to 90 or 100% wool over 80%? Would a thicker wool blanket, like an older Pendleton or a genuine Swiss blanket, be noticeably better for colder weather, maybe down to the 30's? Asking because it seems like all of the good wool blankets are $75-$250, and while you definitely get what you pay for, I wonder how much more you get. I'm not suggesting a wool blanket over a real sleeping bag, or only using one in the dead of winter or something stupid like that. Just using one in spring-summer.

Does anyone here blankie camp? If so, what seasons? What's your setup like? What's the best way to be comfy?
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post pics if you do end up turning it into a capote
I pretty much always sleep on the ground, although I always camp in the summer
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You talk like a fag.
blankets are alright in the summer.
you'll find anyone saying they use one year round lives in a very temperate climate.
get a ccf foam pad. cut it to size so you're not carrying around extra foam for no reason. ridgerest is a good one.

>or sleeping on direct ground/concrete?
braindead to sleep directly on the ground outside of fair weather and summer, can get you killed in any real weather. the ground sucks all your heat out of you. your pad is more important for keeping you warm than your sleeping bag is.

What does /out/ use for communication?
Many just carry a spot emergency beacon or similar, but what about something with more features? Where you can get weather forecasts, am/fm radio, even broadcast in an emergency?
Sure most people just use their phones and some apps now, but that's a big risk
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FRS/GMRS is free and no one is ever going to scrutinize your wattage/equipment so don't bother giving money to the government for a loicense to dick around in the woods with some Chinese shitbox
if you are in your late 20s you grew up in a world where cellular devices largely replaced radio
im 30 in 3 months, dont think that counts as "late 20s" brother it was required to write cursive when i was in school, the internet was new, Y2K was a thing, war in the middle east and MySpace
>im 29, dont think that counts as "late 20s"
The iPhone debuted when you were in middle school. Texting had long replaced walkie talkies for normie kid applications by then. Unless you had the right brand of /g/ or /out/ autism you weren't likely to find your way into the radio hobby space.

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Old thread: >>2752854

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread

Then leave the thread. Pipes have been a part of outdoors culture for centuries. If you don’t like it, leave.
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Try some autumn evening if you want an aromatic with a sweet taste that pairs with the smell
Enjoying a bowl of C&D Mad Fiddler Flake in my little lattice Meerschaum on the back deck after a long day on my feet for almost 10 hours straight. I popped this tin before Hallowe'en and am getting ready to jar it for next year. It's chilly and raining, but here under the eave, I'm dry and cozy.

On another note, I've been thinking about doing a casual kind of Advent calendar thing with a family member. 25 blends in 25 days. If not this year then next year for sure. I've wanted to get one of those cigar Advent calendars, but they're expensive and I'm only an occasional cigar-smoker.
Any suggestions for how to organize it? Maybe:
>week 1: Burleys and ODF blends
>week 2: VAs and VA/Pers
>week 3: English and Balkan
>week 4: Aromatics and seasonal theme blends
In regards to lighting and maintaining a light, I always tell new pipe smokers not to stress about it. I don't even pay attention anymore to how many relights I have to do with a blend unless it becomes a distraction. Same with packing, cadence, tamping, retrohale and lots of other aspects.
If you can name or describe the blend you have, maybe we can suggest something less cigar-like. There are literally hundreds of not thousands of blends that each have their own character, from VA/Pers to Balkans to Lakelands to Aromatics. I'm not a big cigar smoker, but I wouldn't compare any of these to a cigar in flavor, though there are some nice blends that incorporate cigar leaf as well.
Good luck friend, let us know if we can help in any way.
Naming it probably wouldn't be beneficial as I got it from a small local shop without a website. The shop had several in house blends, but it seemed to center more around cigars than pipe tobacco. It smells like it has several key notes but my untrained nose only picks up vanilla so far, and that didn't really come across in the flavor. I certainly don't dislike it.
I will write this down to try.
Thank you for the additional advice. I'm not stressing, because I know I'll get it figured out with experience. I used five matches over the life of the bowl, so I'll probably want to use a lighter in the future. I have the standard bics, and an IMCO 6700, but is there a specific fuel I should be using to not mar the flavor?
I use matches, bics, and a zippo. I only notice a flavor from the zippo out of those three if I've over filled it. 5 lights isn't bad for a bowl, it's usually a couple at the very start and a few at the very end once you're getting down to just ash.

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>"The water is fine bro come on in. You don't need to be just ankle deep at the beach."
>remember pic related lurks in the deep. And you are completely helpless.
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and will kill you.
lol fuck that is hilarious. all this anti realist bullshit hinders basic discourse
That's the point. They don't want discourse. Most people agree on most things. They want you to believe that your neighbor is the far left/right extremist they show you on TV so that you won't talk to them and find out that you agree. It's how they convince you that you're wrong and they're right. That's how they shape and mold society in the direction they want.
>when you google something and the first results are fact checking websites or some kind of place that doesn't give a straight answer
Lmao :(
>EEEEYIIIKES the ocean is so ICKY DICKY! Im so scared of the deep horrors lying underneath it! What if there's a megalodon down there or the Kraken!!! It's just like Subnautica dude!
>remember the ocean is actually quite whimsical and colorful like pic rel
What a fucking unserious place. You have to be a fucking pussy to find the creatures in it haunting, the ocean fills me with a sense of wonder like im exploring a planet I was not meant to be in and finding out all types of exotic alien life.
We all know the real danger of the ocean is not the animals living in the water, it's the water itself. Currents, waves and so on are way more likely to get you outright killed when diving/fishing than a shark.

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For all things fire lookout / fire tower!

Previous: >>2694387
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I worked a park ranger for free for 2 weeks one fire season in one of these towers. But it was a luxury one with shower/bathtub/toilet, AC/heat, bed, flat screen TV, internet wifi, nice bed, little kitchen/stove/sink setup and even a nice ceiling fan. They do a program where you can work for free and stay in for 2 weeks at a time in my local forest area. I did it just to get away and was thinking it would be a good idea to stop drinking alcohol. id just read, surf the net, watch movies at night and go for little hikes around the tower. Anyone can apply to do what I did but it's got a long waiting list but my friend runs the program so he puts me at top of list anytime I wanna do it again. If it sounds like something one of you anons would wanna do to just get away for awhile lmk and I'll give you info on how to apply. A lot of people do it to do a digital detox according to the guy who I took over from last year. It's a good idea to do a digital detox there, I did a alcohol detox, although it worked I was unable to totally quit as I would've gone into DTs and possible seizure but I did slow down to a point where I was only have the bare minimum of around 2-3 drinks a night. Which to me is nothing, was basically just medicinal enough amount to not die lol
What state and how do you apply?
Oh no. It's invested with hobbitses.
From rec.gov. I can totally see this guy in my minds eye.
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Who are your favorite /out/ youtubers? This dudes recent video on rebuilding the cabin is pretty cool.
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Am I the only spic here watching deividcat?
Xander is pretty based but he needs to cool it with the muckbang. That reallly grosses me out.

Jim Baird is also based when he's solo or with his brother Ted. The family stuff doesn't do it for me.
This kid is great. Solo climbing and hikes in the alps and whatever slav den he's from. Poorfag but pro at the same time. Has a great keep goiing attitude and droll humour. No I'm not him lol
Ah, yeah, Jim Baird is comfy as fuck, especially his solo canoe trips.

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How many of you practice,sword fighting/kendo ,knife fighting,archery
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I train under sensei fukyu nigguh
i heard he's a 1000000000000degree nog belt
is that true?
It's a lot of fun and still relevant as a modern martial arts skill. If you like grappling adding a knife really changes the dynamic and forces some new problem solving.
You would like Fandabi Dozi on YouTube. He does bushcraft and martial arts content largely (but not exclusively) through the lens of the 17th and 18th century Scottish highlands.

Some people, like Tom Langhorne of Fandabi Dozi, carry anachronistic weapons innawoods because it's entertaining and gives insights to previous eras (experimental archaeology). It can also be practical for home defense etc., particularly in jurisdictions with restrictive weapons laws: there are plenty of documented modern cases of home defense with cold weapons. Most often it's as >>2788521 said: martial larping is fun and good for your physical and mental health.
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Based. 4chan is a judo website and /out/ is a judo board. Do you train outside? I'll be teaching some outdoor judo to my hiking and range buddy soon and I'm trying to decide if we should train gi or no gi.

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Its seems like flooding is becoming much more common these days. I'm reluctant to believe it's 100% because of global warming. There has to be another reason to explain why it's getting so bad worldwide.

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so basically the timeline is
>invent decent steam engine
>burn fossil fuel
>release carbon dioxide
>advance civilization at an absurd rate
>invent cheaper source of power
>pull the carbon dioxide back out
>profit immensely

this wasnt dumb in my opinion, but we still need to see if this will work out
anyway blogpost over
>they renamed it climate change because "world go warm" wasn't happening and they needed to manufacture a way to get people to panic about natural variations and cycles so that they can make even more money off of trading "carbon credits"
Climate change is a psyop to distract people from actual problems like environmental pollution from industrial waste.
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>There has to be another reason to explain why it's getting so bad worldwide.
it's obviosuly da jooz, duh
anytime anyone ever writes that term, I automatically assume they are a retard. Its an assumption that has never failed me.
and youd be correct this time as well

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