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>can't hike in summer because mosquitos/fly swarms completely ruin the experience and blot out the sun
>can't hike in winter because you'll freeze to death at under sub 0F temps
>fall is the only season where hiking is possible with bugs dying off but not freezing cold
I hate living in the Yukon
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If only there was a lotion you can apply to your skin to keep insects away
Seems like a skill issue.

>can't hike in summer because mosquitos/fly swarms completely ruin the experience and blot out the sun

Mosquitos are annoying but not unmanageable. Wear a bug net.

>can't hike in winter because you'll freeze to death at under sub 0F temps

Wear appropriate clothing and you are fine.
>Just get cancer dude
>can't hike in summer because mosquitos/fly swarms completely ruin the experience and blot out the sun
True. Summer is for the sea.
Winter is for hiking.
This is true. I applied lotion to myself once when I was 14 and now I have stage 4 brain cancer in my lungs

Map fight
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Ventilation in your basement
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Fun fact: You're 100% wrong.
The Apollo missions all used standard units.
NASA didn't fully convert to metric until 2007.

Keep crying about it, fag.
Fall is even more comfy

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>inb4 Casio g shock
What watch do you use for /out/?
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>not carrying your EDC sextant
You need a watch when you're outside?
Yeah I don't larp sorry
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Indiglo good. No date good. I can hear it tick in the night and have to put it inside a sock.
luv me Gshock, but been thinking about one of those garmin smartwatcges, they seem nice

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What kind of axe do you use for chopping up deadfall innawoods? Is there any real difference between expensive axes and my $40 one from the hardware store? I know pic related are just silly overpriced shit for hipsters, but even like a $150 axe from council tool or somebody like that seems overpriced.
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>motor city axe
Sorry bro, but she got jipped. It's literally a Council Tool with a painted handle sold at a 100% markup.
Lol fucking jealous chudcel.
Gay ass Hudson Bay pattern on a painted handle? No thanks. I much prefer my Dayton pattern (best pattern) with a well oiled handle.
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I just use the cheap yellow plastic handle axes from harbor freight and they work fine

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Which /out/ sport attracts the worst people? Surfing or Skiing and/or snowboarding?
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>Which /out/ sport attracts the worst people?
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mfm would beat the shit out of you if you tried to go to chad's gap before ski patrol blew it up
I'd throw surfers Current Year surfers inbetween Climbers and Skiers, and you've got a great list.

Climbers are some of the slimiest people I have ever met, attracts a certain type of "nice guy" selfish narcissist.

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>start going to church so I can actually socialize
>after attending for about 3 months straight, miss a day because a hiking trip went a little too long on Saturday and I didn't feel like going to church on 2 hours of sleep
>next week church granny checks in on me
>asks if I'm alright, if I need any help, if there was some emergency last Sunday, etc.
>tell her no, I just hiked a little too long
>gives some churchy reply like "well we can't have you missing worship left and right just because of some trees"
>pull a churchy response straight out of my ass and say something along the lines of "I think it's better to praise the Lord while among his creations, not while locked away from them in a building"
>she steps back in dramatized shock and goes deep into thought
>sermon starts and pastor goes into his topic for the week
>at the end of the sermon pastor asks if anyone has anything they'd like to add
>church granny springs up and tells everyone what I told her, but dramatizes it obviously
>finishes it by telling the pastor she thinks the church should do a monthly hike
>pastor acts like the holy spirit gave him a handjob and shouts about how fucking amazing of an idea that is
>puts me in charge of the hiking trips
>choose flat, short trails because old people

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then why are you there
The reason why you're lonely is because you can only look at women as objects that dispense sexual pleasure
>chasing women this hard
They just live rent free in your head, don't they? Can you even comprehend pursuing a hobby for it's own sake instead of how it makes you look to women?
This is so funny anon kek
Surely God does not need you to be around these people. The fact you had got guilted for skipping church is cultish behaviour.

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Old LJS thread hit its bump limit >>2774558

Remember guys, this is the time silvers start to go on sale. Post deals you find on the net
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big fucking tease of a thread
If anything I have poor cold regulation. Anything over 6c is no jacket needed. But I mean that with wind or colder than like -10c and it seems like extra layers does nothing anymore
are you a candyassgot?
Be the change you want to see
You might have poor circulation or some other mexical condition

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Hey Anons, experienced camper and /outist/ about to go on a month long backpacking trip.

I will be heading to Bongland in April for a roughly 160 mile hike on national trails and will be wild camping as much as possible. I’ve done plenty of backwoods camping and am relatively comfortable solo camping (am much more comfortable in groups though)

Not pictured: 3L water bladder and clothes: 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of underwear, 1 spare set of vida pro pants, fleece for mid, rain jacket for outer, long John’s for night, a sun hoodie, a button up hiking shirt, and a pair of shorts/tshirt for end of day casual wear.

Weight is around 40lbs loaded up with extras and all that jazz.
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>Is any part of the Cleveland way worth the hike?

Scarborough is kind of dead, there are much better beaches in Scotland, if you want to see some of the most amazing beaches in the British isles go to Lewis or Harris - most of the outer hebrides is desolate and has massive white sandy beaches with not a single piece of litter and you'll have the entire place to yourself

also no one calls it western highland way, just say west lol
you'll already get flak for being an american so don't make yourself an easier target for getting slagged off

Honestly i'd say do cape wrath trail
it's 10/10
takes two weeks to do at the very least and it is seriously WILD
like at some points u seriously gotta take like 6 days worth of food because there are no resupplies, it will truly test you.
But it is so worth it, some of the stuff you'll see.....
God dam

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Hey Scotbro, im thinking of doing the Scottish National Trail this year, was deciding between that and a portion of the Hexatrek in France. Already experienced with long hikes (2100km last year), so I know how to do the miles and have the gear. Going in Jul/Aug (midges, I know), hope to go from the border all the way to Cape Wrath.
Wondering more if you have any tips as a Scot whos done the full trek, for what to consider or keep in mind as I make my way. Best optional trails or peaks? Best foods or drinks along the way? Scottish ways or attitudes I should be aware of? The walkinghighlands site looks mint, but any other resources you'd recommend for trip planning?

The standard advice for any hopeful looking to do a multi day trek is to look at what the people who do it at the highest level do - ie thruhikers, who are out there for months. Peep the packing lists there, you won't see any hatchets, saws, huge first aid kits, 85L bags, day bags, or boy scout tier tents. It's because when you do enough miles, day after day, the weight on your shoulders makes a big difference. And its easy to load up your pack in the living room, feel it be "okay" and call it good. Add in enough food (you'll want to eat way more if you're hiking most of the day), add in water, add in an unstable downhill section or whatever, and you'll soon be cursing yourself and literally throwing stuff out of your pack.
You've got a good start, better than most autists on here that plan for "a long time out there". Do your best to trim your weight to below 20 pounds without food and water, ideally 15. It's worth upgrading one or two of the biggest items, like the tent, sleeping bag, or backpack - since those carry a lot of weight.
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Honestly I just kind of sent it, I was intending to do a whole document on where to resupply etc etc but I just played it by ear and I fared pretty well

So my alteration was when I hit loch ness, to hitchhike down to Fort william and then I done cape wrath from the start - I would reccomend the same honestly
those first 4/5 days of CWT are some of the best scenery in Scotland
I thought it would be tragic to miss it
The section across to clunie from Loch ness is kind of boring anyway, i'd hiked in before, and ehhhh i'm very glad I made the choice I did

The Harvey map Cape wrath trail North/South both have some really awesome variations in it, i'd reccomend getting that and creating your own cape wrath as even if you don't include the start, your final 100 odd miles are following cape wrath anyway

As for midges : NET IS ESSENTIAL
they're most annoying on my face so I always wear a net, and then spray my arms with smidge or cover them if I can
In summer you might find alot of people doing it which is nice, but doing it in autumn gave such a desolate feel where you were lucky if you seen a single human some days
Scottish people are genuinely friendly though, especially the further north you go
two people even offered me to stay at their home, so sleeping on their couchs was real nice respite

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If I was to reccomend one deviation, it's a very short one. But worth if it's clear.

When you're coming through the strathcarron wilderness, you'll pass a non MBA bothy, and then over a flat boggy valley where you will reach Bearnis bothy
there are a few deviations here, but the most popular one is where you pass directly over the hill behind it, and down into craig

you go to a pass at 600m, but if you veer north east and head up the hill to (your right), it goes to 800m or so and is called Sgùrr na Feartaig

My God
the views there were unreal
You can see super far east, but alot is blocked by the Munros across the valley
but looking north and west...
it's one of the most beautiful spots I've ever been
You see all the torridon ranges in the most magnificent angle, and all the way down to the sea, where Skye's cullins dominate the horizon, among other, lesser islands
It's satisfying because you look back and get an eagle eye'd view of what you just struggled over, and it makes it all feel worth it

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Hell yeah, that is some super solid advice, thanks for the write up brother.
Will keep those detours in mind and plot them in Gaia maps with your notes. I usually intend on planning more deeply, like you said, but it just goes out the window when you actually start any hike over a week's length.

Sealskinz I have a pair of, didn't think it would be literally THAT wet with bogs, or is it just a lot of river crossings etc? Tbf I haven't done a deep dive into reading about the terrain conditions, I just know the reputation for wetness. Did you ever have any issues with camping, or is the wild camping allowance combined with friendly people make for an easy time?

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/Out/ in the holy land
Looking for snakes in the Judean desert edition
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If you get a xhance op, hike tel dan in the golan heights where abraham went to rescue his nephew lot, ita like the garden of eden up there with lush jungles and waterfalla and stufd
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The north is a much difrent biome to were I live, the only hiking I've done up their was not in the golan but closer to the galilee I have walked from the city of tzfat to the town of merone a few rimes right now I am working alot but when I have time I will definitely go check it out

that's not a good place to look for sneks
sneks need enough humidity to facilitate shedding so the best place to look for them is in arid sunny exposed places close to water and under obvious hides near those places.
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I have to work with what I have, it's been raining alot so their is moisture under the rocks right now, I have seen many snakes walking around this habitat on summer nights so I know they live here, I also just was informed their is a large gecko stuck in the wall of my house
fucking geckos
>try to close window
fucking stupid geckos, learn to stay outside

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>on dating apps looking for partners
>women lists "hiking" as an interest
>ask them out on a simple hike
>they show up in tims that look brand new
>no gear at all
>hike is about 13mi out and back with about 2.5k ft elevation gain throughout in total
>ask her if she's sure about this
>she plays it off as nothing
>end up only getting about 3mi in before she asks to turn around via a shortcut even
>had to help her with multiple blisters once we got back
happens every fucking time man, why do they list hiking if they clearly aren't doing it?
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lol you goddamn faggot, i would been like "yeah ok" hit that pipe gone home and fucked her silly.
asian chicks who get high are AWESOME i wish i could meet one.
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Does that actually work?
I tried online dating for a while, and had a pic of me climbing up a hillside with a full 120L pack as a profile pic. Zero matches. Removed that pic, had one where I'm just sitting in the garden with my chickens in the background, and got matches immediately. All fatsos, though...
Kek, you might live in a cucked place...
>be me
>spent last new years innawoods
>On the last day, wake up at 5 in the morning for some reason
>can't go back to sleep
>start hiking back, bcs why the hell not? I've got a flashlight and ice cramps
>8km down the mountain walk by a lodge
>people partying there see me, ask if I need a place to sleep
>"Wow, you slept outdoors in this blizzard? ... Wanna have some Ecstasy?"
>15km later, out of the woods just around sunrise, stop into a gas station for some food (I'd eaten everything except an iron ration of oatmeal and craved some sweets for the last 10 km)
>different group of partygoers eating breakfast there
>"Dude, I just gotta ask: How many Litres of beer fit in that backpack?"
>"120L, if you just pour it in"

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>$375 a fucking day to hire someone to teach me how to become a mountaineer
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thats a pretty good price, considering a guide who took probably tens of thousands of dollars in certifications and year's honing his skills just to become amga certified to walk your retarded ass up mount washington and give you solid advice to any of your questions. In contrast, I have been forever stubborn and refused to get a guide, a class, or even pass a belay test just so I can figure it all out myself through experimentation and constant reading. Problem is that going that path took me 4-5 years to feel relatively competent, with guide instruction I could have probably felt better in less than 2
to add to this, learning things by yourself means that everyone you talk about this things with will constantly lecture you about danger and how risky it is to do things and all of that. not saying they are not right, but it fucks up your mind and self confidence, it can be a pain
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Better than getting rekt on your first real mountaineering adventure because you thought that reading a book, watching youtube videos, and puttering around on some puny hills would prepare you for a proper alpine environment.
How are you simultaneously, in seamless, borderline instantaneous contact with more people on earth than any human in history, yet completely incapable of finding contacts?
Maybe google -your area- + -hiking or mountaineering club-
check your local community center if you have one, hell just asking the local guy at the outdoor store, he might know someone...Christ
I'm shy though

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Is it true that the Appalachian mountains have weird creatures that roam at night?
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Don´t be retarded, its retarded
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depends on your definition of "weird creatures"
the point you're trying to make with the first line is correct, however if you think black bears and "yourself" are the baddest things out there, I got some bad news. luckily however, you're not likely to come across the worst because they mostly avoid contact.
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winter hiking is the best when snow is on the ground.
The problem is winter legitimately sucks for a good number of people where snow is only down for maybe a month, then you have several months of just cold bare woods. It's just not fun. Nothing good to look at, not even snow to enjoy. I would kill to live near the northern mountains just to not have winter be bare dull colors.
snow is nice to look at but incredibly slippery and awful to walk on
i look forward to 4 weeks from now not having to hike through snow unless i go to 3000 ft elevation and even then its gonna be at most an inch or two
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Yeah. But there are creatures hiding in basically every national park. That's why Missing 411 disappearances are so prevalent.
If you're curious, here's what we know about them (and virtually all of them share these same characteristics).
>person goes missing from camp
>evidence suggests they took off their shoes, socks before wandering barefoot into the woods
>individuals found during missing person searches have no memory of how they got there
>somehow these individuals have also managed to traverse an astronomically long distance away from camp, sometimes dozens of miles in a short time period before arriving at (all very specifically) boulder fields, streams of water and berry bushes
We're not entirely sure why this happens, but it corresponds with folklore compiled by ethnologists regarding the fae in the old country.
If you want to be safe, and you still want to camp in national forests, be sure to take an iron horseshoe with you. Cold iron is detestable to spirits of all kinds.

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What winter /out/ hobbies don't cost an arm and a leg to do?

Skiing and snowboarding seem like a rich person's hobby.
Mountaineering requires actual gear.

Is Snowshoeing the only real option?
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I camp in the snow, was a retard and bought a hot tent but recently have just been using my regular sleeping bag and a good pad. Max comfy
cross country skis are not expensive, buy used maybe new boots if you dont want fungus.
skiiing is many times better to get /out/ than snowshoes. we might be skibrained here in norway but i dont think i ever seen anyone with snow shoes in the wild. i have a pair i used them twice and only around the cabin. cant imagine going any kind of distance with them.
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After being a lazy bum throughout most of my twenties I finally decided enough of that and started mountain hiking again last year. Bought myself a new pair of skin-skis and started cross country skiing again when winter came.
Now I'm pissed off for ever letting myself stop doing it in the first place.
How can you know this without knowing the brand or what kind of shape it’s in? Serious question.
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o rly

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Is northern Canada an /out/ destination? How do you even get to most of these places? Fly in?
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Cope, nearly 90% of Canada's land is considered Crown Land that's considered public land

You can take a trip to Baffin Island for like $10000 (with a group only)
Why the fuck would you willingly go to Baffin.
For some reason the arctic archipelago fascinates me. They contain three of the top ten largest islands, but barely anyone lives there, and most people outside Canada probably don't even know of them. There's kind of an aura of mystery to them in my mind
>barely anyone lives there
Yeah no shit. Why could that be???

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How do I get into spelunking
What gear do I need and how do I get experienced with it though
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I need more context about this
The cave is owned by the Holy Spirit Church Camp. Father Marcus leads naked trips into the cave as a spiritual cleansing exercise. On each trip they perform a ritual where one lucky camper gets to drink from the holy stalactite.
>gets to drink from the holy stalactite
I supose that the holy salactite is the holy mothers cunt
And I would like to live in your innards anon

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