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Is Fjallraven a good brand? I have an Osprey backpack but I want something for backpacking and I am not sure what good brands are like anymore, even the "expensive" brands are all polyester garbage...

>but you need polyester for water resistance!!!
meh, i don't want synthetic fabrics that cause cancer on my skin
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>shame of wearing chinkshit
So why wear a pack made in China?

All of their stuff is chinkshit, but but the way its priced it could be made in Europe at a profit.
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uhm ackshully their stuff is vietshit. get your asian countries right
Is coffee good for you?
The left one is Gina Carano?
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I had someone tell me last week that they put boxes in the holes so only the fish can get it. this was some fag in TN tho (not the actual south). I asked because people do this in Louisiana (the south) where gators and snappers are abundant which always left me wondering why most people have their arms and fingers still attached.

In California, everything popular is so crowded you need a lottery just do a 16 mile hike because apparently they cannot build a road any closer or add more parking or whatever.

So now tourists are doing the lottery and climbing up cables (why not add fucking steps?) in the rain because they won the permit lottery and they might not otherwise get a chance to do it. The National Park would rather let people die than put in steps or a more sturdy way to get to the top.

I'm not from Cali but anon told me this isn't even the best view in the park, that's from elsewhere, but that's the most reputation-famous so people all do it.

The father-daughter duo had hiked together countless times and over thousands of miles — up to Angels Landing in Zion National Park, down into the Grand Canyon and all over mountains across their home state of Arizona. So when Grace secured a permit to hike Half Dome through the daily lottery system on July 11, they were ecstatic.

They cleared their schedules to drive from Phoenix to Yosemite the following day, and on the day after that, they set out on the strenuous 16-mile trail at about 8 a.m. A ranger told them there were storms in the forecast, and at times, they did notice clouds overhead. But when the pair reached the bottom of Half Dome’s famous cables a little after noon, the sky was perfectly clear, Rohloff said.
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You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. There are plenty of summits on the east coast that do this and they are PACKED. It would have been incredibly more enjoyable if you were forced to hike up because it filters 90% of unfit people who shouldn't be there to begin with. Having a road go right up to that eliminates that filter and gives retards an even greater false sense of ability.

Also you fucking moron you can't make a road to the top of the dome so it would still be incredibly dangerous, and the entire point of national parks and forests are to not destroy the natural landscape as much as possible before you go off and try to suggest carving a staircase into the cliff side.
>that do this and they are PACKED
well yeah if you only have paved road access to 1 decent view for 50 mi around...
If you can't handle nature, you're welcome to stay in town. Why the rest of us be unable to enjoy nature just so you can ride your mobility scooter up every single mountain?
Ain't reading allat

what more could a man need
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>t. Thinks the open steppe, a fleet horse, a falcon at your wrist, and the wind in your hair is pretty alright
Is that steak?
you call that a knife?
>wrong answer
12,000 years later the khan's son is still mad
For every blueberry you eat you shave off 50 seconds of your life due to higher risk of pre-diabetes

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General thread for freediving and/or spearfishing, since I don't see one mentioning either.

My personal questions:
I've been thinking about taking a certification course so I can learn to do these things correctly and safely. I'm probably happy just doing the diving, but spearfishing seems like an easy and practical extension. I only casually skindive and rod-and-reel fish at the moment. Does anyone have experience taking such a course?
I know I'll need my own gear early on, but each instructor I can find seems to have their own equipment shops, so I imagine they wouldn't be impartial about the quality of other gear on the market. I live on the Pacific coast of the US, so I see that a 7 mm open cell wetsuit is strongly recommended. What good/bad features should I look out for on wetsuits and other equipment? For non-competitive diving, carbon fiber fins are almost certainly not worth the price, right?
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You definitely highlight the big issue with being in the water anywhere, really -- a sudden change in the situation can take you from comfortable relaxation to life and death within a second. I don't think I would enjoy going diving in the ocean except on days where the visibility was fairly good.
>swift rivers
As long as you don't get caught in the current. My personal understanding (out of my own ass) is that swift rivers are the most dangerous of the water types. You can get sucked under by a current that's flowing downward, and then trapped in an underwater pot hole, where the water gets stuck in a permanent little vortex that you can't swim out of. Or get your leg stuck to an old piece of rope, or a branch, or between two rocks, and then pulled beneath the surface and unable to free yourself.
It's rainy all the time and the sea is murky af -.- I'm starting to get serious spearfishing withdrawals.
Its better with a mask on. you can see whats going on underwater and react to animals coming close. feels less like being a helpless monkee splashing around on the surface. with a speargun, you also have a pointy stick to poke at sharknoses, if they get too curious.
but ngl, if the visibility is shit and I got a bleeding fish in the water, it's still an uneasy feeling, especially since there are bullsharks around.
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I asked in the equipment thread but this place seems appropriate too, since you people swim

I want to get one of these underwater masks with an air tank, but I was just wondering what your guys's experiences are with it? how long do you usually last underwater on what volume tank?
I see aliexpress (lol) is also selling smaller scuba kits, just a 2L tank and face mask connected to it, what about those?

everything swimming/water equipment related is a clusterfuck of everyone shilling different things and there is zero sense to be made. I just want to dive closer to the bottom of the sea and see stuff.
lmao, looks like china junk.
I've never used something like that or one of the tiny tanks, but I'd get a proper diving mask and snorkel and a separate tank with regulator and mouthpiece. that way, you have a good mask, no matter what and can trash the tank if it sucks.
they should last you maybe like 5-10minutes, depending on you breathing and depth. dont go deeper than 10m or so and remember to full breath out before surfacing, especially if it runs out unexpected and you get the urge yt go up fast.
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Do retards build this abomination in your country as well?
Just spent two hours demolishing 6 of these at the local river
t. frenchfag
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i find that hard to believe, unless your water is so polluted for centuries that youve killed off all the sea life (not surprised). french people are trash
hell yeah bud, you got any petroglyhs there too? theres cup marks and figurative images in the boulders along the shoreline here that date to at least 500 bce
>sea life
>fresh water river
There's several species of freshwater mussels all over europe, including france. For example river mussels of the genus Unio. Most of them are threatened due to pollution and degradation of heir habitat.
A little rockdam like that is not bothering anything in the river. If it does anything at all, it makes a little pool of slower currents and deeper water that some species might aggregate in.
The only ones bothered by them are autists.
>There's several species of freshwater mussels all over europe, including france
Huh, just looked and you're right
>A little rockdam like that is not bothering anything in the river
That's where you're wrong though, these rock dams stop fish from moving freely in our rivers, they elevate water temperature which fucks with the fish and makes algae proliferate like crazy. This is especially exacerbated since in the Mediterranean region I'm in, the water level gets very low during summer so the fish NEED any kind of unimpeded cool water they can get
>The only ones bothered by them are autists.
Yeah, so?

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Is this the ideal way to experience the great outdoors on a broader scheme and meet lesbians?

I have a little above $30k in savings I can blow on converting my Tahoe and don't mind picking up migrant jobs along the way.
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Both of these are literal fiction dreamed up by people who never go outside and couldn’t be bothered to do a google image search before posting.
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Got me a free van bros. 92 chevy g20, needs some work done but im hoping to be able to save up a nest egg after i splurged the last one being lazy and depressed after moving to another state. My girl just left me so im ready to drown in stanky hippie puss. Anything fun to do in ohio?
Lot of BBC sluts in Ohio if you're into that. Specifically Cinci or Cleveland.
Its infinitely smarter to be prepared rather than get in trouble and fixing it after the damage is done.

retarded sheep who can't think for themselves.
Im a wyte boi...
Also i hate cities

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How many AllTrails Hard™ trails have you conquered?
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I loled so here's your reply
Someone shill me and all trails alternate? It's still the best for finding trails and getting good directions
Peakbagger is pretty good if you know how to use it.
Does it have good info for parking at the trail head? Since I live in the disgusting suburbs of Philly I gotta drive everywhere to hike
If you live in PA and want an alternative you need myhikes.org

He is based in North-Central PA (wellsboro) and has tons of PA hikes on his website. You have to pay to download the .gpx files (I got a lifetime subscriber status for 20$ not sure if that's still possible), but you get the parking coordinates and instructions for free.
There two aren't JUST for hiking, but there's uncoveringpa.com and pabucketlist which are photo blogs that have a lot of info for pa-specific stuff

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>inb4 he's a southernlet
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bump until the next Kp9 solar storm
>Northern lights are cause by eclipses
Is this the new common core science?
Rolling for earth facing X20
I'm down
i have and lived in alaska for 6 years so make like a tree and fuck off

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Post your trailcam photos. This is the only thing I’ve captured in 4 months.
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What is that? red wolf?
Looks like a coyote to me...
I s'pose
It’s a coyote, no wolves in my area probably for centuries except in the zoo
must be somehwere hot. His short coat tricked me.

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What exactly happens in Iowa?
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Ohio has the whole Hocking Hills area, southern and southeastern Ohio have great hiking and camping spots.
fuck off
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>worst state is Ohio
Can you please explain in some detail why you say this?
some dipshit who doesn't realize ohio is connected to a great lake, probably from the southwest in Ohio
he's a redditor tourist
>le ohio bad

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1000 ft of elevation gain is plenty
anything more is superfluous and simply for poseurs to brag about
I’ve climbed many 13th and 14ers in Colorado and not one of them has a view as impressive as that of Cadillac Mountain in Maine.
but isn't cadillac mountain super crowded and like 70% chance of fog?

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Anyone ever take a road trip through New England? End goal is Mt Washington and Acadia. Trying to figure out my lodging, was considering camping out of my truck but I'm worried that a lot of the campgrounds, spaces, etc. will be booked out as its their busy season. Don't know if stealth camping will be an option due to how busy it is, and don't know if there's any legal woodlands camping up there. Anyone have any advice on a travel itinerary, places to go, hotels, supplies, etc. for a first time traveler? I've been on many trips before, never a roadtrip or anything rustic like this. Google didn't yield many answers.
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I'm not going to bite on the bait, nice try though this boards too slow to derail my thread
(paid) NH campgrounds are expensive as shit because we don't have taxes and it's one of the few sources of income for the public land. and full of massholes. so many massholes

that being said, as long as you are on public land (look up 'nh public land interactive map') you can camp pretty much anywhere you want especially in the national forest
t. lived in nh all my life and have done a lot of 'stealth' camping that is not very stealthy
as long as it is apparent you are cleaning up after yourself and your plate is not NY/CT/MA nobody will bother you that much

also bring a rifle along as >>2758074 suggested firearm laws are among the most lax in the country and target shooting in the hills or sand pits is both fun and a great way to make friends

dont catch lyme disease or get eaten by a bear
My plate is NY, but I'm from WNY not downstate so hopefully no one gives me too hard of a time. That's good to know about NH, I could base my whole trip in just that area if I wanted to. Do you know anything about Maine or Mt Desert Island this time of year?
maine's terrible, you'd hate it here. definitely no reason to come to maine.
maine is okay. can easily spend a few days there (and spend a lot of money!) but not worth sticking around any longer

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what does /out/ think of barefoot shoes? went hiking with friends recently and the fastest of the group wore barefoot hiking boots, and had no blisters either. are they the final redpill of boot threads?
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You dont do any hard outdoor shit, zero, none.
after leaving the army I started walking barefoot in my house because my foot got cramps after wearing boots for hours everyday. My foot are wider and I they no longer hurt. I also noticed calves and foot's muscles gains. I started wearing barefoot shoes to go outside to buy groceries or for driving and they are comfy af and very breathable. Wouldn't recomend them for running, standing still for long periods of time or for moving weight.
"Wouldnt recommend doing things with them" got it
That's about my experience except for running and standing. Running barefoot is just sensitive to form more so than walking. You can't tolerate a heel strike and you really need to build up to it. Most people prefer a minimalist shoe though with some low level of padding though, just to even out little rocks and such. Heavy loads are a similar issue. It's not really weight assuming you've built up your arches, it's all stuff you have to put your foot down on. In the gym, walking, even hiking? No issues if you can track your footfall. But unloading your truck when you have to balance a weird box while you jump down onto gravel it certainly is easier to have a stiffer sole which provides a stable platform that holds rough terrain.

Luckily you can still get benefits by doing as much as you can with barefoot or minimalist shoes. I have very wide boots with a low arch insole for everything else.
Kinda on topic but anyone that has experience with halti outdoor shoes?

Recently, I had a poor wood
dUck brought to me,
Do any of you guys ever see
Young motherless animals while out?

Anybody ever rehab a poor baby lost without its mother? Show me your critters give me some more advice for keeping the smug little ducker alive happy and healthy so hopefully it can rejoin the wild.
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Checked and kek.
ßumpin for Rudipatootie
I realize I’m going to get shit but don’t care. I don’t have any more recent because I still have to finish the tank area. It was in the 50s last night so I moved her back into the brooder for the night so I could have the light on her.
I’ve been debating how much space and energy I want to devote to making an enclosure/pond area. If she sticks around I’ll need it but if she takes wing and lives her best life I’ll be stuck with it and don’t know if I want ducks in the spring or not. Or even if we’ll still be in this house in the spring. House paid off. Taxes paid. Looking to buy more land and get out of town and wherever we get is going to have flowing water so… yeah.
Rudy is safe secure and seems happy… so far that’s a success in my book considering I thought it would die immediately.
Rudy Prevails and is feathering nicely!
OP don't start this abandon talk now. Please continue to do best by Rudy and own this responsibility for as long as is necessary, you've taken this on

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how hardcore are you?
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>Look how casually the locust doesn't give a shit about old growth or human life
surprising no one
>Its open ground that interlopers have to cross to reach the home
Because the goons will totally totez strot over the clearing and not just hide in the trees and bushes behind the house that are in absolute close proximity. What a retarded headcanon you have.
>non whites are animals
you mean kikes right?
start leaving eye level fishhooks on fishing line tired around branches unless they get a glare from the sun those loggers will be in for a bad time

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