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I have a crippling fear of dogs. The idea that I walk alone in the forest or somewhere in the countryside paralyzes me when I get to think about the idea that there >might< be a stray or even a domesticated dog running free that wants to bite me to death. Yes I know I'm a pussy but it's a part of a childhood trauma where a dog severely bit me. The older I get, the more frustrating it gets. It literally makes all of my outdoor plans impossible. I'm desperate to have a nice, relaxing walk in the forest, but I avoid it with the feeling of paranoia about how many dogs there are inside ready to fucking maul me. Any ideas how to cope with aggressive stray dogs? Bear spray? Knife? Tear gas? How to survive an attack?
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The Chinese apparently don’t like dogs. I’m starting to like those guys.
Pitbull island on the Colorado River, Grand Junction
I'm not one to call the cops, but really considered it this morning.
What the fuck does this have to do with /out/?

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Have you ever had a catastrophic failure with your inflatable sleeping pad when out? What did you do?
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i curl a bit like in fetal position although not so much. this is to avoid rolling over because i can't spread my legs as much as i do in a bed. also obviously lift your head as much as you need, i roll my pants and sometimes add a light jacket as pillow

you need to be a bit careful when moving around because it's easy to dismantle the pillow. i usually switch facing left to right and viceversa several times during the night and sometimes i need to adjust the pillow but it's never too bad
I usually clean the thornes before going on the ground. Nobody is doing that, even at night?
hammocks don’t deflate
hammocks are really good if you like a heavier, less comfortable, colder, less convenient way to sleep
No but that's because I've never been able to justify spending money on something like that.

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Post your knives
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not mine
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not my /out/ knife but i still love it
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Not my only knife but this lil dude was tossed to my by a friend and it pretty much lives in my back pocket.
sick knife bro, Romanian? im shit at bayonet id
please tell me that you have a type 3 to hang that on

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Why do i need snow shoes in winter? My boot seem to do just fine walking through snow as is.
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>oversees deep snow
>crashed through snow with boot, twists his ankle and tears his acl
>cant walk
>dies of hypothermia
all you need are trail runners. wtf?
Incorrect. The Romans proved all you need are flip flops.
you're right, there's no utility to snow shoes and everyone else is larping. Your experience definitely ins't limited and you can't intuitively see how show shoes might be different from boots.
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You need it for deep snow - powdery uncompacted snow, fresh snow on a high mountain. If you've ever been in snow like that, you would know it, and realise "damn I wish I had snow shoes". It becomes impassable.

If that hasn't happened, then no, you don't need snow shoes. The boundary is when it's far above your knees.

If the snow is firm, wet, not deep, or been compacted and/or had many other people walking on it (e.g. on a trail), then you don't need snow shoes.

Once the snow is up to your thighs it's just really impossible to make any progress. It's not walking any more, it's digging yourself out of a hole only to be in another one. You can't lift your knee up any more because of the weight of the snow, and if you go higher into the deeper snow, you risk falling up to your chest or more. The only option unless you want to die is to go back the way you came. And remember next time to bring snow shoes.

If you are just walking around in some snow of a few inches or feet, then sure, boots are fine. If the snow is deeper than your boots, use gaiters to avoid getting snow in your boots and getting wet frozen feet or frostbitten.

I want to move to the UK from Canada for reasons I won't mention here but I'm wondering if anyone here that's British knows of a prepper community in that area that I could join. Please let me know if you have one that you can connect me with. I can further clarify my circumstances in private. I'm interested in living in either England or Scotland, and in a warmer part of the country if I can. I have a list of gear I'll be taking with me that I can share with you as well.
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Canada is a monarchy.
At some point it would be great if you silly brits would learn English. Just like everything else in this world, someone else invents it, and it's up the US to make it work.. Getting kind of tiresome desu. But anyways, for your edification:

park != forest
trees on a highway median != forest.
13 or so trees in the middle of some farmer's field != forest
What you have are parks, of various sizes, but they're still just parks; in other words you can't cram 70 odd million people onto a plot of land roughly the size of Oregon and rightfully call any of it forest, let alone wilderness.
The uk population has probably one of the lowest rates of preparedness of any anglosphere nation; they’re not ready for anything to ever happen that’s why there’s always disaster there. Everyone seems to expect someone else to work out all issues.
This is will the limited exception of some military types, if you have military experience or friends then you might be able to get involved there. For locations there’s the highlands and to a limited degree wales, the moors, or some of the midlands national parks but they’re mostly for weekend warriors up from London. It’s not a country to move to if this is a priority for you
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>I want to move to the UK from Canada
Is this bait?
The UK is literally more of a tyrannical nannystate than this place, plus you'll have MI5niggers breathing down on your neck too.
We really don't. We have the smallest amount of forests of anywhere in Europe, and any "forest" you are in you could walk for a few hours or drive 15-30 minutes and be in a built up area.

Anywhere you go, even the highest mountains, you'll be able to see towns and cities. We don't have real wilderness, and the wilderness we do have is inhospitable privately owned featureless moorland that you couldn't live on even if you purchased the land.

We have insanely high house prices and land prices due to being a tiny island that's been subjected to extremely high levels of immigration.

We have oppressive anti-roaming anti-camping laws, with almost the entire country being privately owned and enclosed (with fencing and livestock). The exception being parts of Scotland.

We have the highest energy prices of any developed nation and you can't just buy fuel anywhere like you can in parts of America/Canada. They're bringing in restrictions on burning logs.

We have restrictions on gun ownership which mean no handguns at all, only rifles and shotguns for those with a licence and genuine reason for needing them (hint: you won't be allowed).

We have some of the most tyrannical, anti-freedom anti-freespeech laws of any Western nation and are the most surveilled. Any road you drive on in the UK, the government tracks you by ANPR, and you'll be on hundreds of CCTV cameras when you step out.

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Map fight
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I must be. Looks like an extremely blurry map of Europe with only Spain and Italy and the Alps in focus. So enlighten me.
nice subtle troll
>never seen a satelite image
its not a map at all you retard
Don't respond to trolls.
Explain how I'm trolling? I still don't understand what that's meant to be a map of.

If it's just a blurry satellite image then what was the point of posting it? Every other image posted is a map... of something, i.e. showing how something varies across a region.

It's got to be the worst and most pointless "map" I've ever seen. If you wanted to post a satellite image, there are so many good ones which actually show terrain or... something. Light pollution, snow cover, etc.
You posted a worthless fucking stupid image and then got angry at me when I asked what it was showing.

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2 acres per cow is optimal
1 acre per cow if you live in a very lush area.
Totally depends on forage density. Idaho has everthing from lush meadows to high desert sagebrush steppe.
OP is larpeding and wont give details

Keep bump

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Have you taken the greatcoat pill?

With a lot of the US being hammered with snow right now, share your tips and tricks for thriving out in the white stuff. Or, just share pics from recent trips or your go-to loadout.
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Holy Lords a Larping Batman
stay off slopes >30° and stay away from places where an avi will flow if triggered above you
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If you need to ask this and you don't know where to find the answer, then you're not ready.
thanks, i know a lot of this stuff already but i'm still scared. i'm planning on doing a hike this weekend up to about 4.5k feet depending on the avalanche forecast, should be more or less below the treeline the whole time.
Get snowshoes. Seriously. They're a godsend and I have no idea why it took me so long to get a pair.

My sister has a bungalow in her backyard that I am considering moving into. I'm going to kind of larp living /out/doors seeing that it has no utilities and basically is just a box room. (But I will have access to the main house for stuff)

What essentials do you think I would need for it if I had running electricity too.

Is it worthwhile having a portable stove or is it pointless since I have no sink/water access? Or should I just keep it limited to coffee brewing?

Also what should I do in terms of water storage so I have access to drinking water without having to go back to the house to often.

Mind you, I have never moved out of my parents home despite being in my mid 30s so I don't really know what I'm supposed to have
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Why do they need to be lightweight if they are sitting in a shack in your sister's back yard?
Dunno. Jus tdont want anything too breakable and just easy to take in and out the main house to clean
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Well the measurements of the building are 3.4m X 4.6m

The he is the window and the red is the door. Realistically how should I set this up lol
Is there any insulation at all to the building? If not is it at least framed out on the interior so that you can add a vapor barrier and some fire resistant insulation? Is the window shitty one layer thick glass that's going to radiate heat out? If so can you cover it?

Assuming no running water you are really going to want somewhere to go so you're not constantly going into the house to piss or shit. That relies on having access and your family being okay with you wandering in at all hours. Don't wear out that welcome, even if it's okay daytime you should have a camp toilet or something for after hours.

On site water storage is easy. Couple of 5-6gal containers. Something to put them on so you can just one with a spigot to fill glasses and cooking stuff. Keep them cleaned regularly.

Do you have any way of heating the space, such as even a small wood stove? If you have power a wood stove isn't worst thing since it can double as a cooking surface. On the flip, you are also going to want some way of ventilating the space with a fan at least. Hot days, smoke, a real bad fart, whatever.

With such a small space, I would definitely consider either limiting the size of the bed, or even coming up with a solution that you can pack away in the morning. Having a folding platform, go japanese with a futon on the floor, hammock, etc. are all options. Or at if you are doing a normal bed frame ensure that you can store stuff below it even if it's just big totes.

Basically living simply is not your concern. Your first step is making it livable at all. Beyond just toughing it out. And it goes without saying but if you are using your family's power, internet and water you should help pay for it
Yeh I will be paying something. As for insulation not u8te sure but iirc I did see a split system aircon unit thing in there.

Was wondering if it's worthwhile bringing some basic gym equipment in there. Somewhere to do at least pull ups, and maybe dips and my dumbells

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I'll be spending a week in Vermont this September or October.
Give me the best spots and trails to hit up, I will not be paying for a hotel. Thinking about hitting Green Mountain National Forest and Lake Willoughby at least, thinking about Smuggler's Notch and Mount Mansfield as well.
t. am a leafcuck
Why plan so far in advance?
It's a work trip.
Everything in VT is easy to get to. Smugglers Notch is awesome. There's infinity trails but IMO there one trail and that's the Long Trail in VT. Just hike that.

Rutland I used to love cause it was gritty I heard it's sad and fenty now. Since you don't want to spend $ or a hotel don't bother with Woodstock.

Stowe is the nicest, podshest resort town by far.
Thanks, I was considering the Long Trail, good to know about Rutland and Stowe.
I'm mostly against spending money on tourist trap resorts when I could just camp in the beauty of a state I've never visited before. Aiming to hit up a few local breweries and whatnot though (will also be happy to take any recommendations on places to grab a bite or drink worth stopping for).

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Any of you /out/ists done it? I'm thinking of doing the Camino Frances starting in a couple of weeks - is this a dumb idea?
How feasible is wild camping along the route? I know a lot of it is farmland
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you literally walk on famous established trails you are exactly like the others normalfags
Based mum, congrats. You planning on doing the Frances with uni? You could always do a different route with your mum unless money is an issue.
I'm thinking of leaving towards the end of Jan, guessing I'd reach Santiago around the start of march.
Nice. What time of year did you do it?
Normalfags don't hike it in winter
Begone demon
I did it in November 2022.. lots of rain, and even snow around Nareja, Victoria Gastirrez!
I did it in May-June 2019 and was very happy with that timeframe. Weather was excellent, only 3 days of rain in the whole 5 weeks. I have friend who did it in winter and it's feasible, although a lot of pilgrim hostels will be closed. As far as I observed, you can do some wild camping if you are not an asshole about it (if you are near private property, be nice and ask for permission if you can). People are generally very supportive towards pilgrims. Also, if pilgrim hostels are closed in a town and you dont want to pay extra for hotels, ask around in the church / municipal buildings for accomodation. Sometimes they let you sleep somewhere inside, or at least they will give you tips about cheap hostels.

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Now that the bears are asleep why aren't you hiking gizzly territory?
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its an orb. they keep me company as I hike thru the woods.
Bruh you killed the thread.
What does this mean?
It means don't respond to bots. Also why'd you necrobump the thread?

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>post pic of recent /out/ing
>take turns guessing where anons pictures are from
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its a murder

How do I go about becoming a farmer? I've always had a passion for gardening and the /out/doors, I've tried doing a trade but found that I just wasn't passionate enough about it to want to make it a career. Growing your own food and raising your own animals just appeals to me so much more than being a computer jockey or a wageslave. Are there any farmers here that can give me the rundown? What are the steps I need to take? What are the risks? What are the benefits? How is the life of being a farmer?
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Monocropping is done because it's highly profitable and simplifies growing and harvesting a field. The crops are pretty much always rotated with other crops. Corn farms usually rotate through corn and basedbeans with corn being the cash crop.
Kek. They're the actual cash crop because the subsidies for them are insane and the cost to grow them is next to nothing.
Even established farmers have to work a second job and are <10 years from having to sell everything, so the answer is that you don't.
Just start a garden
That describes corn
I didn't realize pomegranate was tropical. Any suggestions for other tropical plants to grow?

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How real is it
I have zero doubts personally. Never seen him but I've heard him twice.
He raped and killed me last weekend but I’m ok now.
Anyone who knows enough knows not to say anything.

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