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Who is going? Wya

Locs you want it held at / locs you wanna avoid

Stories from past rainbow gatherings
Can you get laid at these things?
Anon, the girls that go to these have more armpit hair than you.
I can. Not sure about you.

That's hot.
It's not really that hot when you see it in person. Hippie hoes aren't the most hygienic things in existence.
Each to their own. I like pretending it's the paleolithic.
I mean, not you probably but yeah, lots of anon sex happens there
same lol! ive tried explaining this to people before and most dont get it.
not for you
That depends. Do you actually go outside?
Do you go to rainbow gatherings?
i never have because i am a pretty much a hermit but have always thought it would be a good idea and would probably meet some people who are congruent
>would probably meet some people who are gay
So, is it mostly white people like burning man?
What if I just want to make free love to hippie chicks like it's the 60s
It's a shame hippie festivals have been subverted by LGBTQ faggotry
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Is there a problem with this?
I came across one of these things randomly once. You could smell them before you saw them.
And they left a bunch of trash too, right (didn't happen).
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>Rainbow Gathering 2025
shitty cia glownigger cult
stop advertising on here
read acid dreams and weird scenes from inside the canyon

easily but its all village bike tier blown out roast beef whores and a lot of them have herpes.
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the hippie movement was created by the cia when they introduced the bohemians to lsd. the whole hippie movement is a subversion to begin with. read acid dreams.
>t. never taken lsd
I've seen Spenny take lsd and he turned into a hippie alright
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every old head on planet earth has read acid dreams. you're a very naive child and have minimal experience with psychedelics. and you don't even know their history.
Tf are you talking about
I went to Schwagstock at Zoe for years until the ATF and the FBI took it away. It wasn't hippie paradise, just a beautiful stretch of Salem, MO.


Those midwest bros of a certain age and taste remeber those halcion days.

Jamband/fesitval camping is great and it's an experience.
yes, but far more wooks and wash outs.
i was at a rainbow festival back in '14 around Medford.
shit was cash, but very, very dirty and the fucking wooks dont clean up shit.
i left early
burning man is far better.
but i miss rainbows open drug use and the super sluts who will suck your dick when you whip it out
You've never been to a Rainbow Gathering. Full stop.
There's a 100% chance that bugs have taken up residence in his "hair"
you dont know
>armpit hair because muh feminism muh soggy knees
>armpit hair because primitivist
mai waifu
Why is it that the single thing that rainbow types sperg out about is when someone points out how much they trash the places they take over for their festivals?
Don't be afraid to call out stupidity where you see it
>no responda
you can get laid anywhere with a side panel van and some duct tape
You don't actually need that much effort at a festival though.
No YOU stop
>responding to drive-by shitposters
Why do people on this board do that.
Mate, you just did it
someone needs to go to the jelly school
You have offending me out of your pure retardation Noone thinks you are a cool guy
I didn't mingle or look at their living standards. They were smelly hippies who looked like they never had a shower in their lives
did you feel like you could have gotten a beejer?
They were living like animals. Gross
Its called camping anon
I camp. These people roll around in dirt and never bathe
jambase.com lists all the cool festivals across the country you can search by zipcode. that's what I use to find shows in general. 2025 festivals will be announced in feb/march
What do you think she smells like?
How can you possibly bathe when camping?

I camp in the high desert, I would never waste water on that
In the desert you scrub your ass with sand
These bastards don't want to tell us since they're hogging all the women
bump you stinky cocksuckers
hippiefu is not for stinky
she is for gentle head pats only, and stargazing
Wakarusa @ Mulberry Mountain in Arkansas is what you are looking for
LSD is for bussheads. DMT is what you want. Especially in a dark sky sanctuary. In your bivvy under the sky. Better if you can do it in a national forest.
>These people roll around in dirt and never bathe
At least this is what you want to believe.
That and one Pakistani guy selling healing Crystals
At least hippies use baby wipes.
When was this? 2000 years ago?
lol pretty much, like in the quran. my grandparents actually raised pigs and theyre relatively clean compared to cattle
Wakarusa hasnt been a thing for 10 years, and i didnt see people fucking. Lots of naked people tho. Best festival ive ever been to, wish they would bring it back
Would I be able to get laid there if im autistic as fuck but alright looking?

do you normally get laid?
Has anyone on /out/ actually gone to one of these things?
Fuck "hippies" I used to be all about this stupid nonsense in my early twenties. Ive focused on my own personal growth and career and taking care of my home. I live modest and care about the planet in the best way I can. The "scene" is full of narcissistic dirt bags who put you down for being "responsible". You do every once in a while meet super down to earth, introspective humans. It is mostly filled with druggies and they cant hold a conversation for more than a couple minutes. Hippie girls smell bad, sleep around and often have stds. Do not go for these girls.
>Hippie girls smell bad, sleep around and often have stds. Do not go for these girls.
You say that like you think its bad
They clean up nicely after these, dont let trolls fool you
That's not a good thing.
Is it possible to do DMT alone in the woods and have a good experience if you get intrusive anxious thoughts off just weed?
>t. Antisocial and anxiety prone
it puts the lotion on the skin
i found a rainbow in my moms boypussy
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Did you gather it?
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Thats what I though. Amazing how many experts we have here
Are you going to the next one?
When is the location for the gathering announced?
sometime in the next few months
any of these happen near New Jersey or Pennsylvania or New York? Sounds fun
are you the deciduous tree enjoyer?
>Can you get laid at these things?

I can, you wont, virgin looser.
>Do not go for these girls.
Dont worry anon, those who ask if they can get laid there will never have sex anyway.
At least I'm not a loser
>dirty coochie is good bro
It is bad. You're just an idiot.
How is it bad?
goddamnit this thread is trash. not a SINGLE hippie babe ITT for me to lust over. get your shit together /out/
Bro. This is a bait thread.
be the change you shan want to see anon
Are there titties?
then dont complains anon
Why are the only naked ones the ones that aren't worth seeing.
right is a cutie
She isn't.
are you an mod?
did you deleted her?
Don't worry about it.
They do , you dont know shit
I am worry about it, now tell it
I went to the rainbow 50th in colorado
Got a bandana from it that my ex-wife stole
Anyway, I liked that but it was mostly super dirty shitheads who were really fucking pompous. They were also trying really hard to make it look good for the press and new comers since it was the biggest national I guess.

The federal court in the woods was crazy, so was the pink lightening hitting the mountains. Definitely a lot of cops and feds were there, I got given 4 sheets of acid for free. Almost got laid but I'm an autist and dropped my spaghetti hard a lot.

Triangle was weird too.

Anyway a lot of people who have been to other gatherings have told me rainbow is an immense shitshow and a lot of the gatherings suck hard and aren't worth it. Apparently they have black sheep gatherings for all the people with beef and drama in the community, so outcasts of outcasts. It got started by a bunch of masonic vietnam vets and it's based on a lot of illuminati imagery that they disguise as native american prophecies.

Go to firefly instead, it's really based.
"their culture war: GROSS...
my culture war: BASED!"
you dont like armpit hair if you wouldnt want it either way.
This sentiment is so real. If she only stopped shaving to stick it to the "man", then she's a psycho. Nobody cares about your armpit hair, they care that you smell bad.
There was this little blonde Aryan girl I was in highschool with. She used to give me back massages. She had these hairy legs and the sun would shine through her bright blonde leg hair. I'm not gonna lie that shit was the hottest thing in the history of man.
Got any stories?
Not that I'm sharing. Rainbow is a cartel and they have the power to kill like one too.

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