>"The water is fine bro come on in. You don't need to be just ankle deep at the beach.">remember pic related lurks in the deep. And you are completely helpless.
>>2788770>>remember pic related lurks in the deep. And you are completely helpless.and doesn't give a damn about your existence and barely knows what you are
>>2788770>Ask Google the odds of being bitten by a shark >1 in 11.5 million>Ask Google the odds of being a victim of gang violence in the USA>...pages of bullshit and non answers>Find out the ClA stopped requesting states to report crime statistics because it's raycistIt's all so tiresome
Fuck the ocean and fuck the open water. I don't go onnit, I don't go innit.
>gross>ugly>pokes you, pain for daysheh, nothing personel, kidhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4lGj_VBJxk
>>2788772and will kill you.
>>2788777lol fuck that is hilarious. all this anti realist bullshit hinders basic discourse
>>2789089That's the point. They don't want discourse. Most people agree on most things. They want you to believe that your neighbor is the far left/right extremist they show you on TV so that you won't talk to them and find out that you agree. It's how they convince you that you're wrong and they're right. That's how they shape and mold society in the direction they want.
>>2788777>when you google something and the first results are fact checking websites or some kind of place that doesn't give a straight answer Lmao :(
>>2788770>EEEEYIIIKES the ocean is so ICKY DICKY! Im so scared of the deep horrors lying underneath it! What if there's a megalodon down there or the Kraken!!! It's just like Subnautica dude!>remember the ocean is actually quite whimsical and colorful like pic relWhat a fucking unserious place. You have to be a fucking pussy to find the creatures in it haunting, the ocean fills me with a sense of wonder like im exploring a planet I was not meant to be in and finding out all types of exotic alien life.We all know the real danger of the ocean is not the animals living in the water, it's the water itself. Currents, waves and so on are way more likely to get you outright killed when diving/fishing than a shark.