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Who are your favorite /out/ youtubers? This dudes recent video on rebuilding the cabin is pretty cool.

He hikes trails and bags peaks in southern california. No drama, shilling, or bullshit and the channel isn't monetized.
maybe stop advertising here already? it's embarrassing and the horse face dude is hard to watch btw he is fucking ugly and unrelatable
I can't look at /out/tubers.
>always some intro with annoying music that feels like it lasts 1 minute.
>cooking some shit and eating shit with a microphone under your mouth.
>hah, that's so tasty
>yamm yamm
>ah that's so good.

I hate it when someone to eat noisily, I hate the noises of eating, it makes me mad.
Understandable. It's probably ptsd from listening to me eat out your mom every night.
>eat out your mom every night
my mom is over 70 and dad is F.
have fun anon
>he still doesn't know
Sorry I couldn't be there to raise you, son, but your mom was too clingy.
xander budnick
Put em on clutch
stop shitting up threads with this filler speak
bamabass and clay hayes
survival russia
Good show but he has disabled comments
Foresty Forest and >>2788634 are my favorites. Foresty is more van life stuff but still good. His videos have become more formulaic recently but still good. Xander is kino.
I like THLR, mostly a hunting and shooting channel, but very comfy and from the same region of Norway as me.
Also like that dude in OP's pic, find the vids comfy, and they make me want to go /out/, Xander Budnick is also ok, but but his eyes scare me a bit.
Don't understand the hate for Outdoor Boys, the dude's highly competent and has a lot of knowledge, and he's not preachy or have that annoying bombastic attitude of many other Americans.
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Am I the only spic here watching deividcat?
Xander is pretty based but he needs to cool it with the muckbang. That reallly grosses me out.

Jim Baird is also based when he's solo or with his brother Ted. The family stuff doesn't do it for me.
This kid is great. Solo climbing and hikes in the alps and whatever slav den he's from. Poorfag but pro at the same time. Has a great keep goiing attitude and droll humour. No I'm not him lol
Ah, yeah, Jim Baird is comfy as fuck, especially his solo canoe trips.
>honey butter
>herbal tea
>"Omnhgh so good"
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just admit yall
>Who are your favorite /out/ youtubers?
none. They all seem to be somewhere between 1910's silent movies and retarded larpers. Except for the ones trying to trick you into buying their shitty gear.

The only good /out/ videos I've seen came from channels focusing on other things. Garand thumb has some on guerrilla warfare, townsends has some on campfire cooking (disregard the whole cabin building and tree felling stuff though - the info in those is incomplete to dangerously wrong).
But the moment the words "bushcraft" or "hiking" show up, people shift to stealth advertising. And most of them aren't even good at it.
They may be making their own gear or working as consultants for gear makers.
Call me an eastoid pussy but the shit this guy does seems borderline insane. Who the fuck willingly goes camping in -20F?
actual men
If that what it takes to be a man I'm gonna start HRT
One things for sure, Grand Thumb is a fucking loser.
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Kenneth is the undisputed GOAT of /out/
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well, that´s not ShugEmery, so assume you just made some typos and selected the wrong image
I'm sick of seeing this ugly faggot shilled everywhere

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