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Best /out/tubers?
Miranda isn't even cute. And she doesn't actually do anything. It's just an rei advertisement. And I get it, rei is for frumpy girls. But at least waifu some young idiot college girl broadcasting her at hike. There a thousand of those a year.
>rei is for frumpy girls
She's weird looking and obnoxious but she's not sponsored by REI anymore.

REI is for foothills trophy wives whose husbands play golf and drive Teslas.
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>s-she's weird and obnoxious!!!
As if you even have a chance with women like that.
White women are truly so beautiful. Nothing else can compare.
t. Brown
My wife is 45 and fitter than Miranda.
Have you seen the videos of her taking her fat friend /out/? Half the audio is just huffing and puffing.
this shit is why no one likes trans people
you guys cant read catalogs
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For me it’s beans babe Maria Ilona, Instagrams #1 beanfluencer. She’s an unwashed hippie thruhiker who ate beans for her entire AT hike. Imagine the smell! God damn it, I can only get so hard!
Why is she standing in a bush?
I enjoyed watching Kelly Hayes Hikes on YouTube. She has completed the Appalachian Trail, the Pinhoti Trail, the Florida Trail and just recently completed the Pacific Crest Trail.
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>K Hikes
Bushwhacking. She actually hikes, and not every section of the PCT is well used.
this dead abandoned channel is pretty good
simple, concise, no bullshit and it has that old youtube feel where its a hobbyist sharing his passion not some shill trying to market his sponsors. no "gear reviews" to be found.
She's cute and nice.
I've done the PCT - 2021. No need to stand in a bush
>I hiked 2,600 miles and never once had to walk through some shrubbery because of blowdowns or trying to find a better place to cross a creek
Sure buddy. Whatever you say.

>every post except mine is shilling the same valueless female bloggers from 5 years ago
snooooooze post some actually good channels.
hey i remember there's an /out/ anon who reviews axes and really knows his shit. what's his channel name again? i'm in the market for a new one.
You know the creek crossings are really well defined, right? Outside of extreme circumstances like attempting section K right after the winter of 22-23. Again it's a trail - no need for bushwhacking. I know you aren't going to understand the PCT but my brother in Christ it's not that complicated.
>trees literally never fall over and block the trail
>it’s always best to just cross a creek where the trail is
ok cool thanks for clarifying
Miranda is the Queen of /out/
you got lucky if you never had to deal with trail sections that got BTFO by rockslide, washouts or big swaths of blowdown treefall.
this is the /out/ brap thread
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luke and it's not even close
>unironic expert-tier outdoorsman
>serviceable hunter
>amateur snowshelter builder
>father of three
>comfy tradlife
this man is an inspiration AND his content is good
I mean this in the best way, but his videos put me to sleep. They're super good unintentional ASMR
He's too ugly to look at. It's unbearable.
Miranda is not for braphog
few of his vids popped up in my recommended. they're comfy
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bow down to the queen of queens peasant
2021 was extra bad, as local volunteer maintenance groups in California were barred from meeting because of Covid restrictions.
Farding from eatin them BEANS
Why am I not playing in hers?
>He's one of my favorites because he doesn't have that cookie cutter obnoxious youtuber voice/personality
Bow to the bow of bowsants.
doesnt matter
A FUCCNIGGA that's that shit I don't like
Are there any black /out/tubers? It occurs to me I've never seen a black guy doing any kind of outdoor activity on youtube. You have just about every race doing something outdoors, even if its just jungle chinks pretending to build "primitive" swimming pools.
Do Mirandafags know she's a mom?
That doesn't mean anything.

Adventure Archives is pretty good. Great production value and the one guy knows a lot about the local plants.
I want to fuck Miranda
She's a pudgy, out-of-shape, salesman for REI. That's just... not attractive.
Low testosterone leads to low libido. See a doctor.
Not an argument
Brothers I must confess. Miranda is my guilty pleasure. Some times Ill have this fantasies that we hike together and I get to experience everything with here. I get to see her pee and poop in the wild, she laughs awkwardly but says its fine. We lay together in a tent, she smells, she's a bit embarassed but its not enough to stop her. Her genital area in particular reeks, you can tell she wasnt able to wash herself properly after going to the toilet. We have awkward sex. I feel her plump body. She has slowly gained weight the last few years, she knows, but she cant do anything about it.
The fantasies evolve into the worst humilitation fantasies with her hiking in chastity, diapers, having her dress in embarassingly small bikinis in front of others, walking her like a dog, having her grow her pubic hair to a noticebale degree, taking away her privilege to shower and bathe, breastfeeding me on hikes, have her dress up as a cow, piercing different parts of her body, forcing her to do enemas before hikes, pee desperation, maybe i'll even make her soil/mess herself and have her hike in that, I've even thought about shaving all her hair off and turning her into a clown, pumping her pussy up prior to a hike, etc. Just writing this out gives me a crazy hard on.
I'm not sure why I feel this way towards her. Maybe its her excessive transprarency about personal matters in the outdoors, maybe its her bodytype, or her slight awkwardness. Either way, I know she's not "hot", but man do I lust for her.
Jesus christ dude
Scatfags need the rope
She seems like she's in decent shape all things considered. I usually like slim women but she hits the cushy buttons for me. She also doesn't work with REI anymore.
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I concur
He's the reason why I rediscovered my love for /out/, which has been missing since i was a child.
/out/ in my country means going to well established commercial campsite (90 second drive outside a city usually), paying to live in a tent, having an employee light the campfire (communal) and then shortly after serve the pre cooker buffet. A guise for socializing but in a faux camp backdrop if you will.

When i was a child i loved the idea of being in wilderness without any obligations or structure, just fucking around with trees and logs and not doing anything in particular.
I am the best /out/tuber but I can't post my channel here because I can't have people in the comments of my videos saying I browse
Then you ain't shit.
Still need a explanation on this one
“I never once had to walk through the bushes during a PCT thruhike” is what I’d expect to hear on this board.
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Alfieaesthetics for me.
Not be cause he has the objectively best content, but because he was the content creator who got me interested enough about the outdoors to stop daydreaming about it and start actually doing it.
He'll always be my favorite for that reason alone.
No. There is a reason people are ugly
well you must have a really good reason then, whats yours?
Tbh... given the current state of this board I doubt most people here even know what the PCT is
Poop crap turd




couple opf AUS NZ ones.

The Tom's Outdoors shop videos are always good. lots of information and looks of cool Aussie hikes, bikes and rafts as well as fly fishing
Acrossutah is my favorite, great website too.
Forestyforest is a classic
SUVrving, Jerry Arizona are a couple others I like.
l've been watching some guys who "find cool things on Google Earth" and go check them out. there's a few channels like this that got a bit popular lately, desert drifter, trek planner, thepovchannel is my favorite of them.
adventure archives is always a nice watch, good production value, and a different but welcome style and dynamic from most out type videos I watch since there's four of them.
I sometimes watch more world traveler types like Kraig Adams but then I just get jealous. I also occasionally binge watch some vlogger who is biking across the world, it's not something I really want to do so I don't get as jealous, it's cool to watch though just not for me

I spend way too much time on YouTube... I do go out pretty frequently though I swear.
hes 6'4 so he still brutally mogs you
for me it's https://www.youtube.com/@OvensRockyMountainBushcraft/videos
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The Woodland Escape

> Built shelters
> Hunted game
> Built a birch bark canoe
> Built a cabin by hand
> Built a blacksmiths shop
> Built an entire fort
> wee bit o' history

If Jon Townsend got old and became a woodsman. He's comfy watching.
Without knowing this guy, the mere fact that he's older and looks like that makes me trust him more.
It's the younger people under 30 who do the attention whoring and the market optimization usually, the older fucks often have a bigger respect for the audience and a smaller ego.
This is a Miranda thread.
ummm... u good blud?
Are any of us good?
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i like Xander Budnick
All the time. It's called national geographic
I like him and his content, especially the canoe island hopping stuff. Fun guy. Great ASMR.
I've seen a lot of them. They're nearly always fishermen kayaking or canoeing around. There was a relatively infamous video of a black fisherman youtuber finding a dead body recently. I felt bad because he's kind of a wholesome dude and it fucked with his head.
Maybe you should suck his wholesome cock, you nigger loving faggot
GAHDAMN u seethin
Okay, just saying, it's a black guy that fishes. They exist and they post videos. JIm Crow laws barred negroes from national and state parks for many years so maybe that has something to do with why they aren't avid hikers and hunters.
if this wasn't pasta, it is now

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