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hi guys I've started going out 1.5 years ago, when I started I was out of shape so I didnt do anything crazy, and went with a lower frequency, but with time I kept working out, rucking and now i got i good shape where i can complete expert infantrymen rucks in 2h47m which isn't anything crazy but its decent, and gain 1900m of elevation over 12km with a 45lbs ruck, I've always went on walking outings, tried snowshoeing, scrambling in summer, but never did any legit mountaineering shit, with crampons and ice picks, can you guys give me any advice or intro and where to look? I tried looking at CAI (Italian alpine club) but all the ones close to me dont have anything planned but normal walks, but I want to go with someone who's experienced for some times before trying alone since I've never done it.

also mountaineering thread general
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>I tried looking at CAI (Italian alpine club) but all the ones close to me dont have anything planned but normal walks
i moved joined a local mountaineering club, while they do host a lot of casual on-trail walks, if you talk to the older guys they know the real mountaineers and have non-public off-trail climbs, they just don't post about those because they don't want casuals being a liability

give it a shot for a couple months, if they hold mountaineering/climbing classes then even better
I've ready went with cai multiple times, but the last one was months ago, you're right I should talk to the old timers they'll probably show me some way, thing is I'll ship out to enlist in a month or so so idk if I'll have the time to do that, but if I get in I'll go in the mountain troops so I'll learn that shit anyway
and if I dont get in then I'll do it for sure

btw yesterday i was looking at some yt vids about the most dangerous climbs like anapurna, k2 etc and saw Simone Moro and his story, bruh that's some crazy shit, when he fell down and self rescued without his hands
Here goes the terrone di merda again kek. You're like a cancer, always come back eventually.
The Alps are full of morons doing "mountaineering", there's no need for one more. You don't even know how to ski and you want to climb on ice...
UEEEE UAGLIÒ abbiame fatte bbuone in shte muntagne finore? Cchiù ci pens e piu me ne venne voglie di shcalarn una di cuelle tipo muntebbianche, bashta chi te porte na pizz, nu tagliapizz e unu paiu di cuelli shcarponi bell'e'bbuone
based chechen operator climbs above royssia to shoot down at them with a cannon their family stole from a napoleonic battlefield in 1812
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That's a terrone, captain. Having them on your side grants a -5 to all attributes.
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not italian or as fat as OP but I was fat 3 times in my life so far lol
still waiting on my russian twig girlfriend to invite me to her swiss alps hikes so I can gorge myself on italian rich people food after -_-
>Here goes the terrone di merda again kek
explain? how is someone who goes /out/ cancer?
>45lbs ruck
is that the actual weight people carry when they do mountaneering? i've never done any 4K but my backpack at its worst is less than half of that
I havent carried that while doing mountaineering, it was a hike over steep and rocky terrain
I take you're not familiar with the saga.
He's some fat dark skinned south italian immigrant k larper that used to pretend he's from Milan, every once in a while he makes a shitty thread asking for advice on basic things only to disregard it completely and then coming back complaining what we told him would happen, did.
Last time I think he tried going on some Alpine tour with non cramponed surplus magnesium snowshoes and no poles KEK, he then came back telling us about he couldn't walk properly because he kept slipping, ignoring the fact he could have easily died. He's completely clueless.
That or he takes a small stroll he treats as some kind of infiltration mission, using that as an excuse to justify his military gear fetish which he invariably shows off in a thread.
He doesn't give a fuck about nature or sports, it's all about buying stuff and playing pretend as a big boy. Don't feed him useful information for his own good and that of those near him.
No, he's a clueless military larper. He literally went on a nice linear hike on a trail, our boomers do that in a day with no gear.
Got any links to threads to see his antics?
This is the snowshoes one:
He's a serial shitter and one that keeps on giving, if you look at his posting style you'll be able to single out his threads and posts immediately, he makes roughly one thread per month.
It's worth nothing this board is largely clueless idiots giving bad advice and egging on people like him.
lol you should show that to your psychiatrist, you've built an entire fictional world in your mind with fanfic and all, 90% of the shit you wrote isn't even correct but have fun obsessing over me, or people you think are me but arent like you already did multiple times lol
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>Everyobdy laughing at me is the same person
Maybe you should save some money on useless army surplus and get yourself some meds, uh terrone?
You're a fucking pathetic embarrassment, everything you do is laughable. It's even funnier you're oblivious to that kek.
manca la collanina con la croce
imagine being this obsessed, what do you think you have pointed out, the fact you even dedicate this much time to seethe over a stranger on the internet shows how much of a mentally deranged loser faggot you are
:( have fun andrea fumagalli from north Italy and definitely not south Italy
look for people on >>2767504

same as you learned mountaneering on summer, you go little by little. faster and safer option is to hire a guide for probably for 100 or 200 euros, in one day he will explain everything you need to know to then keep at it by yourself. it will also give you a chance to talk about this irl with people and see how non-autistic people think about it
He's been told all of this already, multiple times.
That aside, there's enough foreign suicidal morons on the Alps, especially ones admittedly caring more about the gear than the sport or environment.
>in one day he will explain everything you need to know
Not even close, by the way.
>everything you need to know to then keep at it by yourself
absolutely yes. obviously you shouldn't attempt a 4K by yourself after a one day course, but it's enough to get a quickstart, a basic idea of what gear he needs and how to use it, how to plan a trip and so on. then one can try out things progressively but faster and safer than without that help

>especially ones admittedly caring more about the gear than the sport or environment.
noobs care about gear because they have no fucking idea what they need, and are overwhelmed by the options and prices when they try to reasearch by themselves. it's normal, i also cringe when i recognize it in others now but have some sympathy
You can get a very good explanation from that but like any discipline, especially elitarian ones, learning comes from exercise.
He would not even remotely be ready after a chat or reading a manual, though would have false confidence which isn't missing from him anyway by the looks of it.
Gear ought to be consequential to the sport, for him it's the opposite, especially considering his is not even marketed for alpinism.
He's not the type I want to find anywhere on the Alps, please consider others might not be as fit, respectful and intelligent as yourself- which took me years to learn myself -and might be beyond rectification.
There's too many people picking up these sports, people already practicing them should be selective on who they give information to.
lol get off your high horse faggot
he's damn right, ice is no joke and someone without that respect is an extreme danger
I enjoy mocking you but people like you do really need to be forcibly put under control.
Your piles of surplus and a day with a guide won't buy you fitness, intelligence, skills nor good manners for the matter.
What do you expect from coming here? Everyone keeps telling you the same thing, you disregard it and end up being the only one paying for it. So far you've gotten away with little more than public embarrassment and wasted money.
It is likely someone practicing alpinism might have to rescue somebody buried under snow at some point, I cringe at the sole thought of your incompetent grubby brown hands laid onto someone in a critical spot.
You don't belong to Lombardy nor the Alps, there's enough detrimental people here.
suck the dick faggot keep writing walls of text I'm not reading and remember to dilate
It seems you struggle with self restraint, terrone. That's not going to help you get into alpinism.
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/out/ is pretty sour grapes about mountaineering. Nobody here does it because it's too physically demanding, so instead people just seethe about it and tell you how it's not possible. You'll have better luck on /xs/ or on the right forums if you do some quick googling. Good luck anon.
A couple weeks ago I climbed up the superstitious mountains to the flatiron summit 4,565ft up. First time I've ever done anything close to that and it feels great. I'm in Michigan but willing to travel a little bit, any recommendations on how to get into mountaineering or what I could climb next to test myself?
is this boot for auto crampons, or only semis? the notch looks small but the autos seem to fit pretty snug, i can see them slipping only with a huge sideways force

i want to confirm because i had planned to get plastic bindings for the front, just in case i can skip that

look up trails in wikiloc or alltrails, use the filters for elevation gain, difficulty etc
Semi-auto only. You need a hard plastic lip for full-auto or you risk slippage when you put weight on it.
I know y'all have been trying to force this meme for years but there's no such thing as full auto or semi-auto crampons LMFAO
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In my 6 years of climbing experience (most mediums of climbing) I never paid for a guide, nor anybody teaching me anything directly. I started out with summer mountaineering in the rocky's and eventually transitioned to rock climbing, then ice, then alpinism. I think this is a logical course of action to progress but I think it begs the question about what you really want out of "climbing". If you want class 3-4 scrambles in winter conditions, then your on the right path. read freedom of the hills (ignore most vertical climbing chapters), scour ukc/summitpost/mountainproject forums ,stay away from glaciers, and continue summer/spring mountaineering and transition to winter when you feel adept with your tools and skills. It would be a faster process if you join club outings and find a mentor. If you want vertical rock faces and steep ice gullies, there is much to learn and I suggest going to a rock climbing gym to start
No one who is actually serious about mountaineering has read Freedom of the Hills.
The Alps aren't what you have in america.
and the americas have what you dont in the alps
Strolls wearing crampons? Can do that too. Not everywhere is technical on the Alps.

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