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>but muh fourteeners
Elevation is a useless metric. Jut is all that matters
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The easy coast still gets mogged no matter the metric. Elevation, prominence, jut, isolation, elevation gain, climbing grade, etc.
Huh I didn't even know New York had mountains west of the Catskills. I'm curious about checking them out.
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>it don't mean butt if it ain't got that jut
>I didn't even know New York had mountains west of the Catskills
The Southern Tier and Finger Lakes are hilly but not mountainous by any stretch. The most interesting features in Central-Western NY are the lakes, waterfalls, gorges, caverns, rock cities, and lakeshore bluffs. Lots of fossils and arrowheads scattered about too.
I live at like 1,000’ elevation, and can run up the mountains when I’ve visited the whites.
I am gasping for air on every climb when I visit Colorado for 14ers
I'm jutting it now, commissar.
Topographic prominence and topographic relief are two completely separate ideas, and the difference is very important in mountaineering. Every western US state has multiple spots that have more then 2,000m (6600 ft) of topographic relief within 11 miles (10 nautical miles or 17.8 km), Colorado's case it has a location that gains/drops more than 2500m within that distance. Idaho hold the US record by having locations that drop 2500m in less than 6 miles (5.21 NM or 10 km). Every single western US state has dozens of 5.13+ routes in various locations (most of them aren't even at high elevation, the average is right around 2,000-3,000m). Colorado state alone has about 40-50% (about 40,000 sq miles, 103,600 sq km) of the FAA definition hazardous mountainous area (3k ft in 10 NM) as the entire multinational European Alps.
None of it matters.
they both matter. i don't know how someone who has ever climbed or hiked even moderately large mountains could possibly think that either is irrelevant.
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Jut is effected by glaciation. The Colorado Rockies aren't cut as sharply as the Swiss Alps, or the Northern Cascades, or other heavily glaciated ranges. That doesn't mean they aren't big fuckin mountains. Mt. Princeton rises 6000' from the level plain at its foot.
Lad. Don't be fat.
idk bro the rockies take up your entire field of vision, left to right and up and down they are imposing monsters
The Alps must be the shittiest place on the planet if white people have lived there for thousands of years and still can't figure out a way to bulldoze it all and turn it into agriculture or cities. What is it, just freezing rock sticking out of the ground at a 90 degree angle?
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We've turned them into cheeses
Nice living in the juttiest state :)
I wonder what the map would look like for Alaska? The couple times I've visited the mountains have been incredible. I can't imagine any other state comes close.
>There was no response
t. mosquito the size of a dinner plate
why are there giant mountains where the great lakes used to be

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