I want to go out on a nice spot somewhere in the woods and just play something. But because my instrument is piano it's a bit difficult. Is there any acoustic keyboard instruments that are portable for outsite usage for scenarios like i described here?
>>2800393Melodica perhaps. Or a small electronic keyboard like a Yamaha PSS A50.Or learn guitar and get a yamaha APX or a 1/4 size classical guitar. Even a ukulele works though you can do much more with a guitar.
Try a melodica. They sound a bit goofy, but they're also small, light, and powered by blowing into a reed which makes them ideal for travel.
>>2800393the real /out/ instrument is a flute because you can make one on the spot with just your knife
>>2800393>Is there any acoustic keyboardit's called an accordion
>>2800417>Feel like jamming: Just spend 3 hours whittling a flute bro.
>>2800413Unironically a great instrument. I have a bunch of Russian Vargans.