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Alright which one of you autismos did this?

>U.S. Forest Service officials are seeking information about the person or group that has been placing homemade spike strips and other dangerous traps across roads and trails in remote southwest Oregon.

>The federal agency said that in addition to spike strips, meant to puncture tires, there have also been wires across roads and trails reported in the Taylor Creek and Shan Creek areas of Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.

>“Reports have stated that the boards that hold the spikes have been covered with leaves, so it may be difficult to see them,” a Facebook post from the national forest said on Monday.

probably a crackhead
>The federal agency said
yeah, they're the forest jannies
its their job to call out that sort of shit
if they don't, they loose money
>forest jannies
you have seen nothing until you have met 20 something fresh and eager fishing license inspector who acts like a cop and flashes his pepper spray and handcuffs he bought himself
yea, i trust the feds, sure they would never lie
you've been putting out nail boards, haven't you?
no, those are screws, not nails, and no
what would the motivation be, fearmongering for you agency so you seem less irrelevant? no that cant be it! must be... idunno immigrants, or something! or druggies!
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whats more believable

>crackheads doing that thing they've done for years, and get caught & arrested for all the time
>its a secret conspiracy!!!
>plot twist: the feds are the crackheads
You a goofy bruh
You clearly don't live anywhere near mixed use trails. Moto-sport people are insufferable assholes that fuck up trails, leave trash everywhere, and leak fuel and oil regularly... that's on top of the absurd amount of noise they create inna woods.

Motor sports enthusiasts absolutely fuck up nature everywhere they go and worse they not only don't give a shit they can't name most of the species they run over.

I don't do this anymore but applaud whoever does.
>SW Oregon
That’s where weed comes from. It could be drug related, though I’m not sure how.
>Motor sports enthusiasts absolutely fuck up nature everywhere they go
im 90% sure they made it illegal to use regular bikes on trails in my country few years ago when it became fashionable due to that covid thing
I have no idea where you live. I know Idaho is full of fuckwits that love fucking up nature and call it a sport or hobby.
first time i have heard someone calling american states as countries
but northern europe here, biking breaks tree roots on trails or something along those lines
i think most sane countries at least separates walking/hiking paths/trails from motortards
No. What happens is motortards flock to an area that used to be dominated by hikers and drive them all off then completly fuck up nature wholsale. The gubment and (((corporations))) make way more money off of mototards so they end up just letting them do it while also pretending to care about nature (which they don't and never will).

The US has tons of mixed use trails usually in DNR and National forests... they absolutely fuck up the deserts which have the most delicate biomes of all of them.
I didn't call a state a country you ESL fuckwit. I used Idaho as an example.

>Most countries
Thanks for giving zero examples while not saying where you're from.
>i think most sane countries at least separates walking/hiking paths/trails from motortards
here well kept trails are kind of a joke, mostly they are just barely recognizable paths that go all over the country
big cities have their own local hiking grounds where you actually might see some other person every now and then, also nature parks
not entirely related but the other day i stabbed my hand on something pokey embedded in the bus seat and bled all over now ive been sick with this terrible flu for a week hopefully i didnt get aids
>calling american states as countries
We should start doing that to keep the comparative size in perspective.
that image really gives some perspective on how much of an armpit of a country scandinavia is compared to greater us as a whole
Except they don't do that. The forest service is run by the FDA. They don't give a flying fuck about your fishing license. That would be the people who issue them, your state. Sure, they do have agents that carry guns. But so does the IRS.
>compared to greater us as a whole
that didnt happen in america mind you
i was fishing with my 7 friends when this young dude attacks us from the bushes and starts yelling at us and shoving his credentials in our face
i was the only one who didnt own a smartphone so i had my printed fishing license in my car
he basically tried to arrest me for violating the law of having my fishing license 50 meters away on the parking lot with tears in his eyes because all my drunk friends were laughing at him

i felt sorry for him so we walked to my car and i showed him my permit
he let me off with a warning and we have never seen him since then
Game and Fish wardens (state level law enforcement) can behave like that in the US. One sperged out on a buddy of mine who wasn't even hunting and ended up getting embarrassed and reprimanded in court over it.
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get it right you yuropoor
Amerimutts live in a shithole with ugly outdoors and there's nothing they can do about it.
Pretty pathetic and retarded coping there, yuropoor.
kek and yeah both dudes deserve to be reprimanded
smallest authority goest straight into the head for some people
Ironically, this looks like fed behavior. They do it all the time.
>heh, of course we know what's going on, we're so competent o-of course this was all in our plans
They did it with the JFK assassination too. Pumped up this big conspiracy because to cover for the embarrassment of letting it happen.
FS is run by department of agriculture
well if you wanted it done right you'd use aluminum nails and you wouldnt use fucking wood. whoever did it is either a moron or a kike
>well if you wanted it done right you'd use aluminum nails and you wouldnt use fucking wood.
Why not?
So a crackhead?
American states were supposed to be allied but mostly independent countries. The word "state" means country.
in the woods? the woods?? a 2X4 in the woods and you think to step on it. unless its a trail it stands out
>American states were supposed to be allied but mostly independent countries.
Not really, no.
If you commit a crime in Oregon, and travel to California you literally can't be extradited.

It doesn't get any more country than that.
>It's more effective because it's harder to make and more expensive !111
Magical thinking.
High school was hard for you, wasn't it.
>wires across roads and trails
Five or six years ago, I was on mountain bike and hit a wire someone strung across the trail. I was moving pretty good and caught it under my Adam's apple and it scraped the skin off up to my chin. Pulled me right off the bike. I didn't see it coming at all.

It was incredibly painful and I had no idea what the fuck happened to me. Did I get shot? Was it an arrow? I seriously thought I was going to die. I was fine other than raw skin, scabbing, and a bruise.

It was in northern Minnesota in a national forest, but near a rez.
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So you learned to not ride your bike on hiking trails, right anon?
>Mutt immediately posts coping and projection
Sounds like someone's running a drug operation nearby and is trying to keep people away. Don't want people to discover their weed fields or some shit.
I hope they get not only the motortards, but also the horse people.
Now all that's left is a way to disable the bluetooth speaker asshats.
>the horse people
I think the horse people are charming, but maybe that's only because I very rarely encounter them and it's still a novelty.
what do you have against the heckin horserinos?
Libertarians are the dumbest ideology
Libertarians are the only group with any level of distrust towards the infallibility of federal agencies and not trusting the government experts is the dumbest thing to do because they're the smartest.
Literally the only argument is that people will gang up against you anyways so you might as well choose a side.

I just don't want to choose mouth breathing idiots imitating Hitler with their anti science rhetoric. And that is literally both sides right now.
Infallibility? The people crying "it's the feds" at every damned thing have propped them up to be the most successful institutions ever run. Everything bad that happens is the feds and they've perfectly covered it up.

I'm not saying they don't do heinous shit, but you lot have propped them up too far.
People are actually too stupid for freedom, thats the real problem with libertarianism
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>forest jannies
Top kek
tragedy of the commons, people are to stupid to self-regulate resource management because there's always one nigger that will take as much as he can because of greed
“House cats,” he replied. “They are convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand.”
>Utterly dependent

You say this as if the last 50 years of western human living patterns are the only ones in the entirety of human history, and you even say it authoritatively.

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This does not work, I have been putting them in OPs moms driveway for years and it has not even slowed the traffic one bit
What the fuuuck
Its OPs mom, did you read my post?
These things bring back memories of my childhood karate dojo where the sensei would tell us to do planks and whoever had the worst form would get the board of nails placed under their stomach then stomped on. No matter how tired you were your body would instantly find energy to keep yourself up to avoid getting impaled. Sensei said this is how Japanese students in the old days were taught to understand their inner strength. Actually I feel somewhat uncomfortable looking at them
>LMAO he took karate
Describe your bully to me. I bet he's exactly like me. You know back when I was 8.
If you don't want cyclists on hiking trails then take that up with your local government
Yes your city council controls the NATIONAL forest service
Brah you got tit-anus

Last checkup the nurse told me I'm due for my tetanus shot and I said nah, I don't really play in the dirt or mess with rusty stuff anymore. Not more than 2 weeks later I found an old tackle box and got stuck by 4 rusty hooks cleaning it out.

But nah tetanus gives you lockjaw, not the flu.
Then take it up with the federal government
>implying cyclists follow the law
these are just coincidentally showing up to keep attention away from areas Oregon is moving its massive migrant camps to which had about 7000 tents and campers in "fire camps" near roseburg they couldn't maintain the fake wildfire story when it rained for 3 weeks straight
Yeah this didn't happen
Oh wait, it did. Idiot.
-Jeremiah Johnson
It wasn't a hiking trail.
It's carteles protecting their illegal grow ops or drug processing labs
It’s deer season and retard entitled boomers don’t want people hunting THEIR deer on THEIR public land.
Simple as.
This is what it probably is. I've seen this kind of fuckery before in national forests all over the country. My favorite is some dumb yokels living in the middle of a long national forest road that want to prevent city slickers so they intentionally flood a low spot turning an otherwise maintained fs road into a 4wd only trail.
Paul Harrell's body is barely cold and the crack heads are moving in already. Time for a new hero to clean up the trailheads.
Cartels tend to be competent. This stunt just drew attention to the area.
The guys who check my shellfish license when I'm crabbing from a pier here in Oregon are super chill. They don't even care if you're drinking beer. Shit, my friend was trying to get a crab to smoke a cigarette, even.
No i gave blankets to the res
Horse people are fine with me. I met a qt redhead one trip and went on a few dates. Its the centaurs i dont like.
You need a license for shellfish in the USA? Kek.
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I might have to fit one of these to my bike.
I don't know how me using my motorcycle or pedalcycle hurts anyone.
pretty based
It puts ruts in the trail. If it's a hiking trail people have to worry about fast-moving hazards crowding them off of the path. If you're on a motorbike it's loud and annoying.
So do horses but this thread is defending them so nah.
I'm sorry you don't like the answer. Additionally, despite trail damage, a cute horse girl with a charming animal is a lot more likeable and more aesthetically /out/ than some obnoxious shithead on a machine who can't comprehend mixed use trail etiquette.
No, the tard is right. Feds are constantly full of shit.
>motorcycle *or* pedal cycle aka bicycle.
>seething about motorcycles.
I fucking hate these artistic Pricks too they have nothing better to do than just burn their bikes through peaceful neighborhoods to the trail near my house and then drive up and down it in there unmuffled pieces of shit. One little fuck bag does it after school every day it regularly intervals. I'm going to go into his backyard with a bucket of concrete and dumping into his bike after I tip it over
There's lots in my area. They take huge shits all over the trail and it's fucked when it rains. They're big and often nervous, so not pleasant trying to let them squeeze past you in a tight area. Some riders are experienced and riding well trained horses, but many are not and I'd rather not get kicked by a horse or have one fall on me because some falling leaf drove the horse into a panic.

Also I just don't trust horses. They're too big to be so stupid.
the fuck is this thread lmao
Welcome to the nu-/out/.
It's getting crazy out there

>Springer said Kjersem arrived in the Moose Creek area on Thursday Oct. 10 and set up camp, including "a wall tent complete with wood stove, beds, lamps and multiple other items." During Abbey's confession, police learned that the suspect was looking for a place to camp that Thursday night and had planned on this particular site.

>"As he approached the site, he realized someone was staying there, [Abbey] stated, Dustin welcomed him to the campsite and offered him a beer," Springer added. "At some point, this individual struck Dustin Kjersem with a piece of solid wood, stabbed him in the neck with a screwdriver and ultimately hit him with the ax."
Go back to reddlt newfags. The content sink you bitch about is you.
Horses are exponentially better than motorsport retards. You sound like the stupid one, horses are chill as fuck and even in the dense forest I live in there is always plenty of room for the horses to pass.
>You sound like the stupid one
My area is mostly mountains and steep rocky terrain but people keep taking their horses on these trails anyway. Yeah motorbikes would be worse but the horses suck too. Horse shit covered rocks are slippery . At least dog owners sometimes clean up after their animal, but horse riders never do. In some places, the entire trail will be covered with horse shit
>horses are chill as fuck
Some of them, but sometimes even they'll lose their fucking minds for no apparent reason. You don't know shit about horses if you think they're chill. They are very skittish creatures.
>Dogshit good horse shit bad
Fuckoff retarded Karen. Dogs attract predators and horses repel them and dog shit is loaded with parasites while horse shit is a fertilizer.
My family is geneatioal ranchers. I've been around horses since childhood. It is pretty clear you're the one who doesn't know shit about horses if they spazz out around you.

Also, the thread is about spike strips which are directed at motorsport retards. A spike strip on a rocket trail will have zero impact on a horse that can spot it a mile away
How did you get
>dogshit good horse shit bad
>at least dog owners sometimes clean up after their animals
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>horses are chill as fuck
that depends on a lot of factors actaully.
That is the kind of body created by alcoholism and stress.
Women must be stopped
Here in MN (and I suspect most other states) DNR officers are fully sworn peace officers and have the full weight of the law backing them. They can write you speeding tickets if they wanted to.
There’s your problem, rez. The only place worst then MN for rez problems is the dakotas.
>I'm going to go into his backyard with a bucket of concrete and dumping into his bike after I tip it over
You wont do shit.
Thank you for clearly demonstrating that you're incapable of grasping basic logic. It is unreal how blatantly stupid you are.

Some good but most bad
None bad

Continue saying stupid shit. It's amusing as fuck.
DNR is cancer and the logging cartels rob society blind and lie their asses off about the environmental impact of everything they do.

Considering how the brain dead retard who can't comprehend basic logic gets to vote they do it with impunity to the applause of morons.
I'm not interested in grasping the logic of a clear retard, thanks.
This sounds like a serial killer
I'm now disregarding everything else your 19yo mouth spewed out.
>The forest service is run by the FDA
Do muttgrels really not know how their own country works?
They probably put it out there to find it
Someone did that here right below a bathing tower, hidden under the water
Pathlogical shit
based fuck tourists and normy's
I've found trip traps but that's about it. Usually in some obscure place near private property but not on private property.
>Subhuman calls americans mutts
every time
>Subhuman calls americans mutts
All day every day

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