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File: unkownlocation.jpg (68 KB, 480x686)
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This was taken in Colorado, any idea where?
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You are a stupid gorilla nigger if you don’t know how to image search
i understand interpretation is hard for someone like yourself.
I know who took the photo, I'm looking for the actual location.
It'd help if you actually went outside.
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>reading is harrrd
Lmao I can imagine your stupid smug face thinking you owned Anon, but you just made yourself look even dumber
your question was literally fucking answered, you stupid nigger
if you want the actual coordinates, the ask the guy you "know"
dumb bitch
>OP isn’t wrong, the photographer who took the picture is actually lying
Tripling down on being retarded is actually impressive, and you should definitely keep going.

Are you also the OP of the retarded crotch gusset thread?
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If any of you retards had actually clicked that link, you would see that location is actually for a different photo, and the photographer actually doesn’t give out the location for the photo in OP.
>pic rel

OP is still the biggest retard for not being able to image search and compare similar images.
It looks like that area is actually Utah, not Colorado
OP is a facebook fag
he won't respond to that
Ok so where exactly was it taken? Kinda looks like Bryce Canyon, but not exactly.
>Go find it yourself
nah, out can solve this mystery and find where it is
fuck gatekeeping
nature is for everyone to enjoy
You are not entitled to nature. Go take pictures of concrete buildings instead, urbanite.
>nature is for everyone to enjoy
no, im right
Is...is this bait?
Hmm I don't believe it's ackthually Colorado.

Closest formation-type match I could find was Wheeler Geologic Area, but not quite.
I know where it is.
I'm tempted to post it because if you are so concerned about not geotagging a place, why the fuck would you take pictures and post them on the internet. If you want to keep a place pristine and out of public view, don't take a picture and then gloat about not telling people.
Matt Payne, don't post stuff you want to keep untrampled in the future
Tell us!
Captcha was annoying and tipped me over the edge.

It is in fact in colorado, near the Silver Jack res. The Cimarron river splits in 2 there and I'm sure this is the ridge on the east side of the East Fork between High Mesa and Sheep Mountain.
If I'm wrong, I'll bet it's along the Turret Ridge along the middle fork of the river.
I haven't been there in a while so I don't remember every single vane, but I'm 100% sure it's one of the formations in that area. Iirc there are some near owl creek pass. If you want to spend some time to find this exact formation, start there.
But yeah, that's the area.

Fuck you, Matt. How full of it are you that you'll take some pictures and then post and gatekeep them. Keep it to yourself in the future, it's the fight club rule. Don't talk about it with normies and don't post any pictures either.
Talking about it is the best way to ensure public lands stay accessible and well preserved and don’t become strip mines.
Its here
20°37'23.7"S 166°18'22.7"E
>penis island

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