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What is the worst piece of gear you've seen?
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Worst shelter, insofar as ones that are often shilled. Heavy for the price and size, uses 16 stakes, doesn’t have a vestibule, ultra deep bathtub floor and close fitting fly result in piss poor ventilation, and it’s too short for an adult man to sit up in.
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fucking Sporks
I found this one works better
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drinkin sugar wash from mine, works like a charm
>drinking out of plastic garbage
>plastic is le bad meme epic updoot
Stop being reddit and starting macroplastic-maxxing
It's lighter then metal
More durable
Prevents autism
Won't make you gay (like aluminum)
Attracs women and is 100% effective against grizzly bears
Did you use the wrong picture? Those are goofy looking but functional. Sporks are pretty terrible, being a shitty spoon and a shitty fork at the same time.
heh, i had the titanium version of this, got it as a gift, now it at the bottom of the ocean, dont try to eat cereal while kayaking, its a bad idea
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Yes, but same issue. I don't want to hold something that I put in my mouth to eat with. I've got sweat, insect repellent, fish slime, snot, or who knows what on my hands when camping. Picrel is what I use.
Wrong name, I guess. I hate the double-ended ones more than the faulty spoon version.
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Pre holey cotton t-shirt apparently for trail running at the low low price of 130$ burgerbux.
I looked that up thinking it was a shit post.
These are great. They're useless for 90% of out though.
Probably that spandex "technical" trash boomers and retards think is the gold standard of hiking gear.
Not pleasant to see their hideous bodies in full-body overpriced pantyhose. I'll spare you the picture.
Some ancient wisdom I heard:
>if you can eat it with a fork, you can eat it with a spoon

Just carry a spoon and a knife.
Try eating spaghetti with a spoon...
Just break it up before cooking. You're gonna have to if you're using a backpacking pot anyway. Or just use penne instead.
If you can eat it with a spoon, you can eat it with chopsticks.
Just make chopsticks when you want to eat.
That wisdom does not seem very ancient because soup exists.
if your soup is in a bowl, why not just slurp from the bowl? we are getting into Diogenes territory here
Drink the soup, pick solid chunks out with the chopsticks, carry only your beltknife.
Pretty tough to hold a steak in place with a spoon.
>has never had pho
There are literally a billion poor people who eat nothing but soup every day and eat it with chopsticks
I love my spork so much I use it at home
I've never had pho served without a soup spoon. Otherwise you don't get any of that heavenly broth
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Han Chinese and the Japanese use chopsticks. Pretty much everyone else in Asia uses spoons and forks.

And no, soup is not a standard poor chinese meal.
Uhh… just drink from the bowl? I mean, I’m pretty stupid, but I think that’s an easy problem to solve.

Oh so just 1.6 billion people who figured out how to eat soup without a spoon. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.
Whoever said that is roasting you
You know I have always assumed this was considered impolite but I just looked it up and apparently Vietnamese people don't really give a fuck about picking up the bowl. So I guess I'm the retard. Can't speak for other Asian culture though
That's just drinking a savory tea then following it with soggy noodles or potatoes. I want a balanced spoonful of solids and liquids.
Behold, this piece of technology is useless as both!
>American ingenuity

The opening on these pisses me off. It's fucking useless on the move. You still get a wet face half the time even when you're standing still to drink from it.
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what's wrong with it? As long as weight isn't an issue it seems like a good way to keep your torches and phone charged. I was thinking of getting one to keep in my canoe.
Who's paying you to post retarded gibberish?
Waders for fishing.
If you fall over and they fill with water they’re a death trap.
>The opening on these pisses me off.
I wouldn't take anything else in the winter.
>It's fucking useless on the move.
Stopping to take a drink isn't hard.
>You still get a wet face half the time even when you're standing still to drink from it.
Do you have palsy or something?
Are you mentally impaired?
Viets also use chops. I guess Koreans too but never been there.
They're not exclusively using chopsticks...
>soup isn't a poor meal
Its the simplest dish to make I think it's pretty ubiquitous.

Frankly I'm having a hard time keeping up with this argument, its possibly the dumbest one I've ever seen. Real achievement guys.

Viets aren't that weird, just take your shoes off and don't come by if you're pregnant on Tet...
The Bitty Big Q folding grill. Made by some nerd on a computer who's never used the prototypes. It's super intricate, fragile, and gets gunked up with soot and grease and bbq sauce so that by the 2nd or 3rd use it doesn't fold together anymore. Perfect example of the KISS principle.
Not bait and not actually "the worst piece of gear" I've seen, but genuinely curious-

Why the fuck do these get dickridden so hard? Huge plastic foam cup monstrosity seems worse in almost every way than just having a small pot that you can nest your entire stove setup inside of.
I'll give it this, it is very efficient and good in colder temps. Still use mine sometimes in the shoulder season if it'll be around freezing
When it comes to canister backpacking stoves, there are really only two specs most people look at: weight and boil time. If all you’re doing is boiling water, and are of the opinion that weight doesn’t matter, then that just leaves boil time. So why wouldn’t you use one?
Fuck off, if you fall over wearing them they fill with water. Ever tried taking off gumboots full of water?
Now put those boots up to your chest.
Jump in a swift river.
probably people buying 300 dollar fixed blade knives only to make feather sticks with em.
Yup. Absurdly heavy and huge for what it is, and very inconvenient to actually use. You are better off with a water bottle from the grocery store for 1/10th the price.
You get boiling water in like 60 seconds after lighting the flame and you can grab and pour it way easier than a pot.

You don't notice this benefit all that much if you're hiking solo, but it makes group dinner and breakfast ready WAY faster because of the time saved boiling. It's so fast only one person in the group needs to bring a stove.
its nice because it packs so small but i mainly only use mine during summer months
day long bike excursion, mushroom or berry picking or just little wandering around and that thing is your best friend to cook a quick tea and noodles
>Get a bunch of cheap Chinese shirts printed
>Take them to the range and blast them with my shotgun
>Sell them to retards at stupid markup

Fuck, why couldn't I come up with that?
Found the jetbrainlet
They pack small but aren't the lightest and only good for boiling water. I use one (I traded for it) just to boil quinoa and some kind of indian packet which it can just about handle without burning everything. The trick is to cook it in the packet in the boiling water.

Now that I have a titanium pot I'll probably never use it again, though. It also has a bad habit of turning itself off.
Jetboil is the worst heat exchanger stove out there. They suck if there's any wind and it is neither the lightest nor the fastest option. Get a Soto Windmaster stove with an Olicamp XTS pot.
You can eat everything with a spoon. In OSUT (basic) my drill sgt. made us use only an MRE spoon for every meal the entire 16 weeks. Was annoying at first but quickly got proficient at it. Now when I go /out/ I just bring a long spoon and a knife. It really is that simple.
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I really want one of these, but the single use nature of it just bugs me a bit. I also already have a stove that I can use for more things than just boiling water.
I use this lmao. At 6 feet tall after hiking for 12 hours sometimes my arms lock and then cramp up as I'm trying to shimmy into it. Still, I've never had a leak and I've ever had an issue with ventilation. Getting out of it to piss in the middle of the night is god awful but I use it for one reason, stealth, my entire setup is based around stealth.
Keep using it and its failures will become obvious. The people shilling this trash haven’t used it much, which is why we see it in “survivalist” forums.
>I’ve never had ventilation issues
That’s because you’ve only used it a few times. This isn’t an issue of having to experience something first hand. We can all look at it and see that it’s seriously lacking in ventilation.
I think it's more because I'm australian and we don't get the humidity.
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Enter, the master race of spoons.
The meme twig snapper someone posted a few months ago
>Getting out of it to piss in the middle of the night is god awful
empty plastic bottles are extremely light
Most retarded design ITT
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This seems like a reasonable deal. What other uses are you wanting out of a camp stove besides boiling water?
Weight is an issue. Bulk is an issue. Pain in the ass to protect from wind. The sensitive electronics are an issue. Too many moving parts. Gets extremely dirty from soot. Tedious and time-consuming to fuel and maintain for two whole hours just to get a single cell phone charge.

Even when combined, a titanium pot, camp stove, isopro fuel can, folding solar panel, and battery bank would be more compact, durable, and efficient.
Full ones are also very warm.
What's wrong with these? These were all the rage in highschool in late 90s to late 2000s. Its just a super hard plastic water bottle.>>2783510
>>2788827 When talking about the single use I was talking about the jetboil. I was glancing at one at an REI and I couldn't figure out if I could use it with a skillet like I can my half priced soto, which I've come to love.
There's only a handful of jetboils that come with a pot support that allow using a skillet, otherwise it costs extra to get one.
When I bought the jetboil minimo it came with a pot support but I was after that specific stove anyway for its ability to control the heat output, burnt meals ruin my camping experience.
Most jetboil products are a meme if all you wanna do is boil water, but the ones that can cook a variety of stuff really excel at it imo
It would be better to just carry the same weight in powerbanks in all cases.
the first time you ever bushwhack through sticker bushes you immediately understand the value of spandex and tight fitting clothing in some situations.
its over-used though. miserable and sweaty when you're just on a casual manicured trail stroll.
I do exactly that and such clothing would be ripped to shreds after ten meters, bubba.
Spandex clothing was invented for the sole purpose of embarrassing gullible people, allowing us stallions to set the wheat from the chaff.
>wow big vibes and mood! yasss slay queen! he's just like me haha so relatable, he drinks out of a brand name bottle that I like hehe!
Are there really people like this in real life?
First time witnessing normalfag internet eh?
like most of the children on here you speak from very little experience. chances are you live some place with no real /out/ and you've never gone off trail in old growth before once in your life.
I just use my knife to clear a path through thorns and beech and shit like that. One of many reasons I prefer a larger knife with some heft to it instead of some girly man "bushcraft knife".
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i mean the kind of shit you need a machete or kukri for. its all very very dense old growth forest where i live. i realize that's not the case for the majority of anons on here though. close fitting clothes are invaluable when you're traversing thick undergrowth, sticker bushes and the sort. spandex and also tailoring details like knee darts go a long way.
spandex is also invaluable for climbing and scrambles, rocky terrain etc.
i prefer oldschool wider fitting hiking clothes when i'm doing stuff that doesn't require mobility or close fitting clothes because they're airy but there's situations the spandex is what you want.
Never used your shitty skin tight plastic bubba, enjoy dressing like a faggot while trying to pick fights on 4chuds while I enjoy our real great outdoors as a normal man.
You ragged ass imbeciles are tiresome.
My spandex pants are made of a fiber optic technology that hug the flesh on my unique shape. They circulate air around my genitals and they wick the sweat off my balls.
its really wild what greenhorn little kids like you get away with saying on this board since its anonymous. your post oozes inexperienced little boy.
Seconded. It wouldn’t be so bad if it was reasonably priced. Muh durability just means it’s made from plain Jane off the shelf 210 pu-coated polyester. 1.9oz nylon is roughly $8/yd while 210 pu-poly is like $11.
The way you express yourself makes you look very insecure.
Spandex is retarded. Maximum freedom of motion just wear suspenders with the front clips attached to the corners of your front pockets, and kneepads to keep the thighs bloused up. You can instantly do a split like that and climb anything with ease and not look nearly as gay as your ballerina costume.
If you're not using a torch to control bramble you're a drooling moron
Anything you might need a spoon for, you could just drink out of the bowl or pot. You can eat anything with just a knife as long as you're not retarded (or drunk)
nah i just think its hilarious that anonymity lets you deceive people into thinking you have any clue what you're doing. a lot of what you're posting would get laughed out on all the other message boards, you know the ones where you can look up someone's profile and see if they actually do the shit they larp about or not.

if you don't understand the value of not snagging things off trail i really dunno what to say other than really low spacial iq moment.
climbing its not as necessary and there's alternatives though, fair. not for bushwhacking though. baggy clothes = walk home with your ass hanging out because your pants tore open. then learn the hard way i'm right.
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Bubba people that do sport have high testosterone which allows them not to dress like women and accept that people might disagree with them.
You wasted money, dressed like a woman and now are throwing a tantrum because we told you dun goofed.
Just let it go, this is a golden life lesson you will treasure and thank me for when you get older.

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