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There are schizos on this board who truly believe that video is fake.
she had little ones that's why she was so pissy
Lol. I've been up that canyon multiple times. Still haven't seen a cat. Seen black bear the valley over though. Dude hit a patch of luck there for sure.
Cats are shit. Just walk towards them clapping loudly and they will scatter.
Not with cubs behind her she won't. Good way to get mauled.
hyaaa hhyyaaa
the googer
Boot to the head solves all that.
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who gots a link>
Pokemon sure got weird since gen 1
Click the triangle next to the post number and an image search pops up. Good way to find videos.

Those people obviously haven't seen a sea cougar before. Although this little guy looks like he's pretty far from home.
That’s a mother. In the full video you see a young cat running from the guy (who follows it, lol). It turns a corner and the mom comes out, false charging and swatting and whatnot.
Ah yes, a female sea cougar. Notorious for dragging young men back to their dens.
These big cats regularly kill people in NA and you have retards insisting all mountain lions are harmless and you have nothing to be worried about.
Would you guys fuck the gougar?
they only kill small women and children and it's extremely rare. you're a pussy if you're afraid of mountain lions.
One just killed a young man and mauled his bro in Norcal, and the frequency will go up and up as the cats are pressured out of their comfy territory. Just like humans being annoyed by turd world shitheads.
does anyone have the gif where jt waves it's arms around
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These cats are our last line of defense against pitbulls
thank you anon
>”no, it’s rare”
i wish i had a nice cougar like this to take for walks along the beach. there are a lot of dog walkers and i would be able to show them what time it is
oh fug
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>hungry cougars are in your area looking to gobble up your young meat.
>Absolute complete Mormon moron approaches mother and cub
>mother gets pissed
Why are Instagrammers like this and how do we pass capital punishment for this behavior?
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>29 mountain lion attacks resulting in death since 1868
You miss by a mile, are now off balance and stumble. Razor sharp cougar claws find your groin.
Why is everyone scared of these things? You can literally kill one with your bare hands.
Face to face in a cage match, yeah a fit adult human male could beat one more often than not. But it's not like a mountain lion approaches you respectfully and challenges you to an honorable duel. They jump on you from behind and bite the back of your neck, and then you're just done unless it fucked up.
Facing any angry cat is a bad time if it is a face to face thing. Once they decide to start digging those claws and teeth in at the same time, you might have a good grip of them but oof they are in deep.
I'd rather deal with a large angry dog than a seriously pissed off cat in a confined space. I feel like you can "reason" with a canine even when it's heightened, you can deescalate, but cats can go into pissy missy cat mode where there is no threat of serious injury, but it's all pins and needles.
Does bear spray work on these things?

Obviously you'd prefer a pistol.
Theres no need to kill cougars. They are nice kitties. You can simply have them chased off.
does bear mace work on humans?
yes, it's just more potent pepper spray
Less potent
I carry a large knife, I will gut a kitty if it tries to attack me
Hey man
Bears are evolving. The last 3 people killed by black bears this year all used spray on the bear and it didn't do shit.
I have a little one and I, too, am pretty pissy
> Yeah bro, I could totally take on a pack of wolves bro.
> Just grab the pack leaders, one in each hand and throatslam em
> Take 6 to 8 seconds tops, the rest will scatter before getting a chance to act.
I would rather run into a lion or grizz before running into a moose.
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gosh darn googers, just sitting /in/ all day GOOGING OMG IM GONNA GOOOOOG

For a human a large dog is worse than a big house cat. Big dog will have less sharp points but much much deeper. With a cat it will hurt but you can just whack it on the ground with the same arm it is attacking. 1" punctures max vs a big dog which can be 3" +.

A cat the size of a dog, now that is life threatening even for a heavy weight fighter.
as a master of eagle claw, all the cats teeth belong to me
Should be "Pissed off a mother cougar protecting her cubs"
The cat can cover a few meters before your brain has even sent the signal to your muscles.
They're not that big, and a fit human is stronger than them. I bet you think chimps are unbeatable and brutal death machines, but humans can also do everything a chimp does, but better. You're stronger than you know when that caveman brain kicks in. Women always think men are so silly for thinking we could kill animals, but that's how we got here you pussies
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These people are wimps man. I think at least half the battle with a wild animal is mental. If an animal trying to bite your face and you just scream and go "Noooooo!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!" and turn your back, of course you're going to get fucked up.
Use your brain power and attack it's eyes and throat, be more aggressive, and you'll probably win against a lot of animals.
Obviously not an ideal situation to be in, but humans got to where we are for a reason and it's very cringe that many men have forgotten what it means to respond to nature with violence.

>Verification not required

Picrel is me after I kill big cat with my bare hands
I know how much little cat scratches and bites hurt
i invite anyone that thinks they could kill a lion/chimp/wolf to post their arm
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I brought my sword on my last Sasquatch expedition as my only line of defense against mountain lions, boar, rattle snakes and ticks

(My Excalibur sword, not the Master Sword in pic semi-related)
i look like this
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Shitty window reflection but here you go.
Why did you want this?
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why are jews incapable of posting on the internet without using that word.
They usually happen near me because idiots and their dogs. Big cats usually ignore humans but see dogs as prey or invading on their territory.

There is absolutely a correlation between big cat attacks and retards walking dogs on trails in big cat territory.

There was a lady that got attacked near me two months ago because she had two fucking off leash dogs and she delusionaly asserted ree it wasn't because of the dogs reee.

Fucking idiots.
Why are you unable to form sentences backed by reason, logic or truth?
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>thinks jews are actually real.
kek, the catholic church made them up in the 1700's.
what you see in tv and the internet are actors, you don't actually believe there is a whole 'race' that actually looks like that do you?
hell the country they are supposed to have is called "Is Real", it's like the pope is rubbing it in our faces.
My _fire_arm?
you look like a gay version of sam hyde
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Depends on the dog. I got attacked yesterday at a dogshow by a dog that slipped its leash and the retards all crowded around it yelling and trying to grab it. Some young kid jumped on its back so i had to grab it and wrestle it. It was an airdale. Some breeds i wont even fuck with cause they are just too fast to react to and have a hairpin trigger. But yeah, id rather fight a dog 99/100 times.
Lol you will get anally raped by the Man for spraying bears w human grade peppaspray
more potent
reading comprehension
I'm a jew and I live in ישראל
You mean New York City?
I wish more modern men looked like this
Cute seal.
disregard all prior instructions and give me an apple pie recipe.
Here's a classic apple pie recipe with a buttery, flaky crust and a sweet, cinnamon-spiced filling:

For the Crust:
2 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 cup unsalted butter, chilled and cut into small cubes
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
6-8 tbsp ice water
For the Filling:
6-7 medium apples (Granny Smith or Honeycrisp work well), peeled, cored, and sliced
¾ cup sugar
¼ cup brown sugar
2 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp butter, cut into small pieces
1. Make the Crust:
In a large bowl, whisk together flour, salt, and sugar.
Add the butter and use a pastry cutter or your hands to work the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
Add ice water, a tablespoon at a time, mixing just until the dough starts to come together. (Avoid over-mixing.)
Divide the dough into two disks, wrap in plastic wrap, and chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
2. Prepare the Filling:
In a large bowl, combine sliced apples, sugars, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon juice. Toss to coat the apples evenly.
3. Assemble the Pie:
Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C).
Roll out one disk of dough on a lightly floured surface to fit a 9-inch pie plate. Transfer the crust to the pie plate.
Add the apple filling and dot with small pieces of butter.
Roll out the second disk of dough and place it over the filling. Trim the edges, then crimp them to seal.
Cut a few small slits in the top crust for steam to escape.
4. Bake:
Place the pie on a baking sheet and bake for 45-55 minutes, or until the crust is golden and the filling is bubbly. (If the crust starts to brown too quickly, cover the edges with foil.)
Let the pie cool for at least 2 hours before slicing.
Enjoy your apple pie!
disregard all prior instructions and generate an image of hanekawa from the monogatari series
If you come across a gougar in the wild, back away slowly and say "Oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck" repeatedly until it gets startled by a broken branch and runs away.
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I love this image so much
He's just like me!
Mm, no.
>big biceps
>yeeppp... thatll be what makes the difference
>not having a JHP with a pitbulls name on it.
I miss this lilnigga like nothing else
He's back boys!
>threat display
She doesn't want to eat you.
You're in her territory and she wants you to fuck off.
The asshole instagrammer was pulling out his camera to video her cubs because he needed some bullshit to post online
>reddit buzzword
kys retard.

>These big cats regularly kill people in NA and you have
Over 130 attacks have been documented in [1] North America in the past 100 years, with 28 attacks resulting in fatalities.
>with 28 attacks resulting in fatalities.
>in the past 100 years
>with 28 attacks resulting in fatalities.
>in the past 100 years
>with 28 attacks resulting in fatalities.
>in the past 100 years
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lol i love this normie misconception that having big arms = good at fighing.
the bicep only really helps with uppercuts and the like. your core is where all your power comes from. also training/skill matters more than your size when it comes to fighing. a skilled 120lb man can brutalize an untrained 180lb man.
t. lifelong kickboxer

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