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>camping resources in the sticky are UK websites
This board is dogshit
This board is also dead.
Why is this board dead and not active of other boards?
theres the retarded sperg schizoing out about the Italian guy keeping it active
If you aren’t in the UK, do you really need to know where to join the queue in order to sleep outside?
There’s a small handful of know nothing know it all’s. They’re so dumb they don’t even know what they don’t know.
Not everyone lives where you live.
It’s probably 10yrs old anyway.
What do you even expect to learn from it, where to buy a cheap tent or jacket? Just ask on a related thread. Tdmyr
The UK users on /out/ are the dumbest, most aggressively retarded motherfuckers I’ve come across on any outdoor related forum. They’re also pissed off and angry all the time for some reason.
There'd faggots like this-> >>2784303 seeking reasons to get their (incompetent) pussy inflamed.

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