Just reminding you all the Moona sees all your shitpost threads and is, in all likelihood, making some of them too.
I think bvtm should kill himself.
>>93793927we all do, anon.
Friendly reminder that bvtm is a tranny from venezuela, he has a female vtuber model but is doing the usual "pre-debut" faggotry that all vtweeters do.
>>93794181>no spelling mistakes>no grammatical errors>is completely correct and natural as an English sentence>this is ESLyou know you guys can't just say everything you don't like is ESL, right? ESL isn't just something you don't like.
>>93794188Wasn't he a flip living in Canada now he's Venezuelan? Next you'll tell me he's Arab
>>93794281The guy from canada is an indian and he's part of the bvtm clique, he actively participated in the gore/porn/doxx spam raid of holoplus.
>>93794281Mahdeen is the canadian
>>93794281He's a Brazilian, just look at his behavior
>>93794235I think he means Moona.
>>93794235it's incorrect for moona to use the past tense of "call" there
>>93793644>hololive member associating with a holoanti who facedoxxed her coworkersExtremely grim.
>>93793927You know it
>>93793644I hope she sends Risu screencaps from every time I posted about how much I want to have sex with Risu
>>93794697What the fuck is she doing? Someone should tell her.
>>93794235>no grammatical errorswrong>is completely correct and natural as an English sentencewrong>all the Moona seesYou do your best and you still fail.
Moona laughs like those two kids on the adult swim show home movies
>>93794812Her thread already told her.
>>93793927this first post is the best first post of all fpbps
>>93793644>>93795888This woman is retarded kek.
>>93795888whys everyone barefoot in there?
>>93794235I mean>all the Moona sees all your shitpost threadscould indicate ESL, even if it can also be indicative of someone losing track of what they're writing although honestly ESL just means some writing-related mistake nowadaysfor Moona it's just the past tense called
>>93793644>BVTM>IDLike clockwork, next thing you know she might have been the one that gave them talents pl info.
>>93793644nigga moona IS BVTM
Someone post the discord posts when bvtm raided the holoplus app with doxx
>>93794351wtf is holoplus
>>93794945>>93796932"The Moona sees all" is not wrong.
Bros... it's over, bvtm won...
>>93796932He's not saying "all the Moona sees all", that first "all" is part of "just reminding you all"
>>93793644moona was here before that account existed and before this board overall went to shit
>>93801952>fastest board on 4chan>went to shitNo, you're just contrarian and hate popular things.
It shows how much of a literal who he actually is
>>93793644Fuwawa mogged the fuck out of Zocochan with this new outfit
>>93793927Holy based