How bad is the botting problem in vtubing and streaming?I feel like I see loads of 100+, 50+, 20+ viewer streams where there's like 5 chatters. Is this botting or just there are really this many people who watch without chatting?
If you joined a discord or something you would realize it quickly follows the 80/20 rule. Antisocial retard.
>>93643403Yeah but why would someone want to watch something live and not participate?
>>93643737are you retarded or autistic?
>>93644534Dont see why people would watch live if they're not going to participateYou might as well be watching a VOD or a longform clip since those are higher quality
>>93643403that sounds high, I would say <10%
>>93647216people put it on for background noise
>>93647336So thats the swarm's magic sauce.
>>93648317Phoneposters cant relate, but if you work from home or NEET, it's quite entertaining and psychologically compelling to have something running 24/7 on a 2nd/3rd monitor.Just like our parents used to with radio or TV.
Twitch should look into vedal's blatant manipulation of stats.