The hierarchy of the cosmos is like an onion and is as follows: God (Kether) > Fixed Stars (Chokmah) > Saturn (Binah) > Jupiter (Chesed) > Mars (Geburah) > Sun (Tifaret) > Venus (Netzach) > Mercury (Hod) > Moon (Yesod) > Earth (Malkuth) > Abyss full of bad stuff (Qliphoth). Anything superior to the sphere of Saturn exists as potentials while inferior to his sphere everything exists as an actual. Saturn is the final boss that gatekeeps the exit of Plato's cave.Our accidental nature is subject to dissolution in Sub Lunar space (the sphere inferior to the moon where things are born and pass away), but our Essential nature remains in the mind of the Divine Architect. Therefore we do not die, only our projection does (similar to a hologram).The astrologers did not consider the physical planets or zodiac. At best, those physical things are like temple statues, that represent something that is embedded in the bedrock of reality. The zodiac is the 12 potentialities of this world, the planets are the 7 actualities of it. Our reality is entirely based on the 7 actualities of the planets. e.g Saturn is 1/7th of reality.
The 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are defined arbitrarily and they have no actual influence. Nor do the minor bodies. The rule is that if we cannot see the light of something with the naked eye, it has no power/virtue. The only apparent role of these objects and their ilk is to confound and obfuscate the true bedrock of reality.
The cosmos is built from the outside in: trying to remake it from the Earth up is bad philosophy and makes astrology non-functional. Heliocentrism and Geocentrism are true simultaneously. It's all a matter of perspective. Multiple truths can exist at the same time in the accidental world because the accidental is transitory and therefore not a closed book.
>>39649276Wrong. Moon is above the sun.
>>39650052No. It is nearest and dearest to us -- so near that we can ascertain its accidental features. It is the mother close to the child.
>>39650058Oh, you are talking about what you think you see.You are much further back than I thought.
>>39650065I don't see anything since the accidental is illusory. But the moon is the mediatrix, it is the medium between us and the higher spheres, and one of the pillars of astrological magic is using it as an amplifier to pour the influence of the higher spheres unto sub lunar space.
>>39649276It's 13 and 9 actuallyt. Knower