>the light in the darkness>the morning star>the hand when you're lostHow are any of these bad things? It sounds like he's doing the job God won't, for whatever reason.To be clear, Lucifer and Satan are two very different entities, even though so many people today don't see that. Satan is evil. But Lucifer is hope for the hopeless.
>>39630933“Lucifer” isn’t even a character in the Bible. Isaiah is talking about the arrogant Babylonian king. “Lucifer” directly translates to “luminary,” which is an influential or powerful figure. It can also refer to a luminary, as in, a celestial body. That’s why you see “Morning Star” AKA Venus mentioned a lot, but it’s only because people associated themselves with these shining stars whether symbolically or otherwise.So, of course “luminary” is going to have positive associations. “Satan” and “Lucifer” don’t exist as individuals or an individual. They mean “adversary” and “luminary”. Blame Catholicism for these rampant misconceptions.
>>39630984So you're saying nobody tempted Jesus in the desert?There are many references to a singular entity that represents a multi faceted enemy. If the context you used was the only context you may have been right, but you'd have to refute more than just what you mentioned.You'd have to refute a LOT of different scriptures.It pays to do your own research because little tidbit teachings like this can definitely lead you astray from the truth if you're not diligent.
>>39631017You’re referring to Matthew 4:1-11 where it talks about Christ being led up into the wilderness by a spirit to be tempted by the devil. “Devil” means “accuser” or “slanderer” and it’s typically not capitalised. I don’t believe in the notion that “demons” are the pivoting force behind evil and that one can be swayed or possessed by them, nor that they have a leader. That’s kiddie shit. It’s superstition and doesn’t really align all that well with what the Bible says.
>>39630933Lucifer is just a title, its gets applied to Jesus in the NT.Satan had a 'morning star' role, the night star that shines right before morning comes, that of being a pointer to greater things, but rejected it. Yet the name stuck.John the baptist also has morning star role, by preceding and poiting to Jesus.
>>39630933The Elites changed the Bible to make you think Lucifer and Satan are the same. They are not. They worship Satan and wanted Satan to have the title of Lucifer, because that title is indeed a good thing. The actual Lucifer might have been Jesus.
>>39630933History is written by the victors
>>39630984Maybe, but belief creates reality.
>>39631075I'm sure every country teaches vastly different histories, especially how they view wars with the US. The US is probably a lot less significant than we are taught in school. Probably where our egos come from too. How would we really know who knows/thinks what?
>>39631452It's a confusing mess, probably by design. Best to just focus on your own shit
Because its not. There was even a Pope called Lucifer. Lucifer shows you right and wrong. If you choose right you are rewarded, if you choose wrong you are punished. Thats knowledge of good and evil. We are eating from the Tree of life.
>>39631614Would you rather be living in ignorance?
>>39630984The name "Lucifer" is literally from the latin language, "lux ferro", the carrier of light. You can go outside just before dawn and look to the sky, and all the stars are no longer visible, but Venus is the brightest star, until the sun rises.
>>39630933>>39631614>>39632866I think it refers to the state Adam and Eve reached after eating from the tree which put them on another level of responsibility, a god like responsibility. Is an animal capable of being evil? They certainly do things we would consider terribly evil, but are they responsible for that, are they to be held accountable? Is it 'better' to be like us now or like an animal? The first one is certainly a more interesting story. We can see that many are fighting this responsibility, unconciously wishing such heavy weight wasn't on their shoulders, while some, few, are 'carrying their cross' and actually acting as if they are responsible for their choices. It is a nice story, feels like an experiment to me.
>>39630933if the jews are obsessed with it, it's evil.
>>39632994They're obsessed with the various versions of Satan, not Lucifer.
>>39631614lucifer is the knowledge of good and evil- the ogiginal sin. lucifer is saturnian duality, the trap, the checkerboard masonic symbolism, baphomet the tranny goat.
>>39632973Continued. I think animals have their nature, while we have become such that we choose our nature, we can be compassionate or vengeful, hard working or slobs etc. I still find it very hard to grasp and express how we choose, who is that which chooses, it's quite incomprehensible gets down to cause and effect and the most fundamental questions.
>>39633015>while we have become such that we choose our natureSo why havent you chosen to not have to take a massive dump every morning?
Venus was the god of the age of taurus.
>>39630933Depends on if he does bad things. Also seems to share an identity with St. Michael the Archangel when doing good. Likely both Venus which is also the morning star and the evening star, depending on orbital position.Wouldn't take much elipticism from current orbits.
>>39630984>They mean “adversary”Jewish interpretation, because they were Saturn worshippers in antiquity and openly worshipping Satan looked bad.
>>39630933Because he wants to take everything away from me.
>>39633138I doubt it.
>>39633023We are obviously part animal, that's a big chunk of the point. You didn't put much effort into your question. If you were truly interested you could have thought more about it.
>>39632894I think she is in the evening currently, but yout point stands.The Virgin Mary also should have a reference star as Queen of Heaven. Not sure if should be the Moon or Venus though. And the ancient Crown of and Mother of Mars seems to be another star, maybe missing Apollo where the asteroid belt is now.
>>39632994>>39632998Lucifer is probably the same as Prometheus. Light bringer/fire bringer. Maybe a dump of flaming hydrocarbons from Venus' tail.
Lucifer is freedom AND consequences. Satan is just "fuck you"
>>39631040>It’s superstition and doesn’t really align all that well with what the Bible says.But every christian believes in those things
Mars was the god of the age of aries.Jupiter is the god of the age of pisces.Saturn shall be the god of the age of aquarius.
>>39633948Well I'm an Aquarius. Say something good about me (and also something bad)
>>39633153yeah, so suddenly that hubristic, homocentric elitism isn't so elite anymore, is it? Stay regular.
>>39630933Lucifer is a title Satan stole from Jesus.He pretends to be the moon pretending to be the sun but it's actually both in moderation.Granted with that file attachment I think you already knew that OP.
>>39636255Help me please
>>39636623You're gonna make it.
>>39633956Good: you're independent.Bad: you're apathetic.
>>39630933>lucifer and Satan are different! No they aren't. Fuck you. They are both manifestations of a real Djinn named Iblis ibn Taw ( Iblis of the all) which detests being called shaitan. The yazidi call hin Malek tawusi (the "king of all," and they are forbidden from calling him shaitan, though admit it is his name). Crowley, and just about everyone who is magically anybody disagree. >what did he do wrong!? Are you standing out of your lane, passing judgement reserved for God in the resolution of the great controversy? Get back in your lane. Siding with Satan means getting resurrected here on this desolate rock once your friends and family leave and serving Satan for the duration of his mortal "eternal" life. It's a bad deal because Satan hates humanity. Iblis is sent here because he refuses to bow to Adam. Humanity being favored in the hierarchy over djinn is the source of Iblis' contention. He resents the rule of man here incarnate. He believes earth is his because his power is greater than man. If you damn yourself with his angels, you get to be here when he incarnates and unironically be a nigger slave to fallen angels for eternity in "hell," which is this place once God takes his flock and forgets it. Is lucifer right? Sorta. Is he our friend? No. He has plans for us. He needs us to usurp the other guy. Is God right? Yes. Always. This is HIS dream. And he will win because of that. Don't bet on the wrong guy, anon. Lucifer is God's favorite. He does a job: he separates the wheat and chaff with temptation and trickery.
>>39637770Also just a heads up, everyone here in /x thinks Saturn is Satan. This is laughable. Remember: saturn is "The father." The father is God. The youngest son of the father betrays his God father and slays him to take dominion of his kingdom. He is a God of thunder.The Koran says Djinn are made of smokeless fire. Tesla was an occultist obsessed with occult numerology concerning numbers that relate to electricity and infinity. 3-6-9. The father, son, and holy ghost.Zeus is a being of thunder: the son. The betrayer. The adversary. A Ha Satan, if you will. God's angels are real. They fell here and have played many games on humanity. They have pretended to be God's, aliens, paranormal cryptids, spirits, fairies, elves, all kinds of things. These illusions open our minds to reality beyond God, and allow us to walk a path that begins with a relationship with "spirits" and ends worshiping the fallen son of the true father. Seek saturn. By the way, Sunday is the day of the devil. This is a trick he has played on christians. Jews, Muslims, and seventh day Adventists know this and also worship the true God (saturn) and not the false God (the son/sun/morning star/lucifer).
>>39637813Worship on Saturday. I'm serious. By failing to observe the biblical sabbath, you are forgoing a true relationship with God. Spiritual forces listen on Sunday: they are not of our God.
>>39634499>Here comes a regular call out your nameChecked. I didn't think there was hubris or elitism in what i wrote but we yield power over all sort of life and we can choose and are responsible for how we do that.>So you're as animals and want to be like god?>Yes.>Here, take care. Will be interesting.
>>39630933He’s our father and we are bad tooo.
>>39637759nailed it.
>>39630933lucifer is jesus but you christfucks won't accept it
>>39638455to elaborate further reread isaiah 14:12-15>12 How art thou fallen from Shomayim, O Heilel Ben Shachar (Bright One of the Dawn, Day Star, Lucifer)! How art thou cast down to the earth, thou, which hast laid low the Goyim!>13 For thou hast said in thine lev, I will ascend into Shomayim, I will exalt my kisse above the kokhavim (stars) of El (G-d); I will sit also upon the har mo’ed (mount of assembly), on yarketei Tzafon (on the heights of Tzafon);>14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like Elyon (the Most High).>15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the bor (pit).let me ask you a question, who was cast down to earth then ascended to the heavens, rose his throne above the stars of god, made himself like the most high? hmm?
>>39633828No, they really don't
>>39637770Lucifer and Satan are different, yes. Lucifer works for God, he makes you evolve trough severity and pain when mercy and love doesnt work. Satan works for Chaos and wish to destroy creation.
>>39637770>>39637813>>39637820Muslim, huh?
>>39637820>trying to get people to perform work on sabbathGo away Satan
>>39642353Work whenever you want. That Which Loves is with you all the time, no matter what.
>>39642353The sabbath is Saturday, faggot. Please. Feel free to look it up. Sunday is "son-day." It is the day of the son, not the father. It is day 1 of the week. The sabbath is day 7. Day 7 has always been Saturday. Only the 7th day Adventists have this one right, and the rest of you out here typing shit like "go away satan" to the most based speaker of truth you can find on the internet are unironically Satan's unwitting bitches. Satan did this sabbath switch on christians TO fuck most of you unwittingly. Many such cases. Repent. Christ is king. Verification hilariously isn't required. Wonder why.
>>39643611It's "Saturn Day" anon
>>39642300I'm a Christian. I'm a Christian born in mutt-merica to racially homogenous Greeks from Arcadia. I'm sorry the truth sits hard on many Christians. Most of you are beyond saving because you've been complicit in the great deception, which--make no mistake--has been very great.
>>39641647They're only different because one of them highlights his nice features and the other refers to him as he is. The only people here trying to parse Satan and lucifer need to seek christ. Some esoteric issues are a lot more low IQ than you think. It really is as obvious as it seems, and primitive man knew the truth on most of these issues regarding spirit entities.
>>39643630Imagine trusting the Bible (heavily edited and altered by men for 2000 years) and calling other people stupid.
>>39630933It's repeatedly used as a title of Jesus. The song of the King who once ruled nations now buried under the earth is also describing Jesus' sacrifice where he spends three days dead. I don't like Christianity but I'll help people get better understanding of it so I'll have more well informed people to argue with.Another one a lot of people miss is that "Barrabus the murderer" was actually named "Jesus Barrabus," and the name Barrabus translates as "son of the father." So both people up for execution that day had the exact same name. Jesus the famous one we know was leading a spiritual revolution among Jews and some others. Jesus "Barrabus" was leading an armed revolt against the Romans. Not exactly what the term "murderer" usually refers to. It's more about the Jews in general wanting to militarily revolt instead of peacefully adapt as Jesus would have them do.
>>39643611That's the point you ignorant fuck, the mass with the miracle of the transubstantiation of the eucharist IS A WORK
>>39643630No. They literally have different purpouse. Lucifer helps you evolve, trough pain. Satan wants to destroy everything, return to primordial Chaos. Completely different situation. Free your mind from Christianty virus. Christ and christianity are different things as well
>>39630984it's heckin' ultra weird how Satan is barely mentioned in the Tanakh and then all of the sudden he's the god of this world during the Apostle Paul's Time and he's doing so much according to the New Testament!That's ultra heckin' weirderino!
>>39644563>nuh uh! They're different! One is a sadist who wants to shit on what God constructed and make you in his image with WISDOM, and the other is the same sadist--but painted red--who wants to shit on what God constructed and make you in his image with MALICE! I know They're widely considered the same being by people who stand against them and by people who stand with them, but fuck all that! MY cookie cutter opinion I took off strangers from the internet instead of thousands of pages dutifully read and studied with intention filled reflection is totally insightful!Dude, seriously? You're arguing like I did when I was in 5th grade. I don't mean to insult a stranger here, but get real. You ignored a lot of things that easily refute your points to try to dicksmash this midling shit again. Feel free to call me a fag and pat yourself on the back in front of your imaginary internet friends: you lost your privilege to speak to a smart person just now. This is the last from me. Take it in, fags. They're both manifestations of primordial chaos, buddy. Lucifer is what Satan prefers his western followers call him because Satan is a title clearly tainted by the sentiments of his enemies. This is why Malek tawusi, god of the yazidi has a forbidden name: shaitan. The desire of the being does not change in accordance to the mask he wears, and frankly he doesn't really give a right shit what you call him. It's funny how one can do a mountain of research only to arrive at conclusions miles away from the map coordinates, while a sub 100 IQ christlet who has never traveled more than 100 miles from mommy and daddy could tell you plainly that the great Satan has many names and titles, many faces, and many strategems in play. I don't need to sit here and argue with you anymore; you haven't a clue what you're talking about and anybody reading this probably agrees. Christ is king. Verification, well... you know.