I guess this proves space is real after all. No way they would keep a hoax like this going this long just for a gas
>>39645417does it matter? proof has never been anything more than a convenient disposable tool for retards here
>>39645417>photo of pajeeta and overweight boomer proves space[here's how]there's no po8nt in discussion with hlobetards you are fucking retarded gobbling everything space agencies shit out. If you once watched their live missions you's see they use windows xp with 2gb RAM everything stutters, they switch between cgi and visajeets in the studio excited about the said cgi animations and then it ends
>>39645417>>39645443>>39645578https://youtu.be/rxHIplSEVsM?si=C-Rfs7CfloXlvgJUFlattards unequivocally and eternally BTFO