In recent times I've dabbled in a few psychedelics, Ive always been curious as to what my mind would show me. Considering life was always 'mysterious' growing up. The first time I've ever done shrooms was the first day I went to church by myself. Ive always wanted to go to a church as well just to experience it yk. The experience there was odd, judging eyes, the fake holy spirit seizures, and the remixes of hymms etc. Funnily enough out of the entire crowd of people I was in the center and got "saved" by the pastor there. I'm a "human" now. After that I my buddy suggested doing shrooms and I pressed him a bit but we ended doing them anyways. It was around 8PM when we took them and hours later we were outside talking abt GOD until 2AM.A year later and I'm actually dabbling into these substances, shrooms and dimitri. Now one of the bad trips I had, In my mind it felt like seeing something I wasn't supposed to and essentially being taken to asylum if I tried to spread the word of wtv I uncoverd. It's like being given "your" medicine and being put back into this world but u don't have to go anywhere. It's a feeling similar to having to go to the doctors. This feels like an objective trip that's barely spoken abt, theres nothing on surface web.Second "bad trip" was experiencing back to back Deja Vu as if you are experiencing 'this episode' all over again. This is where you get neuralyzed and you get put back into continuity and you can't do anything about it. It's weird. I don't like the smell of the air and the taste of my tongue, being in my body; being human. You see why people believe in GOD, why there are atheists, why people commit suicide vice versa etc. As I dabble more the trips I have are memories of conversations I had before I popped into this planet. This was all intricately designed.There's this 'cycle' I sense, like the same take being shot so we can pose for history. Today is no different than last week.anything similar experiences anon?