How do I know I'm not dreaming or in a coma? I need to know that the people around me are conscious and not philosophical zombies. I'm going crazy over this.
you can'twelcome to hell.
>>39653586don't get lost in the sauce OP.
>>39653586you can't be sure, but you should still believe that other people exist. it's better for you
>>39653663well the redpill is that the people don't really exist, and neither do you. they are all buddha who is beyond existence and non-existence
>>39653672i know i exist. i dunno about your dumb ass
>>39653680you don't really know that
>>39653694sure i do>be me>think>am
>>39653586I mean in a sense, we can never know, but when I've spoken to people who have had comas they describe a dream like experience. I would say, if you don't already, try lucid dreaming. If you become more familiar with dream states it may help you feel more firm that this reality is real. Dreams are bizarre, reality isn't, and drama in dreams in dreams just for an illusion for you alone seems kind of crazy. I struggled with solipsism when I was younger, but then I thought to myself, what makes me so special that this whole illusion is for me alone? In a dream, upon waking, I can be sure that the world I experienced wasn't necessarily beyond my own creative capabilities, but reality is. I have known many people in my life, so many so complex, I feel it is wrong of me to assume they're mindless zombies. Each of us is a universe of our very own, I know how that sounds, but if you really manage to get another to open up you will hear things that are beyond your imagination.
>>39653586>>39653627This is by far my favorite essoteric video
>>39653704Which you exists the five-year-old you the 50-year-old you are they the same you if so how when they are so different Like how you and I are so diffrent
>>39653809we're different people
>>39653821Yes the 5 year old you and the 50 year old you are also diffrent people
>>39653827same consciousness
>>39653586It's just me and Satan here. God, dude is an asshole. When it becomes my turn to lord it over him, I'll give him hell
>>39653836Now you’re getting it
>>39653874t. Satan that forgot he’s Satan the ego
>>39653704nice original thought. >I think therefore I am hurr durr
>>39654156i think therefore you're a faggot
>>39654175I'm made of rubber and you're made of glue.
>>39654184whatever you rubber faggot