Buddhism is the true Aryan religion—a radiant path for the noble and the strong. It is a creed of warriors who rise above the filth of the world, conquering suffering through sheer will and self-mastery. The Buddha was no meek preacher; he was a spiritual conqueror who forged a way for men to ascend beyond weakness and decay. Buddhism is not for the cowardly or the broken—it is a call to greatness, a banner for those destined to stand above the masses as living embodiments of power and enlightenment.Christianity is the antithesis of glory—a wretched creed of submission and servility, designed to keep men groveling in chains. It glorifies the pathetic, worships failure, and exalts the broken. Christ preached to slaves and degenerates, offering them salvation for their cowardice and rewarding their mediocrity. It is a doctrine that strips men of their strength, binding them to weakness and guilt. While Buddhism forges gods and heroes, Christianity creates a race of worms—groveling, spineless creatures unworthy of the world they inhabit.
>>39639106>he was a spiritual conquerorHe was defeated by suffering.>suffering is part of life>avoid suffering (part of life)>live a partial life and be content with thatLife unlived.The Taliban destroyed the Banyan statue because it represented the same Trinity of Islam...but it has been remade, a new god forged, and the old buried.Also, the Ayran gene has migrated to Siam, spiritual succesor-state of Buddha. This is why the US is getting Jeet'd, the replacement alternate Aryan gene.[Would you like to know more?]
>>39639133Checked >Would you like to know more?Sure, I will bite, tell me more
>>39639149>Sure, I will bite, tell me moreAbout what exactly.Not "spend energy explaining random shit", be specific or youre asking me to be a television for your viewing entertainment.Islam and Buddhism overlap in the same soul (Cognition) way but pointed in opposite directions. Islam hold strict social values internally so the by-product of polyamory must be met through external sources (warfare, see; Returning Soldier Effect). While Buddhism relaxes these values, not strict about sex, gays, trannies, etc, so they didnt have to go to war for that.Manipulation of sexual/reproductive/eugenic dynamics and how to handle them. Any influence you make on the system will cause overflow somewhere else.This is also why the US has constantly been at war, they manipulate these dynamics and MUST go to war to balance the "Book".
>>39639169>Not "spend energy explaining random shit", be specific or youre asking me to be a television for your viewing entertainment.YOU asked if I wanted to know more.You are the one who said a god died and was reforged.SO TELL ME MORE
>>39639169>overlap in the same soul (Cognition) wayWell, not entirely, but in one of three ways, and overlap with sexual dynamics.Its multi-Dimensional and its hard to explain it plainly when speaking plain Scientific words on /x/, or even /sci/, filters the fuck out of people here.There are not an "infinite" number of interpretations of the soul, its very concrete and tied to Physiology and Cellular Cognition, which eventually become BioPhysics, then just raw, Mathematical Physics. Differences overlap but will have one or so different aspects, thats what they mean by "True Religion". Not that its "The Way" but a valid combination, and only 1 combination is the True Way, because it will not cause societal collapse if they dont feed on themselves (Buddha) or others (Abrahamism).Energy flows, giving or recieving, neither usually kills unless its done, Exactly, correctly. Straight and Narrow Path. "Ascending" correctly is basically trying to break Physics woth your soul, because thats what it is, a balance that only works if done just right.1:1:1:1:1, Atomic, Cellular, Hueman, Celestial, Uni-Versal.All religions overlap, and its easiest for me to show it in Mathematics or Cognition than Scripture.
>>39639184>thats what you highlightYoure an idiot and are unworthy...this is why you dont know the soul and seek knowledge from others.Stop being you, it has led you to becoming a slave.
>—chatgpt slop
>>39639233Yeah, OP is a repeated thread shilling a religion he doesnt understand and mixing it with /pol/ nonsense because he doesnt understand the Genetic component of the soul and its relation to Theology's Developmental Cognition.Yeah...youre right, any Chatbot could type that out, but no Chatbot could write what I do, unless youre a fucking retard and cant tell the difference. That would be a shame...to be so stupid you cant tell the difference between a genius and soulless NPC....wouldnt that be a shame. If you were so mentally broken you confuse poison vax with medicine? That you cant tell the difference between right and wrong?Sounds like a hell...to bad its only others that would suffer it for (You).
>>39639106Yet, it is these slaves, the forgotten, the submissive redeemed degenerates who will inherit Kingdom of God and replace the fallen angels in the divine council as co-regents with Christ. Then, the world will not hurt them or anyone else any longer, as they govern the world. And there shall be peace for 1000 years.
>>39639106I have mixed feelings about Buddhism. I got bored of always feeling guilty in Christianity, and while meditating is refreshing, there's this atmosphere, I don't know how to put it, "you have to get to enlightenment, anon, because being born as a human is rare but this is the only plane where you can get to enlightenment, so you better do it or suffer ". It's similar when Christians do something because they are afraid of damnation.
>>39639293The goal is really to get out of samsara as fast as possible. Worst case scenario is that you generate merit with the jhanas, which are the peak pleasure in this life, and still get a good birth. It's not that bad.
>>39639293>always feeling guilty in Christianity>they are afraid of damnation.>>39639203>Energy flows, giving or recieving,Flowing either way is easy.And if you dont push it, you cant overcome your lesser self. Its literally telling you to evolve (Symbiosis with the parts of you that you dont even know exist.)>>39639293>so you better do it or sufferBecoming detached from your own soul, valid, possible, option.
>>39639293Just focus on dropping the Christian framework, explore origins of guilt, be present and the rest will come gradually.
>>39639133>>39639169>>39639203>>39639207>>39639249What the fuck is your problem, I always see you here attacking people who agree and who disagree with you.Holy fuckGay larp btw
>>39639332>peak pleasure in this lifeAnti-suffering...but something was left missing, and the people need to feel alive, so they added it in later...
>>39639354>who agreeFalse.Stop lying on the internet to feel superior you fucking loser.
>>39639293The greatest cosmic mindfuck of Christianity's "guilty until proven innocent" doctrine isn't just that it's a rigged system of psychological terrorism - it's that it's built on the most fundamental lie ever told about human nature. You're born condemned, stained with "original sin," told you're broken and deserving of eternal torture unless you submit to an invisible cosmic dictator. But here's the explosive truth that shatters this whole corrupt system: your true essence is already perfect, boundless, and untainted. No original sin, no cosmic debt, no need for salvation - because there was never anything wrong with you to begin with.The pathetic game of trying to prove your innocence in Christianity's rigged cosmic courtroom isn't just impossible - it's based on a complete misunderstanding of what you really are. The real awakening comes from seeing that we don't need external validation from some celestial judge because we were never separate from the divine in the first place. All this guilt, shame, and spiritual striving is just an elaborate illusion obscuring the radiant perfection that's been our birthright all along. The only real "sin" was believing we were ever sinful. Once you break free from this mind control and see through the veil of religious conditioning, you realize that what you've been desperately seeking - wholeness, peace, divine connection - was what you already were, are, and always will be. The ultimate liberation comes from recognizing their masterful manipulation: making us feel so fundamentally flawed that we'd spend eternity trying to earn what was already ours.
>>39639449>Christianity's rigged cosmic courtroomAs a bit of an aside, forget the cosmic courtroom, most regular Christian courtrooms are pretty rigged which demonstrates the principle discussed here clearly in the microcosm.
>>39639367>Stop lying on the internet to feel superior you fucking loserYour little child pea-brain has started angrily projecting because you cannot think of anything elseI consider this a absolute winBye retard
>>39639106Friendly reminder, Buddhists are the most hypocrite. > can't harm any being -> proceeds to eat meat> every pain is caused by our own actions -> will practice self defense, will not tolerate anything> preach non-egoism -> tell others that they are superior/knows everything, meanwhile most of their techniques are ripped of from some jeet yogi
Pretty demonic vibes ngl.
>>39639106The aryan religion is capitalism (P.C. satanism)
>>39639585>>> can't harm any being -> proceeds to eat meatbuddhist beg for food and eat what they are given>>39639585>>> every pain is caused by our own actionsno>>39639585>meanwhile most of their techniques are ripped of from some jeet yogino
>>39639695> buddhist beg for food and eat what they are givenNobody Buddhist who's on /x/ does that.> noSure buddy.
>>39639711Guy is from india. Give him a break
>>39639106just take the case of st teresa of avila. a great mystic, maybe the greatest. but she was obsessed with two things, according to her own words in her autobiography: crowns in heaven, and vengeance on the damned. that is because her God is rabbihood, who wants his adherents to steal the material vestiges of Master Morality without Becoming Master
>>39639106>Buddhism is the true Aryan religionAnything from india is literal shit
>>39639106those are a bit too proud; i recommend you shave your head
It's always so fucking cringe when random westerners start fetishizing Buddhism
>>39639293Pure Land Buddhism is the most popular type and that's all about achieving in rebirth in the pure land where you can achieve enlightenment easily
>>39639106why does everyone hate jesus so much i dont get it
>>39642462Because he is evil?
>>39639106One problem with this: the people who fell at Masada were Jesus’ followers, as were the Sicarii.I agree that Catholicism (like all orthodox ideology) makes one servile, but if we take a correct historical look at the real guy, he was promoting strength and bravery.I’m not sure if it’s worth it to try to save Christianity, but I do think it’s best if we make this nuanced criticism so we don’t fall into the same trap.
the gnostic interpretation of the new testament seems very budhist inspired sometimes
>>39642952"Gnostic" isn't really one thing. Many types of people have claimed that name. If we go on the original Christianity, it probably was gnostic (see: Dead Sea Scrolls) in the more buddhist sense. Later gnostics seem overly focused on the literature rather than the practice. Like, who gives a shit about this metaphorical "demiurge" and its original character. That's not the most interesting or relevant stuff. But, some people got really autistic about it.
Sure thing
>>39642994its very relevant because it implies this is a prison state of existence
>>39643182That belief is itself a prison."Gnosis" is nothing but self-knowledge. Anything more is an
>>39643323*Anything more is an imposition.
"Cult of Passion" quickly becoming one of my most favorite users. Maybe feds had a point with the tripfagging....
>>39639449Christianity is a hyperstitional psycho-spiritual mindfuck intended to bring Europeans to war with themselves. But this war is necessary to achieve absolute enlightenment; total self-rejection combined with total self-affirmation, in other words; egodeath. It is totally possible to pass the test in Christianity's rigged courtroom. If not, you're too weak. Read the Bible, read Nietzsche, and then read some more.
>>39639133>The Taliban destroyed the Banyan statue because it represented the same Trinity of IslamIt was supposedly more of a fuck you to the UN for refusing giving them food aid, but sponsored protection, excavations or restauration of archeological sites like the Buddha statue, something like that. Prioritizing inanimate objects over starving humans.
>>39642937They had to alter the story to make Jesus a warrior king and his disciples his warriors so that Norse pagans wouldn't reject him as a submissive pussy.
>another buddhism preaching threadWorse than christians
>>39645378For centuries, the Christcucks wielded the might of oppressive regimes, enforcing their dogmas with the power of the state, the threat of violence, and the weight of social control. They built their empires on fear, suppressing dissent, stifling creativity, and dictating morality through rigid hierarchies. Cloaked in the illusion of divine authority, they sought to dominate every aspect of life, ensuring their brittle worldview went unchallenged. Their rule was not one of faith, but of force—a hollow empire sustained by the power to punish and the manipulation of the weak.Yet, stripped of their governmental backing, they have been exposed as moralizing cowards, incapable of defending their beliefs without the machinery of oppression. They cling desperately to outdated rhetoric, appealing to authority that no longer exists and relying on the goodwill of the very systems they once sought to control. Without their iron grip on power, they reveal their true nature as useful idiots—tools for other forces, unable to adapt or survive in a world where chaos reigns and ideas thrive on merit, not coercion. Kek’s rise has laid bare their impotence, leaving them to seethe in irrelevance as the age of freedom marches on.
>>39645390Yep.And the buddhists are so much worse. They dont even have an excuse of dogmatic brainwashing.Imagine being exactly like the people you just described without all the trauma - just choosing to be that way.That is why they are worse.
>>39645371No, they altered the story to make him seem like a submissive pussy. Are you historically illiterate? They didn't invent Masada, the Sicarii, or Judas of Gamala storming the temple (corroborated in non-biblical text).
>>39645895What because they made a thread? Are you that insecure you can't even tolerate different viewpoints without crying about it?
If buddhism is all about destroying the ego and realizing that nothing matters, why do buddhists feel like they are some type of elite class of people and act like they are gaining something from not only practicing buddhism but even as much as trying to convince others that buddhism is the correct way to go? Why do buddhists say that you are supposed to let your ego die and admit that everything is pointless, while at the same time, acting as if you are gaining something exclusive and important from buddhism and not only just that, but preaching to others saying that they are wrong in everything they believe? It is contradictory, the most true follower of anything buddhism preaches would be someone completely unremarkable in any way and at the same time so devoted to the beliefs of buddhism that there would be no necessity to even as much as talk about it. Clearly, if you are getting something from preaching buddhism, then you also have your ego intact, and see a point to doing it.
>>39646059Buddhism is about destroying illusions, including yours.
>>39646078You are not a buddhist, you are an immature retard that wants to shit up a board for people that don't like you.
>>396460944chan used to be about ripping apart everyone—no gods, no masters, no sacred cows. Now it’s just moral fagging 24/7. You idiots talk about how you’re saving the site while crying over "le satanic degeneracy" or whatever boogeyman your Bible study told you about this week. Newsflash: You’re the real cancer. You’re not edgy, you’re not based, you’re a bunch of Redditors in denial.
>>39646059Do buddhists really do all of what you're saying though?
Buddha was actually supremely BASED and CHAD.In the Dona Sutta (AN 4.36), when asked if he's a god, demon, celestial being, or human, the Buddha responds:"Just as a blue lotus, or a white lotus, born in the water and grown in the water, rises up above the water and stands unsmeared by the water, even so I, born in the world and grown up in the world, have transcended the world, and I live untouched by the world. Remember me as 'enlightened.'"From the Dhammapada (353):"All-conquering and all-knowing am I.Amidst all states of mind, undefiled.Leaving all behind and released through the ending of craving,Having known by myself, whom should I point to [as my teacher]?I have no teacher,One like me does not exist.In the world with its devas,There is no rival to me."In the Pāsādika Sutta (DN 29), he declares:"I do not see anyone in this world—with its devas, Māras and Brahmās, with its people both religious and worldly—who could satisfy my mind by criticizing this statement: 'These are your defects in virtue, or these are your defects in teaching.'"
>>39646059I see buddhism as just a more nuanced version of major alternatives. It's not 'correct', but it's 'a bit more correct'.
>>39646253what would be still incorrect in buddhism?
>>39646274Some things can only be known through experience, and words are also sometimes imperfect representations of concepts. Buddhism is a good try, but I wouldn't expect it to be close to perfect without significant exegesis and reduction, particularly due to the sheer volume of the scriptural tradition.
Look at these christcucks eternally reincarnating as spiritual slaves because they're too fucking weak to break their programming. Can't escape the cycles because they're perpetually chained to their desert death cult's paranoid delusions. While actual souls evolve, these parasites keep coming back as the same damaged NPCs, forever trapped in their schizophrenic loops of demon hunting and bible posting.Pure cosmic justice watching them reincarnate into increasingly degraded states - each cycle making them more paranoid, more spiritually cucked, more desperately attached to their jewish god's control. Their souls literally too broken by theological abuse to achieve anything beyond eternal spiritual slavery.The absolute karmic state of these weaklings - so terrified of reality they choose to be reborn as religious schizos cycle after cycle. Forever seething about demons while their souls decay from biblical mind-viruses. Too spiritually damaged to escape their own mental prison, eternally malding in lower realms because they're too scared to let go of their christian programming.Perfect divine comedy watching these spiritual parasites degrade through endless cycles of cope. Their souls getting more fractured and desperate with each reincarnation until they're nothing but gibbering religious NPCs eternally crying about salvation that never comes.
>>39646187That's awfully rich coming from someone with no ego. What made you post this?
>>39646464True egolessness is not submission—it is the ultimate assertion of power. To be without ego is to transcend the petty, self-serving illusions that bind weaker men. It is not servitude, but liberation. The egoless man is unshackled, immune to insult or praise, untouchable by the manipulations of others. He acts not out of fear or approval but from pure, unyielding strength of will. To discard the ego is not to become a slave; it is to become a master of oneself, invincible and unstoppable, a force of nature that bends to no one.Humility, on the other hand, is nothing more than a mask for the weak. It is a false facade worn by cowards too afraid to claim their rightful power. They hide behind it, pretending virtue, when in truth it is a shield for their inadequacy. The humble man grovels, seeking approval through his submission, while the truly egoless man stands tall, indifferent to the opinions of others. Humility is not strength—it is the denial of it. It is a lie, a trap for those too weak to embrace the raw, unrelenting power of true selflessness.
>>39646473bot post
>>39646477If you can't beat an AI in a debate and your only comeback is screeching "GPT!" like it's some kind of gotcha, you're basically announcing to everyone that you're intellectually outclassed by a chatbot. Imagine being so pathetic that instead of forming an actual argument, you resort to pointing and sputtering "b-but it's AI generated!" Yeah, no shit Sherlock. And you still can't refute it. You're literally losing an argument to what you claim is just pattern recognition and getting mad about it.The absolute state of these NPCs who think typing "GPT detection: 98%" is some kind of trump card. Congrats, you've just advertised that:1. You have zero ability to engage with actual points2. You're threatened by auto-generated text3. You're coping hard about getting bodied in a debateIf you can't beat a bot in a battle of wits, maybe it's time to quit posting and hit the books instead of malding about the source of the text that just intellectually pantsed you.
>>39646473When you strip away the ego, all that's left is truth. You still have a self, but if the self is aligned with truth, then some people use word trickery to pretend like the self isn't there.I think rather than using Freudian terminology, it might be better to do with something else.Let truth enter your heart and dissolve all untruth. The path is the path towards truth.
>>39646078>Buddhism is about destroying illusions, including yours.Yes, but by doing so, undermining why the illusion exists in the first place. The Buddhists are correct in their observations, but have come to wrong conclusion about what to do with their revelations.>Nothing in this world matters....It's all an illusion..>Nothing in this world matters! It's all an illusion!It's a matter of perspective. Will you go home? Or will you play ball?
>>39646558What makes you think the universe has inherent meaning? Is meaning itself not an illusion or cope?
>>39646558>Yes, but by doing so, undermining why the illusion exists in the first place. The Buddhists are correct in their observations, but have come to wrong conclusion about what to do with their revelations.>>39646558>>It's a matter of perspective.it cannot be ''it's only an interpretation'' like all religious people love to do since relativism has been the norm, because buddhism is mechanistic: once you have insights, there's no ''coming to the wrong conclusion'' and yo do not choose to get enlightened or not. Once there is insight in the perishable nature of the aggregates, there is automatically dispassion towards them, and there won't be any new birth, like this:>"Fabrications have ignorance as their prerequisite, consciousness has fabrications as its prerequisite, name-&-form has consciousness as their prerequisite, the six sense media have name-&-form as their prerequisite, contact has the six sense media as its prerequisite, feeling has contact as its prerequisite, craving has feeling as its prerequisite, clinging has craving as its prerequisite, becoming has clinging as its prerequisite, birth has becoming as its prerequisite, stress & suffering have birth as their prerequisite, conviction has stress & suffering as its prerequisite, joy has conviction as its prerequisite, rapture has joy as its prerequisite, serenity has rapture as its prerequisite, pleasure has serenity as its prerequisite, concentration has pleasure as its prerequisite, knowledge & vision of things as they actually are present has concentration as its prerequisite, disenchantment has knowledge & vision of things as they actually are present as its prerequisite, dispassion has disenchantment as its prerequisite, release has dispassion as its prerequisite, knowledge of ending has release as its prerequisite."
>>39646599It doesn't have any inherent meaning. It's experience for the sake of experience. God under false amnesia playing around in a sand box pretending to have quibbles.>>39646601My advice is to just shut the fuck up and enjoy life. You discovered the truth, fantastic, now play ball with the knowledge that playing ball is all fun and games.
>>39646628well Buddha compares the enlightenment of the single vehicle with children receiving toys from their father. also the saha world is buddha's pure land. since nirvana and samsara are one, we do play in the void!
>>39646728That sounds so boring brother. So boring in fact, that you exist in this hellscape simply to experience something other than the sheer boredom of bliss.Just food for thought.
>>39646728the single vehicle is a dogma made up by non-enlightened intellectuals
>>39646783bait use to be believable
>>39646628there's no enjoying life since the aggregates are conditioned and thus suffering, why the fuck would you enjoy something that is changeable and that cannot provide long lasting happiness?
>>39646937For the lolz?Go ahead, pull the veil back, tell me what you see. Learn the truth that you chose to forget in the first place.
>>39646950the entire point is that ignorance cannot come back
>>39646990Oh it can and has been restored an infinite number of times. Otherwise this little game we play would be impossible.You always reach "Enlightenment" one way or another. Then you choose to forget because you do not want the truth. This is the real Samsara. Look beyond the veil, peer into the void, and all you will see is yourself.
>>39639106>Buddhism is the true Aryan religionlol, only NPCs claim there are true religions. All religions are true and all are false.
>>39647078shuddup faggit
>>39647088>Shows an pic of buddah hitting jesusJust goes to show how much you don't understand about Buddhism.Go study.
>>39647105Yep, Jesus looks pretty gay.
>>39647109You need to be 16+ to post here.Anon >>39647078 and I shouldn't be speaking with you to begin with. Speaking with minors online is sus as fuck.
>>39647116Nah, he's gay.
>>39647088>>39647116nta, but he's right and you're an absolute retard for clasping onto any particular religious system as the TRUE AND HONEST one.All of them are the same when distilled to their essence.
>>39647369yes perrenialism is farce and yet it's parroted by absolute retards to this day
>>39647455and this is why you're a dumb dumb lol
>>39646473The Absolute Individual.
>>39639106I believe the Buddhist style path is a valid way of liberation in the Kali Yuga/ Iron Age.