why is this retarded?
>>39646276Whats that supposed to accomplish?
>>39646423im not sure, im just trying to cohere on somethingthe goal is something like healing i think, maybe. process of love, focus on spirit, particles of anger, identification, openness.>>39646416+1 sin forgiven by christ
>>39646423Connect to your higher self or theosis, kill the lower self / ego / demiurge.
>>39648045actually the exact opposite. its meant as the salvation of the wronged lower self against the demiurge above.
>>39648169To me it felt as the ego was discarded and I went from earth realm to divine realm and stayed there, you become not the body and not the mind, mostly Atman or Brahman.
>>39646276Uh, i dunno,You tell me, why are you saying its retarded?
>>39650137it feels lacking, or somehow dickless
>>39646276The outer boundary with the four elements represents the barrier between the world outside the operation and the operation itself. The focus is on passive learning or speaking, under pisces so the request relates to something deep in the unconscious, sulfur represents masculinity and the soul, aqua vitae represents quintessence.
>>39651183the outer ring is also procedural, its not meant to be a passive structure but rather a rotation. is there some better way of articulating it?the center ring is meant to adorn the otherworld with 3 binding elements. one sulphur, one representing empathy, one descent. is this appropriate?