I guess this concerns us.Since the 1960s there has been a controlled revolution taking place about every decade where 'youth' overtakes cultural influence through iconoclasm which influences commercial trends like fashion. (This does seem to be slowing down) Certain individuals are socially elevated from their cohorts as influencers or celebrities and the masses blindly attribute to them a godlike nature as if their brainwashed behaviour meant they are somehow special. Magic is about control, the cheapest way to pressure one's immediate reality into changing as per one's vision is through deceit and it seems to me like the souls who have abandoned the principles that bring structure to their life (family, vocation, church) are somehow trained to deceive themselves in favour of the government with the promise that if they do so and become delusional enough they might be like these aforementioned idols and life will be easy for them as everything the idols do will be forgiven. The sheeple have rallied around deceivers, antichrist aspirants and worst of all "great men" of history but with mass media it seems like this phenomenon has largely become a form of manipulating individuals rather than given interest groups. Pop culture is really a large blight of distraction, and the combination of mkultra influenced new age "spirituality" and the idea of an Age of Aquarius has people thinking the people they admire out of desperation are somehow spiritually liberated. This becomes a notion of bringing unconditional love and freedom to the world through sheer individualism but I am skeptic of it all, I don't trust it. I can't trust it or understand it, beauty is the highest principle and it does not come exclusively from these comfortable things.
>>39646264Just some corrections>will be forgivenBy society>their brainwashed behaviorThe idols but also the masses
>>39646264>zoomer tradcath thread no. 5495443
>>39646264You know, the modern enlightened atheists, at the prospect of "worshipping" actual people like the pagans used to do with divine bloodlines and deified rulers, would probably say something like "pfffft, we'd never do that, it's ridiculous!" And yet, then you have creations like the Dr Fauci vaccines song which is just a religious prayer tailored for the gayness of the 21st century. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywTd7u3kkuEYeah I guess that's what I think. We've returned to "My idol is better than your idol!" kind of paganism, yet instead of wars with rape and pillage, we have internet drama about Youtubers now.
>>39646264Celebrities are actually the most godly people on earth. Also they are liars.
>>39646348>tradI wish>zoomerStop letting marketing teams teach you vocabulary. Medieval astrology does agree with me also, especially about the Age of Aquarius.>>39646356No, I disagree. It is too decadent and unprincipled, if anything the world would have to repaganize in order to forget this horrible stage. I think people are actually influenced by secretive elites who re-educdated commonfolk to be atheist are and atheists are goofy dumbasses. >>39646921Nice meme; lots of racebaiting, pretending to be poor (or frompoor backgrounds) or mentally ill for le tortured artist cred. Not sure how they're godly still, perhaps mkultra'd so hard they get good at singing but that's no gift of Apollo the way it's all made to demoralize listeners.
People with influence have always relied on talented but unprincipled subordinates in the fields of strategy, theology, art, commerce, entertainment, etc. It is not new; but this XXI century does have a question that needs to be answered and that is concerning the ontology of humanity: What is a human and what is being a human for? Certain scientificist ideas like climate change actively deride the role of humanity and stand in contradiction with progress. But progress itself in this way where corporations and governments advance, become rich and trample bystanders and opposition also quiet any possible answers and not only with their leaders promoting new age quantum obscurantism but also with distracting possible inquirers with reactions to the ill effects of their actions.
>>39646264I was having similar kind of tought this past week. All this esoteric knowledge seems like just another path to the same destination. >Oh you dont like beein a slave? Take this cheat codes and go be a slave anywayIt worked great when no one knew about it. Knowledge is so open and free now it make me skeptic, they must be hiding some greater knowledge
>>39647367Sometimes parents sell their kids out for fame, that's how some child actors begin. The point here is that magic is about control, and most of the time anything that seems like magical attainment is really a path designed to misguide whoever takes it and favour the illusionist. Youth culture as a whole is designed this way, it's social engineering by CIA; the scam consists of "awakening others" or "redpilling" them to chimaeras like "late capitalism" and "pretty privilege" which frankly is a damn shame when people start hitting age 25 or so because so many of them wholeheartedly believed they would bring about a new epoch by just being kind. Dreams crushed, it's over kinda' meme. Those of us who saw the shadows on the wall for shadows they are and not real objects playing scenarios to imitate divided into those who gave up and rightfully sold out or those who tried to sell out and were liberated by accident and are probably destined to homelessness. The ones that should rule do not rule nowadays.
>>39646264Yeah the people who most think theyre fighting the system are... notLook if i told you sheeple would just flock to it. Recently there have been a lot of posts on titkok protesting gentrification... and suddenly that badbunny piece of shit singer releases an album talking about it and oh now hes a hero. Theyre always ready to suffocate any genuine action or discussionAnd i dont know, every esoteric author from the mid twenty century seems to talk about the age of aquarius but they cant seem to agree what it meansAstronomically its just the receeding equinox, but astrologically.... hmmm
>>39646356OP hereActually you're right in that it is worship, it is a strange messianic worship too because they take celebrities and their shortcomings as good things for them, in ways it is also a form of emotional appeasement as well. Strange stuff. They essentially treat celebrities as going through things for them: breakups, drug use, selling their soul not working out for them and the fans just think "wouldn't want to be him/her but that's the kind of person I want making my "art"/entertainment" consoomers, man. Wtffff it's really a schadenfreude, not even devotion because imo you can only be devout to Jesus as He demands certain things but this is really just cruel schadenfruede.
>>39647732Excellent post. Could not have worded it better.Yes, like it is with all planar travel, the journey you choose will lead you. There are many false teachers and many brainwashed youth (and not so young too) who are made to feel like they're some kind of good guys crew from a shitty netflix series where they fight evil with superpowers. Plenty of they killed le Kurt Cobain becuz he knew da truth type shit as well. Among more "cultured" people it's wackass historical figures who were probably raised up very recently or fabricated altogether. The fighting the system meme is one such form of misleading that more talented magicians practice to keep people enslaved but liberation is thus not about being free to smoke weed and have orgies, I think this is how it is marketed to people so that they get distracted that way.As for the astrology stuff, yes there are different schools of thought and it is not clear but I was focusing more on the second half of the XX century type of narrative for this example I'm making. Not that I particularly believe it but I think being able to put a name to the occult origin of the dumb nonsense being pushed. It's a kind of weaponized good will if you ask me.
>>39647180>if anything the world would have to repaganize in order to forget this horrible stagelulz well I'm Christian and I suppose you're not. I think the point ultimately is that people have completely given up their will and just get gobbled up into the mind-numbing kulturterror of ecelebs and pop culture. Shit, even on 4chan you see people argue by spamming video links of some faggot making a 4 hour video about shit nobody cares about and because it's *THIS GUY* it's apparently some kind of big deal. I used to get pissed off when I argued about morality with people I know, trying to explain that legality and morality are separate but now it's just complete insanity of "let me base my entire world view around what retards on twitch and tiktok are telling me!". >>39647759You sound like a bit of a schizo but I think I get what you're saying and I somewhat agree.
>>39646264>family, vocation, churchGoyslop but oldschool.There no god in church, normalfag vocations are hollow, souless experiences and majority of families have no true love.
>>39648503I'm not some LARPer utopian claiming da good ol' dayz wuz betta' in da 50z! but I do think most people indeed are defined by what they own through purchase. It's no one's responsibility but their own to free themselves of that, and most of the time the "opportunities" are the opposite and taking them just immerses them more into their bullshit. And if anything, the trendy bourgeois thing is to say those things don't matter whilst enjoying the comfort of them, something something you're not really self actualized you just want to make out during missionary. (Which sounds like a great time imo)