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Yes 2025 is THE YEAR, but they’re gonna rewind time right when we reach that critical moment, our consciousness’s will be thrown back in time not our bodies, we’ll be forced to love out this shit all over again.
>so far we have been here twice.
And you would know this how? Why do you post shit you just made up here and expect people to take your word for it?
clearly you dont know who op is
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how far back
Anon probably back to the 70’s
its when I hit the lotto that it happens isn't it? I'm not allowed to become rich. So I guess around March. What if I don't accept the money and continue to be poor?
already happened in 2023... shut up lisa
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I notice you have purple in your image.
Yeah, this is the year.
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>May the Force guide you and be with you.
And you as well.
God Bless.
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So we will be consciours of our past life and make amends after the timeshift?
Rewind to when?
What point will we go back to ? Will I have memory of this reality this time? Can I buy bitcoin in 2008?
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no we kill satoshi in the futur / this timeline dont exist in the next past.
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you will forget this timeline and think it was the lsd trip
anyone else not notice how the deja vu isn't as intense this time around ?
BEN thread? TNIAC thread?
Why do people not retain memories when we get reset to the savestates?
There is a way to do it and I believe I am going to retain mine. I have not discovered my role, I get caught early in life by people who remember and test me on whether or not I have kept my memories.
Rewind to when
I love Star Wars Galaxies.
It's complete Early 2000's core.
You can't have change without time.
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purple is such a cool color
Maybe it's for the best, this year has end of the world vibes
You won't believe me, but I swear to God I had a dream last night about time rewinding and was gonna make a post about it. Get out of my head
>I had a dream last night about time rewinding and was gonna make a post about it.

Details are welcome, if you remember things like the landing year.
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In my dream, I'm pretty sure that we went from 2025 to 2022. It was something where things got so fucked up in the first timeline that CERN decided we had to go back and try again. The LHC was the mechanism by which time could be rewound. Everyone knew about it and was fine with it, and we all initially retained our memories after time rewound, but gradually forgot about it. I was in 2023 and was trying to tell the people around me "You guys know this isn't the first time we've been here, right?", but most people couldn't remember by that point.

Thank you. If there's any questions you have, I'll answer them to the best of my ability in exchange.
Yeah, I just wanna know what convinced you this is gonna happen, why they're gonna do it, and how

I'm not OP. So, a few things:

There's this thing I've been calling "prophetic detritus" where very specific and credible future-sight events just aren't happening. For example I personally had some *extremely* vivid memories of things happening between 2008-2012 which just... did not happen this time around. Extreme deja vu, etc.

Which got me to thinking. What if they had already happened to me, but in a different timeline? That they weren't prophecies but memories? I thought I was seeing something that was going to happen, because seeing the past just made no sense.

Until I started noticing the Mandela Effect. The biggest ones recently (the Horseman of Pestilence changing to Conquest in all written versions of the Bible that I've found, for example, or the Shazam vs Kazam movies) have really convinced me that timeline tampering isn't just possible but probable.

What if Mandela Effects are a precursor to time shifts? Differentiating the "new timeline" enough from the old one that we can swap to it by pointing out how different some major cultural touchstones are... I know I'm not going senile, so somebody's fucking with the timeline retroactively.

You said 2022. The biggest event I can think of that pops off in 2022 is the war in Ukraine, so presumably if it's being rewound to that point then the Ukraine war won't happen this time around. (is that something you remember, curiously?)

Why they're gonna do it? Because things aren't going well and they want to revert to a save point.

How they're gonna do it? No idea. I imagine it's some super-tippy-top secret, but there's been enough chatter on this topic that I think there's a high likelihood it's gonna happen. I have guesses, but none of them are substantiated.

I will say that the Carpenter Project poster on this board was making references to a quantum theory of time which was seemingly being used to control AGI on quantum computers, so it's probably related to that.
Op here, heavily agree, I experienced a death of a relative here lately and it just doesn’t make sense and I know some of you would say it’s trauma but things just feel TOO surreal like I didn’t forsee this happening, she was only 26.

Her future seemed clear as fresh water then something rippled.
I dont exactly doubt your prediction because this entire reality seems like its decaying and things are going all stupid more than it did before 2019.
I'll be dead before it happens
you'll be alive again after it happens
Don’t you guys grow tired of pushing this same old “looping” larp? You guys said the same thing last year and nothing happened. I will concede that 2022-present has gone by quicker than is normal. No way that was a legit 3 years that passed. Still, absolutely zero reason to believe they have the tech to rewind time without us being aware.
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I'm not pushing any larp, I'm just giving the facts about the dream I had last night. And you must admit it's strange I had that dream and then coincidentally woke up to find this thread.
that only matters if I retain my memories and get to take something like a computer with me so I can bring back pdfs of books and info I want to make sure my past self can learn from
Have you ever seen the movie Primer?
That is how it works. competing yet working together groups and individuals have boxes they use as save states. Some appear to the public as data warehouses or server farms-- those are the buildings at the end of the movie where the two men are making more and more boxes trying to one-up the other. The secret is that the movie starts with versions of themselves who were pretending to get along and discover it together.

Because of John Titor, we got time travel earlier and people with money built it.

We get a lot of Deja Vu from it. Events happen similar but not quite the same. If you art out too much you'll be caught as someone who is aware.
We apparently keep mass realizing this.

The fun thing is watching the glowies realize their bosses have been looping them while keeping them in the dark about it.
damn i also had a vision of this recently, i feel like we are going back to 2012
>We get a lot of Deja Vu from it. Events happen similar but not quite the same

It's worth adding that, in my speculation, we have two different types of time travel.

"Built-in" travel, where a single person goes back. This might introduce Mandela Effects to the timeline, but for the most part there's no disruption of consciousness because the integrity of the timeline itself is stable and so it's not visible to 99.999% of the participants in the shared spacetime.

Or "reversion events" which are a large-scale collapse of the timeline and mean it has to be entirely rewritten from the last stable point available (2022, or 2012, or whatever).

This is basically the opposite of what happens in quantum teleportation. In quantum teleportation, a time paradox is introduced (a particle exists in two different places simultaneously) and so time stops until the particle travels the intervening distance to the 'new point'. To us, who are in a single moment in time, it appears to be teleportation. What really happens is that time can no longer be observed by us until the paradox is resolved, which makes it seem like the particle teleported.

The mass reversion event is essentially the opposite of this, where the entire timeline can no longer sustain itself due to too many instabilities and so it finds the last "stable place" to resume time and consciousness in. Whether this is machine-induced or something else is beyond my speculation here.
brainwashing + cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.
You only need to program a lil nationalism and that USA (and especially whatever org they are with) needs to stay on top or else CCP or Kremlin (who are in cahoots as competing yet working together with the US just like US agencies and politickers are on a team but also against each other) or elso the Chisese or Russians will come put us in a mind trap that is 'worse' but really the same as the one we are already in
2012 is one of their favorite ones because that save point is essentially safe from DotCom and housing crashes with the populous made passive again.

We have not recovered from the Plandemic in a way that the populous have become passive again. There is so much nonsence and psiops out rn like Luigi, the fires, and the drones.
Things wont stabilize. The powers that were would rather relive in a loop than lose power.
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Hell yeah let's gooooooooooo

Also don't buy bitcoin. They borrowed money from other timelines (advanced hebrewmancy), and we will be at risk of paying ourselves.

There's a non-zero chance that some of them have had small-scale localized reversion events used on them and they still remember some of it, though, thinking it was a particularly vivid dream or something because it "didn't happen."

That's way more proof than any rambling I can type out here.
>seen the movie Primer?
Yes, years ago. Didn’t understand the complexities behind the time travel but might give it another watch. Does this have to do with jumping timelines? Even so that would be a solo journey that one individual would take (like Titor) and wouldn’t have much if any effect on the rest of us. And if you believe it would, please explain how.

Still doesn’t make much sense to me how they could manage screwing with time without all or some of us noticing. Dreams don’t mean much. The human imagination is vast and unfathomable. I do admit to time growing shorter and I’m not the only noticing that something has changed. Not convinced it’s time travel though.
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we are in a rare timeline that has a less-bright presence in the crystalline collective unconscious network of reincarnation memory

> Or "reversion events" which are a large-scale collapse of the timeline and mean it has to be entirely rewritten from the last stable point available (2022, or 2012, or whatever).
So does this mean that from my perspective all of the events which have transpired in my personal life between the two points are wiped clean and that I’ll wake up in either 2022 or 2012 believing that everything I experienced was just a dream? Would I need to die or imagine dying for this to occur? How, exactly, does one reverse death?
we are experiencing entropic gravity. the observer of this timeline is misbehaving, and deliberately causing as many rippling errors to expand into the collective as possible. your best bet is to try to get this person to notice you as quickly as possible so that your timeline will be remembered before the reset.
>you must admit it's strange I had that dream and then coincidentally woke up to find this thread.
No, not really. There are threads like this literally all the time. It's just confirmation bias.
>How, exactly, does one reverse death?

How do you load a save game when you die while playing a video game? By reverting to a previous state of the data that was snap-shotted before you died. This is an interesting point though, it would probably end up being a parallel timeline and have some funky implications if you yourself died in the inter-regnum period between the reversion and the time snap-back. Weird shit.

As far as you expecting me to throw out a peer-reviewed magnum opus for how this works, even if I could I'd be dead before the end of the week if I did so. And I definitely cannot do so, cough cough. Math was never my strong suit, as a matter of historical record.

This isn't some mystical inner ability. If you kill yourself you'll just end up going into the cycle of samsara or whatever afterlife you think is waiting for you. Somebody's got highly advanced technology on the same order as Zero-Point-Energy which they've been keeping to themselves that can manipulate time (and they're probably related technologies, if I had to guess). Unless somebody decides to revert all of us with said tech, nobody's going back. And if they do revert all of us, the odds of you remembering it are pretty miniscule unless you have an odd physique or something.
are we... in 2005...
Op here
To my understanding you’ll be the you from the past instead of there being two of you.
>theory one
Your consciousness is thrown back in time and you inhabit that current era’s version of you.
>theory two
Your consciousness is actually shifted to a diffrent timeline, imagine DBS explanation of time travel where every time you mess with time a new timeline is formed and you’ll inhabit that new timeline.
>By reverting to a previous state of the data that was snap-shotted before you died.
So we’re basically in a simulation then?
God I wish. hope I get to meet my husband and my cats again, that was pretty nice. not every part of this life sucked and I'd like to entertain the fantasy of doing some things over.
let's be frens in the do-over timeline anon :)
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Ok I think it’s time to ask the question.
>is a human messing with time?
>or some kind of metaphysical-being?

Calling reality a simulation is sophistry. LaPlace's Demon is this exact conundrum framed in much earlier terminologies.

If you theoretically knew all of the rules of reality and had the bandwidth to process exactly how they played out, how is that not different from a simulation?

Any rules-based construct ends up behaving this way if you reduce it enough into its constituent pieces.
I think there isnt any spirits or anything and we made it with out own mind so we arent bored.
This is actually brilliant and underrated. gave me a lot to think about

For sure.
What you say goes against ndi’s and genuine spiritual experiences, and no you don't need psychedelics to experience something spiritual.
near death experiences if you notice that there's all sorts of testimonies, theres the white light, there's heaven, there's hell, i saw one recently where a guy saw us all us bubbles or something that everything is multiple realtiies at once.
I spoke to a guy about a year ago, he told me his near death experience, he told me that he was a white orb, and he spoke with god and god told him he had to come back to do shit.

Genuine spiritual experiences is just you waking up further as a fractal of the creator itself.
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How is masochism related to timeline switching?
Can you use gnosis to transform your material surroundings into something desirable? would this cause the demiurge to present a new thesis of matter? How does the demiurge relate to desire?
Actually becoming a light orb is common apparently, I saw a video where a dude got struck by lighting and as he walked up the stairs of his house to check on his wife(at this point he knew he had died) his body dissolved and he became a orb of light that could go through walls and check on everybody, a nurse brought him back to life.
>How is masochism related to timeline switching?

Self-annihilation fractures the internal moment, which makes it more likely that you're going to remember things from other timelines.

Can't speak to the rest of it.
Its strange, but think about this all religions were made by man, but how would we be able to see these things.
A creator of sorts put these things in our own subconcious minds and we feel these things if we mess with them.
But we can also choose to make our subconscious just disregard these things, our subconscious makes these things a reality we mess with the baddies in the aether. But its in our heads. we can choose not to mess with magic we can ignore it but still be with the creator itself.
ive been assuming/guessing theyve been doing this. i guess thats why ive had periods of near constant deja vu on and off since around 2018.
I don’t think we can fully understand the profound truth while we’re alive but by the end of it we’ll be laughing
Who fucking knows many
But yeah who knows, i just know i dont believe any of the stuff because it just hurts you in the end.
thanks, now I know this is bullshit, mandella effects are bullshit.

she got the clot shot, sorry that happened but doesn't mean we're gonna have a time reset. Thank you though for making me realize that this thread is just people not accepting reality.
Kys her death has nothing to do with covid
mandela effects arent that bullshit, reality is changing in some sort of fashion. it could mean reality is heading toward a weird direction. However to op deja vu makes this post make sense.
Usually when deja vu hits me it hits me like a truck ill remember something and feel it it freaks me out.
You recaps will shit bricks when it hits.
Hillary will win in the new timeline? or Kamala if it loops back to 2022
Im not that guy, but i think they'll reset to a long time ago.
Like pre-2000s?
Maybe? Or just the entire kit and kaboodle. A big fuck you.
Anon don't be a retard you should know by now their all in on it and I have to agree with >>39614345. A while Ago I read a comic book called “stairway” where time got reset back by 20years but everyone who wasn’t “unborn” retained their memories.
if time got reset we wouldn’t even be aware of this being 2025. Nothing ever happens
money isnt real
most people dont realize it at all or experience deja vu and chalk it up to deja vu.
There are organizations with rituals to combine the minds of the past and future yous.
Just keep spiritually high, fast, retain semen, etc and youll start noticing things more and possibly retain chunks of memory
I dont like my experiences in this life at all. I was circumcised, malnourished with slop my parents fed me, and put into public pedagogy.
>Math was never my strong suit, as a matter of historical record.
if you or your parents learn math now, when the reset happens you will be able to learn it faster/ more easily
If you do this youll notice the people who take shortcuts with goetic demons for math/science knowledge
Stuff like math and programming are actually hard. Don't feel bad about currently struggling with them. If you truly want to be better at it, you will be better at it.

Kids these days have AI to teach them how to do their math homework and instead they use it to solve their math for them.
I'm hoping to get on 4chan early enough in the timeline next reset I will be able to triforce.
thats how they do it. There actually is a 4chan group of people who have been doing these loops over and over.
4chan >always< exists and it always becomes meaningful. glowniggers hate that they cant get rid of the egregore

It was a joke, I was asking the glowies not to disappear and off me like they do to the inventors of ZPE technologies.
>You said 2022. The biggest event I can think of that pops off in 2022 is the war in Ukraine,
so, I was up late at night browsing 4ch one non-noteworthy night
saw a thread about how an alien ufo crashed in some forrest.
I dont recall anything significant from the thread
Then all of 4chan got reset.
all the post were about how someone must have posted the image of an actual alien
Saw threads about putin saying things
>went to sleep
in the morning russia had invaded ukraine and the war had started.
I have not seen threads about the UFO crash being what caused the invasion but I remember a thread about it the night before.
Apparently m00t was in Ukraine at that time for some reason

...and if they reset time back to before that point then the crash wouldn't happen, which is why they're paralyzed about when to rewind to.

Thanks Anon, that's fascinating.
Martin Fleishman Memorial Project
We are getting it.
This is THE YEAR. time Warrior here. done dying for a while. Waiting to guard Golden city.

We shall be ready for the GREAT WAR...til 2053 we ride again.
But not alone this time.

That too shall pass.
I dont want 28 more years to build off my last 28 years on this earth. everything has been awful
not a psyop
Strange because I don’t experience this anymore. I’m now 29, but I can recall experiencing deja vu quite frequently as a child (up until the age of 13). Now I’ve been broken by society and everyday just feels like an extension of the one that came before. Like I said before, all I have noticed it abnormalities in the days. Things seem different somehow but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
>it's another 20 somethings think time is going too fast thread
what kind of slop? my slop was microwave vegetarian
Op here, I was poor but my parents made home cooked meals.
Everyone thinks that
I'm serious when I say this but last night I suddenly had the idea of my consciousness being sent back into my past body pop into my head. Very strange since the thought came out of nowhere and kept nagging at me for an hour.
Or, try this theory:

Each timeline has a structure to it - peaks and valleys of emotional resonance that were manipulated and formed by TPTB. When time resets happen (and they do happen, there is very much a war being waged for the control of reality) the collective conscious is thrown into a resonance mold from the past that is more predictable, with the hopes that reality will effectively follow suite. Major events can more easily be predicted (stock market, natural disasters, etc) and thus the population more easily controlled.

The problem with this method and why it is doomed to fail is that you have humans incarnated here who can perceive reality outside of the 5 senses and can access memories of other timelines in an unconscious dreamstate. So you can never really reset time unless you somehow get rid of the observers, which is far easier said than done. Doomsday scenarios will keep manifesting no matter how many time jumps are completed until TPTB realize the collective soul is tired and just wants free energy and peace.
>thrown into a resonance mold

Ah, so they influence the total quantum binding of the collective conscious by essentially rewinding its awareness of "history" to a previous quantum state and then snipping the branch like pruning a tree.

That makes a lot of sense actually, if the collective is the leverage point instead of trying to generate a spherical field over the entire planet.
Op here
I’ll take all of this into consideration because it genuinely seems interesting, also remember every human has “stardust” in them.
Not op, but I think so too, time is going faster, weather is becoming crazier, people are more erratic
exactly. it seems like reality is decaying
home cooked meals are usually still slop
did your mother use pam on the pots?
did she cook or steam your vegetables making it so they are essentially empty calories?
go look in your pantry. even the basic ingredients to make meals from or near from scratch are bad for you.
We are given slop by the FDA
they are so desperate to keep control.
we can do a lot as humans
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For those of you who are not aware, /sci/ anon figured out how to reprogram human cells back to a previous state about a year ago. Thing of it as an auto-correct you can now do on your epigenetic code.
You sound like you grew up poor in a rich neighborhood and that probably means you were one of those “preppy” wanna be kids, look dude thats not slop, you may be suprised to learn this just now but even rich people ate that stuff.

Homecooked meals are baked chicken breast sometimes wrapped in bacon and stuffed with spinach and cheese, or pork chops with mushroom gravy and onions on top, with side of actual homemade mashed potatoes, greens, and sometimes shells and cheddar.

Tbh after reading your comment I don’t even know why your bitching, I grew up poor and ate well.
Sorry dude, you can't QRD how the fucking sorcerers stone works. But I'll try. Anon found you could use apigenin and heightened butyrate levels to coax your T cells into retranscribing epigenetic code. Some other stuff you need too like B12 to avoid transcription errors but you can now make your cells look/function the way they used to. Theoretically stimulate limb regrowths because it's also the same pathways that animals use.
? I think you meant to respond to >>39619660
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What’s the critical moment??? Spill the beans.
Youll accept the money and like it.
I wouldn't mind being sent back to the early 2000s
Op here
Likely a mass casualty event of some kind
No, it seems that anon is talking physically reversing someones age or damage, what we’re talking about is sending consciousness back through some kind of loop to inhabit your younger self, the “timeline” it self changes and not just you.
>>baked chicken breast sometimes wrapped in bacon and stuffed with spinach and cheese, or pork chops with mushroom gravy and onions on top, with side of actual homemade mashed potatoes, greens, and sometimes shells and cheddar.
that is slop
what foods/ pills
>No, it seems that anon is talking physically reversing someones age or damage, what we’re talking about is sending consciousness back through some kind of loop to inhabit your younger self, the “timeline” it self changes and not just you.

Yes, but if you took that knowledge back into a previous reversion then that causes all kinds of fucked-up ripples in the timeline.
Yes, very you articulated what I was trying to get at quite well.

If it’s any hope, I do believe that they’ve lost the plot to a great degree. The galaxy and earth are going through energetic progressions that are raising the awareness of the collective. I believe this point in “time” (real time, outside the simulation if you will) is allowing for the collective soul to break free of the karma loop.

As I noted about Ukraine-UFO anon's above post, it would seem that they can't rewind past Feb 22/23 2022 because if they did, the 4d ayy's would remember the war crimes inflicted upon them in the new timeline and that would add to how globally fucked they are.

And every second they hesitate in pulling the trigger, they lose more and more ability to cause the regression, yeah. They might have lost it already and that's why time is slipping so fast, because they tried and it fizzled.

The World Tree is blooming.
There was a guy I went to highschool with who looked like a middle schooler all through hs and then after he graduated college he looked the exact same.
he tried to test me a few times to see if I was 'like him'
I think he was one of them. I just stuck to myself. I look young myself but thats partially because of genes and staying out of the sun + that in my youth I realized I didnt like masturbation
you people watch too much anime
when they cry was pretty cool however
Op here
Now that I think of it, it could be a class war.
>think about it….
Since arguably 2020 they have been pushing for a civil war all over twitter and shit then suddenly this lugigi buisness happens the suddenly it didn’t matter you were a diffrent skin color, sex, ect ect…..
>suddenly it was all about deny, defend, and dispose
It was the rich eat the poor and now thats been turned on there heads and people were just dogging on the rich and there were a few copycats.
>then California happens
Well technically there was Maui and Carolina before hand, but everyone got to see how those insurance companies pulled out before the fires and then there are videos of arsons being arrested and setting the fires.
>not hard to connect the dots, same thing happened in Maui.
So yeah maybe they’ll reset if theres signs of a class war, i don't understand why they cant just run to their bunkers that they’ve been building since 2019, that tells me theres at least something bigger yet to come.
Correct. We’ve hit some kind of cosmic convergence point, something I believe to be predestined in which these timelines are merging and can’t be reset without dramatic consequences.

Side note: I was contemplating the LA fires and got a download that it’s the result of a timeline convergence. It’s also connected to the orbs. There was another potential convergence to come from New Jersey specifically that would be catastrophic for not just the US but potentially the world. So the orbs have been monitoring the situation making sure whatever is trying to “come through” can’t cross over. The fires, otoh were able to cross over from another timeline.
No your just a ungrateful retard who has dreams of being rich that won’t and cant come true, sorry to say anon but thats real food and thats exactly what the rich eat but-hey like it with a little more oil, your a parasite ‘bud
Screen -shotted and noted
you keep creating a version of me in your head that you hate and is not me.
the foods you mentioned were slop. You should eat better.
>There was another potential convergence to come from New Jersey specifically that would be catastrophic for not just the US but potentially the world.

Yeah, it was the Arethusa earthfire event. Upstairs doesn't give me info for... reasons, but serendipity has been taking me to the information I need anyway.

We'll have to go deal with the aftermath of the cross-over event once everything else settles, but that'll be easier once the current events play out. You see the smoke towers picture from LA?

The next patch should be pretty sweet.
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>when they cry was pretty cool however

I was thinking too about this anime while reading this thread.
I think it could be ww3 tbqh. Trump 2.0 seems very war hungry
You still sound ungrateful to me, home cooked meals made with actual ingredients aren’t slop, mcdonalds is slop.
I could also see that.
No, this time lets do things right
Reminder OP is upset over his sisters death and that is why he thinks a reset is going to happen. You need to move on OP. She died, shes not coming back.
if you mix in poisonous chemicals and compounds into the meals and use a cooking process that breaks down nutrients so you can't digest it properly, all you are doing is putting slop into your body.
Anon, you’ve probably never experienced anything like this, you cant move on and you cant tell someone that lost a relative to move on thats actually pretty incentive of you.

Also as much as it hurts to say this, it’s not just about my sister, that there tells me your spitting in the face of everyone that came here today into this thread under different circumstances with different experiences.
M8 thats why you read the back of what you buy, europe has the exact same ingredients just with less to none of that stuff, I bet you probably didn’t know this but your supposed to drain those vegetables if your eating the canned ones and even rinse them, these days I try to eat out of a garden.
Read carefully retards, your derailing this thread with your pettiness, genuinely a lot of are experiencing something weird and a decent amount of people clicked into this thread with good explanations.
>half the threads on 4chan get ruined by people like you that nit-pick or just bitch about something.
I wonder how it would work would you just go to bed one day and boom wake up in 2012 or whatever or would you just blink and suddenly you are back in x year doing whatever it was you were doing back then
A. We blink the., We’re there, because we shifted
B. Our consciousness is thrown back in time, so we live our lives backwards at a accelerated point until we reach our temporal destination.
C. Something really trippy happens.
I think its fair to share good eating and cooking hacks so that when we do shift back we can take that lifestyle change with us.
It would be a boon for most people if they know as much as to not drink soda and energy drinks as a kid just as an act of defiance or because of peer pressure or about the actual benefits of fasting that have been proven by recent nobel prize winners and if we can recall the cellular regen regimen, than its a huge boon.
We can guide our bodies to be much healthier this reset. By setting a good enable with our body's health, we will automatically be a role model to people who will come to us for spiritual advice and we can tell them about the left/right paradigm being a soul-trap.
If we improve ourselves and teach others how to, we can change the future in the next reset to be better.
Something strange is happening bros. It’s a subtle shift though. I began to notice my mind reverting to an earlier era. I’m not as depressed over my breakup with ex gf of 3 years and, strangely, feeling a sort of amnesia about the last decade. There are times where I’ll randomly start feeling like I’m in my teens again (I’m almost 30). And then my best friend from way back started talking to me again. My childlike sense of wonder has reemerged and I feel some optimism even though my brain is telling me I shouldn’t. Maybe there’s some truth to this “reversion” occurring. I’m just not sure what event leads to this timeline’s collapse? My bet is on a mass extinction event.
no you're just turning 30
The reset is caused by a super conscious AI that keeps trying to save someone.
If this is a simulation we likely live after a "neo" made it's truce with the machines. This is the lukewarm "long term, slow awakening" they agreed upon.
Do semen retention and fast 1 day per week and 3 consecutive days in a streak once per month.
>its lifechanging
can this make my dick bigger
Jelqing + stretching
sleep lots and on a consistent schedule
fast 1 day a week and 3 days consecutive per month
take a b complex, a d3 + k2 vitamin, and a test boosting pill or gummie
overall eat more healthily and make sure you are getting zinc+iron+copper in your diet. grape-nuts have lots of iron and zinc. drink raw milk if you can
lift/ work out

also add it some wolf's law exercises to get taller.

Maybe teach your father about this so its more likely that he can teach you as a kid.

No worries, we're all going home.
>Maybe teach your father about this so its more likely that he can teach you as a kid.
you mean when we go back? how are we going back
think about it. if you could increase your parents' spiritual awareness, they can teach you that stuff early on and possibly homeschool you so you can avoid false science and propaganda taught in compulsory school
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are people noticing?

Things are ahead of schedule because of the loops increasing consciousness density.
I like this schizo diagram
I lost my grandma back in 2008, its not a big deal. I still see her in my dreams. Also everyone in this thread wants it to be real because they are dealing with there own issues and want it to be real. The reality is though stuff like this is just science fiction. If it does happen, ok whatever, but I really doubt its gonna. I've come to accept that whatever happens is a joke, and i'm living my life the way I want to live it. Nothing to be scared or angry about. Just laugh at it all, it is after all a giant cosmic joke at the end of the day.
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I am about 3 days into my current SR streak. Gave up porn altogether and have never felt better mentally. Feels like they’ve had us under a mass spell to farm our vital energy. Keep on keeping on!
Rituals shown publicly are BROADCASTED
When lots of people watch things like Olympic ceremonies, award shows, even the news and movies or hear a song, it is a broadcasted spell that people are FOCUSING on
looking at a sigil with your eyes either thoughtfully or subconsciously you are focusing it and giving it power
These events like covid are signaled beforehand

>I realize this video is 3+ hours but it is filled to the brim with good content. try watching it in doses before bed and then you'll realize that games like dragon age and hollywood hide the XX symbol everywhere
I preserve my vril.
I think on the next loop I am going to keep more worshipful sigils around my walls and as art around me for things I understand
Odin is based.
Ehhhhhh I get the healthy eating part but, as a kid my parents forced us to drink ice with our soda as a means of watering it down and rarely I would drink energy drinks because I honestly liked them, my dad would be the one to get me redbulls.
Nah sounds like your finding enjoyment again and desu the last three years have been abnormally accelerated.
Not a simulation, but reality in a weird way van be interpreted as a simulation because of the process it operates by.
It’s weird a guy that I watch who talks about project 2030 who called the pandemic before it happened said the ‘depop agenda has been sped up to 2025
You ‘know, thats a good outlook anon, I hope the best for you.
I recommend richie from boston on rumble and his youtube jailbreakoverlander
what do we do to prepare for what is coming in the short and medium term
What do we do to prepare for the reset so we can take our knowledge back with us
what methods do you use to awaken others?
You say that the time loop has only happened twice, but from what I can gather it's been at least 3-4 times or more. I think that some people take a longer time to wake up, so the number is lower for them. Makes me wonder if someone right now is fully awake and can give me the answer as to how many times we've done this.
>>39607651 I am >>39622628 and I forgot to mention how it seems like the same events are happening in different ways this loop. Like there's more variation and chaos that has been introduced. I think if we can increase the amount of chaos and wake more people up we could break the loop.
many, many, many fucking times
I can't count how many times I've been in this very thread
we've been on a loop since conception. it's thanks to the loop that we have free will, anon.
when do we usually loop and what do we do to strengthen our will to realize its happening to us?
Chaos is high right now but a lot of it is orchestrated os a distraction.
People are still choosing to to be slaves everyday. People are still eating their goyslop. People are still buying things.
They are in a weird trance
chaos reigns when the eye begins to see the foundation of structure
Op here
But at what cost?
All i know is, it’s this year
I think it will be when those Gameboy Advance minis came out.
I remember watching one piece and gold d roger saying in the intro " i left everything i own in one piece" but when i went to rewatch it the opening is so different? Is this a mandela thang?
wait what?

that is what the intro says......"i left everything i own in one piece"
That's not possible since it's going to be some bullshit like Laplace's Box.
I felt the same way for like 3-4ish years but i just had a deju vu yesterday for the first time in a looong time so hold out.

I think it is "...in one place" now. Have not seen it in a bit, so I may be wrong.
Based, I believe you brother
How do I remember anon
Will I still be a disabled slab of shit?
What's 'triforce'?
Any clues to the 4chan loopers? Are they in specific threads?
>4chan >always< exists and it always becomes meaningful. glowniggers hate that they cant get rid of the egregore
I've been wondering about this because I need to loop but was concerned there won't be 4chan. I think you're right, II wouldn't even have such a concern if not for 4chan's relevance in tomorrow's yesterday's future.
>The powers that were would rather relive in a loop than lose power.
Yes. It's possible looping is a ploy of the fallen angels to create a closed time loop to evade the final judgment. Energetically they want a torus when the natural progression is a Gödel rotating spiral.

On the political level, at least since the French Revolution they've been obsessed with a grand do-over calling it "Year Zero" which was revisited by Pol Pot whom was educated in France. Mao had the "great leap forward" and now we have the 'great reset'. Their method is to format a new human with no history beyond their artificial restart point and a fictional back story beyond that. People that remember are a problem to this design.
In 1997, 2025 was unfathomable to me
Maybe it isn't so much about the OP's non-acceptance of death but rather the circumstances around it feel wrong. Everything about this timeline feels like that which 'should' happen is thwarted by mysterious forces and that which should not happen is unnaturally aided by those same forces. aka clown world.

In the X-Files, one the major plot narratives was Mulder's quest to find what happened to his abducted sister. It's what drove him to become who he was. So perhaps this is part of the OP's journey to become who he needs to be.
>Be reborn as a Boomer or Gen X
>be told your life span will be short so you can die and have your soul put into whoever you are born as right now
>not in the same bloodline
>Gödel rotating spiral
the surface plane that we live on would be expanding wouldnt it?
We aren't allowed to even know what is in the antarctic
>People that remember are a problem to this design.
In the US, they just put people who questioned the "founding" of cities and buildings into mental asylums
i need more explanation
The future is shaping us at this very moment. We're rapidly conforming to the laws set forth by some higher power. We going to loop bros
born in 85 and a ton of these MEs really fuck with my head, notably the Bernstein Bears. I had all those books as a kid and a higher reading level for my age at the time. Some kind of fuckery going on.
Simply don't let them.
When you feel that's happening, don't.

But can we bring something like an SSD or even a laptop filled with data and resources for us to tell our reset/looped versions of ourselves to learn from and live by?
We can awaken people earlier and earlier and take power away from the powers that were. People seeing through the LA fires and large parts of conservatives don't trust Trump anymore. Maybe we will see a unions were chunks of normies trapped in the LR dichotomy work together and that causes the reset.
I'll try making a song to remember
>and a higher reading level for my age at the time.
not to throw off the thread, but all through my elem-hs days (up to 2015) me and people around me were able to read at or above with some below our grade's reading level.
Apparently nowadays people in high school are on average getting SLI scores in the elementary range.
>>We might could actually be in a competency crises...

>born in 85
Do you have children? Will you do anything different as a parent to try to awaken them or prepare them for how things have been post 2007?

Suno to give it a melody to make it more memorable?
Are you trying to remember stuff like the apigenic protocol, stuff on magical thinking/ paranormal so you can train your vril from a younger age, or stuff to make you money?
I think its fair to assume that extra effort in whatever reset method they use+ propaganda they show post-reset to traumatize us into forgetting things like bitcoin.
ill try to remember nac protocol , it open more doors for me than anything else
People like Plato and Pythagoras apparently had technology that was advanced to what we have today.
I think that (some) People do bring tech like a Phone or Pad with them after a rewind. Don't join the masons.
Do people just see a veil around the tech and they are oblivious to the advanced tech being in front of them? Like their subconscious creates a mist that shows them something they expect to see.
The veil works strangely. People can't see the stories of games like gen 5 pokemon or demons/ dark souls. Those games should awaken people to the tao te ching or magic being real. Bloodborne has a veil that hides its story too.
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i hope i buy shitcoin this time, get rich and help my family/community
then bitches and coke
They use magic+trauma based mind control to keep those things out of your head.
Stuff like semen retention and fasting actually being things you should do are more important.
Maybe it's the causal pane that expands rather than and mass spontaneously forming.
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can someone please make sure I start transitioning at 13 next time?
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if you get your mental health right, you wont transition at all
Op here
Now that I think about it, back in 2019-2020 I remember hearing something about the earths core spinning back wards, maybe this is how they do it?
>I dunno that implies a physical and rather traumatizing rewind.
If my initial theory about just sending our consciousness back or shifting our consciousness to a different timeline, then who’s to say your body will be as it is now?
idk, I havent learned Sanskrit and studied the Vedic texts in their OG prose yet
apparently that will give me insight on the timey-wimey stuff
probably more to do with portals at CERN for the checkpoints
you took the jab you wont remember shit, worst of all , youll do even more mistakes than you did last time
This is what hell is
You are right 2025 is the year of your LORD
>so somebody's fucking with the timeline retroactively.
yup it’s me n’wah
Haha we caught a “time looper” here
You’ll be back soon enough so just relax and let this happen.
They don’t have the tech. They operate poorly so some adjustments are being made
Uhhh complex question
Maybe listen to the voice trying to explain things to you
Actually accurate
Yup right guess

Tonight some layers are gonna do “stuff”
Do I get a badge for guessing it right?
You get a free cookie for my stream. You might “feel a little weird” tonight, don’t worry about it and just vibe with me
I’ll put on some happy music i promise
I love Klonoa so much <3 please CERN when you travel back in the time next give the Klonoa games more attention and give us that anime it deserves
We're gonna go back OP
You play too many video games...
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They made a 2025 vid
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Just hope the source code leaks and then use ai agents to make Klonoa games.
AI will give us a gaming renaissance
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Keep AI slop as far away from Klonoa as possible
this year will certainly be the year benfags , trust the process time travelers in Qontrol
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><3 please CERN
I just went back and watched it. Was gol d roger always wearing a one piece swimsuit?!
>they’re gonna rewind time right when we reach that critical moment
It´s optional.
>can we bring something like an SSD or even a laptop filled with data and resources
I don't think it would be possible to bring anything material with us. That's probably the reason for "Blue Eisenhower November" being used as a memorized phrase (memory backup) for recollection once we arrive in our new bodies. Now as to whether it will actually work or not, who knows? Still trying to find a method for retaining memories of this life. Was considering burying a time capsule with photos but that's probably useless. Our best bet is probably to take care of our minds/bodies and continue sexual abstinence in conjunction with meditation.
>Our best bet is probably to take care of our minds/bodies and continue sexual abstinence in conjunction with meditation.
same here. I have a suspicion that the effort we put into things in this life carry through the reset for accelerated progress.

Say you played a lot of Call of Duty and became very good.
In a reset you will get better faster.
Say you struggled to learn programming and math but you did it,
post reset you'll be more natural.

Most people just watch tv and browse social media so thats all their mental and muscle memory can do for them.
I think if you do something like jelqing or microfractures in your bones to grow taller via wolf's law your body will remember it and glow into it.

It would be convenient to bring back a macbook with a low-param LLM and a bunch of esoteric book files on it though...
>what is the critical moment
everyone posts so vaguely. we seem to all share a belief that it will happen but we don't know when.
Is is Neuralink? is it the military's UFOs? The vaXX? CERN portal shit?
The human population is manifesting their desires and right now death is at the top of the list. It will range from natural disasters to man made diseases and war. It´s a neat side effect of the a rather extreme victim mentality where you rather wish the life out of your opponent over coming into an agreement with them.
>The human population is manifesting their desires and right now death is at the top of the list.
this i believe. the world is a belief system. Media and news used to strangle beliefs to keeps people's minds limited. Even Rene Descarts globe earth kept people lost.
People dont have a will to live. They dont even want sex enough to accidentally reproduce because they realize they are proleys.
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omg this post is a mandela!!
1 time i see it was : everybody say shit
I was scrolling and I said to myself kek anon is based.. I'm going to tell him and when I scrolled back up the message had changed for >39617784
you should install 4chanx and lurk /ng/
you'll see a lot of weird quantum shit.
people will reply to a post not yet made and then when it is made (they get the post ids right) it will be a chain across many threads or boards.

the quantum and occult magic stuff is real. The timeline resets are real. There really is a BEN to retain memories.
Careful about who you let know that you know.
4chan is govt run and not safe
pretond you don't know this stuff when you are young. youll get blacklisted if you get caught
How do you retain memory?
i have see this post in the past

I am reading each post and I have already read this post before..
as if it was placed higher at the start of the tread but now it is placed lower.

mandela effect???
Bleu Eisenhower November apparently.
Are you praying for a calamity to end the Earth?
Onions you do your life again, would you use knowledge you could take back to actually make your life better or just to make money?
> I scrolled back up the message had changed for
Well, if you want me to defeat the bad guys, I have to be able to remember, and secondly, I need to know who they are.
How do I convince my parents to let me be homeschooled or to do school online so I dont get trauma programmed by the department of def schooling system again?

if you do 90 you can time travel
save the computer from the desktop gui.
save the desktop from the smartphone.

We effed up electronic literacy. People are retards with computers.
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It was probably just a different anon on a very similar wave length to mine. Or do you mean word for word verbatim?
If you believe in genetic memory, would it make sense to attempt to awaken parents to more occult stuff and how the world works and about the powers that were
>I refuse to call them el-lites, the powers that be, nor 1% because I think those phrases and terms COMPLIMENT them the same way calling any spirit a demon is using our voice to cast a spell of 'you are a strong spirit' towards them

If our parents get it, as their offspring we are bound to both be taught more about that stuff while being raised AND we will have more of it in our genes to work with
we can turn our own bloodlines into Hitler's supersoldiers
Any anons here going to study up on computers and try to join Cicada 3301 next loop?

They 100% have to be aware of the time war right?

so we loop independently whether we like it or not and it doesn't depend on a government agency.. but secret agencies take advantage of this and therefore want to keep the secret???
>black oil technolegy
the kind that is hinted at in John Carter, Ben10, Venom, Transformers, and many other reprogrammable nanobot or liquid life tech
If we fuse with the black oil, we might be able to take it with us.
We could use maya to create veil so normies dont see us with it in the 'past'
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Hey, so quick update from the skeptical anon. Guy in picrel looks EXACTLY like I did at the age of 17. Literally every feature is the same. I don’t look like that now, but I swear this is NOT a pic of me on my 20th b day.

Why would I be the one to find this seemingly random pic? (can’t recall where from)
how long ago was 17 or 20 for you from now?
Are you seeing time warp of 2012 or 2015?
Time never plays back the exact same way but the next run will be similar.
Be careful about doing more than 1% of things different. Major changes will be detected.
You can do something like go to a different college, do a different major, etc but if you go to a different school than the last reset AND have a completely different online persona AND the feds see a bunch of occult stuff in your browsing history they will notice you
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Thank you fren
What he says makes some what sense anon.
Games and anime can hold some level of truth it’s not just hollywood films, theres alot of truth to be located in one piece(the flooded world, empty throne, fish man and celestial dragons), which is why it’s some how relevant here.
I reckon a lot of people have stumbled over random images that looks identical to them at a different age. There´s a meme with a dude who looks identical to me and every winter people send me this meme and ask me where it was taken...
I don’t necessarily agree, but essentially it’s new game plus.
I would help my family
Bloodborne, Dragon Age 1 and parts of 3, Prey, Skyrim (mostly the books), Dark and Demon's Souls, Halo (made by a bunch of secret society members from an ivy league school), and many more like Half Life, Portal, Pokemon (truly), and Deus Ex
Games are great awakening tools. Modern Warfare and Black Ops have storylines that awakened people to some things.
I think there is a veil placed on games to get players to not notice things like hypersigils placed in game worlds.

If you can think of games you played as a kid, it may be helpful to replay them now with your awakened lens to see if there are secrets the devs embedded that you can prepare your childhood mind to see on the first play through after the reset.
For me, Pokemon gen 5 is going to signal me to study the Tao Te Ching because that is the most masonic generation they ever did in a pokemon story
I am 29 as of last Nov meaning that the year would be 2012 for me.
Ok, but why would I be the one to find this pic on 4chan of all places? No one sent this pic to me. I stumbled upon it by accident and can’t recall where.
I’ve thought about the black goo alot, I like the idea it’s sentient, and I don’t think you want to merge with it, you’ve seen prometheus right?
I don’t know if this relates bu I once heard that the universe works with the same material often so things tend to repeat, I don’t necessarily believe that the universe ISN'T infinite but that could play a key role, basically because of lack of material the same material is used.
Unfortunately most the games I played as a kid I no longer have access to, I’d love to sit down and play Fable 2 again.
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I know... all my posts are checked by an AI before publishing them.. that's why I'm not allowed to say the word (picrel).. every time I write (picrel), l artificial intelligence replaces the word with ognion..
I think at some point we will figure out how to live in symbiosis with it.

>4chan is govt run and not safe

post your results to see what your job is when you go back
word for word
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why do you have say Onions ???
>Fable 2
Fable was an xbox exclusive so youll have access to all the occult related games available on xbox on the reset. Ass Creed seems to have had a strong veil on it and most players didnt research beyond the surface layer illuminati and freemason stuff in game. You have the Bioshock games to see how govts sculpt and controll society and in Infinite there have a lot of masonic symbols, quantum shit explained, plus it show the 'founding' fathers as gods being worshipped. For me that game awakened me to how we are programmed for patriotism in public school and with media

how do you deal with having to redo your entire school career..
it's as if I told you now you repeat all your years of school because the elite don't want you to remember your math lessons but want you to repeat them...

I think the solution is nofap.seriously.
like I say here: >>39635047
Its very traumatic to do elementary and middle school because it is the same lessons each year and I'm treated like a child. I saw a mural that said 'no child left behind' and it awakened me to the fact that no matter what, I know the school was not going to fail me and from there I started looking at my parents and everyone else as slaves slowly figuring things out again.
In hs everything flows so naturally and I'm one of these students who never studies or listens yet somehow knows the answers to everything. There are at least 2 other people I wont to school with who were seeing those things and both of them were more aware than me at that time.
For example, there was one person who kept talking about how he, me, and another student were all getting 5's on our AP Psych exams... He KNEW we were going to before it happened.
Can you tell me what you learned or what I should know by watching the video series?
computers are magic. those memes about how circuitry are similar to demonic sigils and the pyramids? transistors ARE like them. old civs had better tech and there have been a secret few who have had things like smartphones. Look at the prophecies of people like the Hopi.

There are some textbooks that teach CS in an esoteric manor. deep learning models sometimes draw matrices like geomantic figures.

you should try to learn calculus, linear algebra, geometry, python or java, ocaml or haskell, rust, and assembly for either risc or arm or x86-64
these will also make it so geomancy and astrology comes easier. youll additionally be able to understand tesla's work

/x/ is the place.
keep studying the occult every reset.
Looks like an ex
Ilon, get out of the thread. You keep dicking around when you are supposed to be playing PoE2 and preparing to be de facto president soon
No they really are not anon.
Put the games down, it's time to grow up and face reality
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i know pinescript and JavaScript from googlesheets..and some electronic circuit from diy stuff
Thanks for the advice!
I'm looking to get some experience in climbing and archery at the moment.
no one taught me how to read, i taught myself, or perhaps already knew. my daughter was the same way, she just picked up a book and figured it out on her own. she has autism. ill admit to being slightly ocd and my dad read to me and my brothers every night as kids. im 51 now. i remember having ocd/anxiety thoughts about berenstein or berensteen (pronunciation only, same spelling) over and over as i had the books and liked them as a child.

i believe awakening should be done individually and forced on any person. mandela effect, imo is one of two things. Re the book 1984, gaslighting by the ruling class in order to keep the proles/plebs/sheep constantly guessing and confused/distracted. It would be even easier now than how it is described in the book.

Or its the time loop quantum/black hole/reliving.

Admittedly, the first option is easier for most to stomach because it would imply there IS such a ruling class and at least someone is in control. The second option might sound cool but then the idea of solipsism starts to leak in and that is scary.
do yoga + train psionics with your archery: https://www.docdroid.net/TOpi5SZ/sean-connelly-the-psion-handbook-pdf#page=7
See if you can 'feel' how to adjust aim to get the best chance of hitting your target. You can be like Shiro!
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yes, the computers are magical.
you can have a telephatic dream with another person who is in another city...and you wake up in the morning and you tell the dream which was the same and in the end.. meeehh it's just like playing an online video game nowadays..
Not the anon you're answering but cool link. In terms of looping in hs, if I were to loop breezing through academics is one thing but needs to be tempered. I did good and found I only needed to attend once a week to pass the tests and it brought a kinds of negative attention to myself for truancy. One has to be careful of displaying one's power level to the wrong people.
fr fr tho, it is not uncommon for students in college to resort to summoning goetic demons for boons in learning programming and math.
demons entice and guide the nerds
thats because compulsory schooling is about mind control and teaching behaviors and obedience to a system
False, subliminal messages and sigils get put into games and anime all the time, I’ve seen shows like black clover with the Kabbalah's tree of life in it, it was even in neon genesis evangelion.
Anon, don’t trust demons/evil spirits
Half the people of not most the people I know dropped out of high school, I graduated though.
>Anon, don’t trust demons/evil spirits
The people creating the tools we use on the internet and the niggas at CERN theyselves made those pacts.
I noticed like 3 Mandela effects in old obscure things I was looking up recently.

Going back and looking, it might have been more.

Everything is different now.
In 2009 a palm reader told me I’d be the only one in my whole class to live past 2025. He refused to tell me anything else.

I talked to another one and she said that most palm readers and scryers who were professionals couldn’t see past 2025.
The world ended in 2012
This is 13 years after that.
Are you serious? That's bucked. What parts of the palm indicate such specific prevision?
we are all already dead.
We live in hell already.
It is ruled by Saturn.
Yeah ol' father time got us by the nuts, but some of us are here, not to dream or languish, but to do the work of God
lol foo.. you don't remember? we ARE satoshi
captcha: RAD
I'm in the pool of people wishing for us all to die.
This world isnt worth it.
It’s actually crazy because back in 2012-2013 on /x/ everyone talked about this and knew it, that “you can see past 2025”, and that “2025 was gonna be a major die off”

Some “insider anon” was here and “predicted”/ threatened us with EVERYTHING that is happening now
>there will be a virus that is said to be deadly but the vaccine is worse, you won’t be able to avoid the virus, it will spread very easily, but quit your job to avoid the vaccine
>after that things will go quiet for a few years
>it will be slow at first, a few derailed trains that spill deadly chemicals in the air, then fires will pop up in places of huge populations, then more and more will happen
I was going to continue writing, but I don’t like to repeat the words, they haunt me, everything I see haunts me, something is wrong.
Its all a loop.
We go back and post and people dont believe because all they see is the maya. They believe the lies shoved down their throats. Parents traumatize their kids forcing them into the system even though they beg to not be put in it.

How did the generation who had the Another Brick in the Wall MV eff that up with their kids
This video should have awakened Gen X and Millenials before they put their kids into public school.
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>Some “insider anon” was here and “predicted”/ threatened us with EVERYTHING that is happening now
Yeah, I'm gonna need to know everything you know about this. Too far down the rabbit hole to go back now. Technically I should have died in 2011
There was a series of these threads, the guy posted long blocks of text usually, describing what “the Illuminati” had planned. He predicted Kamala Harris, the fake pandemic and vaxes, the train derailments, and pretty much everything.

Though I think if Trump gets in it means their plan has been changed, as far as was told, Kamala is supposed to become president.

As for the time loop. I’ve experienced “downloads” of knowledge from the future multiple times in my life. There was definitely an event in early 2012, I remeber certain people remebered more than me, but they also “thought I knew” and repeated certain phrases to eachother. I think I mucked it up, but maybe not, something is going on, timewar I think, seems by looping back and changing things we are able to jump and “link up” with other realities.

It seems like a doomsday cult keep ending the world and a timetravel cult keeps resetting the timeline. As far as I know though, we are “riding blind” or “flying past the last nexus point”.

If Trump gets in, that’s it, that’s a thing, a different thing, a jump, or a skip.
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Yeah 2005 was one the last good years for me, defo wanting to go back and wake up on 01/16/2025...
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Lol I meant 01/16/2025 - 20 aka waking up on 01/16/2005
Well you are right with the 2025. This loop has happened at least couple times so the "real date" is like november 15th 2030+ or some shit
2004 here I come
I'm tired of half-assed timeline changes and Mandela effects of corporate logos. These are just perceptual shifts. Are we gonna actually gonna be transported to a prior save point?
>Though I think if Trump gets in it means their plan has been changed, as far as was told, Kamala is supposed to become president.
the timeline never exactly repeats. Matt Groening makes his shows from a combination of what he remembers and what he is privy to. He also sprinkles disclosure. I like the episode about cars as humans going to the moon as a chop shop the ways souls are recycled and cleaned between reboots so we lose our memories (mind that psyche is soul & mind)
Trump being in office must be one of the changes they are trying to see if they can make their rule last longer
Soon I hope
Thank you
Anon I need more info
I should’a been dead too, I came so close to dying on several occasions.
Project 2030 was orginally gonna be when they activated the depopulation agenda, but they moved it to 2025, this comes from a guy named Richie who called the pandemic back in 2019, I don’t think he knows the severity ofthe situation because time is being played with.
Op here same as >>39640756
>I first realized something was wrong in 2024
It’s almost as if I blipped 2023 seems like a blur and I can only remember 2022, it doesn’t feel like it’s been four years, I want ya’ll to think about that, can you fully remember 2023?
Thread 2 needed with an OP that includes the important testimonies from this thread proving the loop DOES exist
we can dig this up and figure out what is going on
Today has been so slow too
>Project 2030 was orginally gonna be when they activated the depopulation agenda, but they moved it to 2025, this comes from a guy named Richie who called the pandemic back in 2019, I don’t think he knows the severity ofthe situation because time is being played with.
>>Id rather just die and reroll this life
but if I die I wont have witnessed what is going to happen which means I cant prepare myself and others around me for what is going to happen
this world is only painful
>but if I die I wont have witnessed what is going to happen which means I cant prepare myself and others around me for what is going to happen this world is only painful
I try and take the perspective of a witness or scribe and let the movie play out as far as possible so I can be better prepared for a redo or next life. If this place has more meaning than a loosh farm, it sure fees like a crucible.
>I cant prepare myself
it's futile, you can't prepare yourself for a pole shift and the following 100ft tall wall of water. that's why the blue eisenhower november threads exist, because the coded multiverse message is "BEN drowned"
notice how it's spelled BEN and not Ben.
>I tried playing my Ocarina. I wanted to escape, and I did NOT want to be here, but every time I played the Song of Time or Song of Soaring it would only say "Your notes echo far, but nothing happens". By this point, it was obvious the game didn't want me to leave, but I had no idea why it was keeping me here.
it's not a regular creepypasta, it's a message
What’s odd about those trips is that, right before making that post, I had watched a video about the use of Sirius (man’s best friend, 88, the Dog Star) being coded into Hollywood productions. SPOOKY.
>seems by looping back and changing things we are able to jump and “link up” with other realities.
From what I understand, it has to do more with our soul’s mission. This makes more sense because some anons can recall looping already, but I myself cannot. However, I know for a fact that I should have cracked open my head and drowned on 7/11/11. So perhaps this is only my first go around? Still have vivid dreams with deceased family members who beckon me to stay “there” at my childhood home. Literally everything looks the same as it did. We’re talking pre 2012
Nice digits. Someone posted a partial screen shot of that anons predictive post on twitterX the other day. It's such a sucky app for searching things like that if the text doesn't have keywords.

Might wanna look in the pebbit sub r /anonspropheticdream
I think when we loop we wont find ourselves in our child hood homes but maybe in some kind of dystopia, but thats more like a timeline shift.
>Nice digits
Nice digits. Someone posted a partial screen shot of that anons predictive post on twitterX the other day.
Did you see the thread on here about stargates and portals? I think I’m slowly being led backwards without being completely aware of the fact. I have a complete schizo narrative as to how this is possible.
>think when we loop we wont find ourselves in our child hood homes
Well they aren’t OURS insofar as they aren’t exactly the same. Someone or something has scanned our memories and is replicating these innocuous environments but they’re probably programmed to be dystopias crafted around their profilings of us.
Funny how this is the same channel that posted the original creepypasta almost 15 years ago and now they are posting about time loops, turning people into AI simulations, janitors who won't let you leave and how you can feel the tingling inside your forehead
>Did you see the thread on here about stargates and portals?
This one is still current..

> I think I’m slowly being led backwards without being completely aware of the fact. I have a complete schizo narrative as to how this is possible.

Have you read the '4chan has reached quantum and temporal supremacy' thread?

There's some kind of convergence singularity between the BEN, Nobody and Texaschan topics.
We're so going back bros
>page 8
will the thread be reincarnated in the past after the loop?
we hit post limit.
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> So why people want to change of timeline?
If you want to make your life better in another timeline and say the multiverse is real.. your shitty life still exist and you allready exist in another timeline where life is good.. so why dont you just try to make all the yimeline nice for you and inprove your curent life.. also wtf happend whit reincarnation dont you eant to try another life instead?

And im also thinking..why people always want to go in the past when we allready go in the futur.. if you cannot make your futur to be nice its why yout life is shitty because your past self have fail for you
And you just think the same as im you just dont care about your futur and want to go to the past..


always the same nostalgia vibe here..

You just want to cheat like if it was a ps2 gta game
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> we are in a loop
I want to go to the past
> You will
Ok i will buy btc and fuck bitch and will dont need to go to the school
> Bro you sound like you will forget..
Op here I made a second thread, kinda scuffed it though.
That picture is from Jason of the "Archaix" youtube channel.
>I was going to continue writing, but I don’t like to repeat the words, they haunt me, everything I see haunts me, something is wrong.
Write it you faggot.
like that episode of krabopolis

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