Everyone hates my threads because they go above them but here goes. In Buddhism the world is empty and transient, similar but not the same as Heraclitus' Doctrine that Everything is Becoming. The origin of the Logos is in Heraclitus, who said the Logos is like a Discourse that is always changing and mutable. The Christian Logos is by contrast Platonic, losing its historical substance in Heraclitus and becoming something like the Hermetic All. Jesus does this thing, which I call the "Hereby!" declaration. It is Egyptian truth-saying magick. When Pilate asks Jesus, are you a king, he says, "You say that I am." This is the hereby! of the Roman governor being usurped by the Semite thru Egyptian truth-saying magick. Pilate says you are hereby on trial, you are hereby innocent, you are hereby guilty, etc., and Jesus says, "You hereby say that I am King." This is the level of rabbinic thought that Jesus operates at, which converted the whole world into believing he is the Christ. If you say to Jesus, "If I am wrong, strike my down," he will say, "You hereby are wrong." He will take your words not to be a constant fixed feature of the world but as a mutable Discourse which he can Trump. This is how he views the Form of the Good.This can be related to the slave revolt: "We Christians are hereby good, and you are hereby evil." This is a profound teaching, if you are willing to open your minds to it. Jesus essentially realizes the Form of the Good is transient, and uses Truth-saying magick to implement changes in the Truth. Thus the Truth comes as a thief!! Whatever he says is hereby true, even if that spells the end of the Master Morality...So Jesus realizes the Word is transient, and then executes Truth-saying he learned as a child in Egypt, so that his Word seems like the fixed feature of the World. See if you can understand it.
What's saturn got to with this?