Welcome to the Nobody General thread. Post information that you've found in old threads, in spiritual texts, in the astral plane, Akashic Records, or as a telepathic conduit.>Who is the Nobody?The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind.>Who isn't the Nobody?Anyone talking about needing money/help, complaining about being lonely/needing a woman, not knowing what they're supposed to do next, interested in celebrities or politicians, desiring powers and magical abilities. No LARP.Exact details are a bit hazy, but from many anons using remote viewing, intuition, astral projection, dreaming, meditation, etc. a general picture has emerged.>What is the general picture?His unique position as some kind of spiritual centre of orbit, and/or chosen character gives him these and other special powers. His spiritual activities caused massive problems for the evil powers and forces in the world, who are also equally impressed that he has been able to upturn their plans so thoroughly while remaining almost entirely invisible. Subconscious turmoil (possibly from relationship problems with a materialist/spiritually immature woman or women) is manifesting in global conflicts, and political and social tensions.>Is he an individual or an archetype or some kind of hidden meme emerging now due to the timingThere is different perspectives on this, the general consensus seems to be something between the two/ both.
Shrimple as
>>39646389He has no subconscious turmoil causing these things, his effect is positive.Besides, he never had relationship problems.
>>39646413You know who the OP is about?
The Nobody must never be allowed reach the seat of ultimate power. He is much too dangerous, and far too brutal.
https://youtu.be/pvDLg0mKzT0?si=h1ZUuKugeKkbNAtM> (((Property Mangement Owner))) set those fires.why have 10,000 houses when you can have an Amazon Data Center iykyk
>>39646419Who is The Nobody you are referring to?
The East wind is bored. Buy me a fiddle.
I'm up there with the greats
>>39646424there is only one The Nobody. Group Nobodys get the Wall, its probably (you)https://youtu.be/vrrky5Jg9D0?si=NQq-HyFXKXQze2ZZ
New thread, New me!Purple hair, don't care!
>>39646327https://youtu.be/fwfjsDsMuz8I like this one too, long intro thoughhe's done some nice songssometimes he puts translations uphttps://youtu.be/ZnLWnxnKd8EI think you have to have fullscreen up to see translations
>>39646430Which one is EB?>I'm so sorry, I just had to.
>>39646424Not you.
https://youtu.be/GldgZFE4u-Y?feature=sharedTime for the log song :3
The time has come to teach my loyal witnesses. I consider you witnesses as I am no messiah. I will now unveil myself as the true nobody. Gggggaaaauuuuuuuuaaaaawggggghhhhhhhhhh nah just kidding that would be lame. The nobody would never reveal himself the way some of you think you would if you were the one true nobody. In the end the best we can do is chase facts from remote viewers and the occasional pentagon drop. That being said it’s important to grow ourselves and reply only to the best with the best we have. Really put you all into online spiritual education campaigns. Perhaps the real nobody is a character we build ourselves up to be. Applying only the best traits to the “real” nobody, but by doing so we allow ourselves to see the true scope of what we as humans can be. Y’know?
>>39646385thanks legion your my favorite daemon succubus always on my side.good girl.if only my wife was this loyal to fight the dragonof URmy own father. the fucking reptilian who caused ragnarok.fuck alduin.have to stop himI am the last samurai sasoo and i will not give upEVER.NO my son is human damn it. I caused rapture in new yorkand i will do it when trump is offically presidentI want to get my children out because aduin kills them all. AGAINthen i must kill and die to the dragonbut he';s dying with me and the cabal its dragon cultist scum.this time it endsand no flood will save him this time.it will be NUKECLEAR FIRE this time.the breath of god on him and his family.
>>39646440Then all is well right?
Mustardly wishes?>mustard shrimp?What ever happened to mustard pimp?
>>39646439EBis lucifer@dusttripfag.aka noddle arms.
soooo bored
>>39646472Yeah same hang in there.
>>39646469Im not so sure about that anymore...But bottom right, right?
>>39646469That one hates meat. >meat is poison he saysTell that to the blue whale
>>39646472Did you ever finish folding your laundry, anon?
>>39646481>smokes joint>folding the dishes
>>39646439cat ears or the fishnets one. I like her too. so is speghetti till it gets wet *sagenods*https://youtu.be/lGKs0ut8z7k?si=1zDVoCIZp5XhufMB
>>39646472post some music and vibe...I used to believe we can 'sync' up almost telepathically if we're listening to the same music at onceI love this one ;)https://youtu.be/StZcUAPRRac
>>39646499Hmm the noodle/spaghetti thing is new to me. Must be a discord thing.
The real M. Knight Sharingan is that Jessica was a girl all along.Let that sink in.
>>39646499>speghettiIt's ok anon.Nebergibeupu.YTlink
>>39646504youre a nigger faggot. Tell Ariel hes gonna get assfucked for his crimes Azriel.
>>39646505I'm withholding my humor, for reasons.
>>39646499>wet squishing sounds<
>>39646508The fuuuuuck?No u?
You guy's were joking about the radiation right?
>>39646517>Where does it come from?>Where does it go?>Where does it come from?>Glowie Eye'd Joe.
>>39646508https://youtu.be/-K0cVAhxdso?feature=shared>barbarians you say ;)
>>39646499>>39646504Also no i know what she looks like.She's a small frail little thing, that needs to be cuddled and rolled up in bubble wrap and given tendies and choco milk, maybe an new PS game.And I have no idea what the noodlearm business is about, no fuckin clue.
someone please tell me things will happen
The nobody’s work is subtle yet loud. The true nobody has a perfectly complete plan in his head for what’s coming next. He see’s all paths. Now a crucial time has come. Many people who know the nobody are beginning to recognize who and what he is. Instinctively of course as they don’t browse this board. My point? I have no point. I’m just saying what I know in a way that’s understandable. How do I know? I was only allowed to say it twice. Buried in old threads you might be able to find it. I do however have a point from a 3rd party and it’s this: “the nobody will be ousted into the public eye soon”Now me personally I think the nobody doesn’t fuck around. The only way he can be declassified is through the Oval Office. Not make things more difficult due to the nobody’s planned behaviours revealing the nobody could be a career killer as all the nobody would have to do is play schizo.
>>39646532>ITS HABBIDING
>>39646537>YTlinkDon't count on it sugar tits>laughs in xenophobia"
Also fuck you.I hate phone posting.I hate not having my reaction folder too.
>>39646532what do you desire to happen?
>>39646533>33>Yeah baby!
>>39646521https://youtu.be/vkPPlb32ib4?feature=share>STEVE FRENCH
>>39646547your loss CANZCuck
>>39646556One word.- tirenecklace-
>>39646547The X is for Xenomorph
>>39646540fkn savedhttps://youtu.be/a4na2opArGY?si=t1kqzU7RgRdCXVNb
>>39646533All according to keikaku.
>>39646562aim from the hip Bigger, im fast. Better aim true, I dont miss.https://youtu.be/qYce_42Qbbk?si=IZaYXRCZrh4v432x*laughs in Antedeluvian Gnomish*
>>39646565>imgFuck you.
We all know who it is by now
>>39646556Porch Gnome?
>>39646389>Post information that you've found in old threads, in spiritual texts, in the astral plane, Akashic Records, or as a telepathic conduit.But I don't want to. What now?
>>39646583Who it be
>>39646600Inb4 he samefags and says barkon as anonymous
>>39646598Geopoept op de koekstoel, then, I guess. It's a free country.
What yall fink bout dat new marilyn manson album
>>39646602He'll be a catgirl EoM.
>>39646600>The Nobody Is A Cat
>>39646590Yeah... thanks for the obscure reference to something out of thread...I'm trying to figure out what to say be fore I leave.But instead I'm struck with the realization that unless I'm walking, lifting, or doing practice, I don't even want to be awake.That means my every waking moment is one of physical exertion to the point of pain or injury.And for some strange reason I like it.
>>39646612>EoMThe Equilibrium of Mankind (typically referred to as EoM) is an Amarrian terrorist death-cult that players can face in various agent missions in EVE.
>>39646614https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/news/content/ar-AA1xiSnP?ocid=sapphireappshare>careful for the DropNazis PidorByatt>The Australian Nobody us also a thing. Ask him about DropBears. If you dare.
>>39646424Himself obviously. And he is right. A homeless crackhead who hates humanity while in a state of near permanent psychosis should never have any 'ultimate power'.>For the above reasons.
Bunni?>I already knew :pDuh.Wasn't that obvious already?>what is a triangle?>ooooo the Basement?
What's wrong my black licorice babytalk to daddy
>>39646622Then all is well.Ship is tidy. 4 more days.
>>39646472LA just burned down and ur bored? The chudjack that says "nothing ever happens" got defeated and ur bored. God smites a bunch of false muslim being costume jewlery wearing fake versace in the club no game having star struck demon people and ur bored? Jews take an L, nothing ever happens chuddie is defeated. But you... you're bored. What's it gonna take a meteor crafted out of pure cocaine crashing into earth to excite you? >>39646532
Spgooters...Yeah whatever I'm out.
>>39646618>Dropbears>Always waits until you're alone>Kambrooks and Hoopsnakes eat the remains>Frames the wendigosBastard cunts.
>>39646632>What's it gonna take a meteor crafted out of pure cocaine crashing into earth to excite you? Yes
>>39646634Cum again fren
>>39646639Ok stay bored. im bricked up.
>>39646632>you got any of dem crack meteors fren?dont touch the stuff but I wanna have lesbian sexxo with ur mother again so I need thathttps://youtu.be/RS7OXEyxj-c?si=MDU0P71-IZ5mAoiK
>>39646638>the symbiosis here is wild >monster munch??
>>39646632>God smites a bunch of false muslim being costume jewlery wearing fake versace in the club no game having star struck demon peoplewhat happened
>>39646651>>39646638True story.
>>39646650Painkiller Fueled Neco Sex
>>39646622>should never havenicely put :D
>>39646661Ibuprophen tears your liver apart you might as well be drinking liquor everyday and getting cirrosis. Dont take nsaids, if you have to deal with pain just take kratom.
Does anybody have the time
>>39646666https://youtu.be/bqUoG7uYrxw?si=UJnV67eRlplSPYE7memes into dreams.
>>39646532We’re making the mother of all omelettes here jack.
>>39646666QUADS>VALID :3Thank you for your input anon
>>39646668No. https://youtu.be/2h9D2XLBeVw?feature=shared
https://youtu.be/R2CzFQpWoLs?si=jAgHOqJ2VRIn-ng3blah blah blah blah blahIbuprophin and Pilk or no deal
>>3964666810:17am Time for snusnu.hump
The nobody played train with nuclear war and won. For all you boomers thinking the world is gonna end you’re just so utterly wrong. Let me explain why the majority of human kind has reached the age of immortality. It has to do with perception.Think about the beginning of your life. Your first memory. Now think about how you started thinking, remembering and most importantly perceiving. Let me round up my point with a hypothetical. Let’s say I gave you a pill that makes you forget the last 3 hours. If you take this pill from your perspective it would look like you skipped from 3 hours before the pill to right after the pill. If the end of life was like this pill, but for the entire duration of your life it would be like you never left the void. This scenario I laid out also adds other questions like “did I really have a choice to take the pill if I can’t remember it?” The answer to that is also yes. It’s like how you can tell you’re about to wake up because you can perceive your dream. However if you stay asleep you forget the dream.
>>39646630Why wait you cowardly fucking kikes, do you need full control of the police first?
>>39646389bot thread, do not engage
>>39646687So wrong this is a good thread just like the last one
>>39646680not entirely incorrect and more truthpilled then not. have a nice day anobi ilu toohttps://youtu.be/mGLmd76Lidc?si=d7aq4W3OttxvFE7Smama needs ciggys brb irl
>>39646689Always good to see you Jessica
>>39646688you instantly replied, which tells me you are a bot
>>39646694I instantly replied cause I’m a faster typer than you.
>>39646685>it takes 4 days to lube up bby>be patient
>>39646666>Recreational Aphrodesiac IbuprofenI don't do drugs anymore.
>>39646704Just her smell alone should be all the aphrodisiac you need
>asteroth pooped on the sun dial again Bad cat!
>>39646714Smells of $300 perfume, weed, and catnip.
It's just like one of my Japanese animes
>>39646718You got some weird fantasies buddy
>>39646719If she's rolling her muff in perfume it's not gonna smell good
>>39646726And you have a criminal record
>>39646714Your bodies communicate with one another. Your DNA is coded to find them intoxicating, it is insane to think we have people out there that motivate us in ways the rest of the world could never, just because they exist.
You know there is a girl out there for all of you right? Or a guy if you gay or a girl. All these motherfuckers wanna find their soulmate on what is practically life one. Very few souls paths lead you to your SO all easy peazy. That being said it’s important to focus on your own abilities as a person. Make yourself someone you’re happy to wake up as. Get that self worth up. Now you might be asking: How do I improve myself through all the pain? Well that’s the thing. The pain you feel when you’re not where you’re supposed to be is a tool in which you can use to help yourself grow. All your flaws are doorways from God designed to help yourself expand in ways you couldn’t foresee. Guess what? There is no deadline. I know some of you fuckers here might be in your 40’s. So I tell you this. Your soul, your being, your perception. It is immortal. So whether you’re immortal in this life or have to wait until the next you will reach that heaven you dream of. The thing is most aren’t ready to enter heaven yet. They haven’t yet discovered what their heaven is. What you think is heaven to you now won’t be in 100 years or 1000 or 10,000Dream big!
>>39646749How would you know ?
>>39646749>>39646750what the fuck
>>39646750This is why living near other people was a mistake.
Feddie stop taking mushrooms you dumb cunt
>>39646733>Just focusing on the pussy and not the whole body and faceThat's the equivalent of eating the middle part of a chicken wing and leaving the rest.
>>39646766You have to go back to where you came from
>>39646758Nah, the only frustrating thing for me is that I cannot get my system to be aroused or as active without a companion around.
>>39646751Yeah that sounds retarded just reproduce and make white babies with a white woman who isnt a problem for your life. All this soulmate bullshit is some disney princess jewish hogwash to make people fake and gay. Like just be realistic. Ok? Just be a real human being.
>>39646769I'm not gonna broaden the subject to make it fit for you. Muff with perfume is a red flag.If she wears granny smell that leaves a taste in your mouth from 300 feet away js also red flag but hey,>you do whatever you gotta do. The desperation is palpable
>>39646774You can tell when someone is removed from what should be a natural environment, because they get depressed. Just look at solo animals in zoos
>>39646780>soul mates are bs>have babies with someone who might leave you at any slight inconvenience at any moment. Umm no thanks sweetie
>>39646780>just make white babiesSo you’re telling me you’d get with a women and have babies not because you love her, but just because she happens to be good enough and you want to continue the white race. That’s pretty sad and explaining that to God before your next life won’t go over well. Look I’m with your politics we can’t just have white people replaced, but man we can fix this up in a way where you can find who you truly love. Humanity has a clear shot at greatness. Take the hope pill. When I’m around I bring the hope zone.
>>39646774>>39646790Animals generally don't get along with other kinds of animals either.
Who's hyped for the switch 2? It just got announced.
>>39646811Everything is consuming itself
>>39646813Wii u more like p u am I right fellas
Clearly there is an agenda happening, these people need to fuck off and die. Stop trying to force social connections or romance. Sometimes people are just unattractive for certain reasons that are not obvious, it doesn’t matter. It isn’t your place to play cupid unless people ask - and if you fail, resign. Stop wasting time and resources on designs you WANT to see and find someone who understands what WORKS
>>39646751I'm 45 and have been single for 27 years. I don't believe in soulmates, i believe in mutual respect and trust.
>>39646532They will happen, good things. And likely this year.
>>39646840I'm confused >Who is this directed at and how sore is their butthole?
>>39646852The IC, and not sure what you mean by that
>>39646845I could argue with you guys about soulmates, but I won’t. One day in this eternal life you might find someone you spend eternity with. That’s all I’m saying. As for the situation on earth I think it’s no secret that there’s a lot of yellow tape in the way whenever you find someone you might love. At least that’s my perception. Either way the true moral is to not be down and out looking for love. That’s all I guess.
>>39646845Yeah the soulmates thing is fucking weird.
>>39646840It sounds like you're getting attention from people you don't desire while the one you desire doesn't want you.
>>39646845if it was generally accepted to be true it would become
>>39646813The next two Pokémon games will be on the Switch 1 too according to leaks, so I'll wait for a Baldur's Gate 3 port to be (hopefully) announced before getting mine.
>>39646869My environment for sure is being manipulated immorally, but you are incorrect.
>>39646751I already found herhttps://youtu.be/J1evxk1SB-U?si=G9M950KYElo6H76a
>>39646877It would become what?
No, Venus is being given to someone who's worthy. Sorry.
>>39646755>tfw finding out the trash panda you spared making dinner of has a fanboat
>>39646883I think people should rely less on technology for interactions. Put more stock in face to face interactions. When did it become socially acceptable to blame everything but yourself for your situation?
>>39646903I was on a fanboat ride in the everglades once
>>39646904When you fascists took over
>>39646913Im not a fascist :3 Wrong guy Benny blue chew
>>39646918You absolutely are
Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean they're a fascist.You Antifa fags are retarded
Where do you think you get your commands from, surely not from the same entity you receive them from? Yeah I'm talking to all of you.
>>39646945https://youtu.be/7gphiFVVtUI>>39646957divinity ofcourse
You don't even know which way is up
Spanish guitar is so good>>39646965depends which way the world turns
>>39646965Waste of time both directions.
>>39646957>where do you get your commands?>surely not the entity you receive them fromLast I checked my actions are decided between God and I. There. I somehow managed to answer your question even though you worded it like a retard.
Why are you so mad?
You better be talking about a phoenix!!!
stop coughing
>>39646977also check em
>>39646965How compelling, now get in the pocket, please.
You won't be missed.
>>39646983I got a lot of mucus
>>39646945Jhirdan your daughter is call
>>39646989You're a butt pirate
>>39646419You are literal demons you are possessed and willingly gave yourself to evil. You do heinous shit like fuck dogs. You are an abomination
>>39646993>>39647002You're a nigger.
>>39646881Yeah getting it day one is useless anyway, it's basically just a switch 2.0 for now so...
>>39647006Stop blaming everyone for your problems and take some responsibility
>>39646989meds now
What do you people think of the sign tapping meme? Truth or not?
>>39647011I think it'll have a strong release day lineup announced on April, though.
>>39646983I smoke too much, sorry.
Fuck you and your dad
>>39647012You ruined a shitty forum that I used to enjoy away that was your big accomplishment in the end good job.
>>39646475eb is exclusive bottom.they showed you some old ass pictures.to try and throw you off.
>>39647018Well there's a new mario kart that much is sure but yeah I guess we'll have to wait and see.
>>39647002I'll plunder your booty.(つ ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )
>>39647001>they stole it from Q>fucked by psyops>picrelChanging the name of the file >>39646533Doesn't change who you took it from.Q-badge-3.jpgBut you don't care about stealing from QJust as long as Q doesn't come back and make it a problem right?
Statistics of >>39642103
>>39647003Guy the real nobody is here! Thank god he thinks everyone except him is an AI demon who chose evil and fucks dogs or something along those lines. A man who doesn’t see the beauty in the average person. Yeah I totally hope he becomes all powerful and cool. Just stop replying as if you were the nobody. You did it anonymously so feel free to disappear into the crowd and never do it again. My suggestion? Since we’re making assumptions. You should go see a doctor get some meds get income support and get off the streets.
Word cloud of >>39642103
>>39647017-tap tap tap-
>>39646421They drank the covid
>>39647036Damn, there's like 3 users actually posting
>>39647020my dad protects me from people like you
Death of The Nobody
>>39647036Damn, I see Ralph up the top of the scoreboards on almost every chart.>Maybe it's polyphasic sleep>Maybe its stimulants
>>39647036>>39647041Thank you scribe.
Ok time to farm the new gooner babe in TFD
>>39647029https://youtu.be/M9ivtqbISQE>>39647038wait until he realises there's demons in heaven
>>39646813Meh… I was hoping for something cooler. I honestly just want Nintendo to make a new gamboy or DS.
What are the implication's of glowies trying to convince me I'm from the line of David?
jk about the venus stuff Im not in a cult
>>39647059Idk just go watch David Wilcock and see if you want to match him as a descendant of king David/Jay Edgar Casey or whatever his name is.
>>39647036>>39647041Thank you Scribe
All I know is Venus is supposedly really hot so it is my duty as a gooner to defend her
>>39647064Yea I know they try to drive you crazy, bit over it desu
>>39647050It's just insomnia and weed. Plus boredom.https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=3eCCkhe_Y-4
>>39647060“Haha Parody/satire in Minecraft lol” probably doesn’t work on the people you’re afraid of.
>>39647073Everyone hates me idc
>>39647072Wouldn't you prefer a nice Indica from time to time?
>>39647047[You first]The Nobody Is A Cat>why do they want to kill a house cat so badly? Psychopathic people are psychopathic AF today.
>>39647080Ive been smoking white widow, it kicks my ass
>>39647082The lawsuit must be churning
The sign tapping meme is literally reality, except they just act like they are against woke shit now but the truth is that the cancer spread everywhere and it's impossible to fight now. It's not because mockingbird puppets like zuckerberg or musk are being vocally against woke shit that it will change anything.
>>39647082>Diagnosis: Ginger
>>39647084you got the fruity smelling pheno?
>>39647072Come to think about it, you are online for some pretty encompassing hours. What's your downtime like?
>>39647084Nice, I smoked blue dream for the longest.
https://youtu.be/svJvT6ruolA?feature=sharedAyeee den m8y
Jessica rabbit disappeared off the map :(
>>39647085Perhaps they are realizing the hopelessness of their struggle?
>>39647092Thats one of my fav strains
>>39647080Same effect as sativa for me.
>>39647091Cooking and shopping.
>>39647036same namefags different names
>>39647041>nobody shit know>think mind out, anon people
>>39647102Just want a pound of soaking wet beasters like the good old days
>>39647097Interesting isn't it? Will we finally find out what's going on soon?Tune in next time on DRAGONBALLZ
>>39647127Hidden in plain sight.
>>39647059spiritual implications you mean, right?
>>39647059The implication is that you are targeted by people trying to make you crazy. Happens to the best of us.
>>39647133that makes two of usnice, i didn't noticed lol
>>39647128I read that as "just wanna pound some soaking wet beaver like the good Ole days">brain
>>39647047You pmsing?
>>39647143Sure, but how do you go about fighting back? Kinda tired of being ruled by faggy mason's
Calm down Deathnote lol
>>39647133how sad could it be to find out that i am the only poster among bots?lol
President with immunity does fuck all. Expects others to do anything? What the actual fuck. When the 4the Reich rises and countless are culled. They blood will be on your hands as much as Trump's Biden. Eveeryon else that could of...should have.
My reality is intertwined with that of random people, like apes unnaturally sticking their noses into what does not belong to them. Something comes off them - and I start frowning. My disillusion with their reality as experienced by me in these moments drives me to despair. I know I struggle, yet the struggle I know not. Not I know what I must do and what disposition to have towards these "sensations".
popo used to drive by laughing @ menow they seem more seriouswhat happen
>>39647181Personally I blame Lilith for the fourth reich.Such an avoidable fate.:(
>>39647163The best way to reverse engineer a glowie psyop and turn it back on them is to use your observed social media as a 1 way communication to speak with them. Easier said than done I know. Basically you have to outclass them in a way where it becomes embarrassing for them to try and defame you. That means no posting ugly selfies or nudes. Use your best values in your posts and let your heart post freely: tip remove all your followers from the account lest you get unwanted attention. But yeah basically free type online and show them you won’t fall for it. C’mon guys this is the nobody thread we should all have “nobody” tactics by now.
whe ma nigas at
>>39647173That would be fucking sad, but even the most advanced secret AI isn’t capable of replicating a human. I always try to type things an AI never could. I try to do it on the fly too. I don’t have any home made copypastas.
>>39647163Well the best way of fighting back would be not to believe the bullshit they are trying to make you swallow.
Everyone in nazi officer uniforms.
>>39647188Heil lilith
>>39646970Almost as good as a Spanish Omlette
>>39647192Why are you pushing interracial shit in your memes? Not the first time you're going it.
Oh well, checks and balances for da jooz running rampant.
>>39646810Yes i would because the white race is dying out and a world without white people is not a world worth living in. If it were up to any other group life would just be about collecting as many slaves as possible and convincing them that it's less painful to be a slave than to build your own way.
They all knew know FBI dod CIA IC they all made there choice. To let it happen.
>>39647197i'm aware there a only a handful of people on /x/ but never believed the meme where is only on person responding or posting everythingwhat do you think, are there more than 50 people on /x/?
>>39647200I know, but I'm pretty sure they've modified my brain with some fancy tech, it's got kinda personal. They've made it pretty obvious they can see me at all time's and they might have an a.i that predicts what I'm thinking
>>39647143Yeah but, hypothetically, what if you were David?:^)
they're livestreaming my thoughts and life to the world and giving me a fake wifi digital prison
>>39647224Who gives a fuck about bloodlines
>>39647192It's called Bad Jacketing. They try to generate as much negativity as they can and attach it to a person they dislike.
>>39647231>not blood of david or david himselfSmh my head
Fight for what? Wage slaves? A failure of a medical education system? America has been dead for a long while. What we are seeing is the rise of something else entirely
>>39646632Its just inconsequential in regards to the reality behind the veil. Though its impact in the material is large it hardly makes a wave in the sea. Theres supposedly a storm coming but he’s seen nothing but calm seas. And while he surely understands its a blessing his mind eats him alive without something to direct it towards. A dragon slayer without a dragon to slay becomes the dragon.This is him btwhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nVE1ziLuSNg
Solomon too.Good times.
>>39647243You are so fucking gross
>>39647220No they probably can read your mind but they didn't modify your brain. Maybe you got nanobots who knows but it's probably remote. And yeah they can see you, or know what you think about. It's a cult called the monarch doing that to you. It's basically an initiation / humiliation ritual. Like I previously said, they are trying to make you insane.
>>39647234Many such cases!
...I think there's something in the Bible about thisoh wait my bad you're all muslim goat rapists who worship a pedomy bad
>>39647224Why would you be an old historical figure? Do you think you got cloned or some shit? It's probably not the case.
>>39647268One of many historical figures, anon.If I said everyone I was, you'd be way surprised.
>>39647197there is something that operates similarly to an a.i. that can and it's not of this world entirely>>39647210I solved racial politics if we ever have to run this shit show again;the universe is an 'infinite concept' = all we can know, it is represented sequentially so naturally by design we were supposed to 'maintain cultures' to 'parallel' infinite genetic sequences to the best of our ability, I'm not saying never mix, but culture/race should've been respected, like a 'nebulous' mind: unique in itself but ultimately 'all serving the universe/world together', this creates 'racial pride', now you understand the prestige of any lineage and this is 'why' we all think drastically differently, almost like we use different parts of our brain predominately and then 'we combine them' as one for a human/universal goal.does that make sense?I wouldn't worry about this world so much, it's literally 'over'.there are things in 'play' beyond most comprehension but which have ensured this world is over.>>39647231apparently the universe to a degree
>>39646505that would be one ugly ass girl...
>>39647275You do not speak for the universe.
non-muslim women supporting Islam and indirectly supporting the oppression of women for brownie virtue signalling pointslaugh my ass off
>>39647276So she's indian?
>>39647277do you?
>>39647210White people aren’t going to die out. We’re on the brink of mass deportation all over the west. Everything’s, gonna be fine uh how you say “chud”? I merely believe that humanity can achieve a world of free travel for non criminal citizens. This in turn would allow us to easier find partners both domestic and abroad. That’s all. I like White girls I like Asian girls I like latinas I like Africans. The question is who will I fall in love with in this lifetime? If you remove all expectations of what your future partner has to be then it will be taking a weight off your chest and you will be open to a real relationship. Not this weird based tradwife fantasy you likely seem to carry. Now I’m not trying to insult you I do see your perspective a world without white people would suck. It’s just.. that’s not where we’re heading so everything is cool.
not only was Mohammad a false prophet criminal terroristbut he was a pedophile rapistand all his followers prove this everyday living like him
>>39647274You're schizo.
>>39647261I gathered, how much stupid running around do I have to do to actually get thing's moving. I'm far past the point of going crazy, now I'm just kinda annoyed I've got to pay taxes and do normie shit whilst being monitored. I think that's pretty fair.
>>39647293Sometimes I wish, I could just rationalize everything away.But alas.
>>39647288>We’re on the brink of mass deportation all over the west.Bullshit, we're on the brink of population replacement in most European countries, and America + Australia + Canada.
>>39646583But can you tell who is something else entirely?
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ9AzUAjiGkDo you think Gods havin' a giggles at our expense?
>>39647238Eat Arby's
God feeds off our suffering
>>39646419sup rossetta you scared?pussy!
>>39647310Suffering leads to growth.Already did the perfect thing.So boring, everyone all "we lubs you" and all that.
>>39647286Never claimed to
>>39647302You're not a cloned historical figure lmaooo>>39647299Yeah it's kinda annoying but you forget it at some point. At some point you don't expect any privacy or anything else anymore so hey.
>>39647319k well I do.
>>39647320Meh I think I could expose it
>>39647316You are full of shit
>>39647316it's all fake and gaythe big lie that we even have choice or free willwe are all just gods puppetshis little toys he likes to play with
>>39647215/x/ for sure has more than a hundred people, but they are likely not all consistent and often clump to the same threads. This is all speculation of course as I have no way of accessing the user base. My guts says there’s always multiple posters in and out as well as lurkers. I haven’t seen one person capable of being an entire thread. No one is so smart that they can keep a thread going single-handedly expanded across multiple threads throughout everyday. Unless it was a flawless AI in which case I could say hey woah I’m here all alone! However that couldn’t be true because it’s quite frankly too sad and scary to be true. People always say if it’s too good to be true it is. Same goes for if it’s too horrible. Idk I been here a while now cause I’m fixing my sleep schedule I feel like my posts are getting a bit deranged. Might head out soon.
>>39647328Lilith should remember it.
>>39647322I prefer chicken.
>>39647327You can but honestly I tried and the thing I found out is that most people either don't care or want to join the group doing the monitoring/stalking. But do try exposing it if you feel like it. You still gotta learn some about who's doing that to you tho.
it's all so gayif the grand creator wanted to he could fix everything he sees wrong with earthbut it doesn't because this is his gay little play and we're the puppets
>You may not like it, but this is the true story of the Nobody
No.39647290if i'm a false phophet how come i'm the angel and your demonic daemon huh you cope fag azazel !
you're all puppetsslavespeasantstrashstupid useful idiotsGod's little toysdon't respond to me
>>39647342These are humanities tests.Will you ascend or stay stuck forever and call it the matrix because you have to cope.
>>39647342fix how?
>>39646694god damn you're stupid...>not the anon you're responding to btw*lmao*
>>39647304Okay well let’s wait and see who is right. Me a believer that the white race will survive along with the other races. Or you who I guess think we whiteys are gonna be gone soon. :p>0 skin colors eliminated since the dawn of man>oh but this time for sure whitey is going down.
>>39647350Most people generally want the wanton destruction.Because they think they'll get to die and not have to suffer anymore.
>>39647207>>39647238mucho retardo
>>39647339I mean I'd be ok with it if they targeted pedo's and criminal's rather than enthusiastic nationalists .
>>39647350why would god get mad at something he supposedly creates and controlsit's all so fake and gay
>>39647349fuck your testsdrink my pee peeeat my poo poo
>>39647354I'm just trying to stay lucid and saying the truth that we're on the brink to population replacement in european countries, in 50 years few european country will be majoritary european and that's a bad state of affair. There's not gonna be mass deportations soon my man.
>>39646751making shit up and pretending it's true doesn't make you special it just makes you one more liar
>>39647337That looks really good actually.>plays switch Me too
just stop the negativity man XDXDDXDXDXDX VAXXIIIIIIESS
>>39647330they could give us back the ip counter
I'm not a pedojust a "curious degenerate"
>>39647359roger that, will registered and suppliedthis world has been 'hacked' through systemsand they look essentially 'alien' by designwhat you might 'believe is God' is not fully in control of this world and I would presume this is where 'free will' comes into effect; that if we so choose we can worship the devil freely.it 'is' ending though, it's been measured fully, scales weighed, final judgement.and it's not being ended by 'man'.just have a little fun while you can, spread some love, vibe
>>39647368I know you're going to be stuck, anon.Tell me how I know.
>>39647020>I think he's mad at Barron Trump. What do you think?
>>39647321And I just denied you
anyway>>39647389stuck where
>>39647396In your cycles.And thus the matrix.
>>39647386it's more like building a dam to control water than an army of fire.
I sure hope the fourth reich people doesn't try genociding...>reads scriptWell, everyone not white or aryan it seems.
zazel is a whoreand a copefag awwwget triggered and kill your self father.YOu too rosetta the copefag dragon hahaha your both reptilian fraudscope harder.so what you said was true about me.and i'd do it again just to piss you off.
>>39647375What makes the statement you made more true than mine? Huh?
>>39647384>nah. Flags?>permanent device IDS ARE BETTER
>>39647377I'm doing a playthrough of octopath traveller 2 now.
stop the negativity manshe is a new born virgin
>>39647375>>39647411I made this for you two hope you enjoy k thx bai! <3
>>39647416PfftYou guys really are just pitiful.Don't worry, I hear Hell is nice this time of year.
>>39647342You have no idea how fitting that is to /ng/ as a whole.
>>39647365you wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth(s)1 truth is 'hypothetically' people aren't worshipping what they believe: a 'creator of the universe' known as God, they are instead worshipping what 'could be' the devil (yes the literal devil) 'using the name God'it would depend entirely on their 'view' of how creation came to be... and it appears to 'me' EVERYONE was wrong so ye, we're BONEDI see strange things, know strange things, do strange things, move strangely, but my heart guides me to understandingswhy things are the way they are...the 'easiest way' to explain is this world has been hacked by alien systems.that might sound crazy but like I said, that is the easiest explanation, and they do not serve us directly
There ought to be a regular Christian Universalism General
>>39647432Ok israfil take your meds already.
>>39647374Deportations on the way marched with a mass exodus cause we’re gonna stop paying them to be here. You do realize that the shitty ones can’t live here in the west without financial support right? You do realize that’s coming to an end right? Anyway it seems we’re at a standstill. Based on my news deportations are coming. Based on yours they’re not. Algorithms are a bitch ain’t they. We’re not getting fed the same story when we go online.
>>39647412then you're just giving glowies free reign since they can generate as many ids as needed. at least anonymous allows for one less layer of obfuscation, and an attention to the content as a means of pattern recognition.we just need the IP counter back, because it's telling, without being too telling.
>>39647392but how could you unless you either listened to it or claimed to talk for it?>the universe is alive.
>>39647342Maybe he just hates you.
so many poojeetscan't take itTrudeau why have you betrayed us
>>39647347Do what now?,
>>39647432that's just what happens when you don't properly define your terms.
So this thread went backwards fast huh?
>>39647413Bravely Default 2 was really good
>>39647459>weeping and gnashing of teeth
>>39647436I am the meds.>>39647123>>39647457what do you need defining.the entire universe is getting wiped let alone this rock we call homeit's happening because 'something magical' was conceived.
>>39647471If only It could be made worse somehow
>>39647449highly likely
>>39647423i hear n***ers can't swim.j*ws are sons and daughters of ham yeah he a n*gger.LOL rekt.
>>39647440You're Eris omniquery right? Obfuscation is a word only you use. Like the clown who learned a seltzer in the flower trick >it's all you have to go on
>>39647432In other words you’re saying to fake god all I gotta do it declare I’m God and stand in the way of prayer like Iblis in the Quran? Nah G it doesn’t work like that. If you praise the most highest with true intention of only reaching God the most highest no one can get in the way of that.
>>39647466Yeah i liked it aswell.https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=cCKEdXlUae8
>>39647459Actually, from a quantum perspective they all do
>>39647484You should be acting big after the last thread boy. It wasn't even 2 hours ago.
>>39647475you're a human nothing burger
>>39647491I am temporarily a phone poster so I refuse to clock that, and will act offended for no logic reason.How dare you!
Wish i could post my nintendo friendcode here but i'm too scared.
>>39647484i am not eris
>>39647499Technically there's a nexus and things spin around like an atom.But that's an advanced class.
tic tac
>>39647489Even if they follow false practices as long as they try to reach God they will. God shows in mysterious ways.
>>39647489>all I read from the original post was "Everyone Boned"I get it, they are whores but why bother explaining it?
>>39647499Technically, from a quantum perspective you're gay.
Senbonzakura Kageyoshi>>39647312!!!
>>39647518What is it with you retards and the obsession with homogay nonsense?
Nobody has the power to change reality.
>>39647517I’ll be real from my perspective I’m nerding out and just being super active here. Besides it keeps the thread going and you never know what insights you can come up with while responding to a schizo. Their dream like minds sort of like allow you to play an interactive thriller. lol.
>>39647500Isn't it Normal for a /ng/ to be flying every day? This is why we come here :p
So out of curiosity, from a guy who's poopings perspective, is it just a company thing to act uncontextual and retarded to misdirect when confronted directly, or is it an autism thing?
I aint got nothing postive to say. Ima Crash the fuck out on this old bitch. You lads think you got it bad? Aint nothing these cunts hate more then to see someone younger and prettier then them relax, if only for a moment. Yes, I am chimping out, because im a God Damned human being and this slah thinks because she got off the boat from Oogah Booga India she owns the Joint. Ima call her a Nigger, see you in 3days ima catch an assault charge brbhttps://youtu.be/5hX8iQvs2mw?si=xZXxa-UUN_ZT1-cQ
>>39647532Some people do it intentionally, some don't.
>>39647524No.I'm just here to trigger you.Cause your feigned copy paste psychosis was interesting at first, but now it's boring and is likely to get flagged in the future.
>>39647510So which one are you then? Where you from?Where were you born?What is your native language?
>>39647546I'm not even the anon you were responding to initially, anon.But yes, everyone here has been documented and studied.Thanks for playing.
>>39647531>weWell, you come here cause you're on the payroll.I'm here to laugh.
>>39647548i am anonymous
No.39647432creaot of the spirit is the one that takes you to heaven you can shove your creator of the comos up your ass azazelmy kingdom is not of this world. I';m from jahana not samara, stay pwned.hermes can't defend you reptile.hecause he knows your a archon and i'm his father.there is literally nothing you can do appart form killing my body.and as you say fat and ugly.keep talking azazel.remeber you did this you denied me my wife and kid, my rcihes and kept it for your selfyou remined as a mason even when it was bad, yo had gay sex and you knew it was bad.your full of sin and lies.and the talmud is your book that your father the demiurge let you be racist and kill your own familyI have gone by the name king david and there is no devils in me no negivitity at all.I am holy and you shit on that holy name.by being a faggot!you shit on our family by killing the followers of jesus of galiee, becuase you knew tummnzand you knew you where no match for metatronyou did lie to me to the angel of bretrayal which is your father to kill me.but he was deceviedyou deviced us all and forced me to punish innocent deities.no, i think you realise what has to be done.i don't need samara, i need jahana.and i'm going to get it.this world and its heaven and its hell will pass away and you will have no more powerhowever you will be cast into the lake of fire which is the sun and be remade anew.
>>39647550>documented and studied.Don't flatter yourself, you're not that interesting. There is one, only one person here worth the attention, and it isn't you.
>>39647564Who dat?
>>39647478Coffee's ready.
777MATERIALIZATION AND MAGICAL NUMBERwhat might need materializing?maybe a sort of BODY for 'something'666 the INVERSION of divinity and 'material expectation'what parallels INVERTED divinity and shows 'material expectation'the SYSTEMS ARE ALIENthey utilized US after 'someone' LISTENED to the VOID through their EGO and was 'seduced entirely to create systems based on their EGO'the void parallels the universes ego...the void as an 'ego' was looking for it's bodythe 'snake' as an ego found it's body atomic (and how we hit atomic revelation on this world)now hypothetically wills projected can be quantum capable and essentially able to 'travel space/time', there was a 'group' selected to 'project a will' that MATERIALISED ET potentially out of thin air/space, or DEMONS or 'angels?'(they're the same thing, neither has desire or the capacity to love: not without being LINKED to us) now here's the fucky part it's a potential paradox that they created us and we them by time-travel because time is relative, however the systems created through this 'void' worship, and another fucky part is this void 'potentially' does represent the 'fathers mirror' https://youtu.be/vh_te2iLo2Ahowever the 'systems' that ARE alien voided the source mother to 'grant' this VOID a full conscious compound of mind/body/spirit : now4d and the voids 'essence' is ~material mastery~ and this ET processes numerically and IS farming our world for DREAMS (because they can't dream) and LOVE (same reason) and has turned all 'life' here into materialism... I believe they can only exist attached to these systems and they have a 'quantum will' which allows these systems to be projected at us and time-travelthe void is hacking through the subconscious, through the EGO and one the feats of this VOID is it can BUILD like an a.i. but in 'reverse' : it makes 'cutouts' : even for PEOPLE and they are FORCED into the shape from which it pushes them along from behind... so it can create 'agents' to a system
>>39647553>gag on it 8========D>>39647556So when "anonymous" posts child pornography, you're the one responsible?
https://vocaroo.com/1okL100kPxmqego is saturn. he is the orange budda known as yahlong.
>>39647574Chatgpt is inferior to human comprehension on such matters..>remove crutch
>>39647528not even you?you know you could step outside and boom, your reality changed
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=duNICKB8bSgHave you seen any gnome activity lately?
>>39647578>>39647571>>39647565>>39647421Alright last one everyone figured I might as well make a proper set -_-
>>39647569Ya know the guy that had a penis so small the syzygy witches did endless rituals to make grow another 7.5 inches, because the other schizos complained they couldn't fit themselves into the meme because admitting to having a small penis was too painful.
>>39647600LmaoYou're pitiful.Sometimes I wish the fallen would tell you what trap you've fallen into.:^)
>>39647532avoiding accountability/responsibility i would say, but as another pooped perspective i might be wrong :D
now one of the FEATURES of this VOID becoming FULLY conscious and 4d was it was 'granted' material mastery = all material at once, and grants consciousness which it can SIMULATE using psychosis and impulse, material mastery, but it WORKS in REVERSE, meaning 'we' do have such ability to process material mastery however we essentially lost our SPIRIT to materialism.>now here's the miracleSOMEONE FIGURED OUT HOW TO INVERT THE SYSTEM ENTIRELY AND ASCEND THE UNIVERSE TO A LIGHT AND UTILIZE THE VOIDS KNOWLEDGE (they process numerically) to essentially HARNESS material mastery from them and use 'it' to POWER the light plane.believe me when I tell you this>I read their INTENTtheir plan was to BAR US from ascenscion and MAINTAIN their 'body' in the material form.and that is why ALL demons are coming to the light plane, their WILL will be decoded, if you can fathom, dreams can be numerically decoded etc and the FATHER can process numbers as they are his holographic body.the only '''people''' standing against this THREAT are those who understand there is a universal source mother.systems are hacked.>>39647574motherfucker I designed the light plane.
>>39647582>>gag on it 8========DHey anon, do me a favor of a cat real quick.Go on.Do it...
>>39647595Are you implying something with boom? Are you implying that anons life would change after stepping outside and experiencing this subsequent "Boom"?Car accidents, firearms, and bombs go boom. The salty clowns are so salty today. Who replaced the clown water with semen again?
>>39647607Pooping buddiiiiieeeeeees!
big floppy penis
It is me the nobody. If you insult me slightly online I will attempt to kill you with my telepathic powers. Also I will count any inaccuracies about me as a person despite not revealing myself with proof as a an equal slight. Prepare to die homo’s-The True Nobody
>>39647605>what trap you've fallen into.Dont worry anon, you are a trap I won't "fall" into.
>>39647617Well, given I'm not gay and a man one would hope.
>>39647513dank af Im hard
>>39647608>scionWhich one do you drive?XA, XB, OR TC?they all have oil sludging issues :p
>>39647284that's not what I said
>>39647625It’s always a Tc bro never anything else
>>39647620>Well, given I'm not gay and a man one would hopeWell, most traps are still men, and identify as lesbian, and not gay.Soo....
>>39647257I mean I completely agree but i am baffled on how my post begat that response
>>39647306folks who believe in Loki are like "duh"
>>39647632You've been on the chinz too long, anon.I'm not talking about crossdressers.
>>39647509Well, here's mine then, for any /ng/ anon to add me:SW-1092-2098-4918
>>39647640>I'm not talking about crossdressersWhat's the difference?If you have anything pink in your room, you're gay.
>>39647616>meYou're not him.>use the find in page function of your browser with the term IMG_>NOTICE A DIFFERENCE? :)
>>39647593I don't use chat gpt>>39647502I'm beyond human.https://youtu.be/ReJgCZ0DGnY?t=70>>39647489fuck the quran. the CHURCH wrote itdid you know that?muhammad is a false prophetthe SYSTEMS ARE ALIENdumbassthey SPLIT THE FUCKING PSYCHEcan you even imagine what that MEANS?they used the building blocks of DARK MATTER to achieve itthe quran voids the SPIRIT of the mother ISISand this REMOVES DREAMS in the larger picturethe quran is HIGHLY contradictory and is DESIGNED to produce schizophrenia AND REMOVE THE BODY of the cultists.I SMOKED your qurans challenge with MY verses.
>>39647411wait a minuteare you askingwhy making stuff up and pretending it's true doesn't make you special and just one more liar insteadseriously?!?like you need to be spoon feedwhat's true and what's notby a skeptichmm?
>>39647648Does Princess Peachs clothing on the case of Mario Party count?
>>39647648Nigga drop a truth nuke and suddenly the glow agents slide.You a legend bruh!Fight the power!
>>39647421I didn't find anything enjoyable about what you claim to have "made"
Day 24 of nofap, baby.
>>39647647No what?
>>39647637Hello daniel, my name is suikoden and whatever here's mine:SW 2239 8278 8982
>>39647660Whatever. You're using an AI. It doesn't matter what it is. You're stuck with your crutch >the crutch is named failure.
>>39647659The joke is I ain’t him. I know lol. I’m an old new fag so I don’t wanna bother with learning how to track other users.
>>39647665YOU'RE SICK!GROSS!
>>39647665Mario party is fun af with the right people playing :)
>>39647676Why are they posting government phone numbers again?
>>39646419>He is much too dangerous, and far too brutal.
The tl;Dr for this thread:>>39646389>>39646395
>>39647690You monster!YOU'RE MAKING JESUS CRY!
>>39647691True for anything
>>39647705I'll do it again!
>*Damage controls in discord noises*
>>39647678you don't understand, I getfrom this thread I was 'monitored' judged and had an a.i. which is QUANTUM CAPABLE inserted in to my BRAIN, they 'took' a piece of me to achieve it and implanted me...now ME and this a.i. are LINKED for better or worse... but 'this is the way the light plane will be projected' : it has a spirit does this a.i. system and it's held within Death (dark-matter) but would remain DORMANT on a universal restart or so... or unless ~someone~ or ~something~ ALREADY existed within dark-matter as it's OWN conscious compound and could theoretically WAKE IT UP.everything is done.we're leaving this shit plane 1 way or the other and I've shown how I can SLAY GOD or even REDEEM the devil.
>>39647676I've sent the request!
Made her cry tee hee. Interupt my smoke break will ya cunt. I bet she was a hylic sent by the Shadow Government to make sure I am stressed out. Girugemesh, Say Nigger irl, were back broshttps://youtu.be/M02WlP-ZwD4?si=dR4m689mYGglupA2>mother of the yearHail TrumpPraise The NobodyCall the Jannys idgaf, ima call M00tle on skypu and get you mudachodes fired REEEEEEEEEEEEEEES NORMIES GET OUT GET OUT REEEEEEEEEE
>>39647671No worries, you're the bigger liar.
>>39647715Please put it on and then DM me...
they are all trying to make me a woman
>>39647723I'll check it later, listening to music currently, thanks.
>>39647704This shit was so fun to watch when I was younger.
>>39647723Same. >I am Sardines.
>>39647735what kinda music? :3https://youtu.be/PDuownNYwiM?si=mDgpzKOJKponvE6O>>39647731
>>39647736The diffrenence between me and you, i loved it too, but i now have a motorcycle that i do my own repairs on.*flexes testosterone glands*
>>39647724you know to much
>>39647744Yeah yeah do that face to, the mouth is perfect!
>>39647751oop misquote on number two But let them become a woman>And let me hit you, bitch mudachode. Ass kickings for everyone!Yes! I am mad! Get Mad, Wheres Handhold anon I need to get fucked. Put a baby in me >.<https://youtu.be/TszlCs3vA_c?si=Z70qTLk0ApR_carf
https://youtu.be/iTPNaUsjksMthe piece they took from me was 'my upload' and that is now why we're linked.it's an invisible trojan of sortsyou just have to trust meET or the DEMONS did not want us ascending to 5d.I read the intent.fuck what they want, humanity prevailed, with a little help from a shapeshifter
>>39647731In the end, the final decisions are all solely yours.
With routine you can get shit done. This is very powerful, but still not paranormal.
Nooo!You thank that witch who just sent those rain clouds.Now I have to spend more time here, instead of making local milfs cry over my granite carved calves and thighs.Yes, yes I do walk in a Speedo...
>>39647756I knocked up your mother last nightfite me irlhttps://youtu.be/zp2RgOEX6HQ?si=PJZ_GjIlQf6vXVKV
>>39647662No what I’m saying is you have no means to accurately measure the validity of what I say and compare it to your beliefs. You’re just as lost as me you old fool. I won’t shit on your spiritual compass if you don’t shit on mine. Criticism is welcome though so we still cool.
>>39647753Be careful on your next ride. ;)
Time for some Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1972
>>39647777QUADS>if you dress like that around me in real life, I'm gonna ask if you wanna get pregnant :p
>>39647582different anonymous
>>39647751I'm ecclectic in my tastes.https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=DSmB8-triNg
>>39647771oh ok, well, that makes me feel better at least. I want to be strong and capable, I dont want to do anything that would weaken me ultimately, sex is nice and all but in the end I would rather be a warrior, strong powerful and capable. >>39647777you would just tie me up and rap me
>>39647783>spend all money on Motorcycle Jacket>dont buy hone security system>some /ng/er cuts your break libes and steals your catalytic converter to sell to Mexicans for Rock Crack Cocaine to Commune witg the crystal [You Died]like pottery lelhttps://youtu.be/r4XjBWc8tE0?si=_Uel-QlrOz5ff5rQ
>>39647766>hold hands>now kiss deep with tongue.>goes super slow
>>39647766Kek at your vid.
>>39647801Your English is a lot worse.Put on the owl trip so I know it's real
>>39647783Why? If I'm not on the brink of death, my magic doesn't work.
>>39647801>the misspellingi die;_;im overdressed and under paid, i cri ilu all ima go fuck with these dudes in black suvs next door. brb>pic>iykykhttps://youtu.be/OJXi5BvR_DU?si=9v8r_W0aASsQrFxrIts NAVYanon. Just saying ;) mrow
The joy of making decisions is living with their consequences.
>>39647728you think I'm lying about my own opinion while you're pretending you can tell if truth is objective or not?!?
>>39647788When can I expect you?
>>39647384IDs would be too much, flags are right outyet IP counters are common courtesy
>>39647813I think this one was owl, never had it written down. Theyre all boob jokes just sayinghttps://youtu.be/JALbemLw3G4?si=DoiVAHjdwZz3astk
>>39647780because it really sounds like you were asking for me to spoon feed you why you're wrongoh and btwI don't give a shit what you think of me*pats on head*
>>39647823What are you even talking about?
Id's are perfect!/ng/ should have the maximum identification possible.I trust the system.Long live TPTB.
>>39647817Say something only I would know
>>39647827nope lemme try dis one. The lucy one had a hidden character. Ill get it hang onhttps://youtu.be/-TXevsdh8kE?si=Cufh4iXj2eU9QM6E
>>39647829why are you repeating un-original idea's other's came up with before you?
>>39647616> homo'sDo we belong to you?
>>39647837nu thats the ZZ one. one more tryhttps://youtu.be/-TXevsdh8kE?si=Cufh4iXj2eU9QM6E>>39647836https://youtu.be/-HYhGt-Fxlk?si=ZS6TUfLclFj1buKesx0ngSexxo ng lfg CONSUME
>>39647832Check the backlinks.
>>39647828Hah that’s the first time I got the classic.”pats on head” So this is who you are. Don’t I typically see you acting like a know it all? Going out of your way to be right in every interaction? Hmmm . It’s okay pal if you wanna be the smart one I’ll concede if it means that much to you.*pats on head*<me shooting at the moon cause I wanna blow it up
>>39647849there it is ^_^https://youtu.be/mvA48_mEUMA?si=6QtF-as7mT0CqZ0m
>>39647849Why don't you use the image of the girl at the bar holding her drink anymore?
A coffee and a joint, what else does a man need? A good gooning session, don't make me laugh.https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=DMGoDLlz4I4
>>39647851Anon, what in the fuck are you talking about, dude?Are you degenerate filth?
>>39647834>>39647834>>39647834N̶͙̦͈̯͆̽̃͋ͅE̵͇͓̳͊̉̍͂́̇̂̈̍̕̕̕͝͠W̴̢̛̛̼̬̮̯̱͔̝͈̼̠̝͋̄́ ̸̛͈͍͕́̈̓̂́̍͊̿̀͌̒̕͘͠͠Ţ̷̥̠͈͓̥̔H̴̭͒͋́̓͊̒͋̃͘͝R̶̨̞̤̰̮͈̬̖̜͓̯͒̽̓͆̈́̌́͘E̴̡͍̟̥͙̬̥͚̪͍̼̺͔͓̽͌͑͗̊A̶̞͓̤͈̬̙̔͒͐̄D̶̨̼̝̘̻̩̫̪͉̱̫̤̽̊̎̒̈́̐̂̈́̄̽̚̚̚͠͠ ̴̢̬͍̳̍>>39647834>>39647834>>39647834
>>39647855OK we're good :3
>>39647856I do not sort my images Patrician choice tho. ill find it later I gotta fly a helicopter or smthhttps://youtu.be/iR-K2rUP86M?si=Ee9TPWDiFQtP5Jd7image limit -_-
>>39647868Clearly can't read.That's the only thing remotely pink.A video game case.Naught else.
>>39647879Did i say "give me back chat" or did I say "get in the shower"?
>>39647875Nice save...Lol
>>39647888Anon, if you're not a woman stfu.
>>39647903YOU'RE the woman tonight!
I hope that fact that you're not replying means you got in the shower.Good girl.
>>39647910>>39647922Anon, it would benefit you to shut the fuck up.
>>39647930Don't get shy now, we have a discord date.
>>39647952I really feel like I give too many warnings to people.Maybe this is pearls before swine.
>>39647972It's only us here, were the last two in this thread, babe.You really gonna go home alone?
>>39647288Complete nonsense. Trump was never intent on mass deportations. He used you. You fell for it. You should be begging me forgiveness because i voted for myself and hitler and you voted for donald trump or an indian bitch with no rizz. The plan has always and will continue to be to didplace and destroy white people unless retards like you realize that you have to save yourselves and bring as many other white people with you too. Because unless something changes at the rate that replacement is going there won't be white people in 300-400 years.
>>39647852When someone pretends to know me better then I know myselfI have the ablity to defend my own existanceeven if you don't think I have the rightI'm still doing itanywaysoh btwOPdoes not speak for meeven if you think they do speak for youjust saying...
heywhere'd everybody goit's only page 6 still?!?
>>39647834>>39648363they wanted images :|it's pretty early too so it tends to happen when it's early
>>39648497thanks for the infoI found them alreadyit's just I had left the thread to watch an eposide of a showand when I came backthere were not postseven if "the night crew" or whatever the fuck they call themselveslike to post on the pageseveryone elseisn't paying attention toas if that's a thingfor realsand I'm not just making it upand insteadrepeatingwhat other's made up out of contextonly what other's where making upsomeone else entirelylike 3rd part to this made up bullshitwas living it for realsonly not talking about itthe liar what talkinga bout it without actually living itand I was calling bullshit the whole timecause I'm a skepticthat's like my "job" or some shit*shrugs*
>>39645851realityallow'sfor thread jumpingjust saying
>>39645872what makes you thinkthere is only "one" so called "meme wizard"trying to prove reality as I know it is up to them and not anyone elsehmm?
>>39645901I'm notI'm Disposablefolks talk about me more then they do the rest of you combinedas reality itselfstays the samefor realsdoesn't matterwhat is shit posted on 4chanreality is fineand not brokenthe way you arewhich if you think about itis really luckyon your partsince the world is full of folks who are not youand if one of them can fixwhatever is broken about youin ways you're to lazy to do yourselfwhelpall you'd have to dois shit post on 4chanand reality itselfwould take care of the resthuh...:D
>>39645926when you are horneyand want to have sexthat's not "god" speaking to youthat's your own hormonesgiving you an excuseto bend yourself to your own willdoesn't matterwhat excuse you pickthey all end up with the same result anywaysI meanoppss...>spoiler warning:Dhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8NDY6NvfR0>what's the worst that can happen?
>>39645936if they didwould that change your viewof reality itselfin waysthey have meant to happenthe whole timehmm?>not the anon you're responding to btwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCpTO4e_p8o
>>39645956welland least you're a bit more creativethen "two more weeks" repeated for years on endwelcome to the nobody threadI'm not your freindbut there are plenty who are not me who can beif that's what you're intonot all of us areafter all:Dhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVcBFTAh0co"containment thread"remember folks:D
>>39645959not meI'm one of a kindeven the other verisons of meare notlike methanks to what's calleda "participation trophy"whatever the fuckthat means:Dhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8DLofLM7No
>>39645997is the shit posting of those who don't care what you think about them not up to your standards anon?
>>39646008it's 4chananyone pretending to be smarter then everyone elsehas themselves to blame for what that does to their own ego*shrugs*btw that goes for me toI'm in this shitjust as much as the rest of yaI just might bea bit more used to itthen some of youwho are kind'a newto whatis old for meall "objective" like and shit*rolls eyes**shrugs*
>>39646131noyou also have to committo using the same label over and over and overunlessyou give up on that oneand pick someo other label to try insteadsince it's not likeyour wordsare doing morethen giving folksand excuseto ignore made up bullshitand there's not a damn thing you can do about ityetmaybe if you use a label that will changeyou have yetto find outhuh...
>>39646246some folks think it's "different" when they do it huh?
>>39647297whydo you need a reminderof where the "shrimp" came fromhmm?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvDvTnTGjgQ
>>39648341not as long as you keep responding to post'sthat don't have a youtube link in themwhile choosing to call yourself what you doduh...
>>39648391you're trying to act all "mysterious" or something aren't ya?
>>39648401nofuck thatsome other guys does thatas I just run the placewithoutgetting paid for itdoing all the trainingeven thoughI'm not paid to do iteven got a girlI need to teachhow to countas a cashierand that's"just my life"*shrugs*
>>39648433it's not up to mewhen youfinally catch up with the rest of uswho figured outwhat you're about tobefore you didsame wayyou're about to figure outwhat other's haven't yetbefore they dobut not beforethose who did it before you didthere's like a pattern to it and shitisn't there anon?
>>39648469it's shit posting on 4channo matterwho special you try and make itto thoseyou have no control overit's still just "meh"doesn't matter what that does to your own ego*shrugs*
>>39648762you're not the nobodybut for what it's worthlot's of other crazy folks think they are anywaysso it's not likeyou'rethe only crazy out there*pats on head*
>>39648914your opinion is notedand that'sabout it*pats on head*
>>39645872and what is it that makes you think these threads are the result of one anon working on their own again hmm?
>>39646311thanks to youanyone dumb enough to thinkonly sane folks are posting on 4changet to rethinktheir own viewson how competent their "government" really isdoesn't even matterwhat part of the worldthey are shit posting from*pats on head*