I tried for 25 Minutes today, but idk what im supposed to do reallyI tried to concentrate on my forhead, eyes, chest, belly, legs but i kept having random thoughts and images and i wouldnt realise until i would realise im not focusing on what i was supposed toexplain to me like im a stupid frog
You'll have to start by calming the body by whatever method, it's that which is causing the irritable mind.
I have ADHD and I meditate while listening to music or white noise.
>>39631829white noise make me rabid, music make me daydream and im working on stopping that so those wont work>>39631821what do you mean?
>>39631768Adderall is an amazing meditation aid. Don't try to push all the images out of your head. You actually don't want to become completely empty because that can open you up to undesirable side effects or even psychosis.There are many techniques besides the classic sitting and concentrating style. For someone with adhd I'd recommend starting with very repetitive and relaxing video games like elden ring, death stranding, or elite dangerous. Once you get good at those games they basically become processes to distract your consciousness mind, and you can really sit and ponder on the imagry and symbolism you find in them. You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk. Work on strengthing your baseline concentration skills and getting your imagination in check. Opening your mind too widely too quickly is dangerous and counter productive. Whatifalthist from YouTube is a great example of what can happen if you do that.
>>39631845Try fasting.
>>39631867>start by wasting more time with these vidya gamesstopped reading there, no thanks
>>39631768>>39631768The law of opposite extremes. There are two ways to meditate. Focus on a single thought, and when you can do that, finally remove that final thought. That's one extreme.For ADHD try this:Another extreme, sit still comfortably. And try to think about as many things as possible, quickly. As soon as one thought arises, don't give it time, switch to another thought. Keep doing this, just keep thinking about something else. You had ADHD, now it's time to maximize it. There will be a time, when you'll ran out of things to think about, then grasp for straws think about the noise of your computer, fan, etc. Just keep switching one thought to another. Keep pushing it. Also don't think it will be easy just because you have ADHD.People who don't have ADHD, requires weeks before they are able to hold on to a single thought for more than a minute.You'll be surprised how weak ADHD is, when you intentionally try to switch your attention, in an extremely quick fashion. Remember this law:If there is zero vibration: You'll see darkness. (State you are trying to achieve).If there is some vibration: You'll see light waves. (A person Without ADHD)If there is more than average vibration, You'll see more light. (A person with ADHD).If there is extreme vibration. You won't percieve light, it will be darkness (ADHD person achieves meditation)Give it a shot.
>>39631941Another analogy. There are two ways to look at a road.The road is empty when there are no cars.The road is also empty when the cars are traveling so fast, that our senses don't have the time to register them.Buddhism gave up, on other techniques just like they gave up on Women. Buddhism prefers to wait, until you are reborn as a man (and without ADHD) and then attain enlightenment. Research about Gnosis, Yoga (old scriptures commentary). They both have different techniques for people with ADHD, different genders, different age, different mentality. They even have different meditation for people who prefer material desires. Spiritual and Material enlightenment are both important.
>>39631768It was like this for me when I first started years ago. My advice is to just remain consistent and continue your practice everyday without any excuses. Every time you focus back on your meditation object (usually the sensations of breath), you strengthen your mindfulness muscle. Over time it will become stronger and you will be able to focus more.Also let go of expectations and avoid thinking how hard it is. Thank yourself for sitting down and doing it because you’re doing something 99% of people on the planet are not.
>>39631768Binaural beats.
>>39631845>white noise make me rabid, music make me daydream and im working on stopping that so those wont workIt’s kinda ironic because you would probably benefit a lot from meditation but you can’t do it.
>>39631845Try burning incense and listening to “singing bowls”, chimes, or bells.
>>39632224This too. Or hemi-sync tapes.
>>39631884I wonder what it's like to be such an insignificant little worm that you derive pleasure from being an annoying little cunt all day. Its so alien to me, the idea that one couldn't enjoy a simple game without it threatening to consume your life...People who shun recreation and fun are, in my experience, usually boring dipshits attempting to transform their reality of being poor, unremarkable and overworked into a perceived virtue.In other words,G8b8m8 8/8
>>39631768>idk what im supposed to do reallyDepends on what system/practice you are following, would recommend trying things for a solid week or two at a time before switching. If you are unsure whether a particular practice is "working" or not, it isn't. You'll feel it. >but i kept having random thoughts and images and i wouldnt realise until i would realise im not focusing on what i was supposed toYeah that's normal, stop blaming your (((ADHD))) for everything >>39631821Some very easy asanas are great for this
>>39631768>How do you Meditate with ADHD?>How do you meditate with some made up nonsense?Well lucky for you it's just meditating as normal>but i tried it once and I'm not enlightened!!you children are insufferable
>>39631768You're doing it. What you described is it. The noticing that you're "not focusing on what you're supposed to be focusing on" is what you're after. Keep at it, take it easy, don't beat yourself up. Eventually (one day?) you'll notice you've been very chill for a while and no spurious shit has come up in your head. Then you'll enjoy that state for its own sake, fuck "meditation" or whatever people call it.
>>39631884NTA. That was indeed a good advice, maybe with the exception of Adderall - spiritual concentration is IMHO different than the task focus and even if, methylphenidate is better, long term wise. Nevertheless, playing games helps with ADHD symptoms.Walks in nature also help.Or smoking weed and walking around the same path, daydreaming and introspecting.>>39631768>idk what im supposed to do reallyWhat do you expect from meditation?
>>39631768Early on, there are two major purposes for meditation which you might be interested in: the first is to be able to generate a peaceful, enjoyable state of mind without any dependence on distractions outside yourself, and the second is to be able to see your own mind at a distance, stilled enough so that you can see what it does without getting carried away by it, which can serve as a basis for learning to think more skillfully. Imagine the mind as a pond that you want to see to the bottom of, but you can only see through it if the water is clear and still.Now if you're especially restless, try meditating after doing some physical exercise. When you sit down to meditate, begin by checking if you have any tension in the body that you can easily relax and, if so, relax it. Get comfortable. Then focus on your breath and figure out how to breath in a way that feels comfortable. Try to maintain awareness of your whole body as you breathe, but center your attention somewhere the breath is very easily detected as a pleasant rhythmic sensation, such as the space around the tip of the nose. Perhaps try to breathe more deeply and slowly than usual, making sure that your belly expands as you breathe in rather than your chest.Thoughts aren't a problem as long as they occurr randomly in the background and don't draw your attention away from the breath and the body, just let them come and go like ripples in your mind-pond. But if you're easily carried away by thoughts, start off by counting your breaths to give your thoughts something to do that is relevant to the breath, say up to 30 or 40 breaths, and then stop counting but continue focusing on the breath and the body and see if the thoughts have become less of an issue. As your concentration on your breath and your awareness of the body improves, random thoughts should naturally become less frequent.
>>39633076You might find it helpful to think of there being three levels of concentration:Momentary concentration: this level of concentration can’t withstand displeasure, boredom, or pain — anything negative or unpleasant. Even the slightest little bit of dissatisfaction and it gets knocked off, searching for a distraction. This is level most people experience when first settling in to meditate.Access concentration: this level of concentration is where the mind grows fairly peaceful and time seems to slow down a bit, but it can still easily lose its focus. Whereas momentary concentration can't withstand displeasure, access concentration can't withstand pleasure. It loses focus when it runs into real pleasure (which may appear naturally in deep meditative absorption).Fixed Concentration: this level of concentration is very continuous, isn't easily interrupted by displeasure or pleasure, and can serve as a basis for deeper meditative absorptions.
is it normal to feel like you slept after 30+ mins of "meditation" ?
>>39633134It can be. IIRC meditation increases alpha and theta brainwave activity, which, if you're not used to being chill very often, you might mainly associate with having just woken up. And more time spent meditating is also associated with less need for sleep. As long as you can say you were definitely aware, focused, and not feeling drowsy the whole time you were meditating, I'd say you're probably doing it right.
>>39631768you close your eyes in a quiet place and you just focus on your body sensations, breathing heart rate, feeling in your toes. Your awareness travels around your body. when you get to 17 minutes of this your adhd goes away for that day.
>>39631768Honestly you just have to climb the mountain so to speak, I find your body is resisting for the first 10-15 minutes and then you feel like you overcame a mountain and are now standing upon it.
>>39631768Lay down, and let go deeper and deeper. Don’t worry about a god damn thing, just focus on relaxing yourself. Find your center. Give nothing power over your peace. Just keep letting go and relaxing.The most important component of this is knowing yourself. Experiences like that are a grace. Do not let this dream disturb you. Let go. Keep letting go.
>>39631768Start with smaller increments
>>39631768Choose one object of meditation and focus on that. If your mind wanders, bring it back to the object of focus. And don't be hard on yourself about it. Meditate twice a day, morning and evening. Good luck.
A classic way of doing it is this1) Asana- This is basically your body position. Good ones for ADHD is the Egyptian pose, where you sit in a a chair with feet flat on the ground and your hands on your thighs.Seated pose, basically sit on the floor 'indian style' with back straightHalf lotus- google itYou choose one asana and get into it, 5 minutes a day, observe your thoughts but don't get extremelely hooked into them. Try not to move at all, you can swallow your saliva that builds up.Once you do 5 minutes, then 6 etcetera, up to 15 minutesThis trains your body to be able to sit and not bother your mind too much.
>>396393512)Pranayama- google some pranayama techniques, now half of your meditations will be asana, the other half of your sessions will be pranayama (for now, this is just for training you can skip it later if you want)Do the pranayama a few times, not the whole 15 minutes, then finish of your session with just sitting in asana and observing thoughts without getting too involved in themAt this point I should point out that if you find yourself losing yourself in your thoughts, never beat yourself up for it , there is zero reason to get upset, just gently shift back. If you always get lost in your thoughts at this point, fine, don't even worry about trying, the asana and the pranayama are the powerful training techniques here that makes your later meditations easier
>>396393713) Here is when you properly 'meditate', choose whatever method you like. As an ADHD, the best method will likely be the most easist one for you, and this is not the time to be dogmatic and force yourself to use one method or anotherSuggestions-Mantra - Pick a sound and repeat it out loud, or in your head, try to focus only on that, if your thoughts wander, just gently bring them back-Image- have an image or shape in your mind, same deal, gently bring your mind back when you stray-Focus on breathing- focus only on your breathing-No thought- try not to think at all, very hard at first, but it eventually happens for a small time, then you lose it, then you try again, then you lose it, that is the meditation
>>39639390These are vital and important points that apply. These are just as important as the techniques themselves-You want to start a 'practice' meditating 4-7 days per week, you aren't worried about how well you are doing each day, but on building a practice. Once you set yourself up, it is much easier.-NEVER beat yourself up for failing or losing focus. Just gently bring yourself back. DOING THE MEDITATION IS THE GOAL, ESPECIALLY DURING THIS TRAINING, THE GOAL ISN'T TO DO IT WELL, AND CERTAINLY NOT TO BE PERFECT. I REPEAT THE ACTION OF ACTUALLY DOING IT IS A THOUSAND TIMES MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHETHER YOU ARE DOING IT WELL. Though of course doing it well is better than not doing it well, but that might take some time.
>>39639411Here's some general advice-Normie yoga- this works better for some people than other forms of exercise, probably the combination of stretching and putting some work on muscles-Wait a while after you eat,- Don't try to add other things like keeping a journal, or doing it at the same time every day, etc etc, maybe for normies, but for ADHD you want to keep it simple and direct, focusing only on the most powerful elements-If you establish a practice then end up missing a few weeks, just start again, you'll be surprised how much your asana still works, if you need to start with just asana just do that, but likely you won't-Switch meditations when you get bored
>>39639438I should have noted that you don't move onto the next step until you feel pretty good at the current stepI know that you already know a lot of what I wrote, I should have noted that what I am suggesting, and it is powerful, is that you start all over again, from step one, and watch yourself get stronger and have easier meditations because you've rebuilt your entire foundation.
>>39631768For me, as someone who have had lots of trouble meditating, the only place I can really do it is in the shower, sitting with really hot water running down, and with melodic metal music blasting in the background. I will also push my fingers into my eyes, and focus on a shape I can see in my mind. When I feel that my mind is in the right stance I will start seeing symbols and patterns.
>>39631768I have ADHD. Diagnosed in the 3rd grade. 35 now. I haven't read the replies; I'm impulse posting this.Your understanding of meditation is wrong. Meditation is not an exercise in forced hyperfocus.>I tried to concentrate on my forhead, eyes, chest, belly, legs but i kept having random thoughts and images and i wouldnt realise until i would realise im not focusing on what i was supposed toYou're not "supposed" to focus on any particular thing, you're just supposed to notice what's happening around and inside you without getting hooked or pulled into having an opinion about it.For you, stop trying to pay attention to your body. Listen to the noise in your skull. Just let it do what it does.Is your inner monologue saying anything? What's your earworm of the day? Is it playing right now? Was it not playing before but is now because I asked? Or maybe it was already playing, and you didn't notice? Oh no, what if you accidentally, consciously thought of an earworm and now your focus is out of whack!Stop. You're forming opinions now. You see? Just listen and let the mind do what it does. Let that earworm play. For me, it's Chandelier by Sia right now, which is kinda weird but ok. Now what else do we have going on? Any visual thoughts? Those can be weird. What do they point to? What do they MEEEAN?! Stop. Doesn't matter what they point to. And besides, you already know without having to think about it. Notice that you wanted to get distracted. Notice that too, and just keep listening.So for you, just listening to your mind will be a good place to start. Once you're comfortable letting your mind do what it does, then you can start listening to the outside world without being distracted by thoughts—which is still going to happen, anyway, and when it does, notice it.Have a good one.
>>39631768>but idk what im supposed to do reallyolfactoryanon was just here explaining yesterday>>39587317
>>39631941>you can eliminate thoughts by thinkingrecipe for spinning one's wheels
>>39633134>is it normal to feel like you slept after 30+ mins of "meditation" ?this is how you know your meditation is gaining some efficiency
>>39639411>You want to start a 'practice' meditating 4-7 days per weekyou spelled per day wrong4-5 of them can be short duration
>>39639718Nope, you failed. Meditation means you are still. But aware of everything. If you feel like you have woken up from a sleep, it means your mind stopped being aware.
>>39639727>woken up from a sleepisnt the same as >I feel like I got sleeptry harder to kneejerk undermine next time
>>39639736> I feel like I got sleepI stand by my answer.
>>39639746>noooo meditation shouldnt recharge youI stand by my laughing at youI had a 7 hour drive to do once because I had a show to play and I couldnt let my girlfriend drive, she would have been too slow and gotten us there lateI was tired af when I got there, found a couch and sat for 20 minutesI come back to my group of friends feeling totally refreshedone of my buddies said holy shit you look like you got an entire night's sleep, you look totally different than you did just a little bit agoif you're not able to use little stints of meditation to recharge, your skill is quite simply lacking
>>39639831> I feel like I got sleepIs the same as:> I feel recharged??I still stand by my answer.
>>39639859is>I feel like I got sleepthe same as>I am under the torpor of just having awoken from slumberit helps to be mindful of the biases of your perspective when attempting to call out others
>>39639894never met anyone accomplished who had a good word to say about garbage like binarual beats and "hemisync"they are hack methods that attempt to recreate with sounds, the fruits of doing actual meditative work
>>39631884It was good advice. Though if you're not willing to "waste" time, you're unlikely to be any good at meditation, anyway.There's actually a lot of good advice in the thread. Nice, anons.
>>39631768whenever a thought pops into your head bring your mind to emptiness. just do this repeatedly and don't stress about it, 25 minutes is probably too long when you're first starting out. you can meditate 10-15 minutes once a week
>>39639963>you can meditate 10-15 minutes once a weekdoing this once a day is barely going to scratch the surface of accomplishment or having pretty much anything at all come from the endeavor
I find that twisting cordage to be a very good meditative tool. Anything repetitive and productive like that to occupy the hands.
>>39631768not sure if its adhd in particular but i know how you feel, sometimes i cant even focus on more than 2-3 sentences in a book- before the #darkness clouds my mind again ಠ_ಠfocusing on your breathing when you cant focus on anything at all sounds stupid but there are ways... i dont know anything about wim hoff (and dont care to suffocate myself lol) but as a premediation excersize i do something similar to his method, breathe sharp and fast for a couple seconds, slow and deep, repeat a few times .... being in nature when it forces me to pay attention to it and not whatevers going on in my mind helps too, windy days, hot and humid, being able to put your feet in water or dirt. Not sure if youre able tho.since music and ambient noise doesnt help u (this advice may be shit trash worthless if u use in-ear headphones), those travel earplugs from the consumer value store help me a lot. its going to take a long time but paying attention to triggers unrest along the way helps
>>39639980shinryu suzuki says beginners only need to meditate once a week, and this is to keep your beginner's mind. alan watts says you should meditate because it's fun, contrasted with the notion that it is some kind of steep discipline you keep yourself to. have fun in the void
>>39640108I agree that meditation is funto me it is fun to excel that things and not do them in a mediocre halfassed waybut that's why it winds up being that I can properly teach fundamentals and most others....well, we see the kinds of garbage that's getting passed around for advicereread what I wroteif you want accomplishment, then a tiny amount of effort is simply going to equate to next to 0 accomplishment
>>39631768Hemisync tapes help calm the monkey
You did great, that's what happens to most people who are beginners.Do it again later or tomorrow and do it daily.Keep focusing on the feeling of your body and breath, don't judge how they feel like (because that's thoughts heh) and try to make your body relax and your breath deeper and slower. Don't think about it happening nor feel bad if you aren't getting there fast enough, just sit and observe your body.
I was also diagnosed with that. It's not even a disease, it's more like a personality type.Just focus on letting the thoughts pass by without judging or actively thinking. If your body moves here and there it's not that big of a deal. Also start small, 5 minutes is already something.
Binaural beats, do they create a crutch where you can't do shit anymore without them? Even if they do, do they help you go into states that you wouldn't be able to otherwise as a beginner?
>>39641746> indispensable crutchno> instant lvlno
try smoking a weed first anon
>>39631845>what do you mean?NTA but calming your body should be your first step.Everyone jumps right into meditation and what they do is trying to focus their attention and ignore their thoughts but they always end up failing and they get disappointed and they quit.First focus on your body and literally relax each muscle, focus on each muscle and let it relax, do this many times. Then focus on your breathing and let it relax and deepen, do this many times.Don't conceptualize or analyze the process, just place your awareness on your body and do it.
>>39631768Videos on Meditation and being present:https://youtu.be/yfaOs9JhAxkhttps://youtu.be/Q1RfqgmbHCQ